John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by Hope City Church on Apr 08, 2024
In my sermon, I began by addressing the internal struggle that many of us face when trying to align our actions with our intentions, particularly when it comes to breaking free from the bondage of sin and the remnants of our past lives. I referenced Apostle Paul's own struggle, as he expressed in Romans 7, where he discussed the war within himself between the desire to do good and the propensity to do what he hated. This internal conflict is not unique to Paul; it's a universal human experience that can only be resolved through the deliverance that comes from Christ.
I emphasized the importance of deliverance, not just for our own sake but for those around us—our children, spouses, and community—who are affected by our bondage. Deliverance is necessary to experience the fullness of the freedom Christ offers, which is distinct from salvation. While salvation secures our eternal destiny, deliverance is about experiencing heaven on earth by breaking free from the chains that hold us back.
I also spoke about the upcoming service projects and the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. I encouraged the congregation to participate in our "super serve day" and to consider leading a project that aligns with their passion.
Drawing from Exodus 6, I reminded the congregation of the four promises God made to Israel, which are fulfilled in Christ: to bring us out of bondage, free us from slavery, redeem us, and take us as His people. These promises form the foundation of our church's vision to help people know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.
I then delved into the concept of getting "Egypt" out of us, which means dealing with the residue of a slavery mindset that persists even after we've been saved. I used the analogy of pulling weeds from a lawn to illustrate how we must be careful in our treatment of new believers, ensuring we don't damage the good while trying to remove the bad.
I discussed the importance of community in the healing process, using the Johari window model to explain the different aspects of our identity: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. I stressed the value of small groups in our church as a safe space for confession, accountability, and growth.
I concluded by reiterating the need for discipline in the Word of God, as it is through knowing the truth that we are set free. I challenged the congregation to be true disciples, disciplined students of the Word, and to embrace the work that comes after salvation—working out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Key Takeaways:
1. The struggle between our sinful nature and our desire to do good is a battle that requires divine intervention. Like Paul, we must recognize our need for deliverance and lean into God's will, allowing His power to work within us to overcome our weaknesses. ([01:06:28])
2. Deliverance is not just for our benefit but also for those around us. When we are bound by sin or harmful habits, it affects our relationships and hinders the blessings that could flow from our freedom. Therefore, seeking deliverance is an act of love and responsibility toward others. ([01:05:35])
3. True freedom in Christ is not just about escaping the bondage of sin (salvation) but also about removing the remnants of that bondage from our lives (deliverance). This process allows us to experience the fullness of life that God intends for us here on earth. ([48:36])
4. Community is essential for healing and growth. By confessing our struggles and allowing trusted friends to speak into our lives, we open ourselves up to the healing that comes from being part of the body of Christ. Small groups provide a space for this kind of vulnerable sharing and support. ([01:16:40])
5. Discipleship requires discipline in the Word of God. As we commit to being students of the Word, we will know the truth, and that truth will set us free. This freedom is not just from the penalty of sin but from its power over our daily lives. ([55:07])
### Bible Reading
1. **Romans 7:15-25 (NIV)**
> "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin."
2. **Exodus 6:6-7 (NIV)**
> "Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians."
3. **John 8:31-32 (NIV)**
> "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"
### Observation Questions
1. What internal conflict does Paul describe in Romans 7:15-25?
2. According to Exodus 6:6-7, what are the four promises God made to Israel?
3. In John 8:31-32, what does Jesus say will set us free?
4. How does the pastor describe the difference between salvation and deliverance? ([48:36])
### Interpretation Questions
1. Why does Paul feel like a "wretched man" in Romans 7:24, and how does he find hope? How does this relate to our own struggles with sin?
2. How do the promises in Exodus 6:6-7 reflect God's plan for deliverance and redemption in our lives today?
3. What does it mean to "hold to Jesus' teaching" as described in John 8:31-32, and how does this lead to true freedom?
4. The pastor mentioned that deliverance is necessary for experiencing the fullness of life in Christ. How does this process of deliverance impact our daily lives and relationships? ([01:05:35])
### Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you experienced the internal struggle Paul describes in Romans 7. How did you seek God's help in overcoming it?
2. The pastor emphasized the importance of community in the healing process. How can you actively participate in a small group to support and be supported by others in their journey of deliverance? ([01:16:40])
3. What are some "residues of a slavery mindset" that you might still be holding onto? How can you begin to address these areas in your life? ([48:36])
4. How can you incorporate more discipline in studying the Word of God to experience the freedom Jesus promises in John 8:31-32? ([55:07])
5. The pastor mentioned the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. What specific service project or act of kindness can you commit to this month to make a difference? ([43:03])
6. Think about a harmful habit or sin that affects your relationships. What steps can you take this week to seek deliverance and improve those relationships? ([01:05:35])
7. How can you create an environment in your home or workplace that encourages others to know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference? ([44:07])
Day 1: Divine Intervention in Our Struggle
The battle between our sinful nature and our desire to do good is a complex one, often leaving us feeling defeated and powerless. This internal conflict is a reminder of our human frailty and the need for a power greater than ourselves to achieve victory. The Apostle Paul's candid admission of his own struggle serves as a testament to this universal human experience. It is through divine intervention that we find the strength to align our actions with our intentions, allowing God's power to work within us to overcome our weaknesses. This process of deliverance is essential, not only for our spiritual well-being but also for enabling us to live out the fullness of life that God has planned for us. [01:06:28]
"For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." - Romans 7:15 (ESV)
Reflection: What is one area in your life where you feel trapped by your own actions, despite your desire to do good? How can you invite God into this struggle today?
Day 2: Deliverance as an Act of Love
Seeking deliverance from the chains of sin and harmful habits is not a solitary endeavor; it has profound implications for those around us. When we are bound, our relationships suffer, and the potential for blessings in our lives and the lives of others is hindered. Deliverance, therefore, is an act of love and responsibility that extends beyond ourselves. It is about allowing the transformative power of Christ to work within us, not only to secure our eternal destiny but also to bring healing and freedom to our earthly relationships. [01:05:35]
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." - Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
Reflection: How might your personal struggles with sin or harmful habits be impacting your loved ones? What steps can you take to seek deliverance for the sake of those around you?
