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### Quotes for Outreach
1. "Even if you aren't a follower of Jesus, God loves you. He made you. And this road trip throughout human history is not without hope, even for you. See, what I hope we walk out with is a greater confidence that God is working in our waiting. That whatever you wish would change. Whatever you wish to accelerate. Whatever you wish you could stop. Whatever you wish you could change. God is using even that circumstance." [30:46] (25 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
2. "The good news of the gospel is that Jesus came for the lost causes. The author of Romans, Paul, we've been reading, he describes God's strategy by saying that he uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Lost causes are God's specialty. If you think that you have this future experience with God or this hope with God, you've already been excluded. You can't possibly be considered a candidate for that. You are a perfect candidate for the grace of God." [54:26] (32 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
3. "See, God loved you so much that he gave his only son to live the life that you can. To die the death that we all deserved and to come back from the grave so that we could turn from our way of life, follow him and experience this relationship with him now and forever. The one that you were designed for as an ambassador of the kingdom now and a citizen of that kingdom forever." [54:26] (25 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
4. "Maybe today is just a down payment. It's a deposit so that later on when the pain is too great and the thing you are placing your hope in seems insignificant or not enough to hold the hope that God has placed in you. Maybe God will remind you of Romans 8, that the suffering of this world, it's not worth comparing to the future glory of God's reign and rule of new heavens and new earth and the access to it. The citizenship of it is found only in Jesus." [55:53] (30 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
### Quotes for Members
1. "See, I think there's a problem for a lot of us, which is the way we think about following Jesus is we think, I will follow Jesus until suffering. That the ceiling of my pursuit of Jesus is until following Jesus is going to cost me something. And this is a really intimidating list. This is an intimidating list because when he says not worth comparing, I'm not sure that, like, as I think about it, he's pointing to this foreshadowing reality of a new heaven and a new earth of all creation being put back to a better than humanity founded." [37:19] (36 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
2. "We can see that Paul is not just trying to help us think about heaven as a place that we get to escape earth. But rather, that we are representatives of a kingdom that is here and not yet. A kingdom that God is bringing to earth. He talks about creation being set free from the corruption and bondage that it is in right now. Can you think of any area where this is not self-evident? One area where we aren't seeing the entropy of sin-decaying systems and structures around the world." [40:07] (36 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
3. "We want to be the best citizens that we can be wherever God has placed us. If you are a follower of Jesus, to your citizenship in the kingdom of heaven. Most of us are not naming it and claiming it, but we embrace a more subtle version of this distortion where we feel the pressure to pretend that we aren't suffering or that the pain that we're going through doesn't really hurt. It's not a big deal. When in reality, there are deeper relationships available if we just be honest. If we said what was really going on, what our hang-ups really were." [43:05] (35 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
4. "If you really believed that God is working in our waiting, if you really believed that, then the question that maybe I'd ask you to consider is what is the most painful thing that you're waiting for? What's the thing in your life that if you thought about, you know what, I can believe this about this area of my life and this area of my life and this area of my life, but you know what, Phil, that treatment that hasn't come through, that job opportunity that I thought would be solved by now and isn't, that relationship that I hoped for but isn't here, that marriage that I wanted to see put back together, that relationship that I wanted to see put back together, but it isn't." [44:24] (31 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
5. "We may groan, we may agonize with the delay, but it's because we are eagerly waiting for the adoption that Scott talked about last week. See, the moment that you decide to follow Jesus, you are in the family of God. But here, Paul talked last week about adoption as this thing that's promised. Here he talks about future promise. It can feel strange, but he's using a piece of grammar called metonymy. And he tells us what it means in the verses that follow it right afterwards. That this idea of adoption is ultimately fulfilled when God brings about a new heaven and a new earth." [48:37] (36 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)
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