John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by The Father's House on Dec 15, 2024
In this Christmas season, we gather to celebrate the glory of God and the transformative power of His presence in our lives. As we reflect on the essence of God's glory, we are reminded that it is not a luxury but a necessity. God's glory is His essence, His presence, and His power, and it is through His glory that our lives are changed. The absence of God's presence leads to spiritual darkness, anxiety, fear, confusion, and lack. Therefore, we must cultivate atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors that welcome His glory into our lives.
Our church is actively involved in expanding God's kingdom through initiatives like the Prison Church Network, which now reaches 35 states and impacts thousands of inmates. This is made possible by the generosity of our congregation, who have embraced the vision of living with open hands and investing in the lives of those far from God. As we continue to build new ministry spaces and plant new campuses, we invite everyone to partner with us in this mission.
The story of the Magi visiting Jesus illustrates the response to God's glory. These wise men, despite being pagan astrologers, recognized the glory of God in Jesus and responded by offering their treasures. This act of worship was not premeditated but a spontaneous response to the revelation of Jesus. Similarly, when we encounter God's glory, it compels us to open the treasure chest of our lives and give generously.
Generosity is a reflection of God's glory, and it is through giving that we experience His blessings. The world of the generous gets larger, while the world of the stingy gets smaller. As we give, we are not only meeting the needs of others but also bringing glory to God. This Christmas, let us stretch our faith and live as first and best givers, trusting that God will provide and bless us abundantly.
**Key Takeaways:**
- God's glory is essential for our spiritual lives. Without His presence, we experience spiritual darkness, anxiety, and fear. Cultivating an atmosphere that welcomes His glory is crucial for experiencing His peace and love. [09:49]
- The story of the Magi teaches us that encountering God's glory compels us to give generously. Their spontaneous act of worship by offering their treasures is a model for how we should respond to God's presence in our lives. [18:15]
- Generosity is a reflection of God's glory and leads to His blessings. The world of the generous expands, while the world of the stingy contracts. As we give, we not only meet the needs of others but also bring glory to God. [29:06]
- Living with an open hand and a generous heart is a response to God's glory. It is not about God taking from us but about Him releasing His blessings through us. This mindset shift from scarcity to abundance is key to experiencing God's provision. [32:52]
- Our giving has eternal impact, as seen in the Prison Church Network. Lives are transformed, and families are brought to Christ through our generosity. This Christmas, let us invest in God's kingdom and be part of something far bigger than ourselves. [34:08]
**Youtube Chapters:**
[00:00] - Welcome
[03:21] - Expanding the Prison Church Network
[06:25] - The Power of Generosity
[09:49] - The Necessity of God's Glory
[11:43] - Creating an Atmosphere for God's Presence
[14:30] - Attitudes that Attract God's Glory
[17:08] - The Journey of the Magi
[18:15] - Responding to God's Glory
[22:20] - The Significance of the Magi's Gifts
[25:22] - Overcoming Barriers to Generosity
[27:45] - Living in a River of Provision
[29:06] - The Blessings of Generosity
[32:52] - The Principle of Seed for the Sower
[34:08] - Eternal Impact of Our Giving
[37:40] - Stretching Your Faith in Giving
[41:46] - Closing Prayer and Blessing
**Bible Study Discussion Guide**
**Bible Reading:**
1. Matthew 2:1-12
2. Psalm 22:3
3. Proverbs 11:24-25
**Observation Questions:**
1. What was the significance of the Magi's journey and their gifts to Jesus according to the sermon? [18:15]
2. How does the sermon describe the impact of God's glory on our lives? [09:49]
3. What are some of the initiatives mentioned in the sermon that the church is involved in to expand God's kingdom? [03:21]
4. According to the sermon, what are some attitudes and behaviors that attract or repel God's glory? [14:30]
**Interpretation Questions:**
1. How does the story of the Magi illustrate the concept of spontaneous worship and generosity in response to God's glory? [22:20]
2. In what ways does the sermon suggest that God's glory is a necessity rather than a luxury in our spiritual lives? [09:49]
3. How does the sermon connect the concept of generosity with experiencing God's blessings and expanding His kingdom? [29:06]
4. What does the sermon imply about the relationship between living with an open hand and experiencing God's provision? [32:52]
**Application Questions:**
1. Reflect on a time when you felt the absence of God's presence in your life. How did it affect you, and what steps can you take to cultivate an atmosphere that welcomes His glory? [09:49]
2. The Magi responded to God's glory by giving generously. How can you open the "treasure chest" of your life in response to God's presence this Christmas season? [18:15]
3. The sermon mentions that generosity leads to God's blessings. What is one specific way you can practice generosity this week, and how do you expect it to impact your life and others? [29:06]
4. Consider the attitudes and behaviors that attract God's glory, such as humility and gratitude. Which of these do you find most challenging, and how can you work on them this week? [14:30]
5. The sermon discusses the eternal impact of our giving, as seen in the Prison Church Network. How can you contribute to a cause that aligns with expanding God's kingdom, and what steps will you take to get involved? [34:08]
6. How can you shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset in your finances and resources, trusting in God's provision? [32:52]
7. The sermon encourages living as first and best givers. What practical steps can you take to prioritize giving in your financial planning for the upcoming year? [37:40]
Day 1: The Necessity of God's Glory
In our spiritual journey, the presence of God's glory is not just an added benefit but a fundamental necessity. Without His presence, we find ourselves engulfed in spiritual darkness, anxiety, and fear. God's glory is His essence, His power, and His presence, and it is through this glory that our lives are transformed. To experience His peace and love, we must intentionally cultivate an atmosphere that welcomes His glory. This involves aligning our attitudes and behaviors to be receptive to His presence, creating a space where His transformative power can work within us. [09:49]
"And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken." (Isaiah 40:5, ESV)
Reflection: What specific changes can you make in your daily routine to create an atmosphere that welcomes God's glory into your life?
