Embracing the Servant Love of Christ This Christmas




Today, we continue our Advent series, "Behold A Savior is Born," focusing on the theme of love, particularly the servant love of Jesus Christ. We reflect on the unexpected and humble circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth, which were filled with surprises that defied societal expectations. Jesus' arrival was not through a prominent family or in a grand setting, but through a humble, young girl named Mary, engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. This unexpected choice highlights God's plan to teach us about love and humility.

The story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, under the decree of a Roman census, further emphasizes the unexpected nature of His arrival. Mary and Joseph, despite being far along in pregnancy, had to travel to Bethlehem, only to find no place to stay, leading to Jesus being born in a stable. This humble beginning is a profound demonstration of Jesus' servant love, as He chose to enter the world in such lowly circumstances.

In Philippians 2, we are reminded of Jesus' mindset of humility and service. Despite being in the very nature of God, He did not use His divine status for His own advantage but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant. This mindset is a model for us to emulate in our relationships, reflecting the servant love of Jesus.

Jesus' humanity is crucial in understanding His sacrificial love. He experienced the full spectrum of human emotions and limitations, allowing Him to empathize with our struggles. His life and ultimate sacrifice on the cross were acts of profound love, designed to redeem us from sin and offer us eternal life.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the connection between the manger and the cross. Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection are all part of the gift of eternal life He offers. This season, may we focus on the servant love of Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He made for us.

Key Takeaways:

1. Unexpected Humility: Jesus' birth in humble circumstances teaches us about God's unexpected ways of demonstrating love and humility. His choice to enter the world in such a lowly manner reflects His servant heart and challenges us to embrace humility in our own lives. [22:46]

2. Servant Mindset: Philippians 2 calls us to adopt the mindset of Christ, who, despite being God, chose to serve others selflessly. This mindset is a command for us to follow, emphasizing the importance of humility and service in our relationships. [38:26]

3. Humanity of Jesus: Jesus' humanity allows Him to empathize with our struggles and emotions. He experienced the full range of human limitations, making Him a compassionate and understanding Savior who knows our needs intimately. [48:23]

4. Sacrificial Love: Jesus' life and ultimate sacrifice on the cross demonstrate His profound love for us. He willingly endured suffering and rejection to offer us redemption and eternal life, highlighting the depth of His servant love. [52:17]

5. Christmas and the Cross: The connection between Jesus' birth and His sacrifice on the cross is central to the Christmas story. This season, let us focus on the servant love of Jesus and the ultimate gift of eternal life He offers through His life, death, and resurrection. [58:11]

Youtube Chapters:

- [00:00] - Welcome
- [19:06] - Love for Surprises
- [21:46] - Not All Surprises Are Good
- [22:46] - Unexpected Arrival
- [25:07] - Details in Luke's Gospel
- [27:39] - Journey to Bethlehem
- [28:43] - Census and Taxation
- [31:19] - Ancestral Home of David
- [32:09] - No Room at the Inn
- [34:01] - Finding Shelter
- [36:30] - Humble Birth of Jesus
- [37:17] - God's Unpredictable Plan
- [38:26] - Servant Love of Jesus
- [42:42] - Humanity of Jesus
- [48:23] - Empathy and Understanding
- [52:17] - Ultimate Sacrifice
- [58:11] - Christmas and the Cross

Study Guide

Bible Study Discussion Guide: Behold A Savior is Born - The Servant Love of Jesus

Bible Reading:
1. Luke 2:1-7
2. Philippians 2:5-8

Observation Questions:
1. What were the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth as described in Luke 2:1-7? How do these circumstances reflect the theme of humility? [25:07]
2. According to Philippians 2:5-8, what mindset did Jesus have, and how did it manifest in His actions? [38:26]
3. How does the sermon describe the societal expectations of a king's birth, and how did Jesus' birth defy these expectations? [22:46]
4. What role did the Roman census play in the story of Jesus' birth, and how did it contribute to the unexpected nature of His arrival? [28:43]

Interpretation Questions:
1. How does Jesus' choice to be born in humble circumstances challenge our understanding of power and leadership? [38:26]
2. In what ways does the humanity of Jesus, as described in the sermon, enhance our understanding of His empathy and compassion? [48:23]
3. How does the connection between Jesus' birth and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross deepen our appreciation for the Christmas story? [58:11]
4. What does the sermon suggest about the importance of adopting a servant mindset in our relationships, as modeled by Jesus? [38:26]

Application Questions:
1. Reflect on a time when you were surprised by an unexpected act of humility or service. How did it impact you, and how can you emulate that in your own life? [22:46]
2. Jesus' birth in a stable challenges societal norms of status and power. How can you apply this lesson of humility in your workplace or community? [25:07]
3. The sermon emphasizes Jesus' empathy due to His humanity. How can you cultivate empathy in your interactions with others, especially those who are struggling? [48:23]
4. Consider the servant mindset of Jesus as described in Philippians 2. What specific actions can you take this week to serve others selflessly? [38:26]
5. The connection between Christmas and the cross is central to the sermon. How can you keep this focus during the holiday season amidst the busyness and distractions? [58:11]
6. Reflect on the sacrificial love of Jesus. Is there a relationship in your life where you need to demonstrate more sacrificial love? What steps can you take to do so? [52:17]
7. How can the story of Jesus' humble birth inspire you to approach challenges in your life with a mindset of humility and trust in God's plan? [37:17]


