Thank you for watching.
I have a few things for you this morning. The first I want to talk about is our members meeting. If you are a member here at Limitless Church, that means that you have gone through our Limitless membership and you are an active member participating in the things that, those tiers when you sign that sheet of paper that you are a member.
We have a business meeting coming up this Saturday. It is very important that you attend. So please, please put it in your calendar to attend this Saturday at 10 o'clock. It will be one hour long. I'm not preaching, so it's actually going to be one hour long. Okay? I encourage you please to show up. We're going to be going over this past year, as well as the things that are happening in this upcoming year that are important for you as a member to know.
We want to make sure we have enough food for you as well, so please make sure you sign up at the QR code on the seat pocket in front of you or sign up back at the connection table.
The second thing that I want to mention is our Limitless Student Ministries. I have a history and a background in student ministries. I love, I absolutely love team ministry. It is a big portion of my life. I snuck into team ministry at 12 years old because you weren't supposed to be there until you were 13. Since then, it has been everything from serving there as a teenager to serving and working as an adult to traveling around the world, traveling to different team ministries, doing music, then coming to California and doing team ministry as well.
It is in the DNA of me as your pastor and my wife as well to minister to our middle schoolers and our high schoolers. As a result, we want to make sure we're ministering to the entire family. We're launching Limitless Student Ministries. For now, it will be Sundays in which we will all worship together. Then our middle schoolers and our high schoolers have a room prepared for themselves where they will go and hear the same word that's happening here, but they will hear it ministered to them at their level.
So, I'm excited about launching that. Yes, it will eventually get to like a Sunday night or a Wednesday night or a Friday night, but we believe that this is the best way to start making sure that we're ministering because, you know, they can't be like, "I don't want to," you know, it's Wednesday, it's Friday, because y'all like games and all these kinds of things. But Sunday, everybody's here. So, we get to make sure and we get to have an opportunity to minister to the whole family in one day.
As we launch that, we need people to serve with us. If you are a communicator or if you like supporting in that area, then we would love for you to sign up. There will be a training that will begin that first week of March. It'll be a three to four week training. We'll go through that and we'll talk about what it means to serve, the things that you need to know, and what it means to launch this and create an awesome student ministry.
That is the second thing of my two things that I wanted to bring.
The last thing that I wanted to do, I told you guys about this. Praise God, this is much more stable than first service. First service almost took a tumble, but praise God.
The last thing I'm really, really excited about—where's my marker? All right. So, I have my marker. Why do I have my marker? Does anybody remember why I have my marker? I talked about this last week. Yes.
Even since we've talked about phase three and talked about us going over to the building, you guys have been faithful and you've said, "Hey, pastor, we are getting into that building," and you've sacrificed, you've given. We even had people ask, and I definitely want to make this known. People said, "Hey, I have stocks, I have equity. Can I donate that to the church towards our building?" And we've created that avenue because that's an way that people have wanted to give. Thank you to those of you that have given and have been a part of that.
You will see on the wall to your left and the wall to your back, you'll see something just like this that has all of our projects that we are working on right now and we are fundraising for. You'll see that we have a QR code.
The reason that I have this marker is because there are a couple of things we need to cross out on this list.
All right, so, audio visual material, $129,000—we can go ahead and cross that off. That's been taken care of. I gotta get a bigger marker.
Our HVAC, $32,000—we can go ahead and cross that off as well.
What about our plumbing finishes, $9,180? We can go ahead and cross that off as well.
I need another marker; this is already...
And then, acoustic door seal, $620 donated last week—we can cross that off too.
This week, I don't even know. I didn't even know last week that we were going to be doing this this week. But the Lord is faithful, and God continues to provide for this church, and He continues to show up in some amazing ways. So continue to pray for us. There are a few projects that are left, and I would challenge you to pray, to seek God, to pray for your church, because we're going to get in that building, y'all.
All right? Jeff, would you grab this for me?
