Serving in Faith: Nurturing Spiritual Growth Together



In today's gathering, we celebrated the dedication of a beautiful baby girl, Lydia, by her parents, Jeremy and Davina. This moment was a reminder of the importance of instilling God's word in our children and praying for their future. As a church family, we are committed to supporting parents in this journey, encouraging them to impress God's commandments on their children's hearts consistently. This dedication is not just a ceremony but a lifelong commitment to nurturing a child's spiritual growth.

We then transitioned into our ongoing series on the book of Colossians, focusing on the supremacy of Christ. The Apostle Paul provides a pattern for us to follow, emphasizing our position in Christ, which is not about climbing a ladder of success but about serving others. In God's kingdom, the highest position one can hold is that of a servant. This is contrary to worldly values, where power and prestige are often sought after. Jesus himself exemplified this by coming not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.

Our proclamation as followers of Christ should center on Jesus. We are called to teach and admonish with wisdom, aiming to present everyone fully mature in Christ. This involves encouraging and correcting one another in love, fostering a community that grows together in faith. Our perseverance in this mission is crucial, as consistency over time yields the greatest results. The Apostle Paul endured much suffering for the sake of the gospel, demonstrating that following Jesus requires sacrifice and sometimes suffering.

Finally, our purpose is to prevent deception by fine-sounding arguments and to promote unity and understanding in Christ. We are called to stand firm in our faith, delighting in the faithfulness of others and rejoicing in the transformation that God brings about in their lives. This is the heart of a servant, willing to make sacrifices for the good of others and the glory of God.

Key Takeaways:

- The Role of Parents and the Church: Parents are called to impress God's commandments on their children's hearts consistently. This is a lifelong commitment that requires the support of the church community to nurture a child's spiritual growth. [10:15]

- The Highest Position in God's Kingdom: In contrast to worldly values, the highest position in God's kingdom is that of a servant. Jesus exemplified this by serving others and giving his life as a ransom for many. [29:33]

- Proclaiming Christ with Our Lives: Our lives should proclaim Christ, not ourselves. This involves teaching and admonishing with wisdom, encouraging one another to grow in maturity in Christ. [42:47]

- Perseverance in Faith: Consistency over time in our spiritual walk yields the greatest results. The Apostle Paul's life demonstrates that following Jesus requires sacrifice and sometimes suffering, but it leads to eternal impact. [57:48]

- Our Purpose in Christ: Our purpose is to prevent deception and promote unity and understanding in Christ. We are called to stand firm in our faith and rejoice in the transformation that God brings about in others' lives. [01:05:18]

Youtube Chapters:

- [00:00] - Welcome
- [00:30] - Baby Dedication
- [05:00] - Importance of Spiritual Nurture
- [10:15] - Role of Parents and Church
- [15:00] - Introduction to Colossians Series
- [20:00] - The Supremacy of Christ
- [25:20] - Humorous School Notes
- [29:33] - The Highest Position in God's Kingdom
- [35:20] - Jesus' Example of Service
- [39:28] - Misconceptions of Success
- [42:47] - Proclaiming Christ with Our Lives
- [50:00] - Teaching and Admonishing
- [57:48] - Perseverance in Faith
- [01:02:21] - Sacrifice and Suffering
- [01:05:18] - Our Purpose in Christ
- [01:08:28] - Closing Prayer and Invitation

Study Guide

Bible Study Discussion Guide

Bible Reading:
1. Deuteronomy 6:4-9
2. Colossians 1:24-29
3. Matthew 20:25-28


Observation Questions:

1. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, what specific instructions are given to parents regarding their children and God's commandments? How does this relate to the role of parents in the church community? [10:15]

2. According to Colossians 1:24-29, what does Paul say about his role in proclaiming Christ and the mystery of God? How does he describe his efforts and struggles in this mission? [42:47]

3. In Matthew 20:25-28, how does Jesus describe the difference between worldly leadership and leadership in God's kingdom? What example does He set for His followers? [37:55]

4. What humorous examples were given in the sermon to illustrate the lengths parents go to for their children? How do these examples relate to the dedication of Lydia and the role of parents? [25:20]


Interpretation Questions:

1. How does the instruction in Deuteronomy to "impress" God's commandments on children reflect the lifelong commitment of parents and the church community in nurturing spiritual growth? [10:15]

2. What does Paul's description of his suffering and perseverance in Colossians reveal about the nature of following Christ? How does this challenge common perceptions of success and leadership? [57:48]

