Embracing God's Sovereignty Through Generosity and Trust



In today's gathering, we explored the profound truth that our King, Jesus, reigns over every aspect of our lives. This reign is not just a distant, abstract concept but a present reality that influences our daily experiences, dreams, and challenges. As we extend our hands in worship, we acknowledge His sovereignty and invite His presence into our midst, trusting that He will speak to our hearts and minds, addressing our unique situations.

We delved into the theme of generosity and giving, emphasizing the principle of "the power of the first." This principle, rooted in both the Old and New Testaments, teaches us that when God is first in our lives, everything else falls into order. The firstborn, the first fruits, and the tithe are all expressions of this principle, demonstrating our trust in God and our commitment to His kingdom. Jesus, as God's tithe, exemplifies this principle. He was given in faith, sacrificed so that we, the unclean, could be redeemed.

The sermon highlighted the importance of prioritizing God in our lives, not out of legalistic obligation but from a heart of faith and gratitude. When we give God our first and best, we align ourselves with His order, unlocking His blessings in our lives. This is not about the law but about the heart's posture towards God. The first portion given redeems the rest, and when we trust God with our first, we invite His provision and abundance into our lives.

As we prepare for our upcoming Overflow Sunday, we are encouraged to pray and consider what sacrificial offering we can bring, trusting that God will use it to extend His kingdom and bless others. This act of giving is not just about financial contributions but about participating in God's work and being a blessing to those around us.

Key Takeaways:

1. The Everlasting Reign of Christ: Jesus reigns over every circumstance in our lives, offering us peace and assurance. His eternal kingship means that no matter the challenges we face, we can trust in His sovereign control and presence. This understanding invites us to live with confidence and hope, knowing that our King is with us always. [38:45]

2. The Principle of the First: The concept of giving God the first and best of our resources is a powerful spiritual principle. It reflects our trust in Him and sets the order for the rest of our lives. When God is first, everything else aligns, and His blessings flow abundantly. This principle is not about legalism but about the heart's posture towards God. [52:52]

3. Jesus as God's Tithe: Jesus was given as the first and best, sacrificed to redeem us. This act of divine generosity sets the example for us to follow in our giving. By prioritizing God in our lives, we mirror the faith and trust that God demonstrated through Jesus. [54:37]

4. The Redemptive Power of the First Portion: The first portion given to God redeems the rest. This principle teaches us that when we trust God with our first, we invite His provision and abundance into our lives. It is a demonstration of faith that God will take care of our needs. [56:54]

5. Generosity as a Reflection of God's Blessings: Our giving is a response to God's goodness and a way to bless others. As we are blessed, we are called to be a blessing, participating in God's work and extending His kingdom. This mindset shifts our focus from ourselves to others, aligning us with God's heart for the world. [01:05:28]

Youtube Chapters:

[00:00] - Welcome
[38:45] - Worship and Praise
[40:16] - The King's Presence
[41:51] - Thanksgiving Reflections
[42:33] - Church Announcements
[45:40] - Blessed to Be a Blessing Series
[52:52] - The Power of the First
[54:37] - Jesus as God's Tithe
[56:54] - The Redemptive Portion
[58:37] - Trusting God with the First
[59:37] - Principle of First Fruits
[01:00:50] - Offering the First Fruits
[01:01:41] - God's Provision and Blessing
[01:03:27] - Devotion to the Lord
[01:05:28] - Being a Blessing to Others
[01:08:05] - The Heart of Giving
[01:09:03] - Trusting God with Your Life
[01:12:16] - Remembering God's Goodness
[01:15:15] - Restoring Order and Blessing

Study Guide

Bible Study Discussion Guide

Bible Reading:
1. Exodus 13:1-2, 12-13
2. 1 Peter 1:18-19
3. Proverbs 3:9-10


Observation Questions:

1. According to Exodus 13:1-2, what does God command regarding the firstborn, and how does this relate to the principle of "the power of the first"? [45:40]

2. In 1 Peter 1:18-19, what is said about the nature of our redemption, and how does this connect to the sermon’s message about Jesus as God's tithe? [54:37]

3. How does Proverbs 3:9-10 describe the outcome of honoring the Lord with the first fruits of our increase? [01:00:50]

4. What examples from the sermon illustrate the concept of giving God the first and best of our resources? [56:54]


Interpretation Questions:

1. How does the principle of "the power of the first" challenge the way individuals prioritize their resources and time? [52:52]

2. In what ways does the sermon suggest that Jesus exemplifies the principle of the first, and how does this impact our understanding of generosity? [54:37]

3. How does the sermon explain the relationship between giving God the first portion and experiencing His provision and abundance? [56:54]

4. What does the sermon imply about the heart's posture towards God when it comes to giving, and how does this relate to the concept of legalism? [54:37]


Application Questions:

1. Reflect on a specific area of your life where you struggle to prioritize God first. What steps can you take this week to realign your priorities? [52:52]

