Come on, hallelujah!
Anybody want to move with God in their hearts, in their minds, in their soul, and their spirit for this upcoming year? We need a move of God.
Can we say that softly one more time? I need a move of God. Just real softly, all across the building. We need a move of God.
Come on, right there, lift your hands towards heaven, right there, all across the room. One more time, without the bass. One more time, without... Amen. Amen.
Go ahead and thank Him on the front end for the move that He's about to bring in your life. Go ahead and thank Him for the move that He's about to bring. Don't wait for the battle to be over. Shout now for the move you've been believing Him for. Act like you already got it, like it's already come, like it's already manifested, that it's already revealed itself.
You're going to get that move in that circumstance. You're going to get that move in that situation. Because you're hungry and because you're desperate, you're going to get that thing that's going to be a good move in your life.
We thank you, Lord. Just stand in that same posture. You can take your seat for just a moment. I want to go ahead and let us receive our communion in this moment right before we go into this final worship song.
If you didn't receive your elements when you came in, just lift your hands right there where you are, and one of our ushers will place those elements in your hand. Just keep it up for just a moment until one of the ushers gets to you. Lift it real high.
And some up here at the front and right in the middle. But I want to read a scripture to you as we prepare to receive our communion today.
There are two things the scripture always reminds us as a church to remember unto the Lord's return, and one of those is baptism, water baptism, which is a physical outward sign of a spiritual thing that took place on the inside. So water baptism itself doesn't save us, but it is us showing to the world that we went through a spiritual transformation by being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And the same thing with the Lord's Supper. We take this as a remembrance, as a sign of our connection and communion and oneness with God.
And so let's read what it says here, Matthew chapter 26, verse 26. It said, "While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat. This is my body.'
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood, or this is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of our sins.'
Do we know what can wash away my sins? The song? Okay. I'm just asking because last week I was trying to sing a song and they didn't know it, so I wasn't going to put them out there again. I just didn't remember. I'm just asking.
So we do know it, right? Okay. So let's do this here. If you got your elements, just take a moment to pause and reflect. Just thank God for His goodness and His mercy.
We're going to remember that day that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins. And He told His disciples at that table, coming the day that He would not drink of that cup and eat of that to enter into His kingdom.
And so today we're going to remind ourselves of what can wash away our sins. The church is to say, "What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make us whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
Can we sing that one time? Let's reflect and pause for a moment.
And as Jesus was at that table with His disciples, He took the bread. As He took the bread, He lifted it up towards heaven. And He said, "This bread represents my body, which will be broken for you."
Jesus told them, "As often as they eat of that bread and drink of that cup, they do remember the Lord until His return."
So let's take this bread and lift it towards heaven, and let's break it. And as we break it, the cup and lifted the cup towards heaven said, "This cup represents the new testament of His blood."
And so today, as often as we drink of this cup, we do remember, we never forget the price that Jesus paid for us on Calvary's cross. This blood, this juice, this wine represents His blood.
What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. No other help we know but Jesus Christ.
Let us drink. Let us never forget there's nothing but the blood.
Let's give God one more hand clap of praise. Amen.
As we get ready to go into our final worship song, the altar is now open. I want to ask our prayer team to come forward at this time. If you have a need, whether you're on a mountain or a valley, the scripture says one can chase a thousand, two can put ten thousand in flight.
So whether you're on a mountain or a valley, our intercessors are here to stand with you and to pray with you and for you for any needs in your life. And so as we worship, the altar is open for prayer, and let's go before the throne of God.
Father, we thank you right now. We invoke your presence in this place even the more. Let us worship. Let us pray.
Hope City again. Oh, come on, let's do a little better than that. Good morning, Hope City. Man, you know, yes.
So, of course, we know today we birthed a new church in Pooler. Amen.
And just to give a little update on that, so while I say that, let me also just pause and say, if there's any empty seats near you, can you raise your hand real fast? Any empty seats near you?
So, if there's any people in the overflow, there are some seats available here. If we can get as many of the people out of the way, we can get as many of the people out of the way. If you can, yeah.
So, I see at least 15 seats available, for sure. If we can try to get some of those who's watching me on the screen out of the overflow room, that would be good. And thank y'all for scooting over.