Day 3: Experiencing Heaven on Earth
True freedom in Christ encompasses more than just the assurance of salvation; it involves the active removal of the remnants of our past bondage. Deliverance is the process through which we can experience heaven on earth, living out the fullness of life that God intends for us. This journey requires us to confront and overcome the 'Egypt' within us—the slavery mindset that lingers even after we have been saved. It is a call to embrace the promises of God, which are fulfilled in Christ, and to live in the reality of being brought out of bondage, freed from slavery, redeemed, and taken as His people. [48:36]
"And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people." - Leviticus 26:12 (ESV)
Reflection: What remnants of your 'Egypt' are you still holding onto? Identify one step you can take today to begin the process of deliverance in that area of your life.
Day 4: The Healing Power of Community
The journey of healing and growth is not meant to be walked alone. Community plays a vital role in our spiritual development, providing a space for confession, accountability, and support. The Johari window model illustrates the importance of allowing others to speak into the hidden and blind areas of our lives. Small groups within the church serve as a safe environment for this kind of vulnerable sharing, where we can be honest about our struggles and receive the encouragement and prayer we need to grow. [01:16:40]
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James 5:16 (ESV)
Reflection: Is there a struggle or sin you've been keeping hidden that needs to be brought into the light within a trusted community? Consider sharing this with a small group or a spiritual mentor this week.
Day 5: Discipleship Through Discipline
Discipleship is an active pursuit that requires discipline, particularly in the study and application of God's Word. It is through this disciplined approach that we come to know the truth, and the truth sets us free—not only from the penalty of sin but also from its power over our daily lives. As disciplined students of the Word, we are called to embrace the work that comes after salvation, working out our salvation with fear and trembling, and allowing the transformative power of Scripture to shape our hearts and minds. [55:07]
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." - James 1:22 (ESV)
Reflection: What does being a disciplined student of the Word look like for you in practical terms? Identify one habit you can implement this week to deepen your engagement with Scripture.
"But what is here? You were slaved to social media when you want to cut it off, you keep going back to it because there's something in you that want to know what they're talking about today. And this is where, again, that deliverance [01:05:35]( | | )
is necessary because if we don't get delivered in various things in our life, our children are the benefactors of our problem and pain. Our spouses are those that we work with, our church family, our parents, whoever that person is in your life, they they miss out on the blessing of your freedom."
"I wanted to do right. But I couldn't do right. Not because the power to do right is not there. It's because I haven't leaned into God's will more than I'm leaning into my will, because the more I lean into God's law and become a disciple of his word, I'm more empowered to do what is right. Are you with me now? Don't get it twisted. Paul did not stay down. [01:07:15]( | | )
"Anybody ever struggle with being free? Look, it says that in Romans 7, 15, Paul says, I don't understand myself. He said, at all. He said, for I really want to do right or I really want to do what is right. But I don't do it. Anybody ever been there before? You want to do right, but you can't do right. You want to do what you know you're supposed to do, but you can't even pause it. I don't even understand myself at all for I really want. [01:01:45]( | | )
"And I remember one of the days I reached out there to pull up some of the weed. But as I was pulling up some of the weed, I pulled up some of the good, the grass. This is the reason why as believers, as Christians, we got to be careful how we treat people who come into the kingdom of God. Because as you try to pluck out something bad, you also pull up some good stuff as well. [01:29:40]( | | )
"And too many believers are not disciplined in the word. It says, and you can't make, or I'm sorry, it says here, and I'm lost without a ship, without a sail. He said, then you would know the truth. And the truth will set you free. [55:07]( | | )
So if I'm not a disciple of the word or a student of the word, I can't know the truth. And if I don't know the truth, then guess what? I can't be set free."
Amen, amen, amen.
Well, good morning again, Hope City. It's always good to stand before you to bring forth the word of God. And out of all weeks, I am definitely excited about sharing that word on today, a week after we just celebrated and experienced the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And for those of you who like to follow what happened after the resurrection, you would know from last Sunday we will be leading into what many still celebrate as the service itself. Fifty days after the resurrection is when the baptism, if you would, of the Holy Spirit was made available. So when Jesus died, it was 50 days later when the book of Acts talks about the baptism of the Holy Spirit being made available.
So, we'll kind of dab into some of that. The difference of that versus today is that we no longer have to wait for that experience when He made them go wait in the upper room for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. That was because the process was being done in real time. But now when we get, say, born again, the Holy Spirit is made available immediately for those who desire the indwelling infilling of the Holy Spirit.
So, I'll be sure to share a little bit about that over the next few weeks to kind of give you some biblical knowledge, if you would, about what took place those days after the resurrection, the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Before I jump into the message on today, I want to just share a couple quick announcements. One of them is our Africa mission trip. About 18 of us are now officially going to Africa in the next few months in June. I'm actually excited about that. We're going to be going to Africa in the next few months in June.
As always, during those times in which we're doing mission trips, which for us, this will be about our seventh mission trip that we have done as a church. I went to Africa last year, and we'll be going as a team this year to Africa. Excited about that.
We will be doing fundraisers, so here real soon for those who remember and who were here before COVID, we sold some good banana pudding. And so the banana pudding will be back. We also have some chicken and waffles on Sunday morning. Come on, somebody!
So, after each service, we'll be doing that and a few other things as well. So, if you can give or you can go, 18 of us are going. We always say, go, give, or pray. So, 18 of us are going. Many of you can give in support of it, and then also many of you could pray as well, particularly those of you who have the gift of intercession who love to pray.
We will cover your prayers over the next few weeks as we prepare to go as a missionary team. And then also, we cover your prayers once we make it into the conference in Africa, where I believe God is going to use us to make a huge difference with a team of individuals who work with Children's Cup over there. So, it's going to be an amazing journey, and we'll share more details on that in the days ahead.