3. In what ways does Jesus' teaching in Matthew 20 about being a servant challenge the cultural norms of leadership and success? How can this be applied in the context of the church today? [37:55]

4. How does the sermon illustrate the importance of community support in the spiritual development of children and new believers? What role does the church play in this process? [10:15]


Application Questions:

1. Reflect on your role as a parent, grandparent, or mentor. How can you more intentionally "impress" God's commandments on the hearts of those you influence? What specific steps can you take this week? [10:15]

2. Consider the idea that the highest position in God's kingdom is that of a servant. How can you adopt a servant's mindset in your daily life, especially in areas where you hold leadership or influence? [29:33]

3. Think about a time when you faced challenges or suffering for your faith. How did you persevere, and what did you learn from that experience? How can Paul's example encourage you in current or future struggles? [57:48]

4. Identify a situation where you might be tempted to seek recognition or power. How can you shift your focus to serving others instead? What practical changes can you make to align with Jesus' example of leadership? [39:28]

5. How can you contribute to preventing deception and promoting unity within your church community? What specific actions can you take to encourage and support others in their faith journey? [01:05:18]

6. Reflect on your current spiritual disciplines. What consistent practices can you implement to grow in maturity and have a lasting impact for Christ? How can you start this week? [57:48]

7. Think of someone in your life who may be struggling with their faith or facing deception. How can you reach out to them with love and truth, and what support can you offer as part of their church family? [01:05:18]


Day 1: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Children
Parents are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of instilling God's commandments in their children's hearts. This is not a task to be taken lightly, as it requires a lifelong commitment to nurturing a child's spiritual growth. The church community plays a vital role in supporting parents on this journey, providing encouragement and resources to help them impress God's word consistently on their children. This dedication is more than a ceremony; it is a pledge to guide children in their faith, ensuring they grow up with a strong foundation in God's truth. [10:15]

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV): "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Reflection: How can you incorporate God's commandments into your daily interactions with your children or the children in your community today?

Day 2: Embracing Servanthood in God's Kingdom
In God's kingdom, the highest position is that of a servant, a concept that stands in stark contrast to worldly values that prioritize power and prestige. Jesus exemplified this by coming not to be served but to serve, ultimately giving his life as a ransom for many. As followers of Christ, we are called to adopt this mindset, understanding that true greatness lies in serving others selflessly. This requires a shift in perspective, recognizing that our worth is not measured by our achievements but by our willingness to serve. [29:33]

Mark 10:43-45 (ESV): "But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Reflection: In what ways can you serve others in your community this week, reflecting the servanthood of Christ?

Day 3: Living a Life that Proclaims Christ
Our lives should be a testament to Christ, not a platform for self-promotion. This involves teaching and admonishing one another with wisdom, encouraging growth in maturity in Christ. By fostering a community that supports and corrects each other in love, we create an environment where faith can flourish. Our proclamation of Christ is not just in words but in actions, demonstrating His love and truth in every aspect of our lives. [42:47]

Colossians 3:16 (ESV): "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Reflection: How can your actions today reflect the teachings of Christ and encourage others in their faith journey?

Day 4: Persevering Through Sacrifice and Suffering
Consistency in our spiritual walk is crucial, as it yields the greatest results over time. The Apostle Paul's life is a testament to this truth, as he endured much suffering for the sake of the gospel. Following Jesus often requires sacrifice and sometimes suffering, but these challenges lead to an eternal impact. By persevering in faith, we demonstrate our commitment to Christ and His mission, trusting that our efforts will bear fruit in due time. [57:48]

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (ESV): "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

Reflection: What sacrifices are you willing to make for your faith, and how can you find strength in Christ to persevere through challenges?

Day 5: Standing Firm in Faith and Promoting Unity
Our purpose in Christ is to prevent deception by fine-sounding arguments and to promote unity and understanding within the body of Christ. We are called to stand firm in our faith, delighting in the faithfulness of others and rejoicing in the transformation that God brings about in their lives. This requires a heart willing to make sacrifices for the good of others and the glory of God, fostering a community that is united in purpose and love. [01:05:18]

Ephesians 4:14-16 (ESV): "So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."

Reflection: How can you contribute to unity and understanding in your church community, standing firm in your faith and supporting others in theirs?