All right, let's dive into this message.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to hear from you today. God, thank you for your word. You are faithful in your word, and today it is our desire that we wouldn't just be hearers of your word, but that we would be doers of your word as well.
It is only you that can speak to all of us at the same time, and yet speak to us individually as well. So would you do so, God? Your word is already anointed. Have your way in this place. We love you. We honor you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
So we are starting a new series this month, and I would encourage you to lock in with us as we take this journey, and we're calling this series "Better." Real simple. One word. Better.
Talking about better, and it's based on this one simple thought. I believe, with everything that is in me, that God wants better for you.
Okay? God wants better for you.
Now, this is going to be a little jarring in your religious bones, and it's going to get a little uncomfortable, but stick with me. I wholeheartedly, 100% believe that God wants better for you.
Now, as we dive into it this month, I think it's important that you hear what I am saying and what I'm not saying. I am saying, I believe that God wants better for you. What I'm not saying is that better does not include suffering and/or hardships.
Let's get that out of the way, because then it's like, "Oh, better, but then why am I going through this?" Yes. Better does not mean that you're omitted from suffering or hardships.
Now, you might say, "Well, does better mean that I'm going to get a big bank account, and that I'm going to have a nice car, and that everything is going to be good, and I'm going to have this, and I'm going to have that?" That is not necessarily what I'm saying. That might happen, but what I am saying is I believe that, now, excuse me, inherently, it is not bad if you get a big bank account, and that everything is going to be good, and I'm going to get money, or if you get wealth, or if you get cars, you get those things.
But when I say better, I'm not talking about what the world deems as better. I'm talking about what God deems as better.
So, when I say God wants better for you, this is what we're talking about. I believe God wants you to have better. He wants you to have a better marriage. He wants you to have better relationships. He wants you to have a better life. He wants you to have a better family.
Okay? Normally, during February, you would do a relationship series. We talk about love, talk about all these kinds of things, and we do that, but I believe He wants us to be better in these areas.
3 John 1 and 2, because you might say, "You know, you're really religious, and you know all the scriptures," and you might say, "Pastor, where is it in the Bible that God wants us to have better?"
3 John 1, verse 2. It's in the back of the Bible.
Beloved, I pray that in all respects that you may prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers.
Now, Pastor, you would notice I'm reading in this version. It's called the NASB. The NASB, outside of it being Josh's favorite version, this version is widely known as one of the close correlations to what the Greek translation says, okay?
So, I don't want y'all to say I'm pulling words out of the sky, because...
So, 3 John 1 and 2 says, "I pray that in all respects that you may prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers."
But, Pastor, that's just one scripture. You can't just make a whole sermon off of one scripture.
Okay. Jeremiah 29, 11, a scripture we all know. Again, in the NASB.
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
That sounds like better to me.
Okay. Well, Pastor, well, Jesus didn't say it. Where does Jesus say it?
Fine. John chapter 10, verse 10.
The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.
Now, that's Jesus. I can't get... I don't get no closer than that. Jesus saying it Himself.
Now, this word abundantly in the Greek is the word "pedesos." It means exceeding in number, exceeding in measure or rank or need. It means over and above. Above. More than is necessary. Exceeding supremely. Something further. Much more than all.
So He says, "I came that they might have life and have it over and above. Have it exceeding in number. Have it supremely. Have it more than need. Much more than all."
Better is in store, I wholeheartedly believe, based on these... that God desires for us to have better.
I told you guys a story some months ago about what happened when I went to the store and I experienced a Wagyu steak, okay? The presence of the Lord was in that place. I was on that plate, actually.
And I remember my wife and I were talking, and it was like... She's like, "Do you remember life before Wagyu? Do you remember life before?" And I was like, "Yeah, it wasn't good. I thought it was good, but I didn't know any better."
But once I experienced better, then that's all I wanted. I'm going in the restaurant, they're like, "Hey, sir, do you want this?" No, no, don't. Wagyu.
Wagyu? Thank you very much. Right?
I got a chance to experience better. And then once I experienced better and I had a taste of better, then that's what I want.