We have our interest meeting, and Pastor David may have already mentioned the interest meeting on today. So, for those who are interested in our Pooler campus, we will be having another interest meeting today at five o'clock to 6:15. We will be launching our Pooler campus coming this September. Come on, somebody! Thank you, thank you!
We have already been given a location. If we take it, I'd be honest with you, I want it. I think it's the perfect setup, the perfect location. I'm just not going to tell you what it is. Those who are going to be on the interest team who will be at the interest team meeting tonight may get some insight on that location.
So, again, be interested in being a part of the launch of our Pooler campus. Go to the website today; you can get information on that launch, but also join me tonight from five to 6:15. We won't be here all day, but it is a good opportunity to get some insight, some wisdom on not just the vision of Hope City here, but also what we plan to do in Pooler as well.
And one more quick announcement here. The first Saturday in May, we have not been doing our serve days every month the way Hope City was built upon serving our community. And I'm not pleased with the level in which we're serving our community the way we did it before.
Pre-COVID, it was just mind-blowing the things that we've done. In 2023, we gave over one hundred thousand dollars to nonprofits and services. So, our giving was definitely there. Amen. Our giving to it was definitely there. But I actually want our hands and feet to be more involved in it as well here in this season.
So, on the first Saturday in May, we will be doing what we normally do when our semesters end for small groups. That will be the final day of our small groups, our spring small group semester. And we're going to be doing what we call a super serve day. You'll get more details on that in the next few days, but there will be several service projects going on that Saturday.
I want you all to sign up for that once the details are made available next week. If you are leading a small group or you want to launch a project yourself and build a team of people who can serve around that project, whether it's the homeless, the elderly, the mental health community, whatever your passion and desire is, we want to launch a lot of projects over that weekend.
We'll give you the resources and the tools to make your service project a success. So, stay tuned for details on that in the next few days. Amen.
All right, let's jump right into the word for today. Who's been enjoying this series on the promises over the last few weeks? Good, good, good, good. Well, we got, including today, three more messages in this series here. Last week, we talked about the promise of salvation from our foundational scripture.
And for your hearing, for any first-time guests on today, let me read that foundational scripture that we've been reading for the past few weeks, and then we'll pivot into our one focus on today.
But it's Exodus chapter six, beginning in verse number six. It says, "Therefore," somebody say, "therefore," "say to the Israelites, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. He says, I will free you from being slaves to them. And I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians."
And as you know, if you're part of Hope City Church, this is where we get our vision from of helping people know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference. We believe throughout the New Testament scriptures, there are a dozen scriptures that show that that's what ultimately Jesus Christ came to do: to help people know who God was, find freedom, discover their purpose, and so that they can make a difference.
On last Sunday, we focused on just that "know God" portion as we talked about the promise of salvation. He says, "I'm going to get you out of Egypt. I'm going to get Egypt out of you. I'm going to restore you back to your original place, and I will make you my people."
These are promises that God made to Israel, promises that were fulfilled through Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus died on the cross, and we shared that on last Sunday, the promise of salvation or sanctification. He delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt.
And now today, we're going to focus on getting Egypt out of me. We got you out of Egypt, if you would. Now it's time to deal with getting Egypt out of us. The "know God" portion of our Sunday morning experience is our primary way, not the only way, but our primary way of helping people know who God is.
It's one of the reasons why our services are not about the way we dress. It's not about the praise team or the choir. It's about us creating an environment where you can engage with the presence of God. It's us creating an environment where you don't even see when I'm worshiping God and praising God. I don't see nobody. Yes, I physically see you, but you're not my centerpiece. You're not my focus. My praise and my worship is being given to God.
Why? Because the atmosphere has been created for me to connect with my Father in whatever way I'm connecting in that moment. And that is our focus for our guests, for our members who come each week to connect, not to Pastor Corey. Yes, you may shake my hand, but it's a connect to know who God is.
One of my favorite scriptures is found in the book of Acts when Paul, or Saul at the time, was on the road called Damascus on his way to kill Christians. He had a letter giving the right and the authority to kill Christians. And the scripture says, while Saul was riding his donkey on the way to kill Christians, a light shined from heaven, knocked Saul off his donkey, forced him to look up because he realized it was God trying to get his attention.
He looked up and said, "Lord, who are you, and what are you asking me to do?" And that's what I believe the responsibility of every church, every Sunday. As people are coming in, it is our responsibility to answer those two questions: tell them who God is and what God has called them to do. And that is what knowing God is all about for us here at Hope City Church.
He said, "Therefore, say to the Israelites, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians, and then I will free you from being enslaved." You know, you can be out of Egypt, but Egypt can still be in you. You know, you could be out of slavery, but you still have a slavery mindset.
So, all last week was all about getting you out of Egypt, getting you out of slavery. But there's a residue of a slavery mindset that's on the mind of a whole lot of people. And that's what God wants to deliver us from on today.
The promise of salvation was about getting me out of Egypt, and now the promise of deliverance is about getting Egypt out of me. Many of you are surely going to heaven. You have secured, if you would, your salvation. But many will not experience what freedom is like. You will go to heaven. You are saved. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. You're on your way to heaven.
But while you're on earth, you're not going to experience the fullness of all God has for you because some of you are just content with knowing your name is written in the Lamb's book of life. But you won't experience heaven on earth. I don't know about you; I don't want to wait to get to heaven to experience heaven. I want to experience heaven on earth. And that is available for all of us.
But many will not experience it because they have drunk or are drinking of the first cup, but they have not drunk of that second cup because they see salvation and deliverance as the same thing. Can it happen at the same time? Yes. But even when you get saved today and you get delivered from some stuff, there's some stuff that's going to come out of you in the process of time.
Come on, think about it. You may have gotten saved that day, February 1996 for me. I let go of a lot of things that day. But even I had to still work out my salvation. Work out something. Everything did not fall off me. Come on, somebody!
