John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by Apostolic Church Dallas
on Mar 11, 2024
In my sermon, I emphasized the transformative power of God's Word, both the Logos and the Rhema, and how it impacts our lives. I began by assuring the congregation that God's presence brings fullness of joy and that His joy is our strength. I reminded everyone that Jesus' sacrifice allows us to walk in His presence and experience the natural move of the Holy Spirit.
I then called upon the congregation to actively seek Jesus, the one who heals, restores, and sets us free from captivity. I encouraged everyone to reach out in faith for their needs, whether it be healing, restoration, or deliverance from fear and anxiety. I stressed the importance of praying for one another and believing in the supernatural touch from heaven.
I introduced myself as Pastor Justin Michael of Apostolic Church Dallas, where our vision is to see Dallas as it is in heaven. I spoke about the importance of community and how following Jesus is not meant to be a solitary journey. I encouraged participation in our neighborhoods, small groups where we pray, share the Word, and support each other.
I then delved into the power of God's Word, highlighting the distinction between the Logos – the eternal, established Word of God – and the Rhema – the spoken, declared Word of God. I explained how the enemy attempts to snatch away the Word before it can take root in our hearts, and how we must be prepared to receive it.
I shared the story of Jairus and his daughter, illustrating how Jesus' Word brings life where there is death. I encouraged the congregation to believe in the face of fear and to trust in the eternal Word of God. I proclaimed that Jesus, the Word made flesh, has the power to perform miracles and meet our needs today.
I concluded by inviting everyone to respond to the Word by coming forward to pray, seeking God for their needs, and believing that His Word will come to pass in their lives.
Key Takeaways:
- The joy of the Lord is a source of strength, and it is found in His presence. As we gather in worship and prayer, we are reminded that Jesus' sacrifice has made it possible for us to live in the reality of God's joy and strength daily. This joy is not dependent on external circumstances but is a deep, abiding sense of well-being that comes from knowing God is with us. [01:43:11]
- The power of the name of Jesus is unparalleled; it heals, restores, and delivers. When we call upon His name, we are invoking the fullness of God's power to work in our lives. The name of Jesus is a strong tower, a refuge, and a source of salvation for all who believe. It is essential to remember that the authority of Jesus' name is rooted in His identity as the Word made flesh. [38:06]
- Community is vital in the Christian journey. As I encouraged participation in our neighborhoods, I highlighted the biblical model of discipleship, which involves walking with others in faith. These communities provide support, accountability, and a space to grow together in Christ. The act of bearing one another's burdens is not just a biblical command but a practical way to live out the love of Christ. [42:13]
- The Logos and Rhema words of God are both essential for our spiritual warfare and growth. The Logos is the established, eternal Word that is forever settled in heaven, while the Rhema is the spoken, now word that we declare on earth. Understanding and applying both aspects of God's Word enables us to stand firm against the enemy's attacks and align our lives with God's will. [01:14:21]
- God's promises are yes and amen in Christ. When God speaks, His words are not empty but are filled with the power to accomplish what He intends. As believers, we can stand on the promises of God, knowing that He is faithful to perform what He has promised. Our faith is not in vain because the One who has promised is also the One who performs. [52:11]
God's Word is alive and active, and as we align ourselves with His truth, we can expect to see His kingdom come and His will be done in our lives as it is in heaven.
### Bible Study Discussion Guide
#### Bible Reading
1. **Mark 5:36** - "As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said to the ruler of the synagogue, 'Do not be afraid; only believe.'"
2. **Romans 4:21** - "And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform."
3. **Psalm 119:89** - "Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven."
#### Observation Questions
1. What did Jesus say to Jairus when he received the news about his daughter's death? ([44:12])
2. According to Romans 4:21, what was Abraham fully convinced of?
3. How does Psalm 119:89 describe the Word of God?
4. What are the two types of God's Word mentioned in the sermon, and how are they defined? ([01:00:55])
#### Interpretation Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus told Jairus to "only believe" despite the seemingly hopeless situation? ([44:12])
2. How does being "fully convinced" of God's promises, as mentioned in Romans 4:21, impact a believer's faith and actions?
