Amen, amen, amen.
Well, good morning again, Hope City. So good to see your faces on today, to share with you guys in the Word of God.
For those who have found interest or find interest in getting your daughters over to the sewing camp this summer, I want to encourage you to do it quick. I think there's only about 10 spots left on it, so if you're definitely interested in that, I do highly support that organization. We partner with them here at Hope City Church, so looking forward to being able to open our doors for their camp this summer. It's just three days, but it would definitely be a great investment into the life of your daughter. So again, the spaces are limited, and I would encourage you to go ahead and register your daughter if you are interested in that on today.
Again, good morning, Hope City. I've been looking for my wife this whole time. She was in Jacksonville this weekend with her mother, and I've been waiting for her to walk in the door, and she ain't walking, and she ain't walking. And then I get up here, and I stand right up here. And I look around the room, and she's sitting way over there.
Hey, girlfriend, how you doing today? Watching a baby? Okay, watching somebody's baby.
So it's a perfect time for me to make a point even with that. If there's some sentence y'all don't see my wife sitting here, more than likely she's in the kids' ministry. She likes to serve too. So don't be getting no crazy thoughts. I ain't see the pastor's wife in three weeks because she's serving somewhere, okay? Is she mad at him or something? No, she ain't mad at me. She over there serving somewhere. She over there doing what she likes to do.
You know, people be getting deep and prophetic. You know, the Lord showed me. I ain't see the pastor's wife in three weeks. You know, I think something going on with them. No, ain't nothing going on. She's just serving somewhere in the church. Amen. She likes to serve. She likes to work.
I remember when she liked to dance. I had to make her stop dancing. She would like to dance in the dance ministry, and the girl was good, y'all. She could dance. And I said, okay, now, I need you doing something else. Not dancing. I don't want you to break no leg. I don't want you getting hurt. I need you to be okay.
So, but again, God is good. I'm going to jump right into the Word. Who enjoyed our series that we had over the past six weeks? We had a series for six weeks, and we finally just ended that on last week, and it truly was a blessing to my soul.
I'm going to take my handwritten notes. If you got those there, I just can't see them. Y'all convinced me to go into this. I'm a digital age, and now my digital age is acting up right now. I don't even see where my notes is at on my iPad up here, and so this will be dangerous if I outflow.
Matter of fact, hey, we already talked about it. We've been in deep Word for the last six weeks, so be okay with a little extra worship on today. First-time guests, we'll be back to normal next week.
Anybody need for God to enlarge their territory? Yes. Some favor need His hand to be upon you. Come on, somebody. Got a circumstance, got a situation, and you just need God to... can we worship for five more minutes? Come on, Ashley, let's prophesy that God will enlarge our territories, open doors, breakthrough, suddenly healing. Come on, somebody. I don't care what the doctor has said. Supernatural healing, deliverance, and breakthrough is your portion today. The favor of God rests on this house. Favor of God rests on this house. Come on, the favor of God rests on this house. Your own way enlarges territory in your own way.
Enlarge my territory.
So for those who don't know, because I’ll say that one more time in just a moment here, but Jabez prayed that prayer. Jabez, the name means that he was given birth in pain. Imagine your name being pain. And God, Jabez prayed a simple prayer to God that God, that you will bless me, that you would keep me, and that you would enlarge my territory.
Anybody need to be kept today? Anybody need to be blessed today? Anybody need some expansion today?
Come on, let's declare this over our children. Let's declare this over our home. Let's just declare this over our marriage. One more, and then I'm going to jump in the Word.
I'll be turning 47 years old in the next few days. One more, and then I'm going to jump in the Word. I'll be turning 47 years old in the next few days, and this is my band declaration as of last night. It was my prayer to God last night that God, that you will give me favor, give me influence, not just for my sake, but for the people's sake.
Come on, God, you will use me to open doors for people, give people strength where they're weak, give them power where they're powerless, give them hope where they are hopeless, give them vision where they're weak. There's no vision, dreams, what there's nightmares, that He will enlarge my territory.
Come on, somebody say God enlarge my territory. Speak it over your life. I speak favor over your life. I speak influence over your life. I speak open doors over your life. You think you're about to go under, but I declare you're about to go over. You're about to go over that problem, over that storm, over that disappointment.
