Prophesying Life: Empowering Outreach and Global Missions



Today, I shared a message centered on the theme of prophesying life into dead situations and the importance of outreach and missions. I began by welcoming everyone to Hope City Church and briefly mentioned our partnership with a local sewing camp, encouraging participation due to limited availability. This introduction set the tone for a sermon focused on community involvement and spiritual empowerment.

I then transitioned into discussing the vision and mission of our church, emphasizing our commitment to global and local outreach. I highlighted our plans to visit nations like Africa and Nicaragua, reflecting our dedication to spreading the gospel and assisting those in need beyond our local community. This global perspective is rooted in the Great Commission, as I referenced Matthew 28 and Acts 1:8, where Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.

The core of today's sermon drew from Ezekiel 37, the vision of the dry bones, which symbolizes bringing life to desolate situations through the power of God's word. I stressed the importance of speaking life into our circumstances, regardless of how dire they appear. This act of prophesying isn't just about positive thinking but invoking the transformative power of God's word to change realities.

In a poignant moment, I shared personal reflections on the challenges and oppositions we face when pursuing God's call. Yet, these are not to deter us but to propel us towards our divine purpose. I encouraged the congregation to view opposition as a pathway to greater fulfillment in God's plan.

As we neared the conclusion, I called the church to action, not just within the walls of our building but in our broader community. I spoke about the necessity of being outward-focused, serving not only those within our church but also reaching out to the marginalized and underserved in our society. This outreach, I argued, is the practical expression of our faith and obedience to Christ's command to care for the least of these, as outlined in Matthew 25.

### Key Takeaways:
1. The Power of Prophetic Declaration: In the face of adversity and apparent hopelessness, the power of our words, aligned with God's truth, can bring forth life and transformation. Just as Ezekiel was commanded to speak to the dry bones, we too are called to speak life into dead situations, trusting in the efficacy of God's word to bring change. [01:30:26]

2. Mission as a Mandate, Not an Option: Our commitment to missions—both local and global—is not optional but a direct command from Christ. This involves not only preaching the gospel but actively engaging in the needs of the communities we serve, embodying the love and compassion of Jesus in tangible ways. [01:08:59]

3. Community and Global Impact Through Giving: Our financial contributions towards missions play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding our outreach efforts. By giving, we participate in a larger story of transformation and impact, supporting initiatives that bring practical help and spiritual hope to people around the world. [01:37:33]

4. The Role of the Church in Social Transformation: The church is not just a place of worship but a center of change and renewal for the community. By addressing social issues like poverty, violence, and inequality, we fulfill a vital part of our calling as followers of Christ, working towards a more just and compassionate world. [01:32:55]

5. Encouragement Amidst Opposition: In pursuing our God-given dreams and visions, opposition is inevitable. However, these challenges are not to discourage us but to strengthen our resolve and dependence on God, who guides and sustains us through every difficulty. [01:27:51]

### Chapters:
0:00 - Welcome
01:10:17 - Global Mission Focus
01:14:23 - Vision of Dry Bones
01:17:30 - Prophesying to Dry Situations
01:27:51 - Overcoming Opposition
01:30:26 - Power of Prophetic Declaration
01:32:55 - Community Impact and Outreach
01:37:33 - Call to Giving and Missions
01:39:04 - Closing Prayer and Blessing

Study Guide

### Bible Study Discussion Guide

#### Bible Reading
1. Ezekiel 37:1-7 - The Vision of the Dry Bones
2. Matthew 28:16-20 - The Great Commission
3. Acts 1:8 - The Promise of the Holy Spirit and Witnessing

#### Observation Questions
1. In Ezekiel 37:1-7, what does God command Ezekiel to do with the dry bones, and what is the result of his obedience?
2. According to Matthew 28:16-20, what specific instructions does Jesus give to His disciples?
3. In Acts 1:8, what is the significance of the power that the Holy Spirit will give to the disciples, and where are they to be witnesses?

#### Interpretation Questions
1. How does the vision of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 relate to the idea of speaking life into seemingly hopeless situations? ([01:17:30])
2. What does Jesus' command in Matthew 28:16-20 imply about the scope and nature of the church's mission? ([01:11:42])
3. How can the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:8 empower believers to fulfill their mission both locally and globally? ([01:08:59])

#### Application Questions
1. Reflecting on Ezekiel 37, is there a specific "dry bone" situation in your life where you need to speak God's word and life? How can you start doing that this week? ([01:17:30])
2. Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations in Matthew 28:16-20. What practical steps can you take to engage in local or global missions? ([01:11:42])
3. Considering Acts 1:8, how can you rely more on the Holy Spirit's power in your daily life and ministry? What specific area of your life needs this empowerment? ([01:08:59])
4. The sermon emphasized the importance of outreach and serving the marginalized. Identify one way you can serve someone in your community this week. ([01:32:55])
5. The pastor mentioned the necessity of financial contributions to support missions. How can you adjust your budget to contribute more towards your church's outreach efforts? ([01:37:33])
6. Opposition is inevitable when pursuing God's call. How can you reframe your perspective on challenges to see them as opportunities for growth and reliance on God? ([01:27:51])
7. The sermon highlighted the role of the church in social transformation. What is one social issue you feel passionate about, and how can you get involved in addressing it through your church? ([01:32:55])

This guide aims to foster a deep and engaging discussion within your small group, encouraging both personal reflection and collective action based on the sermon’s key themes.