Why? Because now I'm open and available and I've got a chance to experience what better is.
Somewhere along the way, for some of us, we begin to believe the lie that we shouldn't have or that we couldn't have. That we couldn't have better. That we had to settle for whatever we had and just be fine with that.
So we've settled for an okay marriage. We've settled for okay relationships, whether that be relationships at work, whether that be dating relationships or friendships. We've settled that they're okay. We've settled for an okay family dynamic. It's just okay. It's whatever.
But Jesus didn't say, "I came that they might have life and have it okay."
He said, "I came that they might have life and have it abundantly."
And I can understand. You say, "Well, my mind is focused on heaven. Why would I care about what happens on this earth? And, you know, I'm just worried about getting to heaven. This world can be whatever and do whatever. I'm not. I'm just here."
I understand that, and I understand that sentiment. But God cares that we get better because when we get better, He gets the glory.
When our families are better, God gets the glory.
When our marriages are better, God gets the glory.
When our relationships are better, God gets the glory.
This is what it is.
Somebody, "Hey man, I just noticed, you know, you've been married how long? How? Dad, how long y'all been married? Forty-four years. Reverend Clayton, how long y'all been married?"
But understand that when they ask, they want to know how. They want to know how.
How are you, how have you been married this long? How have you been faithful? How have you been able to do that?
And then the next thing is, "It's Jesus."
Wait a minute. So you're telling me, me having a great marriage gives God the glory?
Yeah, I've said it twice so far. Yes.
Well, I notice your kids ain't bad. Everybody got bad kids. But why aren't your kids bad?
Every time I see your kids, they're so well-mannered and they're sitting down with some of us speaking by faith.
How is it? I notice, you know, are you doing gentle parenting? What is it? What's happening?
Why are your kids like that?
And because of you, right? Having a better family dynamic in the way that you talk to, in the way that you raise, in the way that you train, in the way that you communicate with your children, when someone asks you, you're able to tell them that it was Jesus.
So when you have better, God gets the glory.
Because the enemy will be like, "No, no, that's not for you. See, there go another pastor talking about, that ain't for you."
The devil is a lie.
When we have better, God gets the glory.
Matthew 5, verse 16 says, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, that they may see how you handle your wife, that they may see how you handle your husband, that they may see how you raise your kids, that they may see how you handle your relationships and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
It is very plainly put.
Hebrews chapter 8, verse 6.
But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry. Here He's talking about Jesus by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises.
What does that mean? He says, "Jesus is the enactor of a better covenant."
Okay. The old covenant was based on us and we were not doing well.
Okay. The old covenant said, "If you do this, I'll do this."
Okay. God said, "If you do this, then I'll do this. But if you don't do this, I won't do nothing."
It was based on sacrifices. You kill three lambs, two sheep, and a goat, then you're okay. But if you miss that goat, it's over for you.
Right? It was based on what we did.
But Jesus was sent, and the scripture says He became the mediator of a better covenant. And that covenant was based on Jesus.
And so it said, "No matter what, we are covered by the blood of the Lamb."
Okay. So it's not based on our actions. It's not based on us. It's based on what He did.
And so it's enacted on a better covenant. And then it says on better promises.
See, there are promises that God has for us. There are promises that are clearly written out in scripture that we have access to as believers.
And it says He is a mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises through Jesus.
We have access to those promises. However, it takes us getting in the word to know what those promises are.
It takes us getting in the scriptures and seeing what those things are so that we can have access.
The whole purpose of Jesus coming to this earth was so that we can receive, participate, and be beneficiaries of better.
What do you mean?
Satan had a plan for our life.
But God desired better for us.
There was an old covenant based on our abilities, based on our works, like we just said.
But God wanted better for us.
Because of sin, there was a destination for our soul.
There was a destination for our soul that we were assured of, but God sent His son because He wanted better for us.
Better. Better is in store. We have access to better.