Now, I know some of y'all say when I got saved, I gave my whole life to Jesus, and I've done no wrong. I have been perfect. No, no, no, no, no, no. Let me talk to your husband for one hour. I guarantee you. Let me talk to your wife for one hour. But if I give me the kids, they would tell me just who mama and daddy really is.
All you got to do is talk to the kids. The kids go to school and tell all y'all business. And you still ain't changing. Come on, somebody!
Got you out of Egypt. Now, it's time to get Egypt out of you. Why? Because too many of us are settling, being satisfied with being out of slavery, but they will live with a poverty and scarcity lifestyle and mindset.
Look what it says here in Ephesians 2:8-9. God saved you by His grace when you believed. So when was I saved according to Scripture? At the first time, at the point of believing faith. Now, you can fool me, but you can't fool the Holy Spirit and God. At the point of real belief, the Bible says you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
In other words, you received what I call the first baptism. You were now placed in the body of Christ. You're now in the family of Christ. You're now a part of the household of faith. He says, and you can't take credit for this. It is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
So this is that thing that Jesus did or the act that He did on the cross. John 3:16: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever. This is even why we were yet sinners. He died for us. So His self or salvation is unconditional. When He—you didn't do anything for it. He did all the work.
I like to say you don't have to work for your salvation. But once you're saved, there's work to do. Okay, I'll say it a different way. You don't work to get saved. But once you are saved, there is work you got to do. We don't work for our salvation. But once we accept the gift of salvation, there's work that we got to do.
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Well, you're messed up. Yeah. So now, I'm out of Egypt. I got to get Egypt out of me. I got to clean up some stuff that I messed up when I was in Egypt. So though I'm saved now, I came to the altar on Sunday. I gave my heart to Christ. I'm born again. I did drop off some stuff, but some stuff is still on me.
And you're going to work that out in the process of time. Are you with me on today? Okay. And so let's continue the journey here. Let's look at Philippians chapter 2, verse 12. It says, "Work hard." Here it is here to show the results of your salvation. See, only the Holy Spirit really knows a true saved person in that moment.
But I can know if you're really saved in the process of time. Because tears alone are not enough to say you're really convicted or you're really sorry. I've seen people cry and go do the same thing an hour later. FYI, your emotions don't move your pastor. I've been doing this long enough to know that you can come to this altar and cry. You can sit in and walk out and do the very same thing you say you're not going to do.
I need to see more than that. I need to see the work. Oh, I almost had a song just then, but Ashley was nowhere around. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.
See, if you really love God and are really a part of the family, you just can't do what you want to do when you accept Him. You can't do what you want to do when you accept Him. And I know the new generation and the new culture that says that you can be saved and still hold on to your old book bags and your old purses.
No, some of that stuff in their old bags and old purses have to be let go. That was okay before Christ, but it's not okay in Christ. And I know y'all like watching all the podcasts and stuff right now that like to boost your ego and boost your head up. But a lot of those podcasts have nothing to do with Scripture.
It is making you feel good. It is making you feel good. It's making you feel like a sinner. It's making you a happy sinner. It's making you at peace. Okay. And I ain't even halfway in this message yet. It's going to get real tight today. I hope y'all don't lose nobody.
He said, for God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Look at what it says in John 8:31. Jesus says, "If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples." How do I know if I am a disciple? If I hold to His teachings.
And then at the word, you are really my disciple. A disciple is a student who is disciplined in the word. And too many believers are not disciplined in the word. It says, and you can't make—or I'm sorry, it says here—and I'm lost without a ship, without a sail.
He said, then you would know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if I'm not a disciple of the word or a student of the word, I can't know the truth. And if I don't know the truth, then guess what? I can't be set free.
I like to say, if I don't speak the truth here from the pulpit, then you can't be free. That's the reason why as I'm teaching the word of God, even if you don't respond today, I remember when I got saved in February of '97. Prior to that, when I went to churches, my mindset was always, I wanted the preacher to teach the word, what the Bible says, not Europeans, not to make me feel comfortable.
Even if I was not ready to respond to it yet, you just do what that book says. So when I do get ready to respond, you hadn't been lying all these years, giving me a fairytale story to make me feel comfortable in my sin. Come on, somebody!
And I hope that your heart be here as well at Hope City. If you're not plugged into your faith yet, that, hey, I just want him to stick with the book, even if it steps on my foot. Just tell me what that says there.
And Holy Spirit, see, it's not my job to convict you. It's the Holy Spirit's job to do that. It's just my job to say what He says here and let Him do His work while He's out there.
They answered Him. I love this here. He said, "If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
Jesus replied, "Surely I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs in or to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
As I said last week, and I define what a slave is, you don't have to physically have a person, a slave master, if you would, over you to be a person who has been in slavery. It could be any influence that controls you that you can't stop doing at your own will.
So any impulses, any passions, any lust, anything that's eating away at the quality of your life, and you can say, "Oh, I can stop drinking when I want to. I can stop smoking when I want to. I can stop watching porn when I want to." Okay, stop. You stop for five minutes, and you go right back to it.
Why? Because you're a slave to it. You don't stop when you want to. You stop when it tells you to stop. And that's how I know, because we've all been addicted to something that we wanted to cut off, that we wanted to stop.
Some of y'all wanted to stop going to Ray Ray's house or Shea Shea's house, but that addiction to Ray Ray and Shea Shea was so strong you couldn't stop going. Or Becky or Bob or Helen or Bubba, whoever you want to say.
But then some of you got to a point where you were really ready to get over Bob or Sally or whoever. You, as I said last week, salvation is about getting you out of the environment, getting you out of the fire. I'm not trying to fix you in the fire. The house is burning. I'm trying to get you out of the fire.
Now that I got you out of the fire on the yard, I can work on you. You can't work on the person while they're in the fire. I just need to get you out the burning house. I need to save you from the burning house.
