Embracing the Holy Spirit: Our Constant Companion



### Summary

Good morning, everyone. It's a joy to be here with you today, especially on this significant day, Pentecost Sunday, the day the church was born. We celebrate the birth of the first-century church, which serves as a model for us today. The church is meant to be a family, and like any family, it has its challenges. We don't always get along, but we are called to extend grace, love, and forgiveness to one another, just as Jesus does for us.

Today, I want to talk about a relationship that is crucial for every believer—the relationship with the Holy Spirit. Friendships are important, and we all have friends who multiply our joys and divide our griefs. But there's a friend who is closer than any other, and that is the Holy Spirit. Many people are comfortable talking about God the Father and Jesus the Son, but when it comes to the Holy Spirit, they get uncomfortable. This discomfort is a ploy of the enemy because our relationship with the Holy Spirit is our closest connection to God today.

Jesus emphasized the importance of the Holy Spirit. In John 16:7, He said it was to our advantage that He goes away so that the Holy Spirit could come. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, advocate, and guide. He is not weird; it's people who can be weird. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion, leading us into all truth and helping us grow in our relationship with God.

One of the most significant aspects of the Holy Spirit is that He ensures we are never alone. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us forever, fulfilling His promise that we would never be alone. The Holy Spirit's presence is with us 24/7, guiding us, comforting us, and teaching us. He makes the Word of God come alive, turning it from mere words on a page into a living, breathing message from God.

The Holy Spirit also reminds us that God is at work on our behalf. He convicts us of our sins, comforts us in our pain, and leads us in our daily lives. For example, when we lost our son, Brandon, the Holy Spirit provided a comfort that no human words could offer. He brings a peace that surpasses all understanding, guiding us through our darkest moments.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live bold and courageous lives. Fear is a significant issue for many people, but the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to overcome it. Fear drives negative emotions like jealousy, anxiety, and anger, but the Holy Spirit replaces fear with boldness and faith. We are called to live bold, strong, and courageous lives, not timid or fearful ones.

In the book of Acts, we see the boldness of Peter and John, who, despite being uneducated and illiterate, spoke with such authority that even the Sanhedrin marveled. This boldness came from their relationship with the Holy Spirit. They prayed for boldness, and the Holy Spirit filled them, enabling them to speak the Word of God with courage.

As we close, I want to remind you that the Holy Spirit is your best friend. He is with you always, guiding you, comforting you, and empowering you to live a life of boldness and faith. If you don't have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, I encourage you to seek Him. He will make the Word of God come alive in your heart and empower you to live a life that glorifies God.

### Key Takeaways

1. The Holy Spirit is Our Constant Companion: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us forever, ensuring that we are never alone. This presence is not just a comforting thought but a reality that we can experience daily. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, and makes the Word of God come alive in our hearts. If you feel alone or disconnected, remember that the Holy Spirit is always with you, ready to lead you into all truth. [55:33]

2. The Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Overcome Fear: Fear is a significant issue that drives many negative emotions like jealousy, anxiety, and anger. The Holy Spirit replaces fear with boldness and faith, enabling us to live courageous lives. We are called to be bold, strong, and courageous, not timid or fearful. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to face our fears and live boldly for God. [01:06:18]

3. The Holy Spirit Convicts and Comforts Us: One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our sins and comfort us in our pain. When we make mistakes or face difficult situations, the Holy Spirit is there to guide us back to the right path and provide comfort that surpasses all understanding. This conviction and comfort are essential for our spiritual growth and well-being. [01:01:15]

4. The Holy Spirit Leads Us to Boldness in Our Faith: The story of Peter and John in the book of Acts shows us the boldness that comes from a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Despite being uneducated and illiterate, they spoke with such authority that even the Sanhedrin marveled. This boldness is available to us today through the Holy Spirit, enabling us to speak and live out our faith with courage. [01:10:05]

5. The Holy Spirit is Our Best Friend: Building a relationship with the Holy Spirit is crucial for every believer. He is our comforter, advocate, and guide, helping us grow in our relationship with God. If you don't have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, seek Him. He will make the Word of God come alive in your heart and empower you to live a life that glorifies God. [47:25]