Then the question is, "Okay, Pastor, I understand what you're saying, but how do I get access to better? Because I'm looking around, and it doesn't look better to me. I don't even see better on the horizon. Where is better? I need to find it."
How do we get access to better?
And I was reminded, you ever seen those commercials? Sometimes they're on YouTube or they're on social media. But you'll see these commercials, and they will be amazing commercials.
And you know the algorithm knows you, so it's like it's going to be something you want, right?
And they show you the commercial, and you're looking at it, got the angles, the music is right, and you're like, "Oh, this is it. Take my money."
And it gets all the way to the end, and then at the end, it says, "Click to subscribe for more information."
You're like, "Come on. Come on, man. I'm not clicking."
Or they'll say, "Call this number to set up an appointment." And it's like, "No, I'm not going through all that. It's probably too much money anyway. I don't even want it."
The thing about Jesus, the thing about this life of better is we already have access to it.
The life of better does not require us clicking to subscribe. It does not require us going to a website. It does not require a monthly.
We gain access to better by living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit.
That is how we gain access to better, by living a life that is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
When we walk in the Spirit, we are empowered to do things that we can't do on our own.
When we walk in the Spirit, we are empowered to do things that we could not do.
When we walk in the Spirit, we are empowered to do things that we could not do on our own.
This is how we get access to better.
You at your coworker, you at your job and that coworker that gets on your nerves.
You'll be in the parking lot praying, "Lord, just let them call in sick today, Jesus. I know they got some hours laid up. Lord, just let them take that PTL today, God."
And you get in the office and they're at the door. They’re at the door waiting for you.
"Good morning, good morning."
Right? And you already had a hard week. The kids were running late. They got attitudes. You made the food. They didn't eat the food. They want to talk back today. You’re running late. You done some illegal stuff to get to work on time so you can hit the clock on time.
And then you meet me at the door and you're like, "Oh, yeah. Today's the day. Today's the day. I wanted to quit anyway. Today's the day."
It's the Holy Spirit that comes in in that moment and says, "Uh-uh. Don't sacrifice your testimony for this person. Because guess what? Even if you leave here today and you fail this, I'm just going to bring it around another time for you. Because this is a test that you got to pass in order to grow."
And so it's the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit that enables you in that moment.
Listen. It is the Holy Spirit that enables you in that moment to shut your mouth.
And you be like, "Good morning, good morning. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, good morning."
And you, because in your flesh, without the Holy Spirit, on sight.
Right? Right? I'm not waiting.
What? Good morning.
Why? Why?
Why are you talking to me? I don't even. We don't like you.
Right? Sorry about that. I had a flashback. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Hallelujah.
But when we walk in the Spirit, we're empowered to do things that we can't do on our own.
How do we weather the difficulty and the storms in marriage and get to 40 and to 50 years?
I can tell you how it is by being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
How can we navigate the whirlwind of friendships and colleagues and dating and relationships?
It is by being empowered and led by the Holy Spirit.
How can we be a part of making sure that our families are rooted and grounded in the word of God?
How can we make sure that we're parenting our kids in a way that glorifies God?
How can we be a good father? Even when we didn't have a father, it is by being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Better happens in us and through us when we walk in step and listen to the Holy Spirit.
Galatians chapter five, verse 16.
Galatians chapter five, verse 16 says, "But I say, walk habitually in the Holy Spirit, seek Him and be responsive to His guidance. And then you will certainly not carry out the desire and the sinful nature, which responds impulsively without regard to the Holy Spirit."
Walk in the Holy Spirit and then you won't carry out the desires of your flesh.
John chapter 14, verse 26.
Verse 26 says, "But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things."
All means He will teach you all things.
I don't know how to be a good husband because my mother and father didn't stay together and their mother and father didn't stay together. My uncles and aunts, they didn't stay together.
How do I be a good? How can I be?
Yeah. How is that?
Is that? How can I be a good husband?
How can I be a good spouse?
How can I do this?
Well, it is by walking in the Holy Spirit.
It is by being responsive to His guidance.
