Forgiveness: Letting Go Without Forgetting



In this sermon, I discussed the concept of forgiveness and the common misconception that we are expected to "forgive and forget". I emphasized that while we are called to forgive those who have wronged us, we are not necessarily expected to forget the hurt they caused. I used various scriptures to illustrate this point, including Hebrews 8:12 and Ephesians 4:32. I also highlighted the importance of setting boundaries and recognizing our own imperfections as part of the forgiveness process. I concluded by encouraging the congregation to experience God's forgiveness and extend it to others, without necessarily forgetting the wrongs done to them.

Key Takeaways:
- We are called to forgive, but not necessarily to forget the wrongs done to us ( [00:34])
- Recognizing our own imperfections can help us forgive others ( [01:10])
- Setting boundaries is an important part of the forgiveness process ( [01:47])
- God's forgiveness is limitless and we should strive to extend the same grace to others ( [02:29])
- Holding onto resentment and bitterness can imprison us, and forgiveness can set us free ( [03:02])

Study Guide

Small group discussion guide for "Forgiveness: A Journey Towards Freedom"

Bible Passages:
1) Colossians 3:13
2) Romans 3:23
3) 1 Corinthians 6:12
4) Ephesians 4:31-32

Begin by reading the Bible passages mentioned above. Reflect on the sermon's main points and how they relate to these passages.

Discussion Questions:

Observation Questions:
1) What does Colossians 3:13 tell us about forgiveness?
2) According to Romans 3:23, who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?
3) What does 1 Corinthians 6:12 say about permissible actions and their benefits?

Interpretation Questions:
1) How does Ephesians 4:31-32 instruct us to deal with anger, bitterness, and malice?
2) How does the concept of forgiveness in Colossians 3:13 relate to our own imperfections as highlighted in Romans 3:23?
3) What does 1 Corinthians 6:12 teach us about setting boundaries in relationships?

Application Questions:
1) How can we apply the principle of forgiveness in our daily lives, especially when dealing with people who have hurt us?
2) How can we ensure that we are not viewing others through the lens of their past mistakes?
3) How can we practice setting healthy boundaries in our relationships while still showing grace and forgiveness?


Day 1: Forgiveness is not conditional

God's forgiveness is not conditional. It is not based on our actions or our worthiness, but on His love and mercy. This is a difficult concept for us to grasp, as we often place conditions on our own forgiveness. We say things like, "I'll forgive you if you apologize," or "I'll forgive you when you make it right." But God's forgiveness is not like that. It is freely given, without conditions.

Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Reflection: Reflect on a time when you found it difficult to forgive someone. What were the conditions you were placing on your forgiveness? How can you work towards forgiving unconditionally, as God does?

Day 2: Seeing others through the eyes of Jesus

Jesus saw people not as they were, but as they could be. He saw their potential for transformation and redemption, not their past mistakes. This is a powerful perspective that can change the way we view others, especially those we find hard to forgive.

Matthew 9:36 - "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

Reflection: Think of someone you have a hard time forgiving. How might your perspective change if you tried to see them through the eyes of Jesus, focusing on their potential for transformation and redemption rather than their past mistakes?

Day 3: Recognizing our own imperfections

We all have imperfections. Recognizing our own can help us to show grace, compassion, and mercy to others. It can also help us to forgive, as we realize that we too are in need of forgiveness.

Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Reflection: How does recognizing your own imperfections help you to show grace, compassion, and mercy to others? Can you think of a specific instance where this awareness helped you to forgive someone else?

Day 4: Setting boundaries for healthy relationships

Forgiveness does not mean allowing others to continue to hurt us. Sometimes, we need to set boundaries for our own well-being. This can be a difficult balance to strike, but it is an important part of maintaining healthy relationships.

Proverbs 4:23 - "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Reflection: Can you think of a situation where you forgave someone but also needed to set boundaries for your own well-being? How did you navigate this, and how did it affect your relationship with that person?

Day 5: Setting others free through forgiveness

When we forgive, we not only free ourselves from resentment and anger, but we also free the other person from guilt and labels. This can have a profound impact on our relationships and on the other person's life.

Colossians 3:13 - "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Reflection: Reflect on a time when you forgave someone. How did this act of forgiveness not only free you from resentment and anger, but also free the other person from guilt and labels? How did this impact your relationship with them?


- "God loves us where we are as we are but the mistaken part of this is we often say God accepts me just the way I am and he approves of my lifestyle and my attitude and my choices." [05:48]
- "God accepts me as I am but he wants to make me new. He wants transformation. He doesn't want me to keep doing the same things that I have been doing." [06:25]
- "God expects me to forgive and forget whenever I experience hurt whenever somebody does something hurtful to me or hurtful to somebody that I care about." [06:57]
- "God doesn't expect me to forget but he does expect me to forgive. That's what I'm called to do and that's the real truth." [23:21]
- "God calls all of us to try to forgive the way he unconditionally forgives us." [22:45]