Day 1: Harnessing the Power of Prophetic Speech
In the midst of adversity, it's crucial to remember the transformative potential of our words when aligned with divine truth. Just as the prophet Ezekiel was instructed to speak to the dry bones, we too are empowered to speak life into situations that seem devoid of hope. This isn't merely about positive affirmations; it's about invoking the power of God's word to enact real change in our lives and the world around us. By declaring God's promises and truth, we participate in the unfolding of His will, bringing light to the darkest circumstances. [01:30:26]

Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."

Reflection: What situation in your life needs the light of God’s truth spoken into it today?

Day 2: Embracing Our Missionary Calling
Mission work is not an optional part of our Christian life but a direct command from Christ to reach out to all nations. This calling involves more than just preaching; it's about actively engaging with and serving the needs of communities, both locally and globally. By embodying the compassion and love of Jesus, we make tangible impacts in the lives of others, fulfilling the Great Commission in practical and meaningful ways. This commitment to mission is a reflection of our obedience and love for Christ, urging us to extend His grace to every corner of the earth. [01:08:59]

Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Reflection: How can you more actively participate in your community’s outreach efforts this week?

Day 3: The Impact of Generosity in Missions
Our financial contributions play a pivotal role in sustaining and expanding the church's mission efforts. When we give, we join a larger narrative of transformation, supporting initiatives that not only meet immediate needs but also foster long-term spiritual growth across the globe. This act of giving is not just a duty but a privilege that allows us to be part of God's work on Earth, spreading hope and healing through our generosity. [01:37:33]

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Reflection: What might God be calling you to give towards that could help further His kingdom?

Day 4: The Church's Role in Social Renewal
The church is called to be more than a place of worship; it is to be a center of transformation and renewal within the community. By addressing pressing social issues such as poverty, violence, and inequality, we live out our faith in practical ways. This active involvement is a crucial aspect of our calling as followers of Christ, working towards a more just and compassionate world. Through these actions, we demonstrate the love of Christ, bringing light to those in the darkest situations. [01:32:55]

Jeremiah 22:16 says, "He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Is not this to know me? declares the Lord."

Reflection: What is one social issue you feel called to address, and how can you take a step towards that this week?

Day 5: Finding Strength in Opposition
In pursuing our God-given dreams and visions, facing opposition is inevitable. However, these challenges are not meant to discourage us but to strengthen our resolve and deepen our dependence on God. He guides and sustains us through every difficulty, using our struggles to refine our character and align us more closely with His purposes. By embracing these trials as opportunities for growth, we can persevere with confidence, knowing that God is with us every step of the way. [01:27:51]

James 1:2-4 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

Reflection: What current challenge in your life can you view as an opportunity for spiritual growth?


### Quotes for Outreach

1. "I'm excited that God is using us as a sending church. And what I mean by that is a church that we know that God would send people here that would send out to go plant churches, to go start churches. Around this world I'm compelled by the Spirit." [01:28:21]( | | )

2. "The harvest, the opportunity is plentiful y'all. That's not the problem. We got a worker shortage. We got people who's not walking in their dreams and their purpose shortage. The opportunity is there. The needs are there. The people are waiting." [01:29:23]( | | )

3. "I speak favor over your life. I speak influence over your life. I speak open doors over your life. You think you're about to go under but I declare you about to go over. You're about to go over that problem, over that storm, over that disappointment." [51:42]( | | )

4. "God is about to restore you. God is about to break you out. Come on, somebody. Without the instruments, may His favor be upon you. I don't know who this is for but when the storms of life comes in raging, God's going to hide you, he's going to protect you." [59:46]( | | )

### Quotes for Members

1. "Don't let your conditions dictate the promises of God. Don't let your conditions dictate what your future can look like when a person opens up their mouth and command and speak the word of God." [01:30:26]( | | )

2. "The power of life and death is in your tongue. But it's only weighted when you have the word of God. The mind of God. The character of God. The heart of God on the matter. May our hearts break for what breaks God's heart." [01:31:26]( | | )

3. "What breaks God's heart the least what's the cure outreach. Outreach is the cure. Reaching out not just being inward focused me me me my song my moment my position my title my opportunity to preach the least the cure is outreach." [01:32:55]( | | )

4. "Nothing happens until you speak. The devil wants you to be quiet men. But nothing happens until you use your voice in the right way women. The right way men. Power, life and death is in your tongue. You got authority in your mouth." [01:35:56]( | | )

5. "God is calling us to speak life to some dead situations. Nothing happens until we speak to it. And then thirdly it's all about to come together. The scattered bones. Lives, dreams, marriages, destinies, purposes, movements, strength and resources." [01:36:26]( | | )