"And so we have to really work at, because we're in the flesh and we live in a culture, in a world that elevates people and recognizes people by what positions or titles they hold. We have a hard time not bringing that into the church and thinking of ourselves or others in the church based on position. And we might give greater honor or greater respect to certain titles. Or positions in the church. But here's the thing. If someone is a servant, that's the highest position they can have. And so all servants of Christ should be honored and treated with dignity and respect, no matter what title they hold." [00:30:04] (42 seconds)

"Jesus spoke directly to that in Matthew chapter 20. Beginning with verse 25. Now, I want to give you a little of the context of the verse we're going to look at. I was talking about parents, right? Wanting what's best for their kids. Well, Jesus has been talking about his kingdom. He's been teaching about it. And he's just said that he's going to have to go to Jerusalem. He's going to be crucified. And then he's going to rise again. And they're thinking, well, they didn't understand all that. But they were getting the idea that it was connected to ushering in his kingdom in some way." [00:34:28] (33 seconds)

"And so there's this, these two disciples whose mom obviously was concerned about her sons with this new kingdom. Jesus was going to establish. And so this mom of James and John went to Jesus with James and John, her sons. So Jesus, you know, when you come into your kingdom, here's what I want you to do for my boys. I want you to get Jimmy and Johnny. Seated at your right hand and your left hand. The positions of greatest honor in a worldly kingdom, the way a worldly kingdom would work. I want you to make sure they have those positions when you come into your kingdom." [00:37:59] (41 seconds)

"Instead, whoever wants to be great, become great among you must be your what? Servant. And whoever wants to be the first must be your what? Oh, that's a hard word, isn't it? Must be your what? Your slave. What do you aspire to when you grow up? Did you ever say, I really want to be a servant, a slave to everybody? Is that ever what's poured into your heart or into your mind as a kid growing up? No, that's not the goal that we have for us or for our kids. Is it? Not in America, especially." [00:38:15] (43 seconds)

"And you can do that at work. There are many people over the years since I've been a pastor who have had the opportunity even at work to have break times and times where they can do Bible study with other people who work at that same place. And they're taking advantage of those opportunities there at work. You see, not everybody has the same circle or the same opportunities, but all of us have some of that in our lives. And we need to be then people who are proclaimers of Jesus that we're lifting him up and calling people to maturity in Christ." [00:55:58] (34 seconds)

"Consistency over time is what produces the biggest, greatest results. Right? In anything. Consistency over time. Doing the right thing, often enough, over a long period of time, is what will finally produce the big results that people see. People see people win championships, and they see people, you know, win a gold medal in the Olympics, or they see these things, and they don't understand, a lot of times, they just see the result of all of the consistency over time that those people had in their lives. Right? It took a long time. A lot of perseverance to get to that one moment where you see this big thing being accomplished. Well, the same thing is true in our spiritual walk." [00:58:22] (43 seconds)

"And it requires sacrifice. And it requires consistency of sacrifice. And it requires consistency of sacrifice over time to have the impact of somebody like the Apostle Paul who wrote over a third of the New Testament himself. He's been impacting the world for the kingdom of God for over 2,000 years. You see, you don't get there without consistency of sacrifice over time as a servant in the kingdom of God. It doesn't mean he earned his way into heaven because of that. No, that was done by Jesus on the cross. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about how God can use us to impact others for the kingdom as a servant." [01:02:22] (51 seconds)

"Following Jesus does require sacrifice and some suffering. If we truly follow Jesus. And none of us wants to have to suffer, right? Nobody likes suffering. Well, there may be some people that are mentally got problems that like suffering, but most sane people do not like suffering, right? It's not something you aspire to. I just want to suffer. No, Jesus didn't want it either. But he knew in order to accomplish the thing that needed to be accomplished, it was going to require that of him. And he chose it. For the good that would come from it. Not for himself, but for all of us." [01:03:05] (46 seconds)

"One of the things that brings me the greatest joy as your pastor, but I hope would bring you your greatest joy in relationships with others is to see that God has used you and you can see in their lives the transformation that has taken place and you've had a little role in it. You've had a little part in it where you see how they've come from the darkness of this world into the light of Jesus and how they're growing and getting stronger and now influencing others themselves." [01:06:09] (29 seconds)

"That he allowed you to be involved in the greatest work in the world of helping people come to know and follow Jesus. You don't have to be a Bible scholar for that to happen. You don't have to have had your act together all the time in your life. In fact, sometimes your failures that God has healed you from and restored you from become the greatest testimonies to encourage and help others along the way. Don't think you're disqualified. Because of something in your life and your past that didn't go the way it was supposed to go." [01:06:39] (31 seconds)