He says He will teach you all things.
How do I be a good parent? I don't know what parenthood is.
He will teach you all things.
I've never been in this situation before. I'm dealing with this and I've got this going on.
He will teach you all things.
And here's the other part. "And bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."
Some of you can testify that you have been in dark moments.
You have been in some situations.
And in the deepest and the darkest of those moments, in utter despair, scriptures just start popping up.
The word of God just starts popping up.
For some of you, maybe it's a worship song that you ain't heard.
You know, we used to, we talk about them old school songs, but them things stick.
In those moments, those things just start to pop up on the inside of you.
What is that? That is the Holy Spirit doing exactly what He said, teaching you all things and bringing to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
Because when you're in deep, dark despair, He's like, "Hey, I said I will never leave you nor forsake you. I said I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. I said that I am for you. I said that I know the plans that I have."
Bringing to your remembrance these things.
The Holy Spirit enables us, empowers us, and equips us to access better.
Here's the thing. The enemy's job is to make us think that better isn't real.
That we don't deserve better.
That we can't access better.
We can't have better.
Now, why?
Why does he try to do that?
Because he knows that if we fully understand what we've received access to through the power of the Holy Spirit, then there is nothing stopping us from embracing and receiving all that He has for us.
There's nothing stopping us.
So he's going to try to do everything he can to get us to give up on better.
To give up on God's promises.
This is the enemy's plan.
He is trying to discourage you every way possible.
Why? So that you will give up.
So that you will cave in.
So that you will quit.
"I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
That's exactly what he wants to hear.
"I'm tired of trying to push."
You don't understand.
I do understand that the enemy is doing exactly what he's trying to do to get you to give up, cave in, and quit.
I'm giving you the play.
This is what he's doing.
Why? Because he knows that if you make it to the other side, it's over for him.
He knows that if you see your healing, that if you see your victory, that if your family is restored, that if your marriage is restored, if your health is restored, your finances are restored, he knows that it's over for him.
Then there is nothing that he can say because you've made it to victory and you've seen it for yourself.
He does not want you to access it.
1 Corinthians chapter two, verse 12.
Verse 12 says, "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Holy Spirit who is from God, so that we may know and understand the wonderful things freely given to us by God."
The Holy Spirit has been given to us.
Why? So that we may know, so that we may understand the wonderful things freely given to us by God.
Freely given to us by God.
Since that is why He's here.
The same spirit that rose Jesus Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you.
I don't like watching superhero origin stories. They get on my nerves.
Because I know, I already know.
And in the movie, they don't know.
So Spider-Man is getting beat up and I'm upset.
"Bro, figure this out quickly, because this is embarrassing. You have ultimate power on the inside of you. You could beat up 20 people. And you sitting there, taking what the enemy is doing to you."
I'm not talking about Spider-Man. I'm talking about y'all.
You understand?
Do you understand what's on the inside of you?
Do you understand the power that you have been given?
What you have access to?
And you sitting there and letting the enemy just do what he wants to do to you?
The devil is a liar.
You're crazy.
He says, "I've given you access. I've given you the power."
You ain't got to just let your family go down the drain.
You don't have to settle for what's happening in your marriage and what the enemy is doing.
You don't have to settle for what's happening around you.
You have the power on the inside of you to change what's happening around you, to change what's happening in your family, to change what's happening in your neighborhood, to change what's happening in your city.
It is already on the inside of you.
Will you use it?
That's the question.
You have access to better.
The question is, will you use it?
The question is, will you receive it?
What stops us from receiving better?
What stops us from receiving better?
I remember when I met my wife and we started talking, and I'm in Atlanta. She's in California.
And I'm like, "Yeah, I'm not leaving Atlanta. So you're going to have to go ahead and make a move."
I said, "We got shoes here. They're called FELAS. That stands for Forever I Love Atlanta."
And if I liked needles, I would have got it tatted, but I don't like them.
But I'm not leaving. My family is here. The food is here. Everybody is moving from every state to get to Atlanta. That's why it's called Hotlanta, because everybody's coming here.