Now that I got you out the burning house, let me get the smoke out of you. Let me get the residue out of you. I got you out of Egypt. Let me get Egypt out of you. A lot of y'all are out of Egypt, but you walk around like you're still in Egypt, still like a slave, a poverty mindset.
And this is what the scripture is talking about here. Who the Son sets free, he is free indeed. God wants to free your whole body, your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole spirit. But we are content with just being happy being saved and on our way to heaven.
I don't know about you; not me. And the only reason why I'm not content is because that's not what He said. I want everything He has made available for me. Now, if it was just me being happy going to heaven, I'd be happy with that.
But God put some more offers on the table, and I don't know about you; I'm on every last offer, every last promise that He's made available for me. Somebody say, "No more settling."
So, get Ray Ray out of your mind. Because some of you, you stopped going to Ray Ray's house. You're out of Egypt, but Ray Ray's still here. So now that I got you out of Ray Ray's house, I got to now work on getting Ray Ray out of your heart.
And that's where that deliverance is at. Your friend calls, "Hey girl, you been over there?" "Nope, I ain't been over there." "Okay, good." But every night at two o'clock, you're crying because you went, "I want to know what Ray Ray over there doing."
I want to know what—you out of Egypt, but Egypt's still in you. You stopped going to the environment that caused the problem. But the problem is so big; the issue is now getting it out of you. What is your situation that you're physically out of, but it's still eating away at your heart?
It's still eating away at your mind. It's eating at the way your character; it's eating at the way of your purpose. You no longer go to the place, but now it's an internal struggle. You saved from the place, but now let me get it out of you.
Are you with me still? The struggle with freedom.
Anybody ever struggle with being free? Look, it says that in Romans 7:15, Paul says, "I don't understand myself." He said, "For I really want to do right or I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it."
Anybody ever been there before? You want to do right, but you can't do right. You want to do what you know you're supposed to do, but you can't even pause it. I don't even understand myself at all, for I really want—we're talking about Apostle Paul. This is not the Saul before. This is now saved Paul who is talking about who's a church-planting Paul, establishing churches.
Paul, who was saying, "I don't even understand myself."
He says, "For I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it." He said, "Instead, I do the very thing I hate." Couples, you ever been there before wanting to say sorry, but you can't? You want to go in there and hold that hand; you can, but you can't.
You want to call your child who you did wrong five years ago, but because that pride is in there, you can't. Come on, you know you did wrong by your boss. You know you did wrong. You know you've been late every single day this week. No, you—and you could, and the boss will let you stay there. He won't even fire you if you could just go in there and say, "You know what? I messed up."
But that pride, that pride from Egypt won't let you stay there. It won't let you apologize. Paul said, "I know what to do, but I can't even do it."
The Romans 7:21 says he goes on to say, "So I find this law." He said, "It's like a law at work." He said, "Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me."
He said, "For in my inner being, I delight in God's law." I do my devotion Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm on a prayer call every Tuesday. I got my sister prayer walk team. I got my man's walk team. Come on, somebody!
He said, "In my inner being, I delight in God's law." He said, "But then I see another law or another part of me. I want to read God's word right now, but I want to watch porn on the other side. I want to read God's word, but I want to cut somebody out. I'm reading God's word, but if they say that to me one more time, I'm going to snap. I'm reading God's word, but I don't want to tell them I'm sorry."
Paul said it's a law at work in me. That's a battle going on on the inside that has nothing to do with my salvation. It has to do with my deliverance. I'm already out of Egypt, but Egypt just won't let me.
I said I'm not going to drink no more because I'm delighting in the law. But every time I walk past or go past that gas station, he said, "Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being, I delight in God's law, but I see another law at work in me waging war."
This is where you got to learn how to watch us here as the same person out of Egypt. This is where spiritual warfare comes into place, and Ephesians tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against these impulses that are coming your way.
You fighting people on social media. Girl, you got a bigger battle than somebody on Facebook and social media. You got some inner workers you got to deal with. Come on, girl, man, whoever you are. You worried about Facebook and social media. All you have to do, you don't have to bind that. Just log off.
You don't have to rebuke that. Just log off. But what is here? You were slaved to social media when you want to cut it off, you keep going back to it because there's something in you that wants to know what they're talking about today.
And this is where, again, that deliverance is necessary because if we don't get delivered in various things in our life, our children are the benefactors of our problem and pain. Our spouses are those that we work with, our church family, our parents, whoever that person is in your life, they miss out on the blessing of your freedom.
He says here, and I just love how Paul, he said, "But I see another law working me, waging war against the law of my mind, making me a prisoner of the law of sin that works within me." God, it's so much better.
Then Paul was going to say, he said, "What a wretched man I am." Have you ever been there before that you were like disgusted by what you did? I go from here and I messed up again. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I said that.
I remember going back to some of our marriage days, and I want to say, you know, I ain't going to fight about that. I ain't going to snap back. I snapped back. I said what I wasn't supposed to say. And then I go in the room like that was stupid. That was unnecessary.
I wanted to do right, but I couldn't do right. Not because the power to do right is not there. It's because I haven't leaned into God's will more than I'm leaning into my will. Because the more I lean into God's law and become a disciple of His word, I'm more empowered to do what is right.
Are you with me now? Don't get it twisted. Paul did not stay down. The way Paul said, Paul said, "What a wretched man I am." He's contrite over his sin and his wrong.
See, you can't say, "Oh, well, I just messed up. Y'all got to take it." No, no, no, no, no. Are you convicted by what you did? Are you really sorry for the way you did then? And the way you spoke to them?
Well, you didn't want to accept me. No, no, nobody has to accept you as you are. Now, unless it's your spouse, she or he may be stuck with you. Everybody else does not have to stay with you. We could get our stuff and go. Come on, somebody!
Sorry, spouse, you got to live with that devil. Not devil, but a demon that may be in there. Now, think about it. Even Jesus said to Peter, when Peter said, "Far be it from me," when Jesus was on the way to the cross and Peter said to him, or Jesus said to Peter, "My adversaries are coming to take me to crucify me on the cross."
