John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by Apostolic Church Dallas
on Apr 22, 2024
In my sermon, I began by reflecting on the profound shift that occurred in our church last Sunday night, a moment when the spiritual atmosphere was palpably altered. This change was not just felt but was also a divine confirmation that what God starts, no man can stop. This led me to share insights from my personal devotions and the scriptural passage from Acts 4:23-31, where the early church prayed for boldness in the face of persecution, a theme that resonates deeply with our current spiritual journey.
I emphasized the importance of unity and obedience to God's will, drawing parallels between our experiences and those of the early apostles who, despite opposition, were compelled to speak God's word with boldness. This boldness is not born out of human strength but is a divine endowment, as evidenced when the place where the apostles prayed was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
The narrative of the apostles continued to be a focal point, particularly their unwavering commitment to the truth of the Gospel, even under threat of persecution. Their example is a powerful testament to the sustaining power of God's presence and the importance of being aligned with His purposes rather than our own. This alignment is crucial, especially in times of personal trials and societal chaos, as it anchors us in God's sovereignty and His capacity to bring joy and peace where there is sorrow and turmoil.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the call to be witnesses of Christ's love and truth remains urgent. Our jobs and daily interactions are not hindrances but platforms for ministry, opportunities to demonstrate the reality of God's kingdom to those around us. This perspective shifts how we view our roles in the world, encouraging us to live out our faith authentically and boldly.
The sermon culminated in a call to action, inviting everyone to come forward to receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, specifically a baptism of boldness and a renewed love for truth and for the lost. This was not just a conclusion to a message but an invitation to step into a deeper, more active faith that engages with the world in powerful and transformative ways.
### Key Takeaways
1. **Unity and Divine Mission**:
Unity in the body of Christ aligns us with the divine mission that God has set before us. Just as the early church experienced a shaking when they prayed in one accord, we too can expect God to move mightily when we unite under His will. This unity is not merely agreement in thought but a deep, spiritual synergy that propels the church forward. [01:00:47]
2. **Boldness through Spiritual Empowerment**:
The boldness to speak God's truth does not come from our own confidence but from the Holy Spirit. As seen in the early church, when God's people pray for boldness, He responds by filling them with His Spirit, enabling them to perform signs and wonders that testify to His power and glory. This empowerment is essential for overcoming the challenges and opposition we face while fulfilling our mission. [01:02:48]
3. **Faithfulness in Trials**:
Maintaining faithfulness during trials is a powerful testimony to the goodness of God. Our response to life's challenges speaks volumes to those around us, offering hope and pointing to the steadfast character of God. When we choose to stay faithful, trusting God's goodness despite our circumstances, we mirror the resolve of the apostles who trusted God's plan above their own understanding. [01:28:16]
4. **The Role of Our Daily Work in God’s Plan**:
Our daily jobs and responsibilities are not barriers to our spiritual lives but are avenues through which God can work. By allowing God's love to flow through us in our workplaces, we become His ambassadors, influencing those around us by our example and integrity. This perspective transforms our approach to work and opens doors for witnessing and ministry in everyday situations. [01:26:45]
5. **The Necessity of a Love for Truth**:
In a world rife with deception and half-truths, a love for God's truth is our anchor. This love compels us to study the Word, embrace its teachings, and share it with others, especially those searching for something real and lasting amidst life's chaos. By cultivating a deep love for truth, we equip ourselves to combat the lies of the enemy and stand firm in our faith. [01:32:11]
