John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by Hope City Church
on Dec 26, 2024
In today's gathering, we focused on the profound theme of making room for Jesus in our hearts and lives, reflecting on His birth, death, and resurrection. We began by participating in the Lord's Supper, a sacred act of remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and the new covenant established through His blood. This act is not about our worthiness but about acknowledging our need for forgiveness and grace, inviting God's presence into our lives.
The central message revolved around the "gift of presence," emphasizing the importance of God's presence in our lives. We explored the significance of Jesus' name, Emmanuel, meaning "God with us," and how His presence transforms our lives. The presence of God is not a distant reality but an intimate experience, as the Holy Spirit dwells within us, making our bodies His temple. This divine presence is a source of strength, comfort, and assurance in times of need, fear, and uncertainty.
We delved into the four reasons why presence matters: when we need help, when we are afraid, when we need assurance, and when we simply want to enjoy His presence. The presence of God and the presence of others can profoundly impact our lives, providing comfort and strength in challenging times. We were reminded of the story of Joseph and baby Jesus, highlighting the importance of being attuned to God's voice and presence, which can guide and protect us.
As we concluded with a candlelight service, we were encouraged to reflect on the true meaning of the season, keeping Jesus at the center of our celebrations. The light of Christ, symbolized by the candles, represents His presence in our lives and our call to let our light shine before others. This Christmas, may we cherish the gift of God's presence and share it with those around us.
**Key Takeaways:**
1. **The Gift of Presence:** God's presence is a profound gift that transforms our lives. Emmanuel, "God with us," signifies that God is not distant but intimately involved in our lives. His presence provides strength and comfort, reminding us that we are never alone. [50:22]
2. **Presence in Times of Need:** When we face challenges, the presence of God and others can make a significant difference. Just as Paul found confidence in God's presence, we too can find strength and courage in difficult times, knowing that God is with us. [58:52]
3. **Overcoming Fear with Presence:** Fear can be overwhelming, but the presence of God brings peace and assurance. Like the disciples in the storm, we can find calmness in knowing that Jesus is with us, guiding us through life's challenges. [59:37]
4. **Assurance through Presence:** In moments of uncertainty, the presence of God provides assurance and peace. Just as a parent's presence reassures a child, God's presence reassures us that He is in control and working for our good. [01:01:11]
5. **Enjoying God's Presence:** Beyond seeking God's help, we are invited to simply enjoy His presence. This relationship is not transactional but relational, where we can express gratitude and love, delighting in His presence without asking for anything in return. [01:07:01]
**Youtube Chapters:**
- [00:00] - Welcome
- [00:30] - Making Room for Jesus
- [02:00] - The Lord's Supper
- [05:00] - Reflecting on Jesus' Birth and Resurrection
- [10:00] - The Gift of Presence
- [15:00] - Emmanuel: God With Us
- [20:00] - The Holy Spirit's Indwelling
- [25:00] - Presence in Times of Need
- [30:00] - Overcoming Fear with God's Presence
- [35:00] - Assurance through God's Presence
- [40:00] - Enjoying God's Presence
- [45:00] - The Story of Joseph and Baby Jesus
- [50:00] - Candlelight Service Preparation
- [55:00] - Reflecting on the True Meaning of Christmas
- [01:12:11] - Closing Worship and Candle Lighting
**Bible Study Discussion Guide: The Gift of Presence**
**Bible Reading:**
1. Matthew 1:21-23
2. John 1:14
3. Isaiah 41:10
**Observation Questions:**
1. What does the name "Emmanuel" mean, and how does it relate to the theme of God's presence in our lives? [50:22]
2. How does the sermon describe the significance of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us? [50:22]
3. What are the four reasons mentioned in the sermon for why presence matters? [01:07:01]
4. How did the story of Joseph and baby Jesus illustrate the importance of being attuned to God's presence? [01:02:42]
**Interpretation Questions:**
1. In what ways does the presence of God provide strength and comfort during times of fear and uncertainty? [58:52]
2. How does the sermon suggest that the presence of others can impact our lives, especially during challenging times? [01:01:11]
3. What does it mean to enjoy God's presence without asking for anything in return, and how can this affect our relationship with Him? [01:07:01]
4. How does the story of the disciples in the storm illustrate the power of Jesus' presence in overcoming fear? [58:52]