Day 2: Generosity as a Response to God's Glory
The story of the Magi visiting Jesus is a profound illustration of how encountering God's glory compels us to give generously. These wise men, despite their pagan background, recognized the divine glory in Jesus and responded with spontaneous acts of worship by offering their treasures. This narrative teaches us that when we truly encounter God's presence, it naturally leads us to open the treasure chest of our lives and give generously. Our response to God's glory should be one of open-handedness, reflecting the same generosity that God has shown us. [18:15]
"Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." (Matthew 2:11, ESV)
Reflection: What treasures in your life—be it time, resources, or talents—can you offer to God as a response to His glory today?
Day 3: The Expanding World of the Generous
Generosity is not just an act of giving; it is a reflection of God's glory and a pathway to experiencing His blessings. The world of the generous expands, while the world of the stingy contracts. As we give, we not only meet the needs of others but also bring glory to God. This principle of generosity is a divine invitation to live in abundance, trusting that God will provide and bless us abundantly as we give. By living with an open hand and a generous heart, we align ourselves with God's nature and experience the joy of being conduits of His blessings. [29:06]
"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want." (Proverbs 11:24, ESV)
Reflection: In what ways can you practice generosity today, trusting that God will expand your world as you give?
Day 4: Living with an Open Hand
Living with an open hand and a generous heart is a response to God's glory. It is not about God taking from us but about Him releasing His blessings through us. This mindset shift from scarcity to abundance is key to experiencing God's provision. When we live with an open hand, we acknowledge that everything we have is from God and for His purposes. This Christmas, let us stretch our faith and live as first and best givers, trusting that God will provide and bless us abundantly. [32:52]
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV)
Reflection: What mindset shift do you need to make to move from scarcity to abundance in your life, and how can you start living with an open hand today?
Day 5: The Eternal Impact of Our Giving
Our giving has an eternal impact, as seen in initiatives like the Prison Church Network, where lives are transformed, and families are brought to Christ through our generosity. This Christmas, let us invest in God's kingdom and be part of something far bigger than ourselves. By giving, we participate in God's redemptive work in the world, impacting lives for eternity. Our generosity is a testament to God's glory and a powerful witness to His love and grace. [34:08]
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." (Matthew 6:19-20, ESV)
Reflection: How can you invest in God's kingdom today in a way that has an eternal impact, and what steps can you take to make this a regular practice in your life?
"Father's House is made up of generous kingdom-minded people who are not satisfied to live the status quo, but have embraced the vision and challenge to live for the bigger picture, investing their lives to reach people far from God. This coming year, we will extend the boundaries and influence of the Father's House once again, as we make room for those the Lord is adding to His church. We will be completing our new ministry space adding new campuses to the Prison Church Network and planting a new Father's House in Santa Barbara." [00:02:41] (32 seconds)
"Let me say it this way, God's presence and glory in your life is not a luxury. It's a necessity because your life, your spiritual life does not exist in a vacuum. It's not like if God's absent, then there's nothingness. No, it's like when there's an absence of light, what do you have? Darkness. And when there's an absence of the spiritual light of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual darkness comes in." [00:09:56] (24 seconds)
"There are atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors that welcome in and host the presence and glory of God, as well as atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors that repel His glory. Lean in and get that in your heart. These atmospheres, attitudes, behaviors. We can actually make a place for the glory of God, or we can carry attitudes and behaviors that repel His kindness and His goodness." [00:11:43] (25 seconds)
"Humility attracts the glory of God. God comes near the humble, but he opposes the proud. Gratitude and thanksgiving attract God's glory while complaining, whining, and grumbling brings resistance to the glory of God. Surrender and obedience attract God's glory while rebellion and self-serving are repellent. Brokenness, repentance, a contrite heart, he will not despise, Psalm 51." [00:14:12] (25 seconds)
"When you see Jesus in his glory, it will cause you to open up the treasure chest of your life. Suddenly, you want to give your all. You want to give your time. You want to serve. You want to open your hand and say, God, all that I have belongs to you. It is an accurate response. It is an accurate response to the glory of God." [00:23:17] (20 seconds)
"God is not trying to take something from us. He wants to get something through us that brings him glory and enhances your life, so keep the switch on in Jesus' name. So I have to ask myself, with all the promises in the word of God, we're so many about giving and being generous, how God's going to bless you, multiply you, rebuke the devourer, give you seed to sow, on and on they go." [00:25:37] (21 seconds)
"Here's how it works when we honor God with the first and the best he takes responsibility for our financial future and he makes a promise that I will overflow your life but so few people step over this line of faith in the area of finances I'm not here to beat you up or condemn you I'm here to challenge you to take that step in your life." [00:29:50] (24 seconds)
"For God is the one who provides seed for the sower. Would you read the bowl with me? Who provides seed for... Okay, even if you don't like this message, don't forget this. God does not provide seed for the hoarder. He does not provide seed for the sower. He does not provide seed for the seed-eater. He does not provide seed for the seed-waster." [00:32:40] (22 seconds)
"As a result of your ministry of giving, they will give glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God in the highest. Honor to God and a reflection of his honor back on you through the ministry of giving. So what's going to happen today and this week and through the end of the year as we give toward Beyond and Prison Church Network, there will be inmates whose lives are changed for all eternity and they will give glory to God." [00:33:57] (27 seconds)
Well, it's good to see you guys in the house of the Lord this beautiful Christmas season. Look over at somebody next to you and tell them it's especially great to see you in the house. We got the Grinch here on the front row, come on somebody!