3. What does it mean for God's Word to be "forever settled in heaven," and how does this assurance affect our daily lives? ([01:00:02])
4. How can understanding the difference between Logos and Rhema help us in our spiritual growth and battles? ([01:00:55])
#### Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you felt hopeless like Jairus. How did you respond, and how might Jesus' words "do not be afraid; only believe" change your perspective in similar situations? ([44:12])
2. Abraham was fully convinced that God could perform what He promised. Is there a promise from God that you are struggling to believe? How can you strengthen your faith in that promise? ([44:52])
3. The sermon emphasized the importance of community in the Christian journey. How can you actively participate in your small group or neighborhood to support and be supported by others? ([41:00])
4. The sermon mentioned the power of praying for one another. Can you think of someone in your life who needs prayer? How can you make a commitment to pray for them this week? ([38:27])
5. The distinction between Logos and Rhema was highlighted in the sermon. How can you incorporate both the eternal Word and the spoken Word of God into your daily spiritual practices? ([01:00:55])
6. Jesus' name is described as a strong tower and a source of salvation. How can you call upon the name of Jesus in your daily struggles and challenges? ([36:18])
7. The sermon stressed the importance of aligning our lives with God's Word. What specific steps can you take this week to ensure that your actions and decisions are in line with God's will? ([01:00:55])
Day 1: Joy in God's Abiding Presence
The joy of the Lord is a profound strength that transcends circumstances, rooted in the assurance of His constant presence. This joy is not a fleeting emotion but a steadfast state of being that arises from the intimate relationship with God, made possible through Jesus' sacrifice. It is a joy that fills believers with a sense of well-being, regardless of the challenges faced in the external world. This divine joy is a source of strength that empowers believers to face life's adversities with courage and hope. It is a reminder that in God's presence, there is a fullness of joy that can sustain and uplift even in the darkest of times. [01:43:11]
Psalm 16:11 (ESV)
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Reflection: How can you cultivate a deeper sense of God's presence in your daily life to access the joy that strengthens you?
Day 2: Invoking the Power of Jesus' Name
The name of Jesus is a bastion of divine power, offering healing, restoration, and deliverance. Invoking His name is to call upon the might of heaven to intervene in earthly affairs. The authority vested in the name of Jesus is derived from His identity as the incarnate Word, a name that serves as a refuge and a source of salvation for all who believe. It is a name that carries the weight of God's promises and the assurance of His faithfulness. Believers are encouraged to call upon the name of Jesus with confidence, knowing that it has the power to transform lives and circumstances. [38:06]
Acts 4:11-12 (ESV)
"This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
Reflection: What situation in your life needs the intervention of Jesus' name, and how can you actively trust in its power today?
Day 3: The Importance of Christian Community
Christianity is a communal faith, where believers are called to walk alongside one another, sharing burdens and joys alike. The biblical model of discipleship emphasizes the importance of community for spiritual growth and support. In these communities, believers find a space to pray, study the Word, and encourage each other in their faith journeys. Bearing one another's burdens is not only a command but a practical expression of Christ's love. Through active participation in the life of the community, believers experience the tangible love of God and the transformative power of shared faith. [42:13]
Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Reflection: How can you more actively engage in your Christian community to both give and receive support in your walk with Christ?
Day 4: Standing Firm on the Logos and Rhema
The dual nature of God's Word, as both the eternal Logos and the timely Rhema, equips believers for spiritual warfare and growth. The Logos is the foundational truth of Scripture, unchanging and secure, while the Rhema is the specific, spoken word that God breathes into our current circumstances. Understanding and applying both dimensions of God's Word enables believers to resist the enemy's schemes and align their lives with God's will. It is through the power of the Logos and the immediacy of the Rhema that believers can stand firm and see God's kingdom manifest in their lives. [01:14:21]
Ephesians 6:17 (ESV)
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Reflection: What specific Rhema word has God spoken into your life recently, and how are you applying it to stand firm in your faith?