### Chapters
- 0:00 - Welcome
- 01:00:47 - Divine Confirmation and Unity
- 01:02:48 - Prayer for Boldness
- 01:26:45 - God at Work in Our Jobs
- 01:28:16 - Faithfulness Amid Trials
- 01:32:11 - A Love for Truth and Closing Call
### Bible Study Discussion Guide
#### Bible Reading
- Acts 4:23-31
- Acts 1:8
- Acts 2:17-18
#### Observation Questions
1. What significant event happened when the early church prayed for boldness in Acts 4:31?
2. How did the apostles respond to threats and opposition according to Acts 4:29-30?
3. What promise did Jesus give to His disciples before His ascension in Acts 1:8?
4. How did Peter explain the events of Pentecost in Acts 2:17-18?
#### Interpretation Questions
1. What does the shaking of the place where the apostles prayed signify about God's response to their prayer for boldness? [01:02:48]
2. How does the unity of the early church in prayer and mission reflect on their effectiveness in ministry? [01:00:47]
3. In what ways does the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:8 empower believers for their mission? [01:08:02]
4. How does Peter's explanation of Pentecost in Acts 2:17-18 connect to the fulfillment of God's promises and the empowerment of the church? [01:10:48]
#### Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you felt a shift in your spiritual atmosphere. How did it impact your faith and actions? [01:00:47]
2. How can you cultivate unity within your small group or church community to align with God's mission? What practical steps can you take this week? [01:00:47]
3. In what areas of your life do you need to pray for boldness? How can you incorporate this prayer into your daily routine? [01:02:48]
4. Think about a recent trial you faced. How did your response reflect your faith in God's goodness? What can you learn from the apostles' example of faithfulness in trials? [01:28:16]
5. How can you view your daily work as a platform for ministry? Identify one way you can demonstrate God's love and truth in your workplace this week. [01:26:45]
6. What steps can you take to deepen your love for God's truth and share it with others? How can you make studying the Word a more integral part of your life? [01:32:11]
7. Reflect on the call to action at the end of the sermon. How can you actively seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a renewed love for truth and the lost? [01:33:21]
Day 1: Unity Empowers Divine Missions
Unity in Christ is not merely agreement but a divine catalyst for spiritual movement. When believers come together in true spiritual unity, it's not just a gathering of individuals with similar beliefs; it's a powerful force that invites the divine presence and action. This unity, as experienced by the early church, leads to a palpable sense of God's power that can shake foundations and transform lives. It's about aligning completely with God's will, allowing His spirit to move freely among His people. This kind of unity goes beyond surface-level agreement and delves into a deep, spiritual connection that propels the church forward, making it a formidable force against the challenges of the world. [01:00:47]
Ephesians 4:3-6: "Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
Reflection: How can you contribute to fostering deeper spiritual unity within your community this week?
Day 2: Boldness through Spiritual Empowerment
The boldness to proclaim the truth of God does not originate from our own capabilities but is a gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit. This divine empowerment was vividly demonstrated when the early church prayed for boldness and the place where they were gathered was shaken. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness. This narrative is not just historical but is a template for how modern believers can also seek and receive divine empowerment. By earnestly seeking the Holy Spirit's filling, believers today can face opposition with the same boldness, performing acts that testify to God's glory and power. [01:02:48]
Acts 4:31: "And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness."
Reflection: What specific situation in your life requires the boldness that only the Holy Spirit can provide?
Day 3: Faithfulness in Trials
Maintaining faithfulness during trials is a testament to the goodness and steadfastness of God. It's easy to be faithful when circumstances are favorable, but true faith is revealed under pressure. This faithfulness not only sustains the believer but also serves as a beacon of hope to others. It mirrors the resolve of the apostles who trusted in God's plan, even when it contradicted their understanding and desires. By choosing to trust in God's goodness, regardless of the surrounding chaos, believers demonstrate a profound faith that can inspire and encourage those around them. [01:28:16]
James 1:12: "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."
Reflection: Can you identify a trial in your life where you can more actively demonstrate your trust in God's plan?
Day 4: The Role of Our Daily Work in God’s Plan
Our daily jobs and responsibilities are not mere secular activities but are integral to God's kingdom work. By embodying God's love and integrity in the workplace, believers turn their work environments into fields of ministry. This perspective transforms mundane tasks into opportunities for witnessing and serving, making every interaction a chance to demonstrate the reality of God's kingdom. This approach not only changes how believers view their roles but also how they interact with colleagues, clients, and business partners, infusing their work with eternal significance. [01:26:45]
Colossians 3:23-24: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
Reflection: How can you more consciously serve God through your daily work this week?
Day 5: The Necessity of a Love for Truth
In a world filled with deception, a deep love for truth anchors believers and equips them to combat falsehood. This love for truth is not passive but active, compelling believers to engage with Scripture deeply, embrace its teachings, and courageously share it with others. It's this commitment to truth that fortifies believers against the lies of the enemy and enables them to stand firm in their faith, offering something real and lasting to those caught in life's chaos. [01:32:11]
2 Thessalonians 2:15: "So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter."
Reflection: What practical steps can you take this week to deepen your engagement with the truth of Scripture?