Peter turned around and said, "Far be it from me. I'm not going to let that happen to you." Peter had a good idea. Peter had a good idea, but it went right. Listen, every good idea is not a God idea.
I'm saying it again. Every good idea is not a God idea. Peter said, "Far be it from me. I'm not going to let you go to that cross." Jesus turned around, rebuked him, his homeboy Peter, and said, "Get behind me, Satan."
I mean, that's the David. We're going to meet him. And you say something stupid, and I say, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Come on, just me telling my campus pastor. He said, "Well, Pastor Corey, I think you should so and so." And I say, "Get thee behind me."
I'm trying to be in that moment where Jesus called Peter a devil. I'm like, "I'm like Jesus. I'm your boy. I'm right here cutting off ears for you. I'm fighting for you. I'm taking wounds for you. And you're going to call me the devil?"
And see, if He didn't take the time to say, "Not Peter, I ain't talking to you. I'm talking to that spirit behind you." No, He didn't. No. Because the words that Peter said were so powerful that it was going to put Jesus in a position a few chapters later where He was going to find Himself in the garden about to go to the cross.
He said, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass me by." Peter just said, "I don't have to go." He said, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass me by. Nevertheless, not my will, Your will."
People could put good ideas in your mind, in your heart that robs you of the freedom that God is trying to bring into your life. Some of y'all ladies, y'all be talking, y'all need too much information too many times. You want too many details too many times.
When the Bible talks about Adam and Eve had that conversation with the serpent, and Jesus asked or God asked Adam, He said, "Adam, where are you?" And he told him where he was. "I hid myself." He said, "Why did you?" He said, "Who told you that you were naked?"
He had a conversation with somebody he never should have had a conversation with. And some of y'all, you're talking to too many people. You're having conversations with people you should not even.
He said, "Adam, who?" He said, "You've been naked for years, and you didn't even know it. You swinging in swings and everything, woo-wee, doing cartwheels and everything. Your mind was pure. It didn't bother you. You were in a shape."
He said, "Who told you?" How do you—He said, "I tried to cover you from this." And listen, there's some stuff God don't even want you to know. He tried to cover you from it. But you calling everybody you know. "Hey, what they saying?"
Some stuff you don't even need to know. Why? Because it enters into your mind and it enters into your heart. And whatever enters into your heart, it creates a reaction, and you start living out that reaction, which can come in the form of fear or shame or even revenge.
When you're hearing stuff, you have no business. The struggle with freedom, the struggle with—I’m going to close. I've given you a few things here. Paul said, "Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?"
He said, "Thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord." As he kept growing in his faith, what conquered him in one season wasn't conquering him in the next.
See, we can't use grace as an excuse to keep falling into sin, to keep making this. No, no. The grace was there as he was growing up and maturing. Come on, somebody!
Paul understood that I had a Savior. I got a Christ that has made a way for me not to fall trapped to everything that comes my way. That's the reason why I say when you got out of Egypt, it's now time to get Egypt out of you.
Because you got some personality disorders that really aren't you. You picked that up in Egypt. And some of those attitudes and quirks and irks you got. "I'm just a man. That's just how we talk to people."
You can't talk to your wife like that. "Well, everybody in my family did what my daddy did." No, no, no, no, no. The curse is broken. Any man being in Christ, he's a new creation. Your daddy may deal with that, but you shouldn't be doing that.
What your mama was able to get away with, you won't be able to get away with. What your daddy was able to get away with, you won't be able to get away with. I like what Hebrews says. It talks about how he said, "When you have tasted of the goodness of God and have the audacity to turn away from it," he said, "it would have been better for you to not have known the goodness of God and to turn away from it."
He said, "It's like a dog that goes out and vomits up what he was eating, turns away, goes back, and then comes back to what he spit up, sniffs it, and begins to digest it back in."
Have you ever let somebody go, let some things go, let some people go, let some men go, let some women go? You thought you were done with it or you said you were done with it. You moved on, and you couldn't find somebody good or a better thing.
So you decide to go back and settle for what you let go in one season because you don't trust God in this new season. Talking about that, that battle, that struggle to be free.
We must regularly submit our will to the will of God. This battle can get—you could become more stronger with this warfare, with your warfare and with your battles when you consciously try to submit your will to the will of God.
Are you with me? Okay, and it's the greatest change that I'm giving Him my will for His will. That's why He says, "Nevertheless, not my will." I don't want to drink this cup. But nonetheless, it has nothing to do with what I want; it's Your will.
So He became submitted to the will of God. Christ, that is, Jesus' struggle with this in the garden before His death. We must buffet our flesh like boxers. You must put your body under subjection so that you can begin to win the war.
We don't have to settle for less than what God has for us. Look what it says in Proverbs 28:13. I've decided—who decided to be free? Okay, so who wants to be free from anything that's holding you back and limiting you?
Proverbs 28:13 says, "Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper. But the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." And it's not just talking about sin. I would kill somebody. This is those things in your life that are contrary to the will of God.
That's not pleasing God. The context of your life is different than the context of my life. What sins, what flaws are hindering the quality of your life that you need to confess?
And again, confessing this does not mean coming to the stage and saying, "My name is Corey, and these are all my problems." It's getting into a place, into a space where somebody knows your issues.
1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." James 5:16 says, "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."
You guys, we go to God for forgiveness. We go to God's people for healing. We go to God for healing. We go for forgiveness. We go to God's people.
For He says, "Confess your sins to who?" Most of you don't have a problem confessing your sins to God because you don't mind saying that probably just the issue is that the issue is not that you don't mind telling God. God already knows. It's who else knows about your problems.
This is good. This is good. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. It's like our body is made up of many members. If I was to cut my hair right now, I put a little alcohol on it, rough it down, in a matter of days, it's going to heal itself.
Why? Because healing is naturally in the body. But when you disconnect yourself from community, when you disconnect yourself from the body, you rob yourself of being healed in community.