### YouTube Chapters

[0:00] - Welcome
[38:23] - Introduction and Prayer
[39:29] - Importance of Pentecost Sunday
[40:48] - The Value of Friendships
[42:10] - True Definition of a Friend
[43:27] - The Concept of BFF
[44:39] - Jesus as Our Best Friend
[45:11] - Our Friend, the Holy Spirit
[46:49] - Misconceptions About the Holy Spirit
[47:25] - The Holy Spirit as Our Comforter
[49:32] - The Advantage of the Holy Spirit
[51:07] - Trusting the Holy Spirit
[53:17] - We Are Never Alone
[55:33] - The Holy Spirit's Constant Presence
[58:38] - God is at Work on Our Behalf
[01:01:15] - The Holy Spirit Convicts and Comforts
[01:06:18] - Overcoming Fear with the Holy Spirit
[01:10:05] - Boldness Through the Holy Spirit
[01:21:30] - Prayer and Invitation to Accept Christ

Study Guide

### Bible Study Discussion Guide

#### Bible Reading
1. John 16:7 - "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."
2. Acts 4:13-14 - "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. But seeing the man who was healed standing beside them, they had nothing to say in opposition."
3. Romans 8:26 - "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

#### Observation Questions
1. According to John 16:7, why did Jesus say it was to our advantage that He goes away? ([47:25])
2. In Acts 4:13-14, what was the reaction of the Sanhedrin to Peter and John's boldness, and why were they astonished? ([01:10:05])
3. How does Romans 8:26 describe the role of the Holy Spirit in our prayer life? ([01:02:25])
4. What are some of the roles of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the sermon? ([47:25])

#### Interpretation Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus emphasized the importance of the Holy Spirit in John 16:7? How does this impact our daily lives? ([47:25])
2. How does the boldness of Peter and John in Acts 4:13-14 serve as an example for modern believers? What can we learn from their experience? ([01:10:05])
3. Romans 8:26 mentions that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. How does this intercession affect our relationship with God and our understanding of prayer? ([01:02:25])
4. The sermon mentioned that the Holy Spirit is our comforter and guide. How do these roles help us in times of personal crisis or decision-making? ([47:25])

#### Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you felt alone or disconnected. How can the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is always with you change your perspective in similar situations? ([55:33])
2. Fear can drive many negative emotions. Identify a specific fear in your life. How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to replace that fear with boldness and faith? ([01:06:18])
3. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and comforts us in our pain. Can you think of a recent situation where you felt this conviction or comfort? How did it affect your actions or decisions? ([01:01:15])
4. Peter and John prayed for boldness and were filled with the Holy Spirit. What steps can you take to seek this same boldness in your faith journey? ([01:10:05])
5. The sermon emphasized the importance of building a relationship with the Holy Spirit. What practical steps can you take this week to deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit? ([47:25])
6. How can you apply the concept of the Holy Spirit being your best friend in your daily interactions and decisions? ([47:25])
7. Think of a challenging situation you are currently facing. How can you invite the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you through this challenge? ([01:02:25])


Day 1: The Holy Spirit is Our Constant Companion
The Holy Spirit is not just a comforting thought but a reality that we can experience daily. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us forever, ensuring that we are never alone. This presence is a constant guide, teacher, and comforter, making the Word of God come alive in our hearts. When you feel alone or disconnected, remember that the Holy Spirit is always with you, ready to lead you into all truth. The Holy Spirit's presence is with us 24/7, guiding us, comforting us, and teaching us. He makes the Word of God come alive, turning it from mere words on a page into a living, breathing message from God. [55:33]

John 14:16-17 (ESV): "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you."

Reflection: Think of a moment when you felt alone or disconnected. How can you invite the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you in those moments today?

Day 2: The Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Overcome Fear
Fear is a significant issue that drives many negative emotions like jealousy, anxiety, and anger. The Holy Spirit replaces fear with boldness and faith, enabling us to live courageous lives. We are called to be bold, strong, and courageous, not timid or fearful. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to face our fears and live boldly for God. This empowerment is crucial for overcoming the challenges and fears that we face in our daily lives. [01:06:18]

2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV): "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

Reflection: Identify a specific fear that has been holding you back. How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to replace that fear with boldness and faith today?

Day 3: The Holy Spirit Convicts and Comforts Us
One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our sins and comfort us in our pain. When we make mistakes or face difficult situations, the Holy Spirit is there to guide us back to the right path and provide comfort that surpasses all understanding. This conviction and comfort are essential for our spiritual growth and well-being. The Holy Spirit reminds us that God is at work on our behalf, convicting us of our sins, comforting us in our pain, and leading us in our daily lives. [01:01:15]

John 16:8 (ESV): "And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment."

Reflection: Reflect on a recent mistake or painful experience. How can you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you back to the right path and provide comfort in this situation?