All right, it's a beautiful day, a powerful time of worship. Oh, when you came in today, you were given an envelope that says "Big Give Sunday," and I want to take a few minutes to remind you, or maybe for some of you, inform you of the scope of what we do as a church.
We won't be talking about all that happens with We Love Our City impact or our strategic partners or ministries in Jerusalem and missions work. Really, two lanes I want to present to you today: what's happening in Jerusalem today and what's happening in the Prison Church Network.
Also, what's going to be happening right out those doors, as you saw walking up, construction is going well. We're close to on schedule, so we're thanking God for that.
But let's talk for just a moment about the Prison Church Network. As we sit here having church today, our services are being streamed into every state penitentiary in the state of California. Come on somebody! Just a couple of months ago, we opened our 14th prison campus, which means there's a campus pastor, there's a church service, there's small groups like Celebrate Recovery, Restorative Justice, Financial Peace University, and things are happening in the prison system.
Beyond that, we now are in 35 states, and the inmates are given an iPad, funded by the government, that has limited media, and they determine what media is on there. The Father's House programming is now in the prisons in 35 states, and I rejoice in the fact that U.S. government money is helping us spread the gospel. Come on somebody! You're a part of that; your giving and generosity makes that happen.
As we complete this building out here, our middle school room services are going on, high school in the middle of the week, Celebrate Recovery gatherings on Monday night, expanded discipleship room, essentials, how to follow Jesus, conference breakout—all that's going to happen because of your investment in people that have learned how to live with that open hand and be generous.
There's a lot that God is doing through this house. So would you turn your attention to the screen? Check this out.
Father's House is made up of generous, kingdom-minded people who are not satisfied to live the status quo but have embraced the vision and challenge to live for the bigger picture, investing their lives to reach people far from God. This coming year, we will extend the boundaries and influence of the Father's House once again, as we make room for those the Lord is adding to His church.
We will be completing our new ministry space, adding new campuses to the Prison Church Network, and planting a new Father's House in Santa Barbara. Today, we're inviting you to partner with us as we invest to make a difference in the prison system of California.
Our current impact and investment in the Prison Church Network has produced weekly streaming services in all 33 prisons in California, 14 live campuses with campus pastors and weekly services, and over 500 inmates, bishops, and pastors in the prison system of California.
The Father's House services are now available in prisons in 35 states, resulting in 18,118 subscriptions, 749,824 views, and 952 salvations. This year, our goal is to raise $750,000 for the Prison Church Network. This will both underwrite the complete yearly budget of $500,000, as well as launching five new prison campuses with an investment of $250,000.
Your giving is making an eternal impact on thousands of lives that would not be here without you hearing the gospel without your help. So join us as we welcome home all asking those of you who've made a Beyond commitment to finish strong and complete what you've started.
And for those who've yet to finish, to join us in fulfilling the vision, we invite you to pray and obey whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to give. Together, we're building a house for His glory and making a place for people far from God. God is moving. The harvest is now. God's not done, so we're not done. Give the Lord some praise! Woo! So cool.
Well, beyond what you saw, God's continuing to expand. Pastor Rain was letting me know this week that we've opened a new app now, and just on the new app that's in all the prisons across America, we've had over 1 million views by inmates in a short amount of time. And those are big numbers, but numbers matter because every number represents a soul. Amen?
You're one of those numbers today, and you're in the house of the Lord, and you're counted and accounted for. But it's more than just the scope of all the big numbers. It really comes down to personal stories of lives that have been changed because of your generosity.
And we have a guy, his name's Issa, and he just recently, a couple of weeks ago, got released from CMU. And he's going to be established here in the house, and he wanted to give you a personal thank you, so check it out.
That's right. That's the stuff right there. Praise God.
Well, in this Christmas series, this brief Christmas series called "Glory to God in the Highest," we've been talking a little bit about how to bring glory to God and how His glory in your life changes everything. His glory is His essence, His presence. The very person of Jesus walking the earth was the glory of God revealed to humanity.