Last one, last one. This last one is for the people who can't declare that. I need your help. There's some hurt people among us. There's some broken people among us. Some disappointed people among us. Some confused people among us. They don't know whether they're going left or right. They can't even open up their mouth because life has dished them so many blows. They don't see hope. They don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And I want us to prophesy. I want us to declare as a church over our sisters, over our brothers, that God is about to enlarge. God is about to heal you. God is about to restore you. God is about to break you out. Come on, somebody.
Without the instruments. Without the instruments.
May His favor be upon you. I don't know who this is for, but when the storms of life come in raging, God's going to hide you. He's going to protect you. He's going to hide you safely in His arms.
It's not a matter of if the storms of life is going to rage, but it's if and when they rage. God's going to hide you. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me. He will hide me.
In some cases, we thank you for the storm. So God, today I pray whatever mountain, whatever valley this particular people may be in, whatever they're confronting, whatever they're dealing with, whatever they're waiting for the manifestation of what favor they are in need of, what open door that needs to be opened, I declare, I decree that God, your grace, your spirit, your presence has gone before them and made crooked places straight, brought high places down that was getting in their way.
And so, Father, we thank you for this moment. We thank you for this time. I pray that your people are refreshed. I pray that this moment has rejuvenated them spiritually, spiritually, spiritually. And God, even in some cases, physically. For in your presence, there's the fullness of joy, and at your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. We thank you for it now. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen, amen, and amen.
Amen. All can be seated. I got 18 minutes left in my message. I got 18 minutes left, so let's see how I can get this going, get the rest of this out.
You know, today is our Global Missions Sunday. I think it's befitting of God for us, for those that have been here, of course, if you're a first-time guest, we're very conservative here at Hope City Church. We don't normally act out of order, but God has been too good to us. He's been too faithful to us for us not to take these moments when He shows up in the world.
He's made us believe in Him, and He's been good to us for so long, just special ways. And just lean into it, give Him all we got. I come to the conclusion to learn that after doing this for years now, this particular church for 10 years, ministry now almost 20 years, that what seems like an interruption to us is often an invitation from God.
What we often consider an interruption of our service, of what's going on, it's an invitation from God. People are on mountains right now. They're in valleys. They're contemplating life issues and life problems. We never know in these breakout moments like this what God is doing specifically for that individual person.
And that's why I'm mindful that we don't conjure things up, that we don't make these something that let's try to do it again next week and let's try to go to next week because I believe that when God shows up in moments like this, our breakthrough is going to come. The door is going to open. Favor is going to manifest in your life.
So I hope today you reached out and grabbed whatever deposits that God was making into your life in this moment, that you don't leave it on the field. You take advantage of it, and you walk out of here with it on today, be it physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, dealing with your marriage, your kids, whatever it is.
Seize them. Have been sown and do not leave them on the ground on your way out today.
Today, as we talk about global missions, and if you've been here for a minute with us here at Hope City, from day one we launched this church on the backdrop on the mindset of that we're going to be an outward-focused church and not an inward-focused church, that it's about the community, it's about the city, it's about the world.
We've done that faithfully over the past 10 years, and I believe that God is going to use us even the more to do more of that in reach. We're going to be able to do more of that in reach. We're going to be able to do more of that in... Most churches are so in-reach focused that it's all about the people who's there, that the worship is just for people who've been there, that every song is just for them.
We don't even think about the people who need to come—your neighbors, your brothers and sisters—songs we like that they may not like. You know, what are we willing to adjust and to shift and to change so that we can win the world that don't know Jesus?
And that's why here at Hope City Church we do things what I consider somewhat different than a lot of churches in the area here. We're not trying to reach the people they already got. I'm trying to reach some people who don't know Jesus, reach people who are disconnected from Jesus, people who may have been in church for years but have stopped growing.
That's what we're looking for, to be a part of what God is doing here at Hope City Church. And so as we kind of just share some insights on why we do missions the way we do here at Hope City, why missions is big to us, I want to just show you through scriptures here for just a few minutes with the time I have left here on why missions is important to us here at Hope City Church.
Look what it says here in Acts chapter 1, verse 8. And you may not have these scriptures here. I shared this in the first service. It wasn't in my original notes. But Acts chapter 1, verses 8 says, but you shall receive power. Can you say power? He said you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and until the uttermost parts of the earth.
And so when this was prophesied to the apostles, prophesied their assignment was given to them, Jesus was telling them, the Holy Spirit was showing them, telling them, God Christ was telling them, these is where you're going to make your impact: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.