We're having this conversation.
Again, I'm ignorant of better, because I don't know.
I don't know.
But then she says, "You know, why don't you come over? You know, I'm doing music at this time. She's like, you know, we got this concert. Why don't you come over?"
I'm like, "Okay, cool."
Get down on the plane. She picks me up. We're driving down Main Street.
And I look to the left. I say, "Hey, what is that on those trees? Some are yellow. Some are orange. What is that on those?"
She said, she's looking at me like I'm crazy.
And I'm looking at her like she's crazy.
I said, "What is that?"
She said, "Are you talking about the fruit on the trees?"
She's like, "Those are oranges."
I said, "What now?"
Am I lying?
I said, "Y'all got fruit on the trees? Just outside? Here's my question. Can anybody get just the fruit? How does that work?"
I invite friends.
The next time I come back, I said, "They got fruit on trees out there."
Again, I'm ignorant of better. I don't. I just don't know.
We come. I begin to meet her family, right?
I get to know what true family is and what that looks like.
We're going to church, and we're going to church, and we're coming from Woodland, going into Madison.
We come on this hill, and when you get to the top of this hill, there's this huge field.
There's this one white house that's there, and you see early in the morning, and the sky is just beautiful.
It's like a painting that could never be recreated. You know human hands couldn't make that.
The colors. You see the mountains in the background.
And I'm just seeing this, and I'm overwhelmed.
And I said, "Wow, look at God. Look at this."
Needless to say, I did wind up moving to California.
But one of the things that stop us is that we're just unaware.
Stops us from receiving better is because we're unaware, whether that's through tradition.
Well, you know, my grandmother didn't see better, and so my mother didn't see better. And so I don't think I should see better.
And so because of tradition, we're just unaware, or through lack of knowledge of His word.
Because all through the scriptures, we see things happening in the lives of believers.
There's this commercial, this progressive commercial back in the day. They used to have something called the settlers.
Anybody remember that commercial?
They had the settlers, and they were like, "Look, these are people who just settle."
And they settle. And they settle in this place, and they settle in this area of their life.
And here, they're settling for higher car insurance.
They're just settlers.
Some of us have become settlers.
We've settled for it just being whatever way it is, and we're just fine with it, and that's just how it's going to be.
And we do nothing about it.
Because we're ignorant of the better that God has given us access to and has in store for us.
Secondly, the thing that stops us from accessing better, receiving better, is pride.
Now, between the time of me dating and getting here, there's about a year, year, year and a half period.
And she was like, my wife was like, "Why won't you just come over? Like, why won't?"
But I was like, "Nah, this Atlanta over here, bruh. Like, why? There's nothing for you there."
"Ah, man, it's just who I am. I ain't leaving Atlanta."
And I'm calling her, telling her about my friends, and calling her, telling her about how people are acting crazy, and these folks is, and I'm living in a one, I'm living in a room of a house with six other men in this three-bed, four-bedroom house.
And I'm like, "Nah, I ain't leaving."
I'm just going, pride.
Pride stops us from accessing better.
Why? Pride won't let you see or admit where you truly are.
Pride won't let you realize that, hey, you need help in your marriage.
You know what? You're not good at relationships, friendships, coworkers.
You look, you're not good at it.
Pride won't let you admit that.
Pride won't let you see that.
Pride says, "I don't need. I don't need better. I'm fine. I don't need better. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine."
Pride stops us from receiving better.
And then lastly, the last thing that hinders us from receiving better is sin.
Sin stops us from receiving better.
Why? Because sin hinders our access to the promises of God.
And sin separates us from God.
When we walk in the flesh, it means that we're not walking in the Spirit.
And if we're not walking in the Spirit, it means that we're not being empowered by the Spirit, which is the only way to get access to better.
Some of us are doing every other thing, but we refuse to let go of sin.
Refuse to just, it has a hold for whatever reason.