And if by chance you missed last week, you got to check it out. Pastor Tasha did an amazing job preaching about a longing for glory. And there was a moment, it wasn't just information; there was an experience where she ushered in and welcomed you into the glory of God.
I've been hearing reports of so many people that encountered God in a powerful way last weekend. So we do something that might encourage you with our preaching team: I listen to every message and I give a full rundown, an evaluation of the message, and then I ask for their feedback. So we're always trying to help each other be better communicators. I think that's great. We're striving for excellence for sure.
So I was reviewing her message down at the gym, and I tried to go to the gym and I was like, I'm going to go to the gym, I'm going to go to the gym, workout just to stay alive, guys. That's my goal.
So anyway, I'm down there and I'm doing my thing, right? Getting some cardio and lifting some weights. And I'm listening to the message and making mental notes. And then she goes over to the piano. And when she sits down and starts singing, the glory and presence of God hits me in the gym. I mean, I'm like crying, crying. And I'm not a real crier, but when I do cry, watch out, right?
So man, I'm like, I'm taking my glasses off. People are looking at me like, man, that guy's getting a workout there. That's a burn right there.
So if you did miss that message, I would encourage you to go back and give it a good listen because it will change your view of the need for the glory of God.
I want to read a Rick Warren quote that she used regarding the glory. Here it says this: "God's glory, it is who God is. It's the essence of His nature, the weight of His importance, the radiance of His splendor, the demonstration of His power, and the atmosphere of His presence."
Let me say it this way: God's presence and glory in your life is not a luxury. It's a necessity because your life, your spiritual life does not exist in a vacuum. It's not like if God's absent, then there's nothingness. No, it's like when there's an absence of light, what do you have? Darkness.
And when there's an absence of the spiritual light of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual darkness comes in. And it's this way in many areas. Let me just give you a few examples. An absence of the peace of God that passes all understanding gives place for anxiety and stress. The absence of the love of God gives place for fear.
You see, the antithesis of the love of God is not hatred, but it says that perfect love drives out and dispels fear. So today, if you're struggling with fear and night terrors, fear of the future, fear of whatever you might be afraid of, the antidote is to be immersed and baptized in the love of your Savior, and it will drive out fear.
The absence of God-given vision for your life, God-given clarity for your life, gives way to confusion and the inability to make sound decisions. And the absence of God's provision in your life makes place for unnecessary lack.
So here's the thesis I want to share with you today. It'll come up on the screen. The big idea is this: There are atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors that welcome in and host the presence and glory of God, as well as atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors that repel His glory.
Lean in and get that in your heart. These atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors—we can actually make a place for the glory of God, or we can carry attitudes and behaviors that repel His kindness and His goodness.
Let me give you an example. Every week, we come into this room. Right now, we're joined by Roseville and Calgary, Canada, Prison Church Network. The other campuses are doing a live preach, but in all our locations, here's what happens. We come in and we intentionally make a place for God's presence.
You know, the Word of God tells us that His authority, His essence, is enthroned. He comes and sits down upon the praises of His house. And so, maybe you've noticed this. You come to church and you're singing, "God is so good, He's so good," and all of a sudden, you feel your stress level go down. You sense the tangible peace of God.
Maybe if you're going through the deepest valley and you're in confusion, for a moment in His presence, all things seem right in the world. Why? Because we are intentionally creating an atmosphere and we are practicing a behavior that makes a place for the glory of God.
Here it is, clearly written in Psalm 22:3, a key verse for this house: "You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel." The Amplified says, "You are enthroned on the heartfelt adoration released in song of your people."
And so we create an atmosphere. By the way, you can create this atmosphere in your home. If you have demonic influence in your home, if you have tension in your home, let me speak to the heads of every household. If you're a single mom, if you're the dad in the house, if you're the parents, walk through your house and sing out the word of the Lord.
Open up the book of Psalms. You might be thinking, "Well, Dave, I don't have a singing voice." Doesn't matter. That's why the Bible says, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." That's the verse for all the non-singers in the house.
And when you begin to sing over your real estate, the throne of God is established and the powers of darkness are driven back. Are you getting it?
Now, there are some other attitudes and behaviors, and you determine these, that will either attract the glory or repel the presence. Let me give you a few examples. Humility attracts the glory of God. God comes near the humble, but He opposes the proud.
Gratitude and thanksgiving attract God's glory, while complaining, whining, and grumbling brings resistance to the glory of God. Surrender and obedience attract God's glory, while rebellion and self-serving are repellent.
Brokenness, repentance, a contrite heart, He will not despise (Psalm 51). But when we're self-righteous and self-sufficient, we're straight-arming the glory of God. And then generosity attracts God's glory, while selfishness and greed are repellents to His favor and to His presence.
Now let's kick over to the Bible story. I want to talk to you about this moment that we find. It's only in the book of Matthew where it says that magi came from the east. Now these magi, historians believe, they were astrologers. They were men of royalty. They were men of great wealth and influence.
But we might have a flaw in our Christmas doctrine and theology because we sing about—some translations say they were kings. And so maybe you've heard "We Three Kings."