And you will not be able to make the impact I need you to make if you are not endued with power. So He tells them in that same conversation that they are to wait in Jerusalem in a place called the upper room and stay there until they be endued with power.
For us, if we were to look at this being that the gospel now over the past 2,000 years has went out to a lot of parts of the world. If we look at this here, and when it finally got to us, if you would, our Jerusalem here at Hope City would be in Savannah. It's our Jerusalem. That's what God is calling me, us to make an impact.
In Judea, I would say that's the entire state of Georgia, or Samaria, that is the entire USA, and the uttermost parts of the earth or the world. Like going to Africa where we'll be going in the next two months here, or the Nicaraguan where we went before, Peru, Honduras, and a few other nations that we went to serve and to make a difference.
Hopefully, through the word of God, you will see why we're doing that. And we've decided to go beyond just our local areas here. Why? Because I believe that God is calling some of you to go to the nations. And it's our desire to make a place or create a place where the visions that God has placed in our lives are going to be a place where we can make a difference.
In your heart, you are connected to a house that can help send you forth to accomplish the things that God has called you to accomplish. I believe some of you have international ministry locked upon the inside of you, but most people don't know what that actually looks like. And hopefully here at Hope City, we're giving you a pathway on how you can do that.
Look what it says here in Matthew 28, 16. Then the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, watch this here, they worshiped Him, but some doubted that it was Him. Then Jesus came to them and said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and watch this here, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And to understand what He says in the name of the Father, in the original language, names meant something. It meant power. It meant authority.
So when He says baptize them in the name of the Father, the name of the Son, the name of the Holy Spirit, He's literally saying, go baptize them in the authority of the Father, in the authority of the Son, and the authority of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because there's authority and power in Jesus, in God, and in the Father.
If somebody says, for example, hey, Oprah told me to come here, there's a level of power in her name. Oprah's name can open up some doors in certain places. Like me going to Chicago and say, hey, you know, Oprah, it may can open a door. But if I say, Cora sent me, it may not open no doors. Ain't no power in my name. It's saying Oprah said, you know, you get my point.
There was a power in the name of Jesus. There's authority in the name of Jesus. There's all of that. He says, through the Holy Spirit, I'm going to use you to baptize in the authority of the Father, authority of the Son, and the authority of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.
And listen, in order to do this effectively, we need power and special revelation. Now, general revelation, now that was special revelation when they first received that message. But now that is general revelation to everybody that it is the will of God that we be endued with power with the Holy Spirit.
But now when God uses you on assignment, a ministry, a church, or an individual, you are now in the body of God. You're a part of Christ. You're a part of the ministry. Now I was trying to figure out what am I personally called to do.
So as a church, we have a vision to do some things here. And in order for me, for us to do it effectively, we need power and special revelation. We have the Holy Spirit, and I always got to get a revelation from God on specific things He's calling us to do as a church.
Some of you need special revelation about your own personal life. You need some clarity and some clear insight. You need some clarity about your own personal life. You need some clarity and some clear insight on what it is God's asking you to do about your marriage, about your finances, about your home, about your life. You need power and you need special revelation.
I want to look at here quickly, Ezekiel 37, verses one through seven. And it's a story about dry bones. It's about disunity. It's about a field, a valley full of dry bones. And those dry bones represented some people.
Look what it says here in Ezekiel 37, verses one. The hand of the Lord was on me, and He brought me out, watch this here, by the spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley. It was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. I mean, you're talking about dead.
It says, He asked me, son of man, can these bones live? Elijah said, sovereign Lord, you alone know. Elijah literally said, I don't know where he's going. Ezekiel said, I don't know where he's going with this. I don't know how to answer this. Lord, I don't know. You know.
Matter of fact, I believe if Ezekiel would have answered the question, his answer would have been based on the conditions, based on what I see. Absolutely not. These bones cannot live. And I believe that some of you are looking at your situations based on the severity of the conditions.
And God is asking you, can this dream, can this vision, can this marriage, can it live? And you're given an answer that is not based on the answer that God wants you to give if you learn how to prophesy. Because when Ezekiel looks at it with his natural eyes, your natural eyes would tell you this is a dead, hopeless, impossible situation.
Ezekiel said, Lord, I don't know. Is there any areas in your life right now that seems impossible? That is so dry, being dead so long. Seems like nothing is coming together, like it will not work. And everyone is asking you, girl, do you think that relationship will ever be something? Do you think he'll ever be this? Do you think you could ever have your own house?