1. "when this is the key to everything we're going to see as a church, and I've written it down here, when we become unified in one accord, the mission from heaven will take place. There is nothing that can stop it. There's no man that can stop it. I will tell you what God has ordained. Nothing can stop if it's his will." [01:00:47]( | | )
2. "I believe your job is propelling you to touch lives. People are watching you. People are paying attention to you. And when you begin and you walk on your job, and you just begin to let the love of God flow out of you, oh, they're going to be like, something's different about Something's different." [01:26:45]( | | )
3. "When trials come your way, don't turn back. Don't turn back. Stay faithful. Because let me tell you, God is good. He is good. There's things we don't understand. But God is good. So if you're in a storm, and you're walking through something in your life that you don't understand, give it to God." [01:28:16]( | | )
4. "In these last days, we are going to need to step out and into boldness in the spirit. And to rise above the noise of this world. And what is going on in our day-to-day life. And we've got to proclaim this gospel. We've got to, you know, I pray tonight as we're going to, as we conclude this message in a minute." [01:29:29]( | | )
5. "When you see people in despair, and longing for something that's real, and lasting, in the midst of chaos and confusion, our world needs Jesus. Share with them Jesus. Share with them His word. And don't allow yourself to be paralyzed with fear, lulled to sleep by the spirit of complacency." [01:30:27]( | | )
6. "God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. Be faithful to God, and He will be faithful to you. You are going to experience opposition. You will. But remember, we serve a God that is greater. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world." [01:31:40]( | | )
7. "Their boldness was rooted in their personal encounter with God. They had walked with him. Their faith was not just mere words. It was off of experience. And they knew the character of Jesus. They lived a repented life. The boldness they prayed for wasn't so that they could fulfill their own dreams." [01:17:14]( | | )
8. "But I believe that God allows miracles for the unbeliever so that they can see the power of God. And I believe that as we begin stepping into the territory that God has given us, as a church, we're going to walk into places and you're going to feel the spirit of fear grip you." [01:25:50]( | | )
9. "And earlier this week, as God began to give me this message, I began to think, God, I was studying and I was reading just in my devotion and God began to deal with me about this on Monday. And so I'm gonna just share with you an overflow of what God had given me in my devotion." [01:00:47]( | | )
10. "When they had prayed, the place they were assembled was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak the word of God boldly, boldly. And tonight, I just want for a minute before I begin to share my thoughts, let us pray, let us pray." [01:02:48]( | | )
Thank you very much. You guys may be seated.
I was sitting over here while we were praying, and the Lord spoke to me and said, "What I have started in this place, nothing can stop." And I felt such a confirmation of the Spirit because last Sunday night, something shifted in the spirit in this church. As people began to go to the different corners and pray to the north and to the south and to the east and to the west, I believe that there were angels dispatched to deal with the spirits that are in the city of Dallas and to help this church and take territory that God has given us as a body of Christ.
Earlier this week, as God began to give me this message, I began to think, "God, I was studying and I was reading just in my devotion," and God began to deal with me about this on Monday. So I'm gonna just share with you an overflow of what God had given me in my devotion that I think flows. And it flows so perfectly with what happened and we encountered as a church here last Sunday night.
So if you will turn with me, or they'll put it on the overhead. I thought he was gonna read every scripture that I actually had here when he was talking a minute ago. But if you will turn with me to Acts 4, 23 through 31.
After they, and they being Peter and John, were released, they went to their own people and reported everything the chief priests and the elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together to God and said, "Master, you are the one who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and everything in them. You said through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David, your servant, 'Why did the Gentiles rage and the people plot futile things? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers assemble together against the Lord and his Messiah.' For in fact, in this city, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel assembled together against the holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed to do whatever your hand and your will had predestined to take place.
This is where I wanna focus. And now, Lord, consider their threats and grant that your servants may speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand for healing and signs and wonders are performed through the name of the holy servant Jesus. When they had prayed, the place they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak the word of God boldly, boldly.