Anybody know that little tune? Would you help me sing it? I don't know. Let's just see what we have. Bring it up. Do we have lyrics? Oh, look at that. Here we go.
"We three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts we travel afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star."
Oh my goodness, that was sweet. Last service was pitiful. I'm just speaking truth up here. Pitiful.
Now, there is nowhere in the Bible or in ancient writings that say there were three kings or magi. We just did that because there were three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The reality is there could have been a dozen. There could have been 30 of these astronomers, these men of royalty.
But how many know it's a little tough to have 30 wise guys out on the lawn from the nativity scene? That really messes up the front lawn. So we've gone with three kings.
But I want you to see something here: they were men of importance. They were men of affluence. And they came undoubtedly with an entourage. There could have been 20 or 30 of the magi along with security because they carried a treasure chest with them.
Also, scholars believe that maybe they came as far as Babylon, modern-day Iraq, in Persia, modern-day Iran. Some would say they might have come from northern India or Nepal. So you have this entourage of soldiers, security. You've got maids. You've got cooks. You've got animals. Probably 100, 200 people, easy, made this journey of several months.
So when you think, "We three kings of Oregon," you know, we think a couple of guys came from down the street with three gifts to Jesus and sat him, and then they stood on the lawn like this. No, it's far, far different than that.
Now, trivia question: How long does it take to get from Nepal to Bethlehem on a camel? The correct answer is a really, really long time. Long time.
And so as they traveled with this entourage, they carried this treasure chest, and they moved along according to a star that they saw in the distance.
I want to point something out: when Jesus entered the world, He came to the lowly, the broken, the impoverished. Refer to the message about the shepherds—low guys on the totem pole and on the pay scale.
And He reveals His glory to the shepherds, and they were Israel. So the gospel comes first to the Jew, and then to the Gentile or the Greek. But the second group of people we hear about are pagan astrologers from Nepal. What's that about?
God is making a clear message here that when Jesus enters the earth, He reaches to those that are farthest from Him, and He sends this sign to pagan, non-Yahweh-worshiping astrologers from a pagan country. And they're like, "Whoa, what is this?"
And they begin to follow this star day after day, day after day, night after night. They don't know how long it's going to take. So they got a big treasure chest full of riches, and they have all their camels and horses and their people, till finally one day, it settles over this little house in Bethlehem, of all places.
And it says that their hearts were filled with exceeding joy. Why is that? Because they believed in the Lord. You see, prophets from over a thousand years previous, and Isaiah's prophecy, 750 years before Nazareth and Bethlehem, prophesied of a coming king who would be the king of the Jews.
This message of a coming Messiah spread throughout the known world. So when that message got all the way to them in Persia or Babylon or Nepal, they believed the report.
Let me tell you, when you believe the report of a coming King, it will cause you to get up and take a journey. It will cause you to move closer in the direction of the one who's been prophesied.
So by the time they finally get to the house, they're filled with joy. Let's pick it up in Matthew chapter 2, verse 1.
Now, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, Magi from the East came to Jerusalem asking, "Where is He who's been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and we have come to worship Him."
In verse 12 in the Amplified, and after entering the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him.
I want to remind you, these are not people of faith. These are not Israelites that went to the synagogue, studied the Torah, knew about Yahweh. They were pagan astrologers. They had a lot of gods in their nation, but something happened when they walked into that room.
You see, the word tells us that the fullness of the Godhead, Father, Son, Holy Spirit dwelt in Jesus bodily. That all the glory of God Himself was revealed in an infant and then in a young boy and then in a grown man who died on a cross.
So they stepped in and they saw the glory of God in this little child who was probably about four months old at the time. And when they saw Him, it says they fell down and began to worship in response.
They had no training. They had no history of this kind of worship. It was a heart response to seeing the King. And that's what I want for all of you today. Not some kind of legalistic, "We better go to church. We better give. We got to serve. I'm going to be a good Christian. Check it out. Checking boxes."
No, it's simply a glimpse of His glory and who Jesus is. It'll cause you to live different, serve different, give different. It'll change the way you think.
And so they have this revelation of Jesus, and they bow down and they begin to worship. See, that's what's going to happen. There will be a day coming, and the word tells us that on that day, every knee will bow. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
And that verse is not talking about universal salvation. This is not like everybody in the planet gets saved. No, the pagans, the atheists, the God haters, the cult leaders, when they see Him in all of His glory coming on that white horse and it is revealed to all of humanity on that great day, every knee will bow.
It's just the response that happens in the human heart when you glimpse Him. And I hope you have. And if not, I'm praying for a revelation of the risen Christ to be upon your life so you can respond.
Look at this, verse 12. Then after opening their treasure chest, they presented to Him gifts fit for a king: gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
And having been warned by God in a dream not to go back to Herod, the Magi left for their own country by another way.
So let's talk about these gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They all represent something about the nature of Christ and His ministry. Gold symbolizes kingship and wealth. Frankincense was a very costly resin. In fact, by weight, because it had to be imported, it was as expensive as gold on the ounce.