He says, sovereign Lord, I... life has dished me so many blows. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to believe. People have been coming in and out of my life. Every dream, every vision I had has been taken away from me. And you're asking me to look at what's before me that looks dead and dry. It's all outdoors. And you're asking me, is there any hope for it?
The conditions itself says no. Is there any hope for Savannah? Can our communities get better? Can the gun violence go down? Can the crime go away? Can our students be better? Come on, somebody. God, I don't know. It's been this way for years. Nobody can fix it from what I've seen. No one can help it.
This nonprofit, that nonprofit, this outreach, this outreach, they're doing a little something, but I don't really see no real change. As we look out as a church, I believe that God will ask Hope City. He will ask Pastor Corey. He will ask our staff the same question. He will bring us in the middle of a valley full of bones.
He says, He led me back and forth among it, among them. And I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley. Bones were very dry. He asked me, son of man, can these bones live? I said, I don't know. Only you know.
Verse four, then He said to me, prophesy. Prophesy to these bones and say to them, dry bones, hear the word of... in other words, speak to your situation and stop letting your situation die. Speak to your situation and stop letting your situation, because many of our situations is dictating and telling us where we're going to go, where we cannot go, what we won't achieve because the conditions are horrible.
But horrible conditions don't stand a chance in the face of a prophetic word from God. I promise you we're going somewhere with this here. He said, prophesy to these bones and say to them, dry bones, hear the word of... in other words, speak to your situation and stop letting your situation die.
Because many of our situations is dictating and telling us where we're going to go, where we cannot go, what we won't achieve because the conditions are horrible. But horrible conditions don't stand a chance in the face of a prophetic word from God.
I promise you we're going somewhere with this here. He said, prophesy to these bones and say to them, dry bones, hear ye the word of the Lord. Too many times we're speaking our opinion and what we think and what we feel. What does the Lord say about that?
There's no power within itself in my opinions, but there's power in the word of God. Why? For the word of God is quick, is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, rightfully dividing what needs to be divided.
He says, I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I mean, think about our school systems here in Savannah. We need some life spoken into the education system in our city. We need life speaking into broken men in our community. We need life speaking into single women.
He says, speak, and I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. Last verse. And I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin. And I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
And then it ends by saying, so I prophesied as I was commanded. Now, just for clarity purposes wise here, this chapter contained literally a prophecy of the Jews returned from captivity to their own land. It was talking about the union of the each tribes, one with another and the glorious kingdom of Christ that was among them.
So this prophecy was literally, He was saying prophesy to Israel. They are scattered now. They are dry right now. It's an impossible situation. It looks like they're never going to come together, but I want you to prophesy to them. That is hope.
Is your life disconnected right now? Is there some scattered stuff in your life now? It's dry and it's impossible. God has sent me to you today to prophesy. And I'm going to prophesy as I was commanded.
You know, Charles Spurgeon says, if we want revivals, we must revive our reverence. If we want conversions, we must put more of God's word into our sermons. Even if we paraphrase it into our own words, it must still be His word upon which we place our reliance for the only power which will bless me lies in that.
So at the end of that, your opinion, your thoughts, what your favorite podcaster is saying, if what they're saying is not laced and drenched in the word of God, it don't even matter. Because why? Because everybody has an opinion, and that's why anybody can have a podcast now because everybody has an opinion.
Matter of fact, I'm talking about if you want to do marriage that way, you can listen to their marriage podcast. And if you want to do marriage that way, listen to their podcast. Everybody has an angle and a perspective, and watch this here, it's an audience for all of it.
It's an audience for all of it. Whatever your niche is, I think I’ll say niche, but whatever your niche is. My pastor, I got offended this past week. My pastor, my bishop called me bougie. He was like, you called me, bishop, you called me. He said, you got bougie DNA.
He was trying to get some advice. He put out a message and said, hey, anybody know what some hotels are in Fort Lauderdale or, uh, was Fort Lauderdale? Uh, and Boca Raton area. And I said to him, I said, hey, here's a hotel, it's the Marriott Fort Lauderdale resort.
And so in the end of that conversation, I said, let me know where you land at. He said, no, I'm going to go with the one you said because I trust your bougie DNA.
I was going somewhere with that, but I forgot it took me so long to tell a story. I was going somewhere with that promise, but I got lost in transition trying to just get to the point.