See, y'all, that's accommodating. Y'all scooting over to the middle. Come on, look at these people here. My type of church people. Come on, somebody.
Now, back when I was growing up in church, you better get on over there somewhere. So, y'all did the opposite of that. So, thank you for your kindness on that.
But man, today has been a great day. I'm going to see you next week. We had an amazing first service here at the nine o'clock service. I told them we should not put these chairs on the left or the right because there was going to be no need for them since we had the Pooler campus in the first service.
And this entire place was packed out in the nine o'clock service. The man and the wife got in the car because we wanted to at least meet and greet over at the Pooler campus.
So, I finished preaching about 10:10, jumped in the car. And we got some professional people who are real law enforcement. Man, they had me in the truck, they had the police escort, everything. I didn't know some of these guys was rolling like that. We got some FBI agents up in here, man.
They got us over to the other campus in seven minutes. Literally flew. My wife was like, "Oh Lord, have mercy."
And we roll up at the other campus, and just driving up on it, we saw cars everywhere. We get out, we get out the car, walk into the building. It was literally standing room only.
My desire was 250 people. There was over 315 people at that service on today in Pooler. It was crazy, crazy.
And here's the funny thing about that: that was more on this launch day than it was with our original launch over 10 years ago. Can we give God a praise for that? Amen.
So then we jump back in the car after speaking for about 10 minutes to the church, drive back over here, and I said, "Okay, well, I'm pretty sure this crowd will be a little bit less so that we can be able to have at least a 90-day two services."
And I said, "These people ain't playing." And so I'm just so... We're going to enjoy at least the whole month of January, but at some point they told me the overflow room is overflowing.
And so we'll do our best for probably a month. And so here it is, we have a four-day party. It's going to be tight, but it's going to be right.
Get here on time. We'll do our best to get as many people in here as possible. I would say go to the first service, but you're going to have the same problem with that.
But let's just all be accommodating as possible over the month of January. We're just after that, as much as a need to probably go back to three services sooner than we want to.
I also want to use a little bit of wisdom, if possible, to give our team a little bit of a break before we go into the spring zone. And I'll see you later on Wednesday morning in a...
Season-wide. So let's be accommodating as possible. Let's adjust as possible.
Those who are leaders who've been eating the Word of God like crazy for years, if you see first-time guests, you see people who are just following Jesus as of new, we can get up and go watch the service out in the lobby. Amen, somebody?
Not forever, but just for a moment, for a season, as we make room for those new babes in Christ so that they can really be, what I like to say, close to the fire. Come on, somebody.
But again, thank you for all you do here at Hope City Church. We truly cannot do... And the reason why that place is full, not just to make us look good, but there's people who are hungry for what is happening in this church here.
And so let's continue to make room for more families, more individuals to get to know God, find freedom, and discover purpose so they can make a difference.
I told them at the service over there when I was walking in with my wife, I saw a family who I was trying to get to come visit a church for almost 10 years.
And I first came here, I saw them walking in church. I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church." I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church."
I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church." I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church."
I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church." I'm like, "I tried to get y'all to come to church."
And now they probably want to come to church now probably because it's cooler and cooler, huh? Maybe that's why.
And so, but yeah, excited about what God is doing, and it's because of your prayers and your faithfulness of what God is doing here that we were able to make room for that.
We literally birthed a church today, and you were a part of that. Can you give God a praise for that? That you were a part of birthing out a new church?
You think about those disciples, those 12 who followed Jesus, and on literally on the day of Pentecost, the church was officially birthed out.
And literally, you guys, even if you weren't here 11 years ago, 11 years ago this January is when we started Hope City Church.
In about a week and a half, it will be 11 years to the date that we started this church in the same month we just birthed out a new church.
And literally, this new plant, the first day was bigger than the one we did on day one. And again, it's because of that church is able to do certain stuff earlier than we couldn't do because we had prepared the way for them.
And a lot of that is because of what you do week in and week out here at this particular location. So can you give everybody who serves here at Hope City a hand clap for that? Amen.