Day 5: Standing on the Promises of God
God's promises are steadfast and trustworthy, affirmed in Christ as "Yes" and "Amen." When God speaks, His words carry the power to bring about His intended purposes. Believers can stand confidently on the promises of God, assured of His faithfulness to fulfill them. This confidence is not based on wishful thinking but on the reliable character of God, who is both the promise-maker and the promise-keeper. Faith in God's promises is a secure anchor for the soul, providing hope and stability in a changing world. [52:11]
2 Corinthians 1:20 (ESV)
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."
Reflection: Which promise of God do you need to hold onto today, and how can you remind yourself of His faithfulness in this area?
1) "The word of God is powerful. Do you believe that? We love worship, but the word of God is what builds the kingdom. We love music, but the word of God is what builds the kingdom." [43:22] ( | | )
2) "The enemy will constantly and often successfully attempt to snatch seeds of God's Logos in your life. The established Word, try and pick it right up. Now that doesn't mean that God's Word is void. It means that the soil doesn't understand that the seed is coming." [01:13:13] ( | | )
3) "You can't stand against the attacks of the enemy on your own. You can't do it in your own strength. But let me tell you what you can do. You can stand upon the eternal established Word of God. And let me tell you, if God has spoken it, it will happen." [01:16:11] ( | | )
4) "The Bible says in His presence is fullness of joy. His presence is here. Jesus died so you can walk in His presence. God's going to give you joy. It's the hope of the world, the gospel of Jesus." [01:43:11] ( | | )
5) "Because the eternal word of God declared it may look like death right now, but when I speak with my word, I will bring life where you see death. And so I don't know where you are tonight. I don't know what looks like death around you." [01:27:54] ( | | )
6) "For all the promises of God are in him, yes. What does that mean? In him, done. Gabble, strike, done. Check the box, done. In him, in him. You know, it's very hard to receive the promises of God when you're not living in him." [51:17] ( | | )
7) "The Bible says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. You've got a powerful God living inside of you. He's the Word, by the way." [01:10:33] ( | | )
8) "The Word of God doesn't return to himself void of substance value. An identity. The Word of God is powerful. The Word of God is reliable. And above all things, if you take anything out here today, the Word of God works." [55:48] ( | | )
9) "The word of God that God alone has spoken is settled. He's declared it, so be it. It's not up for debate. There's no question about its efficacy. It's true. But I want you to know it's settled in heaven." [59:50] ( | | )
10) "The Bible says to speak the things that are not as though they are. That's not to say my bank account has $10 and I'm going to speak that it has $1,000. That's not what it's saying. When we get into alignment with heaven and we speak the things that are not here as though they are there, then we will begin to see God begin to move and things begin to materialize." [01:08:04] ( | | )
Let's just lift our hands all across this auditorium tonight as we turn our eyes toward Jesus and just give Him praise right now.
Why don't you just call upon the name of Jesus? Whatever it is that you need from God, you can find it in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus heals. The name of Jesus restores. The name of Jesus sets us free from captivity. It delivers us and heals us from anxiety and oppression. It's all in the name of Jesus.
I feel the presence of the Lord here in this room tonight. I wonder if you have come here tonight. You don't have to wait until we finish this service to have an encounter with God and have your need met. Jesus, the Bible says, can heal all manner of diseases. He's able to deliver you from depression.
If you're oppressed by something, if you're walking through a dark season, I want you to know that Jesus is the light of the world. And if you have doubts here tonight that God can touch you, can mend you, can heal you, I want you to know that you're standing in a room full of people who have the same testimony. That we once were walking in darkness and in sin and without God, but all of a sudden we met Jesus. And Jesus changed absolutely everything.
So if you have something that you need from God right now, we're going to pray before we get into the word of the Lord. I want you to just lift your hands unto heaven right now, every eye closed. And whatever it is that you need from God, I just want you to just begin to tell Him right now.
Whatever it is you need healing in your body, God can do a miracle in you right now. You need restoration in your mind and in your home and in your family, God can do that for you right now. Did you walk in crippled with fear and anxiety? God can lift that off of you right now.
Alright, God has heard you. So here's what we're going to do. If you're okay and it's appropriate, you can reach over to the person that's beside you and we're going to pray for one another right now. And God is going to touch you right now by faith.
Why don't you just reach over and grab the person that's beside you if they're okay with it? Lay your hand on their shoulder. I'm going to pray. We're going to pray together.