Court, let's get to the point. I think I know the point now. The word is the only thing that matters. Charles Spurgeon understood that. And we need to understand that in a day where there are so much word.
Listen, there's not a lack of word today. It's a lack of application today. There's no void of word. There's a void of application. And if there's a void of word, it is the void of real truth because there are many voices that is among us.
And Ezekiel understood that I'm going to prophesy as I was commanded by the word of the Lord. Here's three things I saw in that quickly that I got to tell you here, the carrying of the Lord.
He said the God literally carried him. The hand of the Lord was on me, and He brought me. I think about when He brought me and my wife to Savannah 10 years ago. We knew no one here. We came to visit, spout the land. One day we prayed, went back to Jacksonville, came back one more time, and this is where God landed our feet 10 years ago.
Knew no one here. We had the first service today, 8 o'clock, a pretty decent full house on today. Then the second service, you were here. We came here because God showed us something that wasn't physically manifested then, but it's manifesting right now.
The Spirit of the Lord brought us here. We didn't come here because we just had an idea or a thought. Oh, as long as that idea came from the heart of God, then you are okay. But every good idea is not a God idea. Every good idea is not a God idea.
Ten years later, the carrying of the Lord has brought us here to different nations, taking other members to other nations. Last year, three years ago, we took a senior citizen here. Her dream was to go do mission work, and we were able to take her with one of our men on mission trips a few years ago.
And she said to us in that conversation, if God would have never brought you to Savannah X amount of years ago, I would have never been able to fulfill my long-term dream and desire to go do global mission. Come on, somebody.
The carrying of the Lord is bigger than one person. It's about the people. I like what it says in Acts 13, 4. So being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down. Notice, they went out by the Holy Spirit.
Acts 20, 22. And, sir, I'm about done right now. You can come on up. Because if you don't come on up, I'm going to go another hour. Because the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. And I can go for three more hours right now.
Acts 20. And now, watch this here. And now, compelled by the Spirit, the carrying of the Lord. He said, I'm going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.
We came here not knowing fully what was going to happen to us here. We had a vision, a call from God. We disobeyed what God said. Then look at what it also says here. He said, not knowing what will happen to me there.
He said, the only thing I do know is that God has already told me through the Holy Spirit that prisons and hardships are facing me. Some of y'all say, I'm out. That's why some of y'all don't want to go international. They're not like, I ain't. What's going to happen to me in Africa? What's going to happen to me in Peru?
That's why you ain't going right here. You're going to be all right. That's Paul's story. Not you're still going. It's too late to back out now. Pastor, you ain't show me that verse.
He said, I'm going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. He said, the only thing I know is in every city, the Holy Spirit already showing me that prison and hardship is facing me.
Listen, on your road, on your journey to fulfill that dream, to get your digits from six-figure income to seven figures, to get that dream house, to get more clients, to write that book. On your road to that, it's going to be opposition.
Don't let the opposition stop you from going where God is carrying you. Are you with me on today? You may be feeling pressure and pain, but on the other side of that is your purpose. Don't let it stop you from going where God is sending you.
I'm excited that God is using us as a sending church. And what I mean by that is a church that we know that God would send people here that would send out to go plant churches, to go start churches around this world.
I'm compelled by the Spirit. Not only did I see the caring of the Lord in that, I saw the condition of the people. They were dry. Severely dry. They were scattered.
Remind me of Matthew 9 when it says in verse 36 and 37 when Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them. They were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers, the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field. Notice it was not a harvest problem. It was a laborer problem. The harvest, the opportunity is plentiful, y'all. That's not the problem.
We got a worker shortage. We got people who are not walking in their dreams and their purpose shortage. The opportunity is there. The needs are there. The people are waiting. People who never had a home before, they're there.
People who never wrote a book but a book is in them, they're there. Men who never been taught to be men, they are there, but they need men who have become men who can teach them. The harvest is plentiful. The laborers are few.
The carrying and the condition. Here's the last one. The command of the prophet. He said, so I prophesied as I was commanded. I spoke some stuff I normally would not have spoken based on the conditions, but I got my eyes off the conditions and I prophesied what God wanted to happen in their life.
Don't let your conditions dictate the promises of God. Don't let your conditions dictate what your future can look like when a person opens up their mouth and command and speak the word of God.