I'm going to jump right into the word. I see so many people I haven't seen in a while. I want to just speak to like, "Man, what's going on with you? How's going on in your life?"
I can't do that right now; that'd be out of order, but we'll talk later. Come on, somebody.
And so it's good to see those faces on today. Starting a new series simply called "Start Fresh."
I'm going to say "Start Fresh." Start fresh. How many know we all need to start fresh in some particular area of our life?
You know, and that's the whole goal for the month of January is to talk about starting fresh, starting anew, getting that focus back if you need to.
And I want to just look at today just this thought, this idea, part one of "Living Intentionally" is what the message is called today.
This "Start Fresh" series, "Living Intentionally," will be part one of our message on today.
I'm never sure if we have all the scriptures on the screen. I'm not sure if we have all the scriptures on the screen.
I'm not sure if we have all the scriptures on the screen in this second service here. We had the issue in the first service.
I'm doing my best to pull mine up on my phone here just in case you guys do not have them because I'm going to be flying like a water hose here.
"Living Intentionally," part one. Look what it says here in Ephesians chapter 5, verse number 15.
"Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity."
Watch this here, "Because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord's will is."
Let me read that one more time. It says, "Be very careful," or I like to say, "Be very intentional. Be very mindful. Be very calculated."
He said, "Be very... as we start fresh, as we start this new year, be very careful then how you live. Don't live this 'que sera, sera' whatever will be life, but no, be very intentional about how you handle your life.
Be very careful about how you move." He says, "Not as unwise but as wise, not making immature or premature decisions, not making decisions without wise counsel."
Not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.
How many know we live in some evil days? I mean, let's say there's some evil, crazy stuff going on around us every single day.
Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord's will is.
One of my favorite scriptures, and we all know it, when the scripture talks about, "Lord, teach us how to pray."
And one part of that Lord's prayer, it says, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
We talk about this idea of being very careful and being intentional about how we live our lives and understanding what the Lord's will is.
I think it's imperative, it is important as you kick off this new season of your life and want to start fresh with whatever area in your life you want to start fresh with, you have to know, you should know the will of God.
What is the will of God for your life concerning this new house? What is the will of God concerning this relationship?
What is the will of God concerning getting this new job? What is God's will as it relates to moving from this city to the next city?
Because sometimes we can make a premature decision of resuming. We can make a premature decision of relocating, buying something, doing something that can totally mess up our entire life, that can set us back.
It's one thing to say, "Hey, I'm going to go buy some bread today." God don't care. Just go and buy the bread.
But if you say you just wake up one day and you want to buy a brand new car and you don't count up the cost, you don't count up how does that impact your day-to-day activity, your current finances, particularly if you don't need a new car.
And some people just get it just because they wake up one day, "I want a new car." Some people wake up and decide, "I want a new man." Come on, somebody. "I want a new woman."
No wisdom, no direction. "I just, I'm tired of the one I got. I want a new one."
He said, "Be very careful." You wake up one night looking at the world I've done here, and now you want to treat a man like a car.
He says, "Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise."
What decisions are you making in this moment here where you need to have some wisdom on how you make that decision?
Is it a relationship? Is it a health decision? Is it a financial decision? Is it a relocation decision?
What decisions are you in the process of about to make in 2025 that the scripture says, "Whatever you do, don't be unwise."
Don't be, watch this here, don't be... or be calculated in your decisions. Be intentional about your decisions here.
You know, God calls us to live wisely and make the most of everything that we do. That's God.
One scripture says that many, or I'm sorry, the scripture says that there's a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.
Meaning that there are ways and decisions that we see or paths that we see we want to go that looks right, but he's saying there are some paths that we want to go that will lead you down a ditch.
From the surface, it looks right. From the surface, he looks good. From the surface, she looks good, but there's a way that seems right.
There's a way that seems wise, but it's actually unwise.
You know, I said in the first service today, you see a person on the outside, they look like a Boaz, a great man, but instead of being a Boaz, they are a bozo.
They're not. They're a clown. They're a joker.
And there's some women who you think that look like a Ruth, and she ain't nothing but a Ruth. I mean, she gonna mess your whole life up.
But you're looking at, watch this here, you're making major decisions with unwise counsel.