When you go through in your personal life and you don't invite nobody into that pain or problem, you're missing an opportunity for wisdom, for insight, for clarity, for voice to come in to bring healing.
I don't want nobody to know. Everybody don't need to know, but somebody needs to know. Somebody has to know.
I'm going to show you here quickly why groups, small groups are important to us here at Hope City Church. We got an image on the screen. I want to show you here, but I'm using this as a way to explain a point to you why groups are important.
And there's something called the Johari window. And it's a model that helps explain and even improve self-awareness and self-communication. And the window is divided into four quadrants: the open, the blind, the hidden, and the unknown.
I'll look at one that we're going to call for our language here, the arena. It is the open. The "I know" and "you know." It's just that life about us that everybody knows that I pastor Hope City Church, that I got kids, and I'm married to this young, pretty girl sitting right here.
You know, they know I'm funny. I hope y'all know I'm funny. I can see some of y'all at the door now saying, "Bye, Pastor Cory," and you're not funny, by the way, FYI.
But these are the things y'all know about me. This is the arena, the stuff you don't mind people knowing about. Even you is the person. It's the you who walk in that we see all of that. We know what car you drove in. That's the arena.
If you were, I know and you know. Look what Matthew 23:5 says. "Everything they do is done for people to see. They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long."
Now, you got to understand it's talking about the Jewish people that when they would walk around, they had the scrolls. And what they call these things called the phylacteries. And it's almost like a box that's on the front of their head.
And it represents them always keeping the word of God in their mind. And some of them not only had some like this size here, but they would even go so far as almost making them as big as their head, talking about with the big head.
Come on, somebody! And then you look at these tassels, if you will. That represents their prayer life. And it talks about how some of them made them so big that everybody would see them.
Matthew 23:27 says, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside."
The arena, the marriage looks good in the arena. Your heart looks at peace in the arena, but you're struggling on the inside. You're about to quit. The inside, the arena, you got to make a phone in the arena. Your hair is done. You're smiling, but you're broken on the inside.
I know, and you know. But then we got the mask, the hidden self. I know, but you don't know. I know I got this struggle with this sin. I know I got the struggle in my relationship. I know I'm about to quit. I know. I know.
But you don't know. I got the mask on, my hidden self. The stuff I don't want people to know. Talking about why I believe small groups are important.
Listen, I will always stay as sick as my secrets. We'll say it again. You will always stay as sick as your secrets. It's not the arena that's going to heal you. It's taking the mask off. It's the hidden self.
Colossians 4:12 says, "Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus?" Epaphras was someone that he could depend on. He could take the mask off with.
And he said, "Epaphras is one of you, just somebody who sees me like you see me every day, but he sees parts of me that I don't tell none of y'all about." It's almost like me saying, "Frank, one of my board members here, Frank. I say, Frank, who is one of you, Hope City, a servant of Jesus Christ sends greetings. Epaphras, Frank, he's always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured, praying and hoping that the mask you're wearing don't bring you down."
The hidden self. Here's the third thing, the blind spot, the blind self. I got the open self, got the hidden self, got the blind self. I don't know, but you know.
It's like you ever had a three-inch or a one-inch booger in your nose? You don't see it, but they're like, "Hey, hey, hey, I don't got something in your tooth, got something in your..."
I was out eating with a friend last week, and he said, "I'm not going to let you sit." He said, "You got some food in your beard." I got it out. I didn't see it, but he saw it.
You know, it's some stuff that you don't see right now about you that other people see it. You don't realize how the way that you're talking to your wife is really bad. And they're like, "Wow, he's talking to his wife like that."
Wow, she's talking to her husband like that. You don't see it, but they see it. They see the attitude. They see your lack of participation. You become so accustomed to it. It's become your identity.
This is just who I am. Take me as I am. I don't mind taking nobody who they are as long as who you are is not hurting anyone.
If that ism, that schism is not taken away from the quality of something, why be a Jacob would say, "Do you, boo, be you?" But if doing you and being you is hurting and taking away from the quality, holding even you back, no, we can't do us.
We need to take off the mask. And that's what I say. "Hey, that it brought since that ain't good." You can't keep doing that. You keep saying that, "Oh, I could drink. I don't get drunk." You're saying that, but we see that every time you drink, your language changes, your attitude changes.
Blast about, "I don't know, but you know." Proverbs 27:6 says, "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."
I'd rather for a friend to tell me something, and I've been there before. I didn't like what was said. It didn't feel good. But I'd rather receive a wound from a friend that I can trust than a kiss from an enemy.
I'd rather trust the hard words that they speak into my life. And many times in the moment, it's not comfortable. You don't want. But something you got to sit there, put your hand and put your butt on your hands and just sit there and listen. Come on, somebody!
And this is the reason why many people are counseling because they bring up the stuff. And I often tell people who I counsel, listen, we're going to hear some hard stuff today, but you came in here smiling, you came in here happy. You're going to leave out smiling and happy.
But just to know we're going to dig up some pain points. But don't let the pain points that we dig up today change your whole demeanor. We're only going to dig it up so that we ultimately are healed from it.
So when we do dig it up, it will have no impact on you. See, too many people want coaching, and they need counseling. When I'm coaching somebody and they're always talking about the past and what happened to them, I say, "You don't need a coach right now. You need counseling right now."
Because why? Coaching is about the future. Counseling is about the past. And a lot of you, you don't need coaching right now. You need counseling because you're not healed. You're not free from your yesterday.
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but the enemy multiplies." Listen, I may not be able to fix your problem, but I promise not to let you deal with them alone.
I may can't fix your problem, but I promise you as your pastor here at Hope City, you do not have to deal with them alone. You may be in a small group, and your small group may cannot fix your problems, but you don't have to deal with the problem alone.
There's safety in the community. Everybody don't need to know your pain. Everybody shouldn't know it. But who's the trusted voices, the trusted people that you can share all and bear all with?