That's why it's important that you need to know the word of God so that you can prophesy the word of God to the situation. It is written that man should not live by bread alone. It is written thou should not tempt the Lord thy God.
You don't know the word. You know what everyone else is saying, but what does the word say about that? The power of life and death is in your tongue. But it's only weighted when you have the word of God, the mind of God, the character of God, the heart of God on the matter.
May our hearts break for what breaks God's heart. What breaks God's heart? Number one, the least. The least is what breaks God's heart. Matthew 25, the king will reply, I truly tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Then he would say to those on the left, depart from me, you who are cursed in verse 42, for I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.
And they will answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry? When did we see you thirsty or a stranger? When did you need clothes? When were you sick? When were you in prison and we did not help you?
He says He will reply, I truly tell you, whatever you did not do for the people in coastal prison, for the shelters in downtown Savannah, for the homeless man walking on the street, for the homeless man that come in your service every single Sunday, I will reply truly, I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do it for me.
What breaks God's heart? The least. What's the cure? Outreach. Outreach is the cure. Reaching out, not just being inward focused—me, me, my song, my moment, my position, my title, my opportunity to preach.
The least. The cure is outreach. Hope City, let's keep our focus on serving our community in a real big way. Here's the second thing: what breaks God's heart is the loss. Loss.
I want you to serve. There were no greeters. There were no parking. There were no ushers. There was no sound. There was no drummer. All of these people serving now, they're deacons.
Don't let the modern church fool you. Whenever something was needed, all these positions were not available in the first church. You're serving in the house of God. You're deacon us. You're serving as the needs increase.
In the church, more servants were needed. And to whom much is given, much is required. They were looked over. These are the people, the looked over. These are the curious international missions or people we cannot see.
People we cannot see. People we cannot touch. Come on, stand to your feet. Let me give you three powerful statements here. Three power statements for Hope City Church, and I'm done.
Hope City, God is calling us to speak life to some dead situations. Dead people. Dead communities. Dead cities. And dead nations. And that's what we're going to do as we serve this house, serve this city. We're going to keep on expanding our reach.
Here's the second thing: nothing happens until you speak. The devil wants you to be quiet, men. But nothing happens until you use your voice in the right way, women.
The right way, men. Power, life, and death is in your tongue. You got authority in your mouth. You can call those things that are not as though they were.
The third thing, and we're done. God is calling us to speak life to some dead situations. Nothing happens until we speak to it. And then thirdly, it's all about to come together.
The scattered bones, lives, dreams, marriages, destinies, purposes, movements, strength, and resources. They're all about to come together. Why? Because we prophesy as we were commanded.
Can we give God a praise for His word?
Let's pray. I'm going to dismiss you, and I pray you've already considered a purpose in your heart what you were sold, what you would give today beyond our regular tithing today.
What offering you would give to help us make a global, a national, and a local impact. Last year, Hope City, we did $116,000 in serving our community. I'm believing God that we're going to be able to do so much more.
So as I pray over you and bless our offerings and dismiss us, make that commitment today. Don't do it today. Do it tomorrow. Do it today. Pray about it today. Pray about it in this moment.
I want everybody, even if it's a dollar, I want every member of Hope City today to mark an offering on an envelope. Mark an offering on the online that says missions. Give an offering today. A dollar, a thousand, whatever.
But I want the entire church to participate in this. Give it physically in the boxes today. Give it online today. Do not allow this day to pass without saying today I want to be a part of what my church is doing because I want to go globally. I want to go nationally. If I can't go physically, I want to do it with my church.
Father, we thank you for this service on today. Thank you for speaking to our hearts. Thank you for speaking to our minds. As our ministers, our altar workers come forward to the altar now, as we prepare to leave this place, and maybe you're saying, Pastor Corey, I needed this word today. I need some prayer. Whatever it is today, our ministers will be at the altar after the service.
We'll be here for a few minutes just to pray for you and with you for any special, specific needs you may have. Don't leave out of this place without any needs being met.
Father, I pray today that you will bless our offering. I speak a hundredfold return on every gift given already this week. I speak a hundredfold return. I declare every seed that will be given today. Every tithe that will be given today. Every missions offering that will be given on today.
Father, I declare a hundredfold return. I pray for those who desire to give but cannot give for one reason or another. I speak favor over their life, business opportunity, job opportunity that it will open up, and I do believe they'll remember you in their season of prosperity.
We honor you now. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. God bless you guys. Have an amazing day.