You're making major decisions with unwise wisdom, and God is saying to you as you kick off this new season of your life, be very careful.
Somebody say, "Be very careful." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be very careful. Be very cautious.
Slow down and hurry up. Come on, somebody. Sometimes you need to slow down, pull a bike before you go.
Slow down and process that thought before you make that decision.
So let me give you three things here as we go through this idea of starting fresh.
How can you start fresh in 2025? How can you start fresh to make sure you're setting your life up, this season up for your best 2025 ever, if I can say that?
Number one, you need to know your why. You need to know your why.
I always tell people, if you don't know your why, you will lose your way.
If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, you're going to ultimately drift away. You're going to fall away from doing what you're supposed to be doing.
When you do not know your why, why am I in this? Why am I at this church? Why am I at Hope City Church?
Why am I serving in the kids department? Why am I in this particular field? What is your why?
And once you can't lose your way, nothing will pull you away. Whatever field you're working in, whether it's in education or business, whether it is health, whether it's in real estate, when you know your why, you will never lose your way, and nobody will be able to ever pull you out of it because you are grounded by your why.
You don't let circumstances and emotions pull you out of certain things. No, I know my why, and because I know my why, I'm not going to let nothing pull me out of this here.
Anybody understand what I'm saying today? You have to know your why, because when you know your why, it assures that you are being very intentional about all the decisions you're about to make in your life.
Somebody's hearing this right now, and you are already, and you are about to get married. You're about to go downtown to the courthouse because you don't want to go through any counseling at all.
Be very careful, because watch this here. If they are the one for you, you can wait three more weeks.
If they're the one for you, you can wait three more weeks to go have those two counseling sessions to get that insight before you make... Be very careful then how you live.
Now, you're about to go run down and get that new car for $150,000. You could wait two weeks.
I know they told you they give you $10,000 off. If you don't get it today, it's going to be gone tomorrow. They are lying.
If anybody ever tells you if you don't get it today, it's going to be gone, nine out of ten, every now and then, they're not, but nine out of ten, they're lying.
They're trying to get a sale. Come on, somebody. And therefore, you run and go... Don't be very careful then how...
Anybody going to get a car this week? Be very careful.
He's talking about me right now. Know your why.
Here's the second thing here. Commit your plans to God.
Commit your plans to God. Proverbs 16:9 says, "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."
And one translation says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's will that will prevail."
I mean, you ever have ideas and concepts in your heart, and you want to do them, and that's okay, but the scripture says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but at the end of the day, when you commit your will and plans to God, somehow, someway, it's going to... God's will is going to prevail."
Now, if you don't submit that to God, many times, our will will prevail and it gets in the way.
That's why the scripture can say, "The steps of a good man, of a good woman are ordered by the Lord."
So even when a good person who's trying to follow God's will and in prayer and in faith, even when they somehow get off course and messes up, somehow they're going to get back in sync.
God's going to recalibrate them because it's at the core of their heart to do the will of God.
So even when they get off the internal GPS of God's will for them to say, "You made a wrong turn, get back on and go the right way."
And how would it make you go the right way? God will allow circumstances to come in your life, and every circumstance that is negative in your life is not always the devil.
Sometimes it's God trying to push you back into alignment. Are you with me?
God sometimes trying to push you back in alignment, and you try to rebuke it. "Satan, I rebuke you."
Ain't rebuking the devil; that's God. Come on, somebody.
Because what you see, the Bible says God chastens those whom He loves.
So you think every hit is a hit from the devil? You think every spanking is a spanking?
No, sometimes God pushes us by an alignment because He sees something that we can't see.
He's Alpha and Omega. He's the beginning and the end. Not only is He in our present, but He's already in the future.
And some stuff you think you want, He already said, "Baby girl, you don't want none of this smoke over here. I see stuff you don't see."
Come on, somebody.
Literally, God can see stuff in a situation that you don't want to see. You don't want to see, you can't see because He's already over there.
But all you see is what you can see in your peripheral view right here, and everything right here looks great.
But God is all the way saying, "Girlfriend, boyfriend, you don't want to come over here. You don't see what I see."