And so frankincense was used by the priest in the temple according to the menu given to Moses to worship God. So the frankincense speaks of Jesus' priesthood. And then the myrrh, it was a perfume quality, but it also had great medical results, and it was used to embalm people, especially people of royalty.
And so it represents suffering or death. A little theology here, but very quickly: the gold represents King Jesus, the frankincense, the great high priest, and the myrrh, the suffering Savior. The three foundational doctrines of the Christian faith right here in this first chapter gift-giving moment in history.
Now, I would submit that these gifts were not premeditated. It's conjecture, but let me submit this to you. The treasure chest was something that they would take with them on long journeys, thus the security.
And in that chest, they had gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and probably some other things—silver, a little bit of bronze, who knows? And so when they saw Him, they responded by opening up the treasure chest.
I don't think they got up in Nepal and said, "Hey, what do you think we should get this new baby? Let's wrap some presents and walk like this and stand on the lawn." No, they actually, I believe it was a spontaneous moment.
And here's the point I'm making: when you see Jesus in His glory, it will cause you to open up the treasure chest of your life. Suddenly, you want to give your all. You want to give your time. You want to serve. You want to open your hand and say, "God, all that I have belongs to You."
It is an accurate response. It is an accurate response to the glory of God.
Now, today I'm touching on the area of giving and you being generous. And I do understand that when you talk about giving in church, because I've been doing this for a minute, a lot of people shut off. There's a switch in your mind that goes, "Oh, that message is for that guy."
And some of you will turn on that switch that allows the filter to just not receive all that I'll tell you in the next couple of minutes. And neuroscience has said that this is called sensory gating. It's a neural filtering mechanism.
Here's how sensory gating works. Let's say you moved into a neighborhood and you had to move in fast, but the neighbors didn't quite tell you that there was a train that comes through about 200 yards away at four in the morning.
So the first night you're in there, and then here comes, and the train sounds like it's going through your living room, and you jump up in a panic. But guess what happens three months later? You never hear the train.
Your brain says, "I got to shut off that sound so that I can get some rest." I think it's the same thing that happens with parents and toddlers at a restaurant, right? These little monsters are tearing the place down. They're throwing knives at the waiters, they're screaming, and mom's just do-do-do-do-do, because that's the most rest she's had in a month.
I don't want you to turn on your sensory gating as I talk to you about your future of being generous. Why? Because God wants to bless your life.
Now, you may not like this message, but I don't want you to ever forget it. God is not trying to take something from us. He wants to get something through us that brings Him glory and enhances your life, so keep the switch on in Jesus' name.
So I have to ask myself, with all the promises in the Word of God, so many about giving and being generous, how God's going to bless you, multiply you, rebuke the devourer, give you seed to sow, on and on they go. Why do so few people, percentage-wise, actually step into a lifestyle of generosity?
Let me give you five quick reasons why people do not honor God with their giving. The first one is absence of trust in God's promises. We just don't have the faith enough to take action. We don't believe all the things said in the Word of God.
Number two is the influence of a culture of consumerism, which you are marinating in. Consumerism is the mentality, "More for me, I want it all for me, I want to get some, and if I don't get an immediate return, I'm not interested." That's consumerism.
Number three, living as an owner instead of a steward. I would encourage you to meditate this week all the way, take a slow read through Matthew 25.
Listen, it's a blessed day when you come to the realization that none of my stuff is mine; it all belongs to Him. I'm a manager, and one day I'm going to stand before Him and give an account for what He's entrusted to me.
The amens are small, but the truth is heavy, so take it.
Okay, number four, it's a heart issue. Words of Jesus: "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be" (Matthew 6). So when something or someone other than Jesus has first place in my heart, it causes me to close my hand toward God and what He treasures.
So let me say it this way: your heart's greatest desires will demand your greatest treasures.
And number five is a scarcity mindset. Scarcity mindset. It's this fear of lack that I'm not going to have enough. I know, listen, I know a lot of you struggle with this, and I want to help you with something that will help you the rest of your life.
It's a principle by which I've lived, and we built this church, and here's what it is. A lot of people see their world and their financial life and their time and their resources as a pie, okay?
So when I run out of pie, I got nothing left. So I got to be careful with the pie. Let me explain. It takes so much of the pie to pay the rent, right? And then you got the car payment and the insurance and the medical insurance and the schooling for the kids and the sports program and, and, and, and how many of you ran out of pie before you run out a month? It happens.
But I want to show you something in the Word of God. When God gets involved in your finances and you live as a channel of resource, it's not a pie; it's a river. Would you say that with me? It's not a pie; it's a river.
That's why for 28 years, from the first offering that came to the Father's House, we gave it away, and we sow into missions, and we give millions of dollars to church planting and world missions and the Prison Church Network, and we love our city.
Why? Because we're living in a river. We're not consuming a pie. Come on somebody!
Again, it'll help your life when you get this, but it takes faith first, and faith requires obedience because faith without works is dead.
And then you see the return and the results. Look at this in Proverbs 3, very clear: "Honor the Lord with your wealth." Would you say that with me? "Honor the Lord with your wealth."