It's like, "Pastor, I'm not going to let go of sin. So you don't understand. I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying."
But if there's one area in your life, essentially that one area is holding you back from receiving all that God has for you.
Unawareness, pride, and sin hinders us from getting to better.
Worship team, you can come.
How do we choose better? Very simple.
We choose better by letting go of pride, by turning away and repenting of sin, and creating a life where we are driven and led and walking in the Spirit in every area.
Driven, led, and walking in the Spirit in every area.
Galatians 5, we want to go back there, start at verse 16, and I'm going to read through verse 25.
It says, "But I say, walk habitually in the Holy Spirit. Seek Him and be responsive to His guidance, and you will not carry out the desires of the sinful nature, which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts.
For the sinful nature has its desire, which is opposed to the Spirit, and the desire of the Spirit opposes the sinful nature, for these two are in direct opposition to each other.
So that you as believers do not always do whatever good things you want to do.
But if you are guided and led by the Spirit, you aren't subject to the law.
Now it says, "The practices of the sinful nature are clearly evident. They are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, a total irresponsibility and lack of self-control.
They are idolatry. Holding anything. Anything above God, sorcery, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, disputes, dissension, factions that promote envy, drunkenness, riotous behavior, and other things like these.
I warned you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who practice these things will not inherit the kingdom of God, but the fruit of the Spirit.
The fruit of the Spirit, the result of walking in the Spirit, the result of His presence within us is love, unselfish concern for others, joy, inner peace, patience.
Not the ability to wait, but how we act while we're waiting. Kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
Gentleness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things, there is no law.
And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature together with its passions and appetites.
If we claim to live by the Holy Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit.
With personal integrity, godly character, and moral courage.
Our conduct empowered by the Holy Spirit.
God desires better for us.
We have access to better.
But are we willing to do the things necessary to receive it?
Are you willing to let go of your pride?
Are you willing to let go of the sin that has a hold on you?
Are you willing?
Are you willing?
Are you willing to become aware by reading His word?
By seeing the promises and the things that He has for you?
The world may condition us to tolerate the okay and being okay.
But the day has come to reject that lie.
Jesus did not promise us a mediocre existence, but life abundant.
And when we align ourselves with the Holy Spirit, when we walk in His ways, we unlock everything that God has.
We unlock everything that God has waiting for us.
Better marriages, better relationships, better families for His glory.
And remember, it is not about the absence of challenges.
It is about how we overcome them through the power of the Holy Spirit.
They have to confront the pride that keeps us stagnant.
And the sin that separates us from His plans.
We have to start living empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Allowing Him to guide our steps.
Allowing Him to shape our desires.
Allowing Him to expose the areas in our life that need His touch.
Allowing Him to guide our steps.
Better is...
Pray and ask Him, "Lord, where is the area in my life that I have settled? Where, what is the area in my life that needs to..."
Let's no longer just sit in comfort.
But let's actively see better.
Actively seek the better that God has for us and go forth led by the Holy Spirit.
Not just for our improvement, but so that God will get the glory.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for speaking to us today.
Thank you for reminding us of your Holy Spirit and all that we have access to.
God, I thank you for each and every person watching online and those that are under the sound of my voice.
I pray that you would minister to their spirits right now, God.
I pray that this word would be hidden in their hearts and in their minds this week, God.
That you would show them where better is available.
That you would say, "You know, it doesn't have to be like that. You know, I have better for you."
That they would hear you and that they would heed your call on their life and the call for them to go higher in you.
Thank you for your word.
That today we wouldn't just be hearers of your word, but that we would be doers of your word.
I thank you for it. In Jesus' name. Amen.
I'm going to have our offering team come forward at this time.
If you're new here or this is your first time at Limitless Church, once service is over, please meet us at the connection table. We love to say hello to you.
We have four ways to give. Or three ways, excuse me, to give here as well.
You can text the word "give" if you're watching online to 833-879-0161 or go to
If you're here with us, the offering bucket will go by. There's a QR code on the back of the screen.