Because what's... Why? Just here. God sits high, and He can see all angles.
Come on, somebody. God sits high, and He sees all angles of the things.
And so even when He withholds something from you that you think you gotta have, He's doing something that you don't want to see because He's already over there.
But He's doing something to protect us. Can we give God a praise for that today?
Commit your plans to God in 2025, whether it's to buy a house, whether it's to buy a car, whether it's to get married, whether it's to relocate, whatever the specificity of it may be, commit your plans to God.
I thought about just a mere fact, and now I can say this with more depth now after leaving the first service and going to the next service.
I'm going to go to the next service. I'm going to go into the Pooler campus.
It was an idea in the heart to plant the Pooler campus, and I believed it was the will of God that we plant that church now.
And at the end of the day, whenever God says do something, it's going to prove to be right or prove to be wrong.
Come on, somebody. At the end of the day, God's will will prove to be it was God's will because it will produce fruit when it's God's will.
And so to be able to say we had an idea and a thought, and we planned to plant this campus over there, not knowing what was going to happen, but we had an idea and a thought, and we happened in the natural sense.
We may discern in what we believe and what we hope, but we can prove none of that until it actually happened.
And to be able to leave here and to go to the Pooler campus meant service because we believe we actually committed our plans to God to be the head of this church, to plant this church.
We could see the fruit of what He did already. Why? Because in advance we committed our plans to God.
Come on, somebody. And I'm telling you, when you commit your ideal, when you commit your plan to God, whether it's a small plan or a big plan, especially the bigger the plan is, the more you want to make sure that plan is committed to God.
Because there's one thing to say, "God, I'm praying about what dinner I want for the night. Should I do steak and rice and cabbage and broccoli?"
Ain't got to really... that ain't no big decision. Come on, somebody.
But if you're saying, "God, you know I'm about to relocate to China somewhere. I'm thinking about getting married to this man or this woman here. God, what should I do?"
You already in the future. You know what that looks like.
The bigger the thing is, the more you need to commit that thing to God. Are you with me on today?
Commit your plans to God. Know your why. Commit your plans to God.
And watch number three: Prioritize what matters the most.
Because watch this here, this could be a lot of stuff. This could be a lot of stuff competing for your attention in 2025.
It's going to be a lot of stuff competing for your energy and your time. And you got to make sure that you prioritize what matters the most.
Because if you give the wrong things all your attention, the wrong things all your energy, you're going to look up and the year is going to be almost over with, and everything you wrote on your dream board still have not come to pass.
Because you're giving all the wrong things your attention.
Look what it says here in Matthew chapter six, verse number three. "But seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, His way of doing things. And then these things will be added unto you."
In other words, God is saying, "God is not saying, I do not want you to have stuff."
He's not saying, "I don't want you to have that house." He's not saying that.
He's not saying, "I don't want you to have that relationship." What He's saying is, "I don't want it to be before me."
Come on, somebody.
He's not saying, "I don't want you to take that cruise or take that trip." No, no.
God said, "I want you to take the cruise. I want you to take the cruise. I want you to take the trip. I want you to start the business."
But put me first because I'm going to make sure if you put me first, all that stuff comes to pass.
For God is all about order. It's all about order.
And I taught y'all some weeks ago or months ago, when order is restored, the blessing will be released in your life.
When you put order in your life with God, the blessings that He desires for you, it is going to come to pass in your life.
And it is God's will to do it for you.
And I want you to know that God is ready to give you a new testimony.
I want you to know that God is ready to give you a new testimony.
That was so weak because you haven't had one in so long. You're saying that's so weak.
See, some of y'all got a testimony of what God did 20 years ago and 30 years ago. And that was great for what God did then.
But God said, "I want to give you a new testimony so you can testify today what I did yesterday for you."
Are you with me on today?
So in other words, what God has said, "I'm ready to release blessings. I'm ready to release miracles in your life because I want people to talk about me."
Come on, somebody.
He said, "When men see your good work, they will be able to glorify your Father, which is in heaven."
Every time God does something in your life, blesses you, opens up a door for you, it's an opportunity for people to ask you, "How you do that there? How you got that there?"