And with the first fruits and best of your crops, that's your income. And then everybody say, "Then." It's the operative word. It's the conjunction. God says, "Bring it, bring it in obedience, bring it in faith. Then your barns will be abundantly filled and your vats will overflow with new wine."
Are we thinking, "Dave, I got no vats. I got no barns. I got no..." No, He's talking about your income. He's talking about your resources.
Here's how it works: when we honor God with the first and the best, He takes responsibility for our financial future, and He makes a promise that I will overflow your life. But so few people step over this line of faith in the area of finances.
I'm not here to beat you up or condemn you; I'm here to challenge you to take that step in your life in 2025. If you've never moved into this area of bringing God the first and the best, I want to challenge you as a father in the Lord.
Now, if I'm your pastor, why? Because I do love you, but your heavenly Father loves you more. He's got some great things.
You know, let me talk about my girls. I consider myself to be a good father. Amen, Dad? Okay, that was weak. We'll work on that for the next service.
Now, I might not be a good, good father, but I'm a good father. Let me tell you why. Since my father was a good father, I've been a good father.
When my girls were really small back in the day, we gave kids a dollar, and that was a big deal. It's not anymore; you got to give them at least 10 or they don't even look at you. I get it.
But I tell my girls, "The first dime of that belongs to the Lord. We're going to honor Him." And then as they grew up, they get a babysitting gig and make 20 bucks, and I say, "Hunt and hunt, two dollars belongs to the Lord."
Now, I wasn't trying to get that two dollars out of them to increase the budget of the church by two bucks. Come on, you know what I wanted? I wanted them to learn a principle that would carry them for the rest of their life.
And so we pray for our girls; we taught them how to be tithers. And just between services, I just found out between services both my grandsons, now age 12 and 14, they just completed their Beyond commitment, and one of the grandsons went above and beyond what he committed.
What is that? That's generational blessing. Listen, you can teach your kids this stuff. You can impart a spirit of generosity, and I'm asking you to wake up and realize this is the word of the Lord, not a money-raising program by a church. It's God's way because He doesn't want to take it from you. He wants to bless you.
And listen, the blessing of God comes in so many different ways. Yeah, He's going to bless your finances. The word says He'll rebuke the devourer that's trying to take your cash. He's going to guard your finances.
But the blessing is so much bigger than that. Let me show you. As my girls began to get older, and they were givers, and they were serving in the house, we were praying for them.
And God brought both of them godly men that became their husbands—godly men who love Jesus, who love the house, and who love them and serve. That's a blessing in my life.
And so their lives have been blessed, and now that blessing is on my grandkids. And I'm telling you, if you struggle with greed and self-serving, you're robbing your children, and you're robbing your grandchildren.
This is the truth of God's word. We need to repent of greed and say, "God, forgive me. I want to live with an open hand in Jesus' name."
Let's pray. Let the truth set you free. Hallelujah.
Now, there is a promise and a progression. I'll read this; we'll shut down here in just a minute. But I want you to see this in 2 Corinthians 9:8-10.
"For God is the one who provides seed for the sower." Would you read the bowl with me? "Who provides seed for..." Okay, even if you don't like this message, don't forget this.
God does not provide seed for the hoarder. He does not provide seed for the sower. He does not provide seed for the seed-eater. He does not provide seed for the seed-waster.
And what a lot of believers do is they'll hoard, they'll waste, they'll eat. And then when they run out, they'll go, "Why God?" Don't forget this principle: He gives seed to the sower.
And every time you get a paycheck, every time you get an increase, guess what you have in your hand? You got some seed. And you get to determine what you do with the seed.
Now, there's a progression to this giving that ends up with the glory of God. Check it out. "Then He gives us bread to eat. In the same way, He'll provide an increase, your resources, and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you."
Yes, you'll be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they'll thank God.
So two good things will result from this ministry of giving: the needs of the believers will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.
Check this verse out: "As a result of your ministry of giving, they will give glory to God." Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest! Honor to God and a reflection of His honor back on you through the ministry of giving.
So what's going to happen today and this week and through the end of the year as we give toward Beyond and the Prison Church Network? There will be inmates whose lives are changed for all eternity, and they will give glory to God.
And that will create a chain reaction of their family giving glory to God and people far from God hearing about the love of Jesus.
Let me give you a very practical application of this. We had a guy in San Quentin. I believe it was San Quentin, one of the places where we have a campus.
And he gets a hold of his wife and he says, "You got to go to this church." And she lives near San Francisco. "You got to go to this church called the Father's House." She's not a believer. She's not a churchgoer.
And early on a Sunday morning, she shows up at the Father's House, San Francisco, Tim and Robin Biddle, and she's an hour early. And Pastor Robin finds her.
And she goes, "Is this the Father's House church?" And we meet at the Masonic Lodge there and turn it into a house of worship. It's pretty cool.
And Robin says, "Yes, yes." She goes, "Good. I'm here for church. My husband told me from Prison Church Network I need to get here."
And Robin said, "I'm sorry, but it doesn't start for an hour." And she said, "Well, what are all these people doing?"
"Oh, that's our serve team. And they set up for kids ministry and help us get ready and put signage up and get ready for church."
She goes, "Well, I'm here. I'll serve. I'll help." So she joins the serve team before she ever comes back.