And tonight, I just want for a minute before I begin to share my thoughts, let us pray, let us pray. God, hear our prayer. God, grant us a spirit of boldness. God, strengthen our hearts and our minds that we may stand firm in our faith no matter what we come against, Lord. May we be filled with your Spirit, God, that enables us to speak boldly with authority. God, in the name of Jesus, help us to remember that our strength does not come from our own, but it comes from you, oh God. Keep us grounded in your word, rooted in prayer, God, as we surrender to your will. Open our hearts and minds to receive your word in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
For a moment tonight, I want to take us back just a few chapters prior to our reading in Acts 4. So I want everyone to just use your imagination with me tonight for a minute. And I want you to imagine with me being one of Jesus' disciples. I want you to imagine what it's like, what it was like walking with him day by day, watching him encounter things and watching how he reacted, hearing his teachings and just being astounded by the word of God and feeling his warmth and that love just flowing out of him.
And imagine you've spent all of this time with him and you've developed such a deep relationship with him and you grew to love him so deeply. You trusted his every word and you believed, you believed he was the Messiah, the Son of God. And then as you're going through, the unimaginable happens. You see him arrested, tried unjustly, sentenced to death on a cross. Your heart becomes broken and shattered as you witness the brutality of his crucifixion, the stripes he took on his back.
When they put the crown of thorns on his head and the blood ran down his cheek, you begin to see this and you watched the agony that was in his eyes. You watched him as he drew his last breath, and you felt as if all of your hopes and your dreams seemed to die in one moment as you watched his body fall on the cross.
But then, just as despair was about to overtake you, you began to experience the miracle of miracles. Jesus rose from the dead. Everything that he had told you, every word that he has promised, all of a sudden, the joy you began to feel, and it was like it was overtaking you. This overwhelming joy to know that my grief, he turned, he turned my grief into joy because he's alive and death could not hold him.
Yet in the midst of your joy, you still have a little, you're hearing some, him talking about ascending back into heaven. So imagine now you still have some questions. You're like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait one minute. You can't do that. You can't leave me now. I mean, things, I just begin to feel comfortable again and, and, and, but things are still fragile and uncertain. You can't do that."
You have so many questions that are coming to you, but then the day comes, you're standing there and you watch him ascend into heaven. You are overcome with the awe and the glory of God because you just watched him ascend into the heavens. You have a mix of emotions flooding you, flooding your heart because you've experienced, you've experienced the wonder and awe, but then all of a sudden sadness begins to grip your heart because he ascended into heaven.
And then all of a sudden, maybe you even had a touch of fear because you're trying to figure out what everything was. But in the midst of all of these emotions, there is a sense of anticipation in your heart because before Jesus ascended into heaven, he said, he promised to send the Holy Spirit, the comforter to come, and you remember his words. He said in Acts 1 and 8, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth."
So you return to Jerusalem, to the upper room where you and the other disciples, you begin to wait, you begin to pray, you begin to tarry because you're waiting on the promise of God. You did not want to miss it. This is one time that everyone in that room was united in one focus and in one thing. And that was to wait and tarry to be endued with the power from on high.
And then all of a sudden on the day of Pentecost, it happens. You hear the sound of a rushing mighty wind, which filled all the house where they were sitting. There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire, and it set upon each of them, and they all began to speak in tongues and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
It was in that moment that every doubt, every fear that you had was washed away because now of all you had clarity, you knew you finally had understanding and you knew why he had to leave so that the Holy Spirit would come. Because now he came and gave you the Spirit so that you could be on mission because, guess what? Everyone in this house are chosen vessels of God. You have a calling upon your life. You have people that only you can touch.
And I am telling you tonight that God wants to unleash on this church, on everyone in here, a spirit of boldness to overtake us. The church was born back on the day of Pentecost, and the words of Prophet Joel were being fulfilled. The Holy Ghost was at work transforming lives, giving boldness. It ignited something inside of people like they had never had before. A burden and a passion overtook them to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And I'm going to pause right there and say when I was studying, that is what I stopped right there and I said, "God, let that overtake me. Let that passion overtake me for the gospel of Jesus Christ that I can have the boldness that Peter and John did."