And you're able to testify about the goodness of what... "Let me tell you what God did for me. Let me tell you the door that God opened up for me. Let me testify and tell you how good my God... I'm glad you asked. I thought you would never ask me how I did this here."
He said, "We overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our what? Of our testimony."
So God wants you to give... God wants to give you a testimony about that situation that matters the most to you.
Because when He comes in and shows out and gives you a testimony, it's going to be an opportunity for you to share about the goodness of God.
Somebody say, "God, give me a testimony. Give me a testimony."
And watch this here. Some of y'all ready, some of y'all know that you are on the precipice of being able to testify about something that God is working on even right now behind the scenes that nobody don't know about.
You can't even tell nobody yet, but baby, when God gets done with this right here, you're going to be able to testify about what the Lord has done for you.
Can we give God a praise on the front end for what we believe He's about to do on the back end for every area of your life that means the most?
God, He says, "Seek first, prioritize what matters the most."
God says, "Behold, I'm ready to do a new thing in your life. Shall you not know it? It's going to spring. It's going to bust up out of nowhere. It's going to make people say, 'Man, how did this? How did you get that so fast? How did that come out of nowhere?'"
Because you'll keep prioritizing God in your life.
You're understanding more and more that all I can see is what I can see, and God can see way beyond me.
God can see further than me, deeper than me, more than me.
And if I can just get the mind of God on my mind, watch this here, I would have insight to stuff that I technically wouldn't.
But because I got the mind of God on my mind, I got intel about stuff. Come on, somebody.
I got intelligence about stuff I would have never been able to have.
Someone say, "God, give me your intelligence."
You know what the Bible says? "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who would give to you liberally and upgrade if not."
You got to understand this wisdom thing. Wisdom is what? Wisdom is the mind of God migrated down to the mind of man.
So God is saying to you, "I want to give you my mind about that situation."
Come on, somebody. Y'all didn't get it yet.
He says, "If any man lacks wisdom..." If you understand that particular scripture, it was in the context of somebody that was going through struggle and pain.
See, we read that oftentimes when it's like, "Oh God, oh God, give me wisdom about this house and this car and this money."
And that's good, and that is actually right. But when you first read it in its first context, it was about going through.
When you was going through pressure, He says, "If any man lacks wisdom about why he's going through what he's going through, He said, 'Let him ask me, and I would give him answers liberally and freely. I'll bring clarity on the situation.'"
And when you ask me about it, I won't upbraid you about it. I won't get mad at you.
I'm really, "Why you asking me all these questions?" He said, "No, ask me, and I'll tell you why you're going through what you're going through."
Come on, somebody.
I'm going to say this for the new people here for a while. You're going to hear a story here.
It's like going to the doctor's office, and the doctor comes in with a needle.
I mean, you just walk in the doctor's office. He didn't say nothing. All you just sitting there, the nurse said, "The doctor will be in here in a minute."
You ain't seen the doctor in three years, and he finally walks in there and says, "Hey," to you and just starts sticking you with a needle.
He don't tell you what the shot is for. He don't tell you why he's giving you the shot. You know what you're doing.
But if that same doctor walks in the room after he heard or he diagnosed your issue or your problem, he said, "Hey, I'm going to give you this shot for ABC reason."
You'll say, "Okay." You'll sit there and you'll take that shot even if you don't like the shot.
You will take it because you'll understand why you're feeling the pain you're feeling.
Here's the funny thing about life: life starts sticking us out of nowhere. It don't pause and tell us, "This is why I'm sticking you, and this is why you're going through this here, and this is why..."
No, life doesn't stop.
So let me tell you why this hardship is there. I'll tell you why you're going through, and not only would I tell you why you're going through what you're going through, I can show you how to get out of it.
Come on, somebody. I can show you how to endure it. I can show you how to hold on. I can show you how to persevere in the midst of it.
Any man lacks wisdom, ask me, and I show you. I tell you. I'll help you process. I'll help you endure what you... Come on, somebody.
Oh, that was good there. I'll help you process. I will help you endure what you are undergoing.
This will heal you. Come on, somebody.
You got to do whatever parts get it over with.
Oh, that going through.
Listen, the meantime can be mean.