God, in the name of Jesus, that is the name that is above every name. That is the name that heals. That is the name that sets free. That is the name that restores. That is the name that saves.
I pray right now in the name of Jesus for a supernatural touch from heaven upon every life, upon every person that's in this room tonight. You have heard every need. You have heard every prayer. And you, God, are able and faithful to respond to every care and concern that's in this room tonight.
So we, as your children and creation, we cast our cares on you now because you care for us. And we receive healing from you where we couldn't heal ourselves. And we receive freedom from you where we couldn't free ourselves.
If you believe that God has intervened in your life, can you clap your hands unto God and lift your voice with a shout of praise unto the Lord? Amen.
Welcome to the house of God. We're going to take a second. If you got somebody that's around you, you've never met them before, just give somebody a handshake, a high five. Welcome them into the house of God.
We're going to have a great night tonight. The Lord is already here. We are expecting that God is going to do something amazing here tonight. Welcome to the house of God.
If this is your first time here with us, we want to welcome you. Can we celebrate all of our first-time guests that have come and joined us here tonight? Welcome to the house of God. We're so glad that you're here.
My name is Justin Michael. I'm the pastor here at Apostolic Church Dallas. Apostolic Church exists to see it in Dallas as it is in heaven. We believe that God will do that as each one of us awaken and align with God's kingdom call on our lives.
How many of you know that God has a very specific kingdom calling on each and every one of our lives? He does. And God wants to not only move in your life as an individual, but God also wants to use you to touch other people's lives.
So here we're going to go into the word of the Lord tonight. Don't we love the word of God? Yes. Hallelujah.
By the way, if you have never gone to a neighborhood and you're new around here, I want to encourage you, challenge you to go to a neighborhood. Everybody say neighborhood. Neighborhoods are where we follow Jesus together.
And every disciple in the Bible, they never were able to follow Jesus by themselves. That wasn't a thing. Isolationism is not God's plan. He's called us to get together with His people and follow together.
And so on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, we have house groups called neighborhoods that pray, take communion, share in the word of God, bear each other's burdens. And they meet every week. If you would like to join a neighborhood, that sounds like something that you're interested in, you can find one of our team members with a badge or you can text the number that's maybe it's on the screen. Maybe it's on the screen. I don't know. Maybe it is.
He's got it. It is. Well, find somebody with a badge and it'll work out. Hallelujah.
Also, I would like to invite you if you're new around here and you just want to hear a little more about—there it is. There is that number right there. 214-888-8750. Just text the word hi. You'll get a text back with a list of ways to find those neighborhoods.
Also, if you're new around here and you just want to know a little bit more about this church, how to get connected, what we believe, what our vision is for the city, you can. We want to invite you to our welcome to apostolic gathering that's going to be happening after service on Easter Sunday. That's the 31st, by the way, the last Sunday of this month.
If you've got some new people, you bring them with you, tell them to hang out afterwards. We're going to eat some food and share the vision of the church with new people that are here that are looking to call this place home.
How many of you ready for the word of the Lord? You ready? You're ready. The word of God is powerful. Do you believe that?
We love worship, but the word of God is what builds the kingdom. We love music, but the word of God is what builds the kingdom. And so what we're about to do is not just sit and listen to me talk a bunch of words. We're going to get into God's word.
Jesus said His word is spirit and it is life. So when I'm preaching, I'm hoping not to just educate you on the Bible. I'm hoping that while I preach the word of God, that the living word of God will transform you.
And so tonight, if you have a need, God can heal you right here during the preaching. If you need to be liberated from anxiety, maybe you're just constantly in fear. God can deliver you while the preaching is happening because His word is powerful.
After the preaching, we're going to have an altar call. That's what we call it around here. It's a time when we come forward and we pray and respond to God's word. So we're going to get there. But in the meantime, you get to listen to me.
You guys ready? Here we go. Mark chapter five, verse 36 and Romans 4:21. You may have a paper Bible, you may have an iPad Bible, iPhone Bible, Android Bible. I doubt anybody came in with a scroll today.
Mark 5:36, and as soon as Jesus—everybody say Jesus—heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, do not be afraid, only believe. Everybody say only believe, only believe.