**Application Questions:**
1. Reflect on a time when you felt God's presence during a difficult situation. How did it change your perspective or outcome? [58:52]
2. Identify a specific area in your life where you need to make more room for Jesus. What steps can you take this week to invite His presence into that area? [49:33]
3. Think of someone in your life who might need the comfort of your presence. How can you be a source of strength and support for them this week? [01:01:11]
4. When was the last time you simply enjoyed God's presence without asking for anything? How can you incorporate more moments like this into your daily routine? [01:07:01]
5. Consider a fear or uncertainty you are currently facing. How can you remind yourself of God's promise to never leave or forsake you? [58:52]
6. How can you keep Jesus at the center of your celebrations this Christmas season, ensuring that His presence is the focus? [01:12:11]
7. What practical steps can you take to be more attuned to God's voice and presence, as illustrated by Joseph's story? [01:02:42]
Day 1: The Transformative Gift of God's Presence
God's presence is a profound gift that transforms our lives. The name Emmanuel, meaning "God with us," signifies that God is not distant but intimately involved in our lives. His presence provides strength and comfort, reminding us that we are never alone. This divine presence is not just a theological concept but a lived reality, as the Holy Spirit dwells within us, making our bodies His temple. In times of need, fear, and uncertainty, God's presence is a source of strength, comfort, and assurance. It is a reminder that we are never alone, and that God is actively working in our lives. [50:22]
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10, ESV)
Reflection: In what specific area of your life do you need to invite God's transformative presence today? How can you make room for Him to work in that area?
Day 2: Presence in Times of Need
When we face challenges, the presence of God and others can make a significant difference. Just as Paul found confidence in God's presence, we too can find strength and courage in difficult times, knowing that God is with us. The presence of God is not just a comforting thought but a powerful reality that can change our perspective and give us the courage to face any situation. In times of need, God's presence is a reminder that we are not alone and that He is actively working in our lives to bring about His purposes. [58:52]
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18, ESV)
Reflection: Think of a current challenge you are facing. How can you intentionally seek God's presence and the support of others to navigate this situation?
Day 3: Overcoming Fear with God's Presence
Fear can be overwhelming, but the presence of God brings peace and assurance. Like the disciples in the storm, we can find calmness in knowing that Jesus is with us, guiding us through life's challenges. God's presence is not just a comforting thought but a powerful reality that can change our perspective and give us the courage to face any situation. In moments of fear, God's presence is a reminder that we are not alone and that He is actively working in our lives to bring about His purposes. [59:37]
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?" (Psalm 56:3-4, ESV)
Reflection: Identify a fear that has been holding you back. How can you invite God's presence into this fear and trust Him to guide you through it?
Day 4: Assurance through God's Presence
In moments of uncertainty, the presence of God provides assurance and peace. Just as a parent's presence reassures a child, God's presence reassures us that He is in control and working for our good. This assurance is not based on our circumstances but on the unchanging character of God. In times of uncertainty, God's presence is a reminder that we are not alone and that He is actively working in our lives to bring about His purposes. [01:01:11]
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4, ESV)
Reflection: Reflect on a recent moment of uncertainty. How did you experience God's presence, and how can you seek His assurance in future uncertainties?
Day 5: Enjoying God's Presence
Beyond seeking God's help, we are invited to simply enjoy His presence. This relationship is not transactional but relational, where we can express gratitude and love, delighting in His presence without asking for anything in return. Enjoying God's presence is about cultivating a relationship with Him that is based on love and gratitude, rather than just seeking His help in times of need. It is about finding joy and fulfillment in His presence, knowing that He is with us and that we are never alone. [01:07:01]
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Psalm 16:11, ESV)
Reflection: Set aside time today to simply enjoy God's presence. How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with Him that is based on love and gratitude?