Y'all missed that just then. The meantime. You ever had a mean time?
And sometimes the meantime can be mean.
And not only that, the weight of the weight can be heavy.
The weight of the weight can be. You're waiting for something, and that thing gets so heavy.
The weight of the weight can be extremely heavy sometimes.
But God says if anybody's lacking wisdom in 2025, as you remember your why or you understand your why and you commit your ways to Him, He promised you to give you wisdom that doesn't make sense at all about the things that mean the most to you in 2025.
Can we give God a praise for that on today?
I'm done. I'm done. We got to put God at the center of all we're about to accomplish.
Some of y'all don't even have the resources to do what you want to do in 2025.
I mean, you got lofty dreams and goals and ideas.
And watch this here. God wants them to come to pass.
And when I say you don't have the resources to bring them to pass, I'm saying that to emphasize, since you don't have the resources within your own strength to bring you to pass, you need to make sure even more so you are dependent on God.
Come on, somebody.
It's like, "God, if you don't do it, it ain't going to happen."
And that's exactly where God wants you to be.
"God, if you don't do this, the door won't open. God, if you don't show up, it will not manifest."
Why? Because this will be a good opportunity for Him to get the glory out of what's about to happen in your life.
Come on, somebody.
Not your education, not the money in the bank account, not who showed up and bailed you out, but you'll be able to say, "I don't know how, I don't know when, I didn't have the money, I wasn't born on the right side of the track, but God showed up and manifested Himself in my life."
Can we give God a praise?
Come on, stand to your feet. Can we give God a praise on the front end of 2025 for what He's about to do?
On the back end of 2025, we're not going to wait till we manifest it. We're going to believe it until we see it.
We're going to believe it until it manifests itself right into our hands.
Eyes haven't seen, ears have not heard what God has in store for those who believe.
Jeremiah, I close here, Jeremiah the prophet said, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain."
He was sensing something in his spirit that he did not even see with his eyes yet.
Have you ever sensed something that you don't even see yet?
Come on, don't fool me now. Have you ever sensed something in your spirit that you don't even see with your eyes?
Yeah, you sense, "Man, I need to make a move." You're sensing that "I want to buy this." You're sensing "I should start over."
You sense it, but you see no physical signs of that being something for real.
Jeremiah said, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain."
So much so, he told the servant, he said, "Hey, go out and look on the mountain and tell me what you're seeing."
And the servant went out to look for the rain.
The servant went to look for what he was sensing.
Y'all missed it then. The servant went to go see what the prophet was sensing in his spirit.
He went to go see with his eyes what he was sensing.
But he said when he got over there to see what the prophet was sensing, "I don't see."
He went back and said, "Hey, prophet, hey, man of God, you said you're sensing something."
He said, "But what you're sensing, I don't see it over there."
And the prophet said, "Hey, go look again."
Yes, sir. It got to be here somewhere.
I don't know what the prophet is off today. I don't know what he's dealing with.
He's missing the mark right now. I don't see nothing.
Hey, prophet, hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't want to bring up bad news to you, but I don't know if you ate something last night or what.
But what you said you were sensing, ain't no sign.
The prophet just says that the prophet Elijah took his head and put it between his knees, and he kept saying to the servant up to seven times.
Every time the servant came back and said, "I don't see it, I don't see it." He said, "Go look again."
And watch this here. At the beginning of 2025, some people are not going to see what you're sensing.
And if you're not careful, as you're telling them your dream, they're going to come back and say something different than what you're saying.
And you're going to have to learn to tell those people to get out of your circle and get out of your way until you see what I see.
Because if you don't keep sending them away, you're going to start seeing what they see, and they don't see nothing at all.
And finally, the servant went there last time. He went to look.
He said when he looked up, he said, "Oh, oh my God. Hey, Elijah. Hey, Elijah. Hey, hey, hey, I just saw a cloud."
Now, it's not big. I know you said you said abundance of rain.
He said, "I do see a cloud now." But he said, "It's the size of a man's hand."
So something is coming.
Listen, sometimes what you hear in your spirit may not manifest big at the beginning.
But you have to understand that sometimes small clouds have the power to release big rain over your lives.