My prayer for you tonight is that you would believe. Romans 4:21, and being fully convinced that what He had promised, He was also able to perform.
Could you put your Bible down, lift your hands with me and ask God to minister to you tonight?
Father, I thank you for your word. Your word is alive. It's living. It's sharp, sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing asunder of soul and spirit, that joint and marrow, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
God, your word is spirit and it is life. I pray that your word, which is already anointed, would go forth with power in this room tonight. That we would be transformed by the spirit of wisdom and revelation that would rest upon this assembly.
I bind anything that would work contrary to the working of the will of God in this room tonight. And I open in the spirit, God, every ear to hear what the spirit would speak to us tonight.
Because we don't just want to hear what Pastor Justin has to say. We don't just want to hear any cool one-liner sayings or whatever wisdom I've got. We want to hear from you because you're the only one that has wisdom and you're the only one that has the words of eternal life.
So I pray tonight you'd anoint me to be able to speak what you would have to speak. That you would let no words come out of me that are not first from you. Let this room, God, be charged with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Let the angelic host of heaven come bearing witness of what happens here tonight. And let it be your kingdom come. Your will be done right in this service as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name, everybody say amen.
Amen. Prophecy in many instances is simply divine potential. How many of you know what prophecy is? Prophecy, we've got some people who know what prophecy is. Alright, we've got hands up. You know what prophecy is.
Maybe you've prophesied. Paul said, I want that you all prophesy. Maybe you've received a prophetic word before. Most of us, at least maybe we haven't encountered it, but we've heard about prophecy.
But prophecy is in many instances divine potential. Here is what will happen oftentimes if 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord speaks. He says, if my people, He says, I'm going to do an amazing thing. I'm going to heal your land. I'm going to forgive your sin.
But it starts here. If my people called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways. Then there's a divine pronunciation of heavenly intent.
But oftentimes the prophetic word of the Lord requires a partnership from heaven to bring what is true in heavenly places to be true down here in your life. For us to fully realize and walk into the full potential of the plans and purposes that God has for our lives, the promises of God, we must understand that first we must partner with God's process.
We must submit to the word of God and in obedience with belief. We fully evidence our faith of what God has spoken by demonstrating it with our life. If God tells you, I don't know, you're going to be a great soul winner, Justin, and God speaks that to you.
Well, if you sit around and you never go talk to anybody about Jesus, you'll never be a great soul winner. You see how that works? Prophecy is divine potential, but it requires earthly engagement and obedience.
God might say, here is what I prepared for you. And that is an unshakable truth. The reality is not that God's word is in question. Whatever God says is, it's true. If God says you're going to be healed, I believe you will be healed.
Whatever God speaks is a reality that is cemented in heavenly places. It is bound to the character and record of God, which is immaculate. Why? Because He always comes through every single time.
Am I in a room full of people who know that He's an on-time God, that He's a providing God, that He's a prayer-answering God? There's an old song, He may not come when you want Him to, but He'll be there right on time. He's an on-time God.
There have been many times where I've been waiting on God, wondering when God was going to come through, if His promise was going to be fulfilled, and it didn't happen when I thought it should happen. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount upon wings of eagles and they will soar. They shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint.
If you wait on God, He's going to come through. And David declares in Psalm 37:25, he says this. Now David is the man in the Bible who is the man after God's own heart. He says, I have been young, and now I'm old.
So listen to the wisdom of the old man, David. Yet, as an old man, I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor God's descendants ever going around begging for bread. God's a providing God.
There's a lot of you here tonight. You may be young. You may not be old yet, but you still have the same testimony. I've never seen the righteous forsaken. I've never seen God turn His back on the people of God. I've never seen Him not come through on something that He spoke in my life.
And of the promises of God, the Bible is full of scriptures proclaiming their truth, their power, and His faithfulness to them. 2 Corinthians 1:20, for all the promises—everybody say all—all the promises of God are in Him, yes. What does that mean? In Him, done. Gabble, strike, done. Check the box, done.
In Him, in Him. You know, it's very hard to receive the promises of God when you're not living in Him. But if you are living in Him, I've got some encouragement for you tonight