2. Consider the principle of "the power of the first" in your financial giving. How can you apply this principle in a practical way in your life? [56:54]

3. The sermon encourages us to trust God with our first and best. What is one area where you find it difficult to trust God, and how can you work on this trust? [56:54]

4. As we approach Overflow Sunday, what sacrificial offering can you consider bringing, and how can this act of giving extend God's kingdom and bless others? [56:54]

5. How can you cultivate a heart of gratitude and faith in your daily life, especially when it comes to giving and generosity? [54:37]

6. Reflect on a time when you experienced God's provision after prioritizing Him. How can this testimony encourage you and others in your small group? [01:05:28]

7. How can you be a blessing to others in your community this week, reflecting the generosity and blessings you have received from God? [01:05:28]


Day 1: The Sovereign Reign of Christ
In every moment of our lives, Jesus reigns as King, offering peace and assurance. His eternal kingship is not just a theological concept but a living reality that impacts our daily experiences. This understanding invites us to live with confidence and hope, knowing that our King is with us always. When we face challenges, we can trust in His sovereign control and presence, allowing His peace to guide us through life's uncertainties. By acknowledging His reign, we open our hearts to His guidance and wisdom, trusting that He will lead us in the right direction. [38:45]

Psalm 93:1-2 (ESV): "The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed; he has put on strength as his belt. Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved. Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting."

Reflection: What is one area of your life where you struggle to trust in Jesus' sovereign reign? How can you invite His peace and assurance into that area today?

Day 2: The Principle of Prioritizing God
The principle of giving God the first and best of our resources is a powerful spiritual truth. It reflects our trust in Him and sets the order for the rest of our lives. When God is first, everything else aligns, and His blessings flow abundantly. This principle is not about legalism but about the heart's posture towards God. By prioritizing God, we demonstrate our faith and gratitude, acknowledging that He is the source of all we have. This alignment with His order invites His provision and abundance into our lives, allowing us to experience His blessings in every area. [52:52]

Proverbs 3:9-10 (ESV): "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine."

Reflection: In what ways can you prioritize God in your daily routine? Consider one specific change you can make this week to put Him first.

Day 3: Jesus as the Ultimate Gift
Jesus was given as the first and best, sacrificed to redeem us. This act of divine generosity sets the example for us to follow in our giving. By prioritizing God in our lives, we mirror the faith and trust that God demonstrated through Jesus. His sacrifice was an expression of God's love and commitment to redeeming humanity. As we reflect on this, we are called to emulate this generosity in our own lives, giving sacrificially and trusting that God will use our offerings to extend His kingdom and bless others. [54:37]

2 Corinthians 8:9 (ESV): "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich."

Reflection: How can you reflect Jesus' sacrificial love in your own acts of giving? Identify one way you can give generously this week, trusting God to use it for His purposes.

Day 4: The Redemptive Power of the First Portion
The first portion given to God redeems the rest. This principle teaches us that when we trust God with our first, we invite His provision and abundance into our lives. It is a demonstration of faith that God will take care of our needs. By giving God our first and best, we align ourselves with His order, unlocking His blessings in our lives. This act of faith is not about the law but about the heart's posture towards God, trusting that He will provide for us in every circumstance. [56:54]

Leviticus 27:30 (ESV): "Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's; it is holy to the Lord."

Reflection: What is one area of your life where you can trust God with your "first"? How can you demonstrate this trust in a practical way today?

Day 5: Generosity as a Reflection of God's Blessings
Our giving is a response to God's goodness and a way to bless others. As we are blessed, we are called to be a blessing, participating in God's work and extending His kingdom. This mindset shifts our focus from ourselves to others, aligning us with God's heart for the world. By being generous, we reflect God's love and provision, allowing His blessings to flow through us to those around us. This act of giving is not just about financial contributions but about participating in God's work and being a blessing to those around us. [01:05:28]

2 Corinthians 9:11 (ESV): "You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God."

Reflection: Who is someone in your life that you can bless this week? Consider a specific act of generosity you can extend to them, reflecting God's blessings in your life.


"Jesus became the first. He became the tithe. He became the sacrifice that God would use to redeem us from the curse of the law. The tithe is not legalistic. It's about the first. It's about the priority of the heart. It's not about you get your check on Friday and oops, man, um, Netflix took a $5 out first. Oh my God, I'm cursed." [00:55:09] (24 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)

"Cain had the mindset that I'm going to give God something, but it's going to be in the process. The time is all about priorities, all about the matter of the heart. Abel made sure I'm going to give him my first. I'm going to give him my best. Cain had a different heart. Cain said, I'm a giver offering, but I give it when I do everything else. I'll bring it later." [01:08:57] (23 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)

"When people ask you why you do what you do, you just remind them how good God has been to you. Let's give God a praise for his word." [01:15:06] (11 seconds) (Download raw clip | Download cropped clip)