And she goes to church that day. Guess what? At the end of the preaching and the message, she lifts her hand, comes to Jesus, gets saved. A few weeks later, gets baptized in water, now planted in the house of God.
Why? Because somebody back in Vacaville a few years ago decided to live with an open hand and sow some seed that would result in people giving glory to God.
And I'm telling you, it will happen again and again and again till tens of thousands of inmates across our nation will hear the preaching of the gospel, and they'll make a decision for Christ.
And the multiplied ramifications of that seed, we won't know till we get to heaven. But I'll tell you what, as for me and my house, I'm going to sow some seed.
See, I've got better perspective than most of you because I've been on the planet a lot longer. There's a few people I see in the room that you're in the fourth quarter with me. Hopefully, it's not the two-minute warning, bro—not prophesying that.
But let me tell you what happens in the fourth quarter. You get much more reflective on what you've built and how it affects eternity than you do when you're 30 years old, than you do when you're 40 years old.
See, when you're young in your 20s, 30s, you think, "What am I going to build? How am I going to build? Build my life, build my business, build my future, build my retirement."
And then as heaven gets closer, you start asking this question: "What have I built? How have I invested?"
And I'm just telling you, when I stand before Him face to face—and yes, I'm going to leave an inheritance for my children and their children. Proverbs says a godly man leaves an inheritance. I plan on doing that, but I'm not going to leave him a ton of cash to squander on themselves.
Why? I want to invest in the King and His kingdom while I got some time and resources. This is how I'm going to live, challenging you to do the same so that you will not stand before God one day with remorse and regret because you were a hoarder of seed.
Man, the preaching is so much better than the amens, but I'm not discouraged.
Oh man, what do I want you to know today? I want you to get this, man. God doesn't want to take it from you. He wants to release it through you. He wants this glory on your life. He wants to take His glory on your finances, and He wants you to be a part of building something far bigger than yourself.
And then what I want you to do is stretch your faith. Stretch your faith. In just a moment, in fact, let's have the band come out. I'm going to pray over us. I'm going to pray over your finances, your business, and I'm going to pray that God will give you faith for 2025.
If you've never lived as a first and best giver, this is your year. And God said in Malachi 3, He said, "Test me in this. Put me to the test and see if I won't open the windows of heaven and pour out blessing upon you."
And I challenge you to be a giver like never before and see what God does. Why? Because God has a bigger world for you than you're living in. God has a bigger world for the Father's House than we've seen yet.
And we've seen some things, and we're seeing some great things, but there's so much more in the heart of God.
One more verse before we pray, and I'd like you to lift your voice and read this with me. It's in the message, Proverbs 11:24-25, and read this with some passion. I want you to hear your voice speaking out these words.
Let's go: "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed, and those who help others are helped."
So today, before you bolt for the car or to get the kids, I'm going to ask you just to take a moment with this envelope and do me a favor—do yourself a favor—just pray over it.
Here's your prayer: you ready? "Holy Spirit, what's my part to advance the kingdom through the Prison Church Network? What's my part to build this new facility that'll reach thousands of young people and teenagers?"
And He'll be faithful to speak to you. If you're not ready to give today, there's no pressure, there's no coercion in this, but an invitation for you to stretch your faith.
So take a moment and pray over it before you get out of the room. Then I want to pray that for those of you that struggle with this and that somehow the word of the Lord that went out today has dropped some seed in your heart to say, "You know what? I'm going to test God. I'm going to step out in the waters of giving this next year and see what God does." Amen?
Bow your head.
Father, I thank You for the power of Your word. And I pray that over the Father's House now we speak a spirit of generosity and faith like never before.
God, let us step into a season of church planting, campuses at the prisons, global outreach, ministry in Israel, loving our city, helping church planters.
I pray, God, that there would be such a river of finances that comes through this place, God, to extend Your kingdom because Jesus, we know Your return is near, and we want to live wise. We want to make investments in the things that matter.
And God, for that spirit of greed that gets on our heart, we break that now in Jesus' name. For that thing that the consumerism—break it off of us.
And God, for everyone here that has that scarcity mindset, I pray that they would realize now, right now, that there is a river. They can walk away from pie mentality and live in the river of Your provision.
One more thing, Holy Spirit, I pray today, even in this moment, that You would whisper to our heart, "What is our part to play in this significant offering?"
And if you would, just listen to the Holy Spirit. If you're a Christ follower, He's going to speak to you.
God, what's my part? What's my faith stretch offering? God, as You speak to Your people, I thank You for what You're going to do.
We're going to give You all the glory and report of Your glory. God, we thank You for what You're going to do. We're going to give You Your faithfulness and Your greatness.
God, bless every business today. I pray for jobs that are needed. I pray for pay raises, increases, position changes, sales to be made, contracts signed.
I pray, God, You would even now begin to reveal Your faithfulness in Your house. Pray Your blessing over Your people today.
We pray all these things in the mighty name of Jesus, and all God's people said, "Amen."
Come on, stand to your feet!
Hi, I'm an AI assistant for the pastor that gave this sermon. What would you like to make from it?