"you know it's not about a particular day we don't know exactly what day that Jesus was born on but for us it's just about setting the season aside this day aside to reflect and to remember the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but not only today are we going to reflect on this birth but we're going to also reflect for just a moment on his death on his death on his death on his death his death his burial and his ultimate his resurrection is two things that God Jesus told us remember and one was water baptism two ordinances of the church water baptism as an outward sign of a spiritual transformation that takes place on the inside but also of taking the Lord's Supper and so today we're going to prepare our hearts and our minds to receive the Lord's Supper maybe you're saying I'm not worthy to receive it but just right now in this moment God we ask you to forgive us of any and everything that can cause us to not be worthy to partake in this moment God any sins God that we know about that we don't recall sins that we do God we confess them we put them at your feet right now we act for your God forgiveness and God we want to come before you today and remember you said on that day you lifted up at that table you said this bread represents my body and so we take this this bread this this this cookie and God we lift it up towards heaven as a reflection of your body that will be broken for us and we break it and as we break it you said as often as we eat of this we do show forth your death your burial and resurrection so we we eat in remembrance and not only that you lifted up that cup and you said this cup represents my blood the blood that will be shed for us what can wash away our sins nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make us whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus and so we lift up this cup as a symbol as a remembrance of the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us on Calvary's cross and we thank you Lord God that it was not just that he died but God that there was a resurrection and so God we drink this in" [00:45:11] (142 seconds)
"Matthew 121 says, she will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Mary couldn't name him Joe. Mary couldn't name him Bob. Mary couldn't name him Jose. She had to give him a specific name, and his name had to be Jesus, because his name meant something, and his name meant that he was going to save the world from their sins." [00:50:03] (30 seconds)
"Verse 23 says, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which means God is with us. The presence of God. One thing I'm always reminded of in the New Testament where the scripture talks about know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and how there was coming a day that the Spirit of God would dwell on the inside of us. That was not always true, but that came to pass when the Holy Spirit became available and God now began to live on the inside of his people. And that's why we can truly say Emmanuel with us. Not this far distant God, though he is distant, but when we make that connection with him and we come in a covenant relationship with God, he who was this far away God now makes his house. On the inside of us. John 1 14 says the word became flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and it tabernacled, if you would, among us. Jesus himself walked among the presence Emmanuel, God with us. Can you get the picture even of that? Even before the Holy Spirit was available for us, God himself put himself in human flesh and walked among us manifesting, or bringing to life that statement, Emmanuel, God is with us." [00:50:32] (81 seconds)
"We're talking about when praises go up, blessings come down. And I often remind us that the scripture talks about when praises go up, when praises go up, blessings will come down and how he inhabits, the scripture says, the presence of his people. So every time we worship and we praise God, this is here, that space become a place where the presence of God begin to manifest itself. It's not about just stuff coming down, but literally he inhabits the praises. You become a house. Your worship, that moment become a place where the spirit of God begin to manifest itself. John 14, 16 says, and I will ask the Father and he will give you another advocate who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit who leads you, who watches here into all truths. I say, I say all true. It said the world cannot receive him because it isn't even looking for him and doesn't even recognize him, but you will know him because he lives with you now and will later be in you. Again, at one point, he wasn't available to dwell on the inside, but when he told them to go into the upper room and wait for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, it wasn't dwelling in me in the end, but when it became available, now know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and God will not leave you. God lives on the inside of us. Talking about the gift of presence, the presence of God. Let me give you four reasons why the presence or why presence matters." [00:52:01] (87 seconds)
"Presence matters when you need assurance. Now, listen. Listen, because these schools are crazy today. I'm going to say it again. These schools are crazy today. I don't care how good they are. They're just people come from all walks of life, and people congregate wherever they are. I just needed assurance she was okay. Matter of fact, I was happy when she told me at the beginning of the year, I'm going to finish this next semester at home. Thank you, Jesus. Come on. Get in the house. Come on, somebody. Matter of fact, I told you, you can stay here as long as you want to. You never got to move. Come on, somebody. You can stay here as long as you want to. Presence matters when you need assurance. I needed some assurance. My daughter was okay. Oh, she's going to leave one day. She's going to leave one day. Yeah, but don't need to rush it. Don't need to rush it. Don't need to rush it. Here's some advice for some of you parents. Just because when your child turns 18 doesn't mean it's time for them to go." [01:00:43] (55 seconds)