So Peter stood up with the eleven and began to proclaim with boldness as all of this was taking place and people were speaking in an unknown tongue. And he got up and said, "These are not drunk like you suppose, but this is the fulfillment of Prophet Joel." In Acts 2:17 it says, "In the last days, says God, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Their sons and their daughters will prophesy. Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams."
So as Peter continued preaching, the Word of God began to prick the hearts of the men that were around them. And Peter stood up with the rest of the apostles as they began to say, "What should we do? What should we do?" And he, Peter replied in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For this promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
With many other words, he testified and strongly urged them saying, "Be saved."
I am record of my faith in Christ. He hoo, I know He is Lord of the Open. I know He will be known among my lumps. I know He will be God forever. But do not be crushed by Him. Be reinforced and take a big fell from your day to next. I am prayer, fellowship, and to breaking of bread and in prayer.
And Peter and John, they began to experience these miracles in their life. There was a man who was lame since birth that people would bring him to the temple gate called Beautiful, and he would sit there and he would ask for money. Acts 3 and 6, as Peter, as they are approaching him, you know the lame man that is sitting at the gate said, "Ask for alms." And then Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk."
And he took him by the hand and he lifted him up, and his ankle bones, immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength, and he leaped up and stood and walked and entered with him into the temple gate. He wasn't just, he didn't just walk in there; he was leaping, he was jumping, he was praising God. He was making a spectacle as I would if that had happened to me.
And people began, they were astonished that this lame man who had been sitting at the temple gate had found his healing. And so when Peter saw that everyone was beginning to look at him, he's like, "Why are you looking at me? You're looking at me like I made this man walk. I didn't make this man walk. The man John Jesus whom you crucified, this is the man through his power has made him whole."
So Peter and John, they began to have extraordinary courage in the face of opposition and persecution. And as I began to study this, I began to pray, "God, baptize me with courage and boldness." Because I'm telling you, we need courage and boldness in these last days to reach out to the Lord and to pray to the Lord and to preach to this dying, lost world that's hurting and broken.
We've got to get beyond ourselves. We've got to be able to step out into the flow of the Spirit and operate as he has called us to do. Now you would think everything would start getting easy for the believers now, but you have to understand as opposition arose, Peter and John, through the declaration of faith, they had begun to preach the gospel and they had begun to preach the gospel and they had begun to preach the gospel and they had begun to preach the gospel and they had begun to preach the gospel and they saw miracles healing on a man who had been lame since birth.
But this miracle attracted large crowds, and what happened at that point? Their newfound popularity and the spreading influence of the disciples began to provoke jealousy and insecurity in the religious leaders of the time. In response to this, the religious authorities had Peter and John arrested and brought them in front of the Sanhedrin for questioning.
And the leaders began to demand an explanation for their actions and began to try and seek to silence them preaching in the name of Jesus. However, Peter and John, who were filled with the Spirit of the Lord, they began to boldly testify to the truth of the gospel, refusing to be intimidated or silenced.
And I tell you, I looked at this and I began to say, "God, look at this. They're facing death. They had no idea what they were going to do, but they were like nothing." When you've experienced the power of God, let me say this: when you've experienced it, no one can take that from you.
And when you have experienced the power of God and you have to understand they walked with him, they saw him crucified, they saw him raised from the dead, come back to them, they spent time with him, and they watched him ascend into heaven. They had miraculously been with him, and then they go and tarry, they were filled with the Holy Ghost just as he promised.
And I begin to say, "God, help me understand. I want to learn. I want to know what I can learn from them." So I begin to study. I'm like, "God, help me understand how I can have that boldness."
And I'm just going to share with you a few things that stood out to me. First of all, their boldness was rooted in their personal encounter with God. They had walked with him. Their faith was not just mere words; it was off of experience. And they knew the character of Jesus. They lived a repented life. The boldness they prayed for wasn't so that they could fulfill their own dreams. The boldness that they proclaimed, it aligned with his purpose.
When they prayed, they didn't pray according to what I want. They prayed according to his will. And so I encourage you, if you are wanting to see some prayers answered in your life, shift your mind. If you are wanting to see some prayers answered in your life, shift your focus just a little bit.