Last one, and then we're done. We got our open self, our hidden self, our blind self, and then we got our unknown self or the potential. I don't know, and you don't know.
See, this is the reason why the scripture says, "Let the wheat and the tare grow together." Because sometimes you don't know what you call a wheat. A wheat actually may be a tare who just needs to be worked on with some.
See, sometimes we call a Peter a Judas when it's really not a Judas. It's only a Peter who just messed up and needs some help. And if we were responsible for saying who come in and who go out, we'll mess up a lot of good people.
This is the reason why I am big on making sure you don't just disregard people. Because I don't know, and they don't know how God may want to use them. We don't know how He's working that out.
Peter, Saul, who became Paul. If those people had that way, when they find out Saul was now a preacher, they're like, "Saul? He a preacher for Christ right now? He been killing people."
And they were indignant when they found out that God wanted. I don't—they didn't know. I'm sure Paul was like, "Hey, y'all, I'm with y'all. I'm confused too. I'm shocked. I'm just as shocked. I wanted to kill y'all yesterday. Now I want to have dinner with you."
Come on, somebody! I don't know, and you don't know. I'm done here. But I believe many of you have unknown potential locked up on the inside of you.
And sometimes people may see you as a tare when really you are valuable wheat to the kingdom of God. I remember doing my yard many times. Who does yard work or does yard work?
And, you know, as the yard is coming by green right now, if you drive past my house right now from the road, my yard looks beautiful, like just all green grass. But if you get a little closer and a closer observation, you will see grass and weed.
And I remember one of the days I reached out there to pull up some of the weed. But as I was pulling up some of the weed, I pulled up some of the good, the grass.
This is the reason why as believers, as Christians, we got to be careful how we treat people who come into the kingdom of God. Because as you try to pluck out something bad, you also pull up some good stuff as well.
We've got to be very careful how we handle who God brings into our presence. Let's give God a praise for His word.
Let's pray. Father, we thank You for Your word today. For Your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. Thank You for speaking to our hearts. Thank You for speaking to our minds.
I pray today that not only as we talked about getting out of Egypt on last week, I pray today that not only have some maybe made that first step of wanting to know who Jesus, who God is today, but many, God, are saying today, "I'm getting Egypt out of me."
Some of the smoke from the fire that has left my heart, my lungs, my mind distorted when I was in that fire, my Egypt, my fire. There's some residue, there's some things in my life, in my heart that is disturbing and battling me.
And like Paul, there's a war going on in my soul. But today I made that decision to be free, to be delivered, to let those things go. All over the world, lift your hands right there towards heaven, if you don't mind, as high as your strength will allow.
And Father, I pray right now that men, women, boys, and girls who were struggling with struggles on yesterday, that God, even in this moment right now, that God, You're sending Your word, God, by Your stripes, we've been healed.
And I declare, God, because of the healing of the cross and what the cross has made available, I speak deliverance over every man, every woman, every relationship in this place, that God, I declare that what is broken has been made whole.
I declare that which was hard in one season is going to be easy in this season to be set free from. I declare that they're placing themselves in community around people in places, God, where they could be made whole and set free.
I declare addictions. I declare strongholds that have been broken right now in the name of Jesus. And I declare who the Son sets free. They are free indeed. Emotional strongholds, psychological burdens are being lifted right now in the name of Jesus.
Husbands are loving their wives at a different degree. Wives are loving their husbands at a different degree. I declare that single men, single women, God, they are holding out who they are in You, God, for the right person.
They're not in a rush, God, but they're working on themselves, Lord God, so that they can be whole and complete and making a difference even now in the earth.
You can put those hands down, and maybe someone is saying today, "I want to give my heart to Christ for the very first time." Today we're doing baptisms, and maybe that's your next step.
You gave your heart to Christ. You are born again. You are born again right now. But one of the things that Jesus asked us to do that when we receive Him in our heart, two tenets of our faith, that is to regularly take communion, the Lord's Supper, as a way to remember what Jesus Christ did for us.
And also we do water baptism as a way of showing and demonstrating on the outside a spiritual transformation, a renewal that has taken place on the inside.
And so today many will be baptized in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name be ye baptized. They will go under today, coming up with a spiritual refreshing of what's taking place in their heart in this physical, tangible way.
That name, we baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, talking about in the authority, we baptize you in the authority of the Father. We baptize you in the authority of the Son, and we baptize you in the authority of the Holy Spirit.
So today, as our team will be baptizing people in the authority of all of heaven today, we believe that today will be one of the best days of your life.
So if you're in this place, I'm not going to call you up. I'm not going to call you out. But if you're saying, "Hey, Pastor Cory, please include me in on this prayer. I want to give my heart to Christ for the very first time. I want to make Hope City Church my home today, or even I want to be baptized on today."
You want to remember about church and things like that. Baptism shirts, all those garments are already available for you. Don't miss out on taking your next step. It's not about a destination. It's about taking your next step in your journey of faith.
And today, if you're saying, "I give my heart to Christ for the very first time, make Hope City Church my home, or be baptized," let me quickly, quickly see your hand. Will there be one? No pressure. No pressure.
I see that one hand. God bless you, sir. I see that hand as well, sir. God bless you as well. I see that hand as well. I see that hand as well. God bless you as well, sir. God bless you all.
Will there be no—don't miss this moment. No pumping, no priming between you and God. I see that hand as well, as well. God bless you as well. You can put them down now.
Come on, give me a simple request. Lift your hands all over the building towards heaven. And can we say this prayer together with those that raised their hands?
Say, "Lord God, I believe You sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. And I also believe that He rose again from the grave with all power in His hand. I ask You now to forgive me of any and everything that has separated me from Your love.
Now, say, God, I don't fully understand what all this means, but I do believe with Your presence living on the inside of me, I will become the person You desire me to be. So I ask You now to fill me with the power and the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
Now say, Holy Spirit, You are welcome to live in my heart for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name, amen."
Come on, if you believe that and receive that, let's give God the best praise that we can in this place on today.
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