"Imagine how it makes God feel when we don't just come to him for his stuff, that we always want something from him. Can it be that just, God, I just want to get in your presence and tell you, thank you. I love you. You've been kind to me. You've been merciful to me. You've been faithful to me from the beginning to the year. All the way to the end of the year. I've seen a lot of people didn't make it this far, God, but you have been with me, and I just want to tell you, you're pretty, you're lovely, you're kind, you're merciful. Come on, somebody. I just want to tell you, I adore you. This reminds me of a story years ago when my oldest, well, my son and my oldest daughter, as kids were, you know how kids bust up in your room and ask you for stuff, and I remember one day, Corey Jr. bust up and be like, hey, I want a popsicle. That boy, get out of my face. You ain't getting nothing." [01:08:18] (45 seconds)
"how you approach God in this season when you do want something it'll make him give you whatever you want come on somebody it'll make him give you whatever you want though the scripture tells us to come boldly to approach the throne of grace boldly how we approach him in this season you guys it matters presence matters when I need help presence matters when I'm afraid presence matters when I need assurance presence matters when I simply want to enjoy his presence Psalm 46 10 says be still and know that I'm God just be still just just just be still and know that I am God I'm going to ask our worship team to come forward as we close out let's prepare our hearts to light our candles the gift of presence you may not receive that gift you want this Christmas Wednesday but remember you've received the gift of eternal life if you're here today and you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord as your Savior today will be a perfect day to receive the best gift of them all and that's the presence of God let's just come forward and begin to hand out these candles this is going to be a moment of reflection as we end our service on today with our candlelight portion of this service reminding us that number one Jesus is the light of the world thank you that Jesus is the light of the world and that star that they follow that night it still shines right in the hearts of those individuals who accept that Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior the scripture says that we are a city that sits on the hill our light let it so shine that men can see it let your light so shine that men can see your good works and glorify our father which is in heaven presence of God is in this place because he's in many of your hearts and because he's in your heart you brought him in this place and some of you feel good in the presence of certain people but today I want you to get the presence of God on the inside of you so that you can take their presence everywhere you I'm going to ask my wife to come forward and coordinate and yeah and my mother -in -law as well she can come as well as as we pray our hearts to once you receive your candle to please stand I'm going to ask if you can go ahead and move this out away from me as well so" [01:09:26] (163 seconds)
"as we reflect this Christmas holiday season and what the true meaning of this season is all about with family with friends let's keep Jesus at the center of all that we say all that we we do the presence of God truly makes it I'm going to ask the worship team to begin to sing and once you get that candle please stand as a sign to me that you already have it I'm going to ask the worship team to go ahead and just lead us into oh holy night I'll light the candles here on the stage once our candles are lit we'll light those on the front row and then you turn around and just begin to light the person nearest you until the entire room is lit worship team go begin to sing oh" [01:12:11] (44 seconds)
Lord God, brother, we thank you. We thank you for your presence. We choose to make room today. There was no room for Jesus on that day, but we make room—not in a manger, but in our hearts, in our minds, in our lives.
We're going to do the communion, but I'm going to go ahead and just do it right in this moment, in this space. Let's make room. If you didn't receive any elements when you came in, let's keep the same posture. Stay in your prayer mode, your worship mode. Let's stay right here. For those that didn't receive your communion elements, dip your hands right up and someone will get right to you.
You know, it's not about a particular day. We don't know exactly what day Jesus was born on, but for us, it's just about setting this season aside, this day aside, to reflect and to remember the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
But not only today are we going to reflect on this birth, but we're going to also reflect for just a moment on His death—on His death, on His death, on His death, His death, His burial, and His ultimate resurrection. There are two things that God, Jesus, told us to remember, and one was water baptism—two ordinances of the church: water baptism as an outward sign of a spiritual transformation that takes place on the inside, but also of taking the Lord's Supper.
So today, we're going to prepare our hearts and our minds to receive the Lord's Supper. Maybe you're saying, "I'm not worthy to receive it," but just right now, in this moment, God, we ask you to forgive us of any and everything that can cause us to not be worthy to partake in this moment. God, any sins that we know about, that we don't recall, sins that we do, God, we confess them. We put them at your feet right now. We ask for your forgiveness, and God, we want to come before you today and remember.
You said on that day, you lifted up at that table, you said, "This bread represents my body." So we take this bread, this cookie, and God, we lift it up towards heaven as a reflection of your body that will be broken for us. We break it, and as we break it, you said, "As often as we eat of this, we do show forth your death, your burial, and resurrection." So we eat in remembrance.
And not only that, you lifted up that cup and you said, "This cup represents my blood, the blood that will be shed for us." What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make us whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
And so we lift up this cup as a symbol, as a remembrance of the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us on Calvary's cross. We thank you, Lord God, that it was not just that He died, but God, that there was a resurrection.
So God, we drink this in hands all over the building. Let's thank this one more time. Lift your hands all over the building. Come, let's make room. Make room in your heart, make room in your minds, make room in your soul. Let's make room.