Come on, somebody.
So don't be moved by what you see. Be moved by what you believe in your spirit.
And in a matter of time, you're going to see what you've been sensing.
Somebody give God a praise for what He's about to do in your life.
Thank you, God. Thank you, God.
Father, we thank you. We thank you on the front end for what you're going to do on the back end of this new year for us.
God, for some of us, the back end is the second month. For some of us, it's the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh.
But God, we already believe right now that you're working things out on our behalf.
And we thank you, God, that every good and perfect thing that we are dreaming about, envisioning about, God, is in alignment with you.
And God, you're going to bring it to pass.
And God, we will remember you, God, in that season of abundance and prosperity, emotionally, psychologically, financially, whatever it may be.
We promise to not forget you.
We will remember you when you load us up with that wisdom, with that favor, with that new job, with that relationship that we desire.
Whatever it may be, we will remember you.
With every head bowed, every eye closed, no one's looking around.
Maybe you're saying, "Pastor Corey, I needed this word today. I know church, but I don't know Him. Shaking your hand, but I've yet to shake God's hand.
I got good religion, but I don't have a personal relationship with this God you're talking about.
I want to know what it means to have a committed relationship with God.
I'm not looking for religion. I'm talking about relationship. Not a religious type lifestyle, but one where I can hear the voice of God speak to my heart and tell me which way to go.
Tell me not to say that. Tell me to stand down.
Now, He can guide, He can order my steps and major decisions I'm making in my life.
I want to be able to hear His voice speak to me.
So if you're in this place, I'm not going to call you up. I'm not going to call you out.
But just like on the day of Pentecost, the scripture said Peter had preached the word of God.
And as Peter was preaching that word, hearts were being convicted.
The Spirit of God hovered over that place and fell on the hearts of many men and women who were open and receptive to what was being said.
So if you're in this place today, you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior, I would encourage you to make that decision on today.
Then maybe you're saying, "Hey, I've already made that decision. I have the assurance that whenever I close my eyes on this side forever, that I will enter into the presence of God, my creator.
I'm assured of that. I have peace with that. I have confidence in that.
But what I do need is a church home that teaches the word of God in such a way that I can hear it, I can take it, and I can apply it to my life.
And I can see my faith, my family transformed thereby.
And I believe I can hear God's voice speak to me in this house and relationships that I can connect with.
So if you're in this place, I'm not going to call you up. I'm not going to call you out.
But I want to just know who to include in this close-eyed prayer, this first Sunday, 2025.
If you're in this place, on the count of three, I just want you to just slip that hand up for a moment and you can bring it back down.
I just want to know who I am praying for. One, two, three. Will that be one? No pressure.
I see that hand. I see that hand. I see that hand. I see that hand.
I see that hand. I see that hand as well. I see that hand as well. Amen. God bless you all. God bless you all.
Now, just do me one favor. Lift all those hands towards heaven. All over the building, everyone lift your hands towards heaven.
And can we pray this simple prayer with them as a building of faith?
Say, "Lord God, I believe you sent your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins.
But I also believe that He rose from the grave with all power in His hand.
Say, God, I ask you now to forgive me of any and every sin that separates me from your love.
Now, say, God, I don't fully understand what all this means.
But I do believe with your spirit living on the inside of me, I will become the person you desire me to be.
So I ask you now to fill me. Fill me with the power and the presence of your Holy Spirit.
Say, Holy Spirit, you are welcome to live in my heart for the rest of my life.
Father God, your word declares any man being in Christ, he's a new creation. Old things are passed away. And behold, all things are becoming new.
Father, I declare those that prayed that prayer for the very first time in faith that, Lord God, even those who prayed that prayer, God, who was either spiritually separated from you or even just physically separated from a church body.
Amen. Amen.
I declare that everything they lost in a season of separation prematurely, that, God, you're going to restore it back into their life.
And I declare that everything that attaches itself to them, that was sucking away at the quality of their life, that every yoke, every stronghold, every chain that they're falling off right now and who the Son sets free, they are free indeed.
In Jesus' name, I pray.
Come on, can we celebrate with every decision that was made in this place on today? Amen. In Jesus' name.