Feel free to participate in whatever way is comfortable for you.
At Limitless, we're givers.
And we believe that God gives seed to the sower. Amen.
And even in this, we believe that God can be better in the area of our finances.
That we can have better in the area of our finances.
And we sow because we know.
We sow because we understand that God has given us so much.
And we take this opportunity to say thank you, God, for all that you've done.
Thank you, God, for continuing to take care of me.
Thank you, God, for continuing to be all that you've called me to be.
Thank you for providing for me.
And so I just want to take a second to say thank you and worship you in the area of giving.
Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to give.
God, I pray that you would speak to hearts right now on what you would have them to give.
That we wouldn't give out of habit.
That we wouldn't give just haphazardly, God.
But that this would be a moment between you and us.
To hear what you're saying.
To hear what it is that you want us to do.
That we would honor you even in this.
Thank you, God, for giving seed to the sower.
And today, we sow a seed into good ground.
And we thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you as you give.
The offering buckets will go by.
Do me a favor. Once they pass, go ahead and stand and worship with us.
Our worship team will lead us in worship.
And I'll be right back.
Let's stretch our hands towards our seeds.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to worship you in the area of giving.
I pray for those that gave out of their generosity.
Those that gave who didn't have and sacrificed today, God.
Even those that didn't have but still gave.
Desire to give, God, I pray that you would bless them, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, God, that you would open up the windows of heaven and pour them out a blessing so that they wouldn't have room enough to receive it, God.
I thank you for what you're doing in this place and in and through your people that are walking led by you.
We command this seed to go, to grow, and to multiply.
In Jesus' name, amen.
I'm going to call our prayer team up at this time.
If you're here today and you need prayer for anything, we want to pray for you.
Last year was a year of signs, miracles, and wonders, and I believe that this year will be no different.
So if there's something that you need prayer for, we would love to pray for you.
If you would like to commit your life to Jesus, we want to pray for you.
God loved you so much that He sent His son to die.
The reason that we get to the way that we get to better is through Jesus.
There is no better without Jesus.
So if you're here today and you have not made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you've not asked Him to be the Lord of your life, then we want to pray with you and walk with you through that.
God sent His son to die because He wanted to be the Lord of your life.
He sent His son to die because He wanted to be in relationship with you.
He sent His son to die because He wanted better for you.
And He says that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved.
If that's you today, we would love to pray with you, to walk with you, not just through this moment, but through your life as a believer.
You have a family and you now no longer have to do life alone.
And so we would love to pray with you.
We would love the opportunity to pray with you.
If you're here today and you want to recommit your life to Jesus, maybe you were once living as a believer, but now your life has gone a different direction.
Maybe you've turned away, some things have happened and your life no longer reflects that of a believer, but you want to recommit your life to Jesus, then we would love to pray with you as you make that decision.
To repent.
To repent and turn away from sin and run back to Jesus.
So if either one of those three things apply to you, we would love the opportunity to pray with you.
My altar team is to my left, to your right, to your right, along the black wall.
Grab your Bible, your backpack, your family member, whoever, whatever you came with, and make your way to this altar.
Today could be the day that changes everything.
Today could be the day that you begin to repent and turn away from sin and run back to Jesus.
Today could be the day that you begin to walk in better, but the decision is, will you receive it?
Freely given. Free gift. Will you receive it?
Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to be here.
Thank you for the word that you've spoken.
Even now as you're ministering to people's lives in this moment, as they're making decisions of recommitment, of salvation, of making you Lord God, I pray that you will continue to speak and move over your people.
We thank you, Lord, for all that you've done and what you're doing in this place, God, and we are just witnesses of the miracle, wonder-working power of the Holy Spirit in this place.
We love you. We praise you. We thank you.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Hey, because of the weather outside, our connection table is in the back.
Do me a favor, grab an invite card and invite somebody.
Invite somebody.
We want to continue to get people this Jesus in any way that we can, all right?
Invite them to church.
God bless you. We love you.
And don't forget, live what?