Thank you, Father. God, speak to our hearts, speak to our minds in this last portion of this service today. Encourage us, inspire us through your word. And as we close out with a special candlelight service, let us not forget the reason for this season. Bless this service today. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Amen.
Let's give God one more hand clap of praise right before you take your seats. Amen. You can be seated.
I just want to share a few things right before we go into the candlelight portion of our service today, and you'll be dismissed after that. Just quickly, I want to give a quick shout out to our worship team. On Friday night, they did an amazing job in our Christmas concert. They did a phenomenal, phenomenal job. The spirit of excellence was truly in this place on Friday night, and truly, I do believe that God was glorified in this place on Friday night.
And then, of course, today, the worship is still awesome. It's still good, and so we thank God for that today. It's not about, again, it's not about the gifts that will be under or that won't be under your Christmas tree this year, but it's truly about the gift that hung on the tree, and that is the gift of Jesus Christ.
I just want to read a few things to you here quickly. And I really want to go into our solemn moment of lighting our candles today. Look what it says here, and I want to talk about the gift of presence. The gift of presence. P-R-E-S-E-N-C-E. Not presence, but the gift of presence.
Matthew 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Mary couldn't name him Joe. Mary couldn't name him Bob. Mary couldn't name him Jose. She had to give him a specific name, and his name had to be Jesus because his name meant something, and his name meant that he was going to save the world from their sins.
Verse 23 says, "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which means God is with us." The presence of God. One thing I'm always reminded of in the New Testament is where the scripture talks about, "Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?" and how there was coming a day that the Spirit of God would dwell on the inside of us. That was not always true, but that came to pass when the Holy Spirit became available, and God now began to live on the inside of His people.
And that's why we can truly say Emmanuel—God with us. Not this far distant God, though He is distant, but when we make that connection with Him and we come in a covenant relationship with God, He who was this far away God now makes His house on the inside of us.
John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh and dwelled among us." In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and it tabernacled, if you would, among us. Jesus Himself walked among the presence—Emmanuel, God with us.
Can you get the picture even of that? Even before the Holy Spirit was available for us, God Himself put Himself in human flesh and walked among us, manifesting or bringing to life that statement, "Emmanuel, God is with us."
Listen, the present was His presence. I'm going to say it again. The present, the gift, the present was His presence.
We're talking about when praises go up, blessings come down. And I often remind us that the scripture talks about when praises go up, blessings will come down, and how He inhabits, the scripture says, the praises of His people. So every time we worship and we praise God, this space becomes a place where the presence of God begins to manifest itself.
It's not about just stuff coming down, but literally, He inhabits the praises. You become a house. Your worship, that moment becomes a place where the Spirit of God begins to manifest itself.
John 14:16 says, "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit who leads you, who watches here into all truths." I say, I say all truth. It said, "The world cannot receive Him because it isn't even looking for Him and doesn't even recognize Him, but you will know Him because He lives with you now and will later be in you."
Again, at one point, He wasn't available to dwell on the inside, but when He told them to go into the upper room and wait for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, it wasn't dwelling in them in the end, but when it became available, now know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God will not leave you. God lives on the inside of us.
Talking about the gift of presence, the presence of God. Let me give you four reasons why the presence, or why presence matters.
Number one, presence matters when I need help. I'm going to say it again. Presence—have you ever been in trouble and needed help? Some help, and presence makes a difference. Look what it says here in 1 Corinthians 2:3. "I came to you in weakness and fear and with much trembling." Paul said, "I was nervous. I was scared for my life." He said, "But my message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom but on God's power."
Paul said, "I became confident when the presence of God is with me." Paul said, "I could be locked up and in prison, but when the presence of God is with me, there is nothing I would be afraid of."
And someone, you can be in a tight spot right now. You can be locked up emotionally, psychologically, but where the presence of God shows up, Paul said, "I didn't come in my own strength. I came in the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit." Come on, somebody! The presence of God can truly make a difference in your life this Christmas, this holiday season.
Can we give God a praise just for knowing that today? Presence matters when we need help. The presence of not just the Holy Spirit in life, but the presence of people can make a difference in your life. Have you ever been in trouble before and someone just showed up? Their mere presence being there truly makes a difference.
I mentioned I just know many times going to the hospital, just being there for people—sometimes standing there by that bedside and someone is transitioning, watching their spouse or their loved one transition. You don't even know what to say, but your mere presence makes a difference.