I've been mindful because we all can take our own. Every one of us in here has cares and needs that we take before the throne of God. But I have started coming to the throne of God and saying, "God, what is your will? Help me to pray according to your will." Because if I can pray according to his will, I believe things will happen.
Because they were proclaiming the wondrous works of God. And when you have been in relationship with Jesus and you've been in his presence and in his Spirit, everybody can see you've been with Jesus. You don't have to tell him you're a Christian. You don't have to tell him you're a Christian. When you begin to walk, people are going, "Something's different about you, Jewel."
It's just like when you were in Starbucks that day and you were talking to that person, you didn't tell them you were a Christian. It was the Spirit of God that was flowing out of your life. That is what I'm talking about. When people will recognize that you've got something they need, they will come to you and ask you for it.
The second thing I noticed was that their boldness was fueled by the presence and the power of his Spirit. In Acts 1:8, we've already said, but I'm going to read it one more time. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses."
I think sometimes we read that and we just skim over it and we don't really understand what it means. He said he would give us power. Power. Does that mean everything's easy? No, but it means he will give you the power to walk through darkness. It means he will give you power to walk through your storms. It means he will give you power to overcome.
Life is not perfect. I can tell you life isn't perfect, but what I will tell you sometimes, I think we look at those things that happen in our life a little bit. We look at them sometimes on the negative side. And sometimes I can tell you from personal experience, I've been through a lot of dark times, but what I can tell you is in those times, I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it.
I hated being there. Frankly, let's be honest. I didn't like it. And I couldn't understand why I was there. But let me tell you, everything that I went through prepared me for where I am today. If I had not gone through all of those storms, if I hadn't experienced the loss that I went through, the broken heart, the addiction, all of those things, I wouldn't be able to stand here today and confidently tell you, if you're going through a storm, hold on. Don't give up. Don't give up. God’s got a plan. Trust the process. Trust the process.
I feel the Holy Ghost so strong right now. Let's lift our hands. God, I'm asking you, Lord, right now, what anyone is going through tonight, God, I pray you would give them the strength of your Spirit right now, God, to trust the process. Trust the process.
Let me just say, if you are a parent in this room, I give honor to my mother tonight. Because walking through my storm, I'm sorry. I'm so thankful that I had a mom that came home and laid flat across the floor and prayed for me when I was so out of my mind on drugs, I couldn't think. But God laid upon my mom's heart, and my mom faithfully went to prayer for me, her and my grandmother.
And I give them, my life is indebted to them, and I thank God for them. So if you're a parent, pray for your kids, cover them. Your prayers matter. You may think, "Well, you don't know what my kid's going through, you don't know this or you don't know that." You know, I don't, I don't know, but what I do know is God is able. God is able.
And if you will give them to Him and trust the process, it may look messy, it may get messy, but let me tell you, give them to Him, and He will, and He will, He will make a masterpiece out of that life that was given to Him.
The third thing that I took away from them and their lives was their unwavering commitment to the truth of the gospel. They would have died for it. They would have laid their life down for it. They endured persecution and imprisonment, all for the sake of propitiation. They were claiming the good news and the salvation through Jesus Christ.
Their allegiance was not for the approval of men, but it was for the approval of God. They could care less about what men said, but it was about what God said. And they were willing to sacrifice and lay down their lives if necessary.
And Acts 4:33 says, "With great power the apostles were giving testimonies to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them." What is great grace? I began to study. I'm like, "God, I want some great grace. I want that." And I began to study it, and it is the unmerited favor and love of God.
I want great grace. I want the favor and the love of God to be on my life every day that I live. I want his protecting hand to cover me. I want him to walk with me every step that I take. And when I walk into situations that I don't know what the outcome is going to be, and I begin to feel fear gripping my heart, that's when I'm just going to say, "God, I give it to you."
And trust in his great grace because he's with us. I believe he's with us. He spoke that to me right over here. He is with us. He is never going to leave us or forsake us. You stay in his will and in his covering. That's important, staying in his covering, in the protective covering of God.
Finally, their boldness, again, their boldness bore fruit in the expansion of the church. 3,000 souls were added to the church daily. Wow. It doesn't matter. Imagine, I mean, people begin to see the works. I believe, I'm not somebody that just goes around looking for a miracle. But I believe that God allows miracles for the unbeliever so that they can see the power of God.