Day 4: The Holy Spirit Leads Us to Boldness in Our Faith
The story of Peter and John in the book of Acts shows us the boldness that comes from a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Despite being uneducated and illiterate, they spoke with such authority that even the Sanhedrin marveled. This boldness is available to us today through the Holy Spirit, enabling us to speak and live out our faith with courage. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live bold and courageous lives, replacing fear with boldness and faith. [01:10:05]

Acts 4:13 (ESV): "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."

Reflection: Think of a situation where you need to speak or act boldly in your faith. How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to do so?

Day 5: The Holy Spirit is Our Best Friend
Building a relationship with the Holy Spirit is crucial for every believer. He is our comforter, advocate, and guide, helping us grow in our relationship with God. If you don't have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, seek Him. He will make the Word of God come alive in your heart and empower you to live a life that glorifies God. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion, leading us into all truth and helping us grow in our relationship with God. [47:25]

John 14:26 (ESV): "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

Reflection: How can you deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit today? What steps can you take to seek His guidance and presence in your daily life?


### Quotes for Outreach

1. "Living in fear. Afraid to live. Afraid to take risks. Faith is risky. When I was younger, you might not know this, because I seem confident, and I have a lot more confidence than I once had in my life. But when I was younger, I was steeped full of fear. I was afraid to fly. My hands would break out in sweat. I'd tell my wife, I think the plane's going to go down. There's times I almost said, let me off the plane. Anyone hear what I'm talking about? Some of you are like, I was afraid of my kids. They'll let them do stuff. I was afraid of this. Just fear, fear, fear, fear. Can I just say this to you? Every negative emotion you have, jealousy, anxiety, anger, doesn't matter. It's driven by fear. Fear is always the negative emotion that drives all negative emotions. Well, I just have an anger problem. No, you have a fear problem. Well, I just have a jealousy problem. No, you have a fear problem. It's all driven by fear." [01:06:18](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

2. "Forget everything and run or face everything, and rise. That's what I want to do. I want to believe that God has put me on this earth for a specific need that he had at this moment, that he caused me to be born for such a time as this. And whatever comes, I overcome because he's called me to it. He will bring me through it. I have this confidence that he who began a good work in me will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Can you say amen? Amen. Fear and faith cannot exist together. One will devalue. The other, you cannot have them both. In fact, you don't even need more faith. You just need less doubt. If you have faith as a grain, as a mustard seed and doubt not, you can say that mountain be removed. What's the mountain? The first mountain is your mountain of doubt. Get rid of it. Live bold, live strong, live big lives. Can you say amen?" [01:07:44](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

3. "Adults between the ages of 18 and 22 are the loneliest age group today. But people who live alone have increased by 30% in the past 25 to 30 years. Social isolation, that they discovered, is as harmful to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. We were not meant to be alone. We were not meant to be alone. No person is an island unto themselves. We were made for community. We were made to, but I just don't feel like it. Then you've got to start living by a faith. Allow the holy spirit to expand your heart. Allow the holy spirit spirit to expand your thoughts build some relationships not just with him but thank god through the holy spirit we are never alone come on y'all with me and you might know that you might not know this but that right there i've never been alone it was fulfilled that promise of jesus that promise by jesus was fulfilled when the holy spirit came that was the fulfillment of that promise to you and i that we were never alone jesus said you will not be alone he went back to heaven and he sent the third part of god when he said to shoot your advantage i go away because i will send the holy spirit that's the third part of god that's how we relate to god today" [54:29](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

4. "A friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out and that's really what true friendship was all about in fact that one there to me sounds very biblical it sounds a fact of the bible in proverbs chapter 17 verse 17 it says a friend loves at all times a brother is born for adversity a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity now when we lean into one another in church we understand our friendships are great we have small groups we lean in together we support one another we have fun we laugh we tell jokes together we play cards and games i love playing games with pastor terry and anita we've played four games so far i've won three of them pastor anita don't like it that's okay um now i won two of them i think but pastor terry did win i think we've all won so far except for pastor anita but but anyway um we have fun like this is what friends are all about but it goes on to say and a brother is born for adversity meaning there's another level we get to that says yeah sure having fun laughing telling jokes that's all good but when you have difficulties when we have problems when we have grief when we have a tribulation that is when brotherhood or sisterhood is really born when we're there for one another we're supporting one another when the whole world walks out come on people of the church walk in amen" [42:10](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