Listen, if human presence makes a difference, imagine the power of what the presence of God can do in your life when He is available. Presence matters when I need help.
Watch number two: Presence matters when I'm afraid. Have you ever been afraid of something? Have you ever been going in for a test and you were afraid? Maybe you had to get some blood work done for something and you were afraid. Maybe you had to walk down a dark street because you did not have a car, and you were afraid of whoever or whatever was down that street, and it caused all kinds of emotions to come up in your heart and your spirit.
Have you ever been afraid? Matter of fact, just a couple of days ago at my house, my wife said to me maybe about a night or so ago, "Hey, did you lock the door last night? The door was open." It's about four o'clock in the morning, and I'm like, "Huh? I think I locked the door." She said, "The door was wide open." I was like, "Well, I guess I didn't shut the door."
The funny thing about that is the alarm went off that day while my mother-in-law and I were in the kitchen, and we heard the alarm go off. It went off, and I went to the alarm and I screamed. I said, "Hey, did you try to set the alarm?" My wife said, "Yes." So we didn't think much of it, not knowing that she wasn't talking about right then. She was setting the alarm. She had set the alarm earlier, so it finally hit me today what happened was when that door that was open, it kind of pushed back some because the wind kind of pushed some, and that's why the alarm went off.
Have you ever been home by yourself and was afraid because you heard something? Come on, somebody! Some noises don't bother you, ladies, when your spouse is home, but the very noises that don't bother you when he's home, it bothers you when you're by yourself, and you begin to get afraid and scared about what presence—listen, presence matters when we are afraid.
The presence of someone, the presence of God can calm our hearts and calm our minds when we are in fear of losing a job, fear of not knowing where the money's coming from, fear of where our children are. The presence of God can make a difference in our life. Not only the presence of God, but the gift of people, because how many know that people are gifts from God that He brings into our life? And when we handle those gifts right, the gift of people, their presence in our life can make a difference.
Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not, for I am with you." Hebrews 13:5 says, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." He was encouraging them that no matter what you are going through, I am going to never leave you. I am going to never leave you. I am going to never leave you. I am going to never leave you nor forsake you.
Rain may come, wind may blow, trouble may come—natural, physical, spiritual—it's going to come, but I'm going to be with you in the storm. Come on, somebody! Presence matters when you are afraid.
I thought about the disciples when they were going through that storm, and Jesus told them to get into the boat and let's go to the other side. If you know the story, they found themselves in the midst of a storm. Jesus was down in the hinder part of the boat, knocked out sleep. If he's like me, he was going to be with you in the storm. He was calling up hogs; he was snoring like crazy. Come on, somebody!
But the disciples, they were alert. They were up, and they were at the top of the boat, and they were afraid for their life. They began to wake up Jesus and say, "Master, do you not care that we perish?" See, one thing they missed was that Jesus had already told them that we're going to the other side. He didn't tell them about the storms that they would encounter. He said, "Hey, we're going to the other side," even when you encounter storms.
And you have to understand, presence matters when you are afraid. Jesus woke up and He said to the storm, "What? Peace, be still."
Listen, presence matters when you're afraid. If they would have just stopped for a minute and said, "Man, the presence of God is on this boat. Jesus is on this boat. And as long as He's on the boat, we ain't going nowhere." Come on, somebody!
Do you know there are certain people in your life, they are so in right standing with God that if everything is going wrong in the earth or in the world, if you get around them, you're going to be all right because they're—come on, somebody! Some of you just need some good people in your life, some right people in your life. Stuff may be jacked up in your life, but just get around them. Say, "Girl, I'm hanging around you today. Man, I'm hanging around you today because my life's jacked up right now. I know you're walking good right now."
Come on, somebody! Presence. And I'm not talking about perfect. I'm talking about people who don't get afraid with every storm and every wind that comes their way because they know that they got an anchor. Their anchor is in something greater than the storm that they're going through.
Presence matters when we are afraid. Here's the third thing: Presence matters when we need assurance.
Have you ever needed assurance about a situation, about a circumstance? You know, for me, one of my personal assurances was, as my daughter was away for college, at one point, I just needed to see her. We were talking on the phone, but I just needed to put my hands on her. I needed to see her face. I needed to just touch her. "Are you okay?"
All right, watch this here. I need assurance. Come on, somebody! Presence matters when you need assurance.