And I believe that as we begin stepping into the territory that God has given us as a church, we're going to walk into places and you're going to feel the spirit of fear grip you. But that's when I want you to remember, pray for the boldness to overtake you like never before, to give you that power to step out and claim what God has given us.
Because let me tell you this, when this is the key to everything we're going to see as a church, and I've written it down here, when we become unified in one accord, the mission from heaven will take place. There is nothing that can stop it. There's no man that can stop it. I will tell you what God has ordained. Nothing can stop if it's his will.
The apostles knew that they must obey God rather than man. And they had one focus, and it was to do the work of the Lord. I know we all have jobs. I know that we all have things that we have to go about and do. But I believe that God will use our jobs as opportunities to touch lives. I do not believe your job is a hindrance to your walk with God. I believe your job is propelling you to touch lives.
People are watching you. People are paying attention to you. And when you begin and you walk on your job, and you just begin to let the love of God flow out of you, oh, they're going to be like, "Something's different about you." Something's different.
And when they're struggling, and you know, let me say this, when you're going through trials, some of my closest friends went through the hardest trial that they've ever walked. Oliver, your life has been an example to me of faithfulness and love. And I tell you what, people are watching you. People are watching you to see when trials come your way, is God still good?
When trials come your way, don't turn back. Don't turn back. Stay faithful. Because let me tell you, God is good. He is good. There's things we don't understand. But God is good.
So if you're in a storm, and you're walking through something in your life that you don't understand, give it to God. Give it to Him. Because I believe that He will take it. And when you surrender everything to Him, He's going to take it and He's going to multiply it. He's going to give you joy where there was sorrow. He's going to give you laughter where there was sadness. I believe that tonight. God is going to do that.
As the 21st-century church, we stand at a very pivotal moment in history. The signs of the times around us point to a nearing climax of the age. And the urgency of what God has called us to do could never be more clear. Reach the lost. Reach the lost. Touch lives. Let the love of God flow out of you.
In these last days, we are going to need to step out and into boldness in the Spirit. And to rise above the noise of this world and what is going on in our day-to-day life. And we've got to proclaim this gospel. We've got to, you know, I pray tonight as we're going to, as we conclude this message in a minute, we're going to come to the front. And I believe because the Lord spoke to me that He's going to baptize people with boldness.
But also, I believe that, but I am asking you, when you come down here, I am also believing He is going to baptize you with a love for truth. He is going to baptize you with a love for His word. A love for souls. He is going to do that.
So, in our day-to-day life, I want you to look around you. And I want you to see, when you see the brokenness of the world, and you will, it doesn't take much. You don't have to go far to see it. When you see people in despair and longing for something that's real and lasting, in the midst of chaos and confusion, our world needs Jesus. Share with them Jesus. Share with them His word.
And don't allow yourself to be paralyzed with fear, lulled to sleep by the spirit of complacency. It's easy, it's so easy to have that happen. To just be lulled to a place to where it's going to be okay. I don't know that God really requires that. I don't know that I need to do that. You know, is faithfulness really necessary? All of these things begin to come in your mind, but I'm telling you tonight, they are. They are.
God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. Be faithful to God, and He will be faithful to you. You are going to experience opposition. You will. But remember, we serve a God that is greater. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.
I want you to raise your hands and say, "Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world." Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Let us stand. Let us stand. Hallelujah, Jesus. We worship you, God. Lord, I'm asking you right now, God, to come into this place. Oh God. I'm asking you, Jesus, to baptize us with a love for truth, God, with a passion, and a hunger for the kingdom of God. Lord, let the boldness of your Spirit to fulfill His calling. Let it resonate within us, God. Let faithfulness and perseverance, God, be in us, God, as we begin to fight in these last days.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. If God is speaking to you tonight, I'm asking you to come to the front. I believe that God is going to do what he told me he's going to do, and that he's going to baptize us with a spirit of boldness so that we can take this out to a lost and dying world.
That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. Reach out to him. Give it to him tonight in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. No weapon formed against you shall prosper in the name of Jesus. No weapon.
Hi, I'm an AI assistant for the pastor that gave this sermon. What would you like to make from it?