5. "This is what God spoke to me. This is my knowledge of who God is. I found out a long time ago when you put God in a box, he will blow the box up every time. He will blow your mind because we should keep on learning. We should keep on growing. We should keep on digging. We should keep on reading. We should keep on knowing God in a real way through the Holy Spirit, amen? And I don't think it was meant to be weird. It's not the Holy Spirit that's weird. It's the Holy Spirit. It's the Christians who are weird. I've been around weird Christians, but I've never encountered a weird Holy Spirit. I've been in churches where they don't do things in decency and order, and it gets weird. And I've even had to correct things in my own church where people got weird, but the Holy Spirit's never weird. Come on, Holy Spirit is our comforter. Holy Spirit is our advocate. Holy Spirit is our counselor. Holy Spirit is our best friend. Come on, y'all with me?" [46:49](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

### Quotes for Members

1. "The Holy Spirit reminds me that that's wrong. That should not be in you. That should not be an attitude. That should not be your action. He convicts us of our sin. Are y'all with me? He comforts us. He takes the time to comfort us. He leads us and guides us. We know that. He gives us spiritual gifts. Yes, I believe the spiritual gifts are still available today. Don't get freaked out by that. Just get freaked out once again by weird people. It's not the gift. It's the gifted. We have to make sure we know that. He gives us the desire to obey God without the Holy Spirit. I don't even have the desire to obey God, but he gives me the desire to obey God. He enables us to pray and understand God's word. I never pray without the Bible being open. I never have the Bible open without praying because they support one another. Holy Spirit leads us by the word of God. Amen?" [01:01:15](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

2. "We lost our son. Let me give you a good example. We lost our son, Brandon, nine-year-old twin. Most of you know that. Some of you that don't know us, you didn't know that, but we lost a twin boy in an accident. For those of you that are here that lost children, you've lost children through a miscarriage or maybe an older child, it doesn't matter. Parents are supposed to go before the children. When it's reversed like that, there's a pain that's so deep, it's unbearable at times. It's a pain that's so deep that you cannot describe it. There's moments still. It'll be 27 years in July, but there's still moments where I feel like I'm frozen. The world is slipping away because of the pain that's deep in my heart. I've had people come to me and comfort me and be there for us, pray for us. I've had people who lost children who comfort us, and it did bring some comfort, but it's temporary. That's when the Holy Spirit shows up. When you can't do it for yourself and there's no words from anyone else that can comfort your heart, the Holy Spirit shows up. Holy Spirit comes with such comfort. There's a peace that passes understanding. We don't understand why I feel like I do, and I should feel so much worse, but it's the power of the Holy Spirit in leading and guiding us." [01:02:25](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

3. "The Holy Spirit reminds me all the time, God is working for me. It's a constant reminder that he's doing things behind the scenes that I know nothing about. He reveals himself in ways when I least expect it. And every time he does, I'm reminded that's the Holy Spirit working on my behalf. He's done it for me in so many ways and so many different varieties that I stop sometimes and go, oh wait, that was the Holy Spirit. That was God working out the details. That means I'm not only not alone, but Holy Spirit is working on my behalf. Come on, y'all. With me? Here's a short list. We could go to a long list, but here's a short list of some of the things of how the Holy Spirit works on our behalf. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. We have a consciousness that's automatic within us, but when you're a Christian, you know the Holy Spirit speaks to you and convicts you of your sin." [58:38](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

4. "When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived they were illiterate and uneducated men, they marveled, and they recognized they had been with Jesus. But seeing the man who was healed standing with them, they had nothing to say against it. In other words, they were trapped by their own words. They were trapped in their own world, and these uneducated, illiterate men stood there with all these great, brilliant men, and the men of brilliance was marveled because they could tell they'd been with Jesus. That sounds important, and it is. But remember, Jesus is no longer here. So our boldness, our brilliance comes through our relationship with Jesus, but our relationship with Jesus is through the Holy Spirit. Y'all with me?" [01:10:05](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)

5. "Now the Lord look, now Lord look on their threats. Listen to the prayer. Now Lord look on the threats and grant that your servants may speak your word with great boldness by stretching out your hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be formed in the name of the, your Holy son, Jesus. When they had prayed the place where they assembled, they were shaken and they were all filled with the Holy spirit and spoke the word with boldness. They prayed for boldness. The place was shaken. They got boldness. They were threatened and they didn't say, I'm going to call my attorney. I'm afraid of cancel culture. Why don't they try to cancel me? No, they said, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to pray for greater boldness. I'm going to pray for greater strength. I'm going to pray the Holy spirit come and bring more upon me. And they did. And he answered, come on y'all with me. Great boldness. It doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional. You have to be aware of your relationship with Holy spirit. You have to be aware. Of the boldness he will give you." [01:12:42](Download raw clip | Download cropped clip | Download vertical captioned clip)