Now, listen. Listen, because these schools are crazy today. I'm going to say it again. These schools are crazy today. I don't care how good they are. They're just people come from all walks of life, and people congregate wherever they are. I just needed assurance she was okay.
Matter of fact, I was happy when she told me at the beginning of the year, "I'm going to finish this next semester at home." Thank you, Jesus! Come on! Get in the house! Come on, somebody!
Matter of fact, I told you, you can stay here as long as you want to. You never got to move. Come on, somebody! You can stay here as long as you want to.
Presence matters when you need assurance. I needed some assurance. My daughter was okay.
Oh, she's going to leave one day. She's going to leave one day. Yeah, but don't need to rush it. Don't need to rush it. Don't need to rush it.
Here's some advice for some of you parents: Just because when your child turns 18 doesn't mean it's time for them to go. We've created a society that when you turn 18, your next step is out of the house. That's not necessarily true. We've got to watch out for that. That may work in passing.
But even just the way it costs to live out there, come on, somebody! You need to stay home for three years and just save up your money. Come on, somebody!
And the funny thing is, this girl is making so much money right now. She's in full-time school online, but doing braids, charging people $700 for every hair she does. She ain't spending no money. She's spending my money. I'm like, "Where your money at? Because you keep asking me for stuff."
I know you banking somewhere. I need to see what's going on. Come on! You always asking for stuff. Something! Like, "Where's the money? Where is it? I know you locking it up. Let me see the numbers."
Presence matters when we need assurance.
I'm going to go back to presence matters when you... I'm going to do this here. How do I want to end this here? I've got two more good things to say, y'all. Which one should I go first with?
So, let me end with the story of my wife, Laz, and let me go to her first. So, y'all may appreciate that one better.
Matthew chapter 2 talks about, and I need y'all to get this here, about presence. If you remember Matthew chapter 2, I can't read it all, but read this over the Christmas break here. Matthew chapter 2, verses 13 through 18.
Matthew chapter 2, verses 13 through 18 talks about Joseph's flight with baby Jesus into Egypt. He had got a word in his sleep that God, an angel had visited him and said, "Hey, get up, take the child and flee into Egypt because Herod is desiring to kill him, to murder him."
Let me read some verses here. "And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying, 'Get up, take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring you word, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.'"
And here's the revelation I need you to get. Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus for the purpose of he knew if Jesus ever grew up and lived out His purpose, He was going to change the world. So he didn't want this little boy, this little baby. He was already intimidated by Jesus.
He wasn't even intimidated by baby Jesus. He was intimidated by the purpose that was locked up in this child, that if he ever grew up and became who he was meant to be, he was going to change the world.
And you have to understand, even with your baby, even with your child, there's potential locked up in your child. And the enemy does not want that child to become all they are meant to be because he understands if they grow up and live out their purpose, they may change the world. Come on, somebody! They may have a cure for this disease. They may become the next doctor or the next scientist, whatever the specificity of it may be.
And look what it says here, though. It says, "When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, departed into Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Out of Egypt I have called my son.'"
Now watch this here. It said, "Then when Herod, I love this here, then when Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men," meaning that the wise men did not come back and give him word of where Jesus was at, "he was exceedingly angry and sent forth and slew, saying, 'Slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.'"
Here's my point. When they would not come back to him and give him a message of where Jesus was, Herod was so afraid. He knew it took several years. He kept saying, searching for Jesus, and it became a point. He said, "You know what? I'm putting out a decree that every child from the age of two years old up until this age here, kill them all, because I don't know which one is Jesus, and I'm sure he's one of them. Kill every child between that age, because watch this here. Even though God is omniscient, knows all, the devil is not omniscient. He don't know all, so the only way to make sure his mission was accomplished, he said, 'Kill them all.'"
Listen, the devil don't know which one of you are going to change the world, so he's just not trying to kill one of you. He's trying to destroy everybody because he don't know who's going to be the world changer. He don't know who has the greatness locked up on the inside of them.
Listen, the presence of God can truly make a difference in our life, and thank God that night Joseph had the presence of God in his life. Come on, somebody! That he had an ear to hear from God, because if Joseph did not hear from God, he wouldn't have been able to hear from God that night. He would have still been asleep in his bed that night, and I'm sure Herod's people would have been there to take that child and to destroy them.
Listen, we need the presence of God in our life. The presence matters when I need help. Presence matters when I'm afraid. Presence matters when I need assurance.