I'm ready to provide the 5-day devotional based on the steps outlined. Here it is:


Day 1: Embracing Unexpected Humility
Description: The birth of Jesus in humble circumstances is a profound lesson in God's unexpected ways of demonstrating love and humility. Jesus, the Savior of the world, chose to enter the world not in grandeur but in simplicity, born to a young girl named Mary and a carpenter named Joseph. This choice defied societal expectations and highlighted the servant heart of Jesus. His humble beginnings challenge us to embrace humility in our own lives, recognizing that true greatness is found in serving others and living with a heart of love. [22:46]

Luke 1:52-53 (ESV): "He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty."

Reflection: In what areas of your life can you choose humility over pride today, and how might this choice impact your relationships with others?

Day 2: Adopting a Servant Mindset
Description: Philippians 2 calls us to adopt the mindset of Christ, who, despite being in the very nature of God, chose to serve others selflessly. Jesus did not use His divine status for His own advantage but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant. This mindset is a command for us to follow, emphasizing the importance of humility and service in our relationships. By serving others selflessly, we reflect the servant love of Jesus and fulfill our calling to love one another as He has loved us. [38:26]

Mark 10:43-45 (ESV): "But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Reflection: Identify one person in your life whom you can serve selflessly this week. What specific action can you take to demonstrate Christ-like love to them?

Day 3: Understanding the Humanity of Jesus
Description: Jesus' humanity is crucial in understanding His sacrificial love. He experienced the full spectrum of human emotions and limitations, allowing Him to empathize with our struggles. Jesus' life on earth was marked by compassion and understanding, making Him a Savior who knows our needs intimately. His humanity assures us that He is not distant or detached but is deeply connected to our experiences, offering us comfort and hope in our times of need. [48:23]

Hebrews 4:15-16 (ESV): "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Reflection: Reflect on a recent struggle or challenge you faced. How does knowing that Jesus understands and empathizes with your situation bring you comfort and hope?

Day 4: Reflecting on Sacrificial Love
Description: Jesus' life and ultimate sacrifice on the cross demonstrate His profound love for us. He willingly endured suffering and rejection to offer us redemption and eternal life. This act of sacrificial love is the cornerstone of our faith, reminding us of the depth of His love and the lengths He went to save us. As we reflect on His sacrifice, we are called to live lives marked by love and sacrifice, following His example in our interactions with others. [52:17]

1 John 3:16 (ESV): "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers."

Reflection: Consider a way you can demonstrate sacrificial love to someone in your life this week. What might it cost you, and how can you rely on God's strength to follow through?

Day 5: Connecting Christmas and the Cross
Description: The connection between Jesus' birth and His sacrifice on the cross is central to the Christmas story. As we celebrate this season, we are reminded that Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection are all part of the gift of eternal life He offers. The manger and the cross are inseparable, highlighting the servant love of Jesus and the ultimate gift He provides. This Christmas, let us focus on the profound love of Jesus and the hope and redemption He brings to our lives. [58:11]

Colossians 1:19-20 (ESV): "For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross."

Reflection: As you celebrate Christmas, how can you keep the focus on the connection between Jesus' birth and His sacrifice? What traditions or practices can you incorporate to remind yourself and your family of this profound truth?


"Let's start with the young lady that God chooses to be the mother to give birth to Jesus. Now, it would have been a surprise to the elite of that day that the God of the universe would choose this girl. She's young, most likely still in her teens, teenage girl. She is not from a prominent family." [00:22:49] (25 seconds)

"And what made it more surprising, right, is the fact that she's just engaged to Joseph. They haven't been together, and she's a virgin. And of all surprises, that's the biggest one, right, that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a child. So from the very beginning of God bringing Jesus into the fleshly world that we live in, he started with surprises, things that were totally unexpected." [00:24:04] (26 seconds)

"Why did God choose to do it that way? Why in the world did he choose to put himself in that position, to humble himself in that way? That's where the humanity of Jesus demonstrates his sacrificial love. It was through his humanity that he accomplished the most profound act of love that's ever been accomplished, by in the flesh taking on the punishment of our sin on our behalf." [00:48:11] (30 seconds)

"He knows exactly how to minister to us. How to provide for us. What we need the most as we go through those things that we go through. He's not some far off removed God that says good luck with that. He came here and went through it so that he could relate to us in every way. We have a great demonstration of his sacrificial servant heart that he came here with." [00:49:39] (28 seconds)

"That's what it's all pointing to. That's why there were so many deep connections between Jesus' birth and the way he lived his life with that servant's heart. It's because that's what was required for him to then go to the cross for us. It was all for that purpose. It was all for that reason. It was all for that outcome that he would intentionally choose and even help design this plan." [00:52:16] (28 seconds)

"He would be rejected by a lot of people. I mean, he's here. He's here. He's here to rescue us. And some of those very people he came here to rescue were going to reject him. Were going to not just reject him, but fight against him. And not just fight against him, but plan to execute him. He knew all of that was going to happen. But he loved us so much, he was willing to come anyway." [00:55:29] (31 seconds)