And watch this: The presence matters when I simply want to enjoy His presence. I'm going to say it again. Presence matters when I simply just want to enjoy His presence.
You don't want nothing from Him. You don't need nothing from Him. Come on, you know you're married, got a spouse, and you know it's just, you just want him right there for you. You just want her right there. You ain't got to talk. You ain't got to—I'm watching this movie right now. I just want you—come on, somebody!
Y'all talking about, I'm giving some of y'all ladies some advice right now. Sometimes he just wants your presence. You ain't got to say nothing. You ain't got to fix your hair. Come on, somebody! Just your presence makes a difference.
Presence matters when I simply want to enjoy. See, we don't always got to go to God and ask Him for stuff. You know, when you're young in marriage, you think every time you come together, it's about sex. "Oh, it's that time again. It's that time again. It's that time again." And then you grow up. You realize she's not coming to him for sex. She just wants to sit down.
I'm like, "Oh, I thought we about to do something again." Come on, somebody! No, she just wants presence. Come on, somebody!
Imagine how it makes God feel when we don't just come to Him for His stuff, that we always want something from Him. Can it be that just, "God, I just want to get in Your presence and tell You, thank You. I love You. You've been kind to me. You've been merciful to me. You've been faithful to me from the beginning to the year, all the way to the end of the year. I've seen a lot of people didn't make it this far, God, but You have been with me, and I just want to tell You, You're pretty, You're lovely, You're kind, You're merciful."
Come on, somebody! I just want to tell You, I adore You. This reminds me of a story years ago when my oldest, well, my son and my oldest daughter, as kids were, you know how kids bust up in your room and ask you for stuff, and I remember one day, Corey Jr. bust up and be like, "Hey, I want a popsicle." That boy, "Get out of my face. You ain't getting nothing. Who the heck you think you is?"
And my daughter, Maya, did the same very thing. She came in, but she came in a different way. She just came and got in my face and said, "Daddy, oh, you're so pretty. Oh, Daddy, I like that song. So Daddy's nice."
She said, "Daddy, can I have a popsicle?" "Girl, go and get what you want." Come on!
How you approach God in this season when you do want something, it'll make Him give you whatever you want. Come on, somebody! It'll make Him give you whatever you want.
Though the scripture tells us to come boldly to approach the throne of grace, boldly how we approach Him in this season, you guys, it matters.
Presence matters when I need help. Presence matters when I'm afraid. Presence matters when I need assurance. Presence matters when I simply want to enjoy His presence.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." Just be still. Just be still and know that I am God.
I'm going to ask our worship team to come forward as we close out. Let's prepare our hearts to light our candles—the gift of presence. You may not receive that gift you want this Christmas Wednesday, but remember you've received the gift of eternal life.
If you're here today and you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, today will be a perfect day to receive the best gift of them all, and that's the presence of God.
Let's just come forward and begin to hand out these candles. This is going to be a moment of reflection as we end our service today with our candlelight portion of this service, reminding us that, number one, Jesus is the light of the world.
Thank you that Jesus is the light of the world, and that star that they followed that night still shines right in the hearts of those individuals who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The scripture says that we are a city that sits on a hill. Our light—let it so shine that men can see it. Let your light so shine that men can see your good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven.
The presence of God is in this place because He's in many of your hearts, and because He's in your heart, you brought Him in this place. Some of you feel good in the presence of certain people, but today I want you to get the presence of God on the inside of you so that you can take their presence everywhere.
I'm going to ask my wife to come forward and coordinate, and my mother-in-law as well. She can come as well as we pray our hearts to—once you receive your candle, please stand. I'm going to ask if you can go ahead and move this out away from me as well.
So as we reflect this Christmas holiday season and what the true meaning of this season is all about—with family, with friends—let's keep Jesus at the center of all that we say, all that we do. The presence of God truly makes it.
I'm going to ask the worship team to begin to sing, and once you get that candle, please stand as a sign to me that you already have it. I'm going to ask the worship team to go ahead and just lead us into "O Holy Night." I'll light the candles here on the stage. Once our candles are lit, we'll light those on the front row, and then you turn around and just begin to light the person nearest you until the entire room is lit.
Worship team, go ahead and begin to sing "O Holy Night."
Hi, I'm an AI assistant for the pastor that gave this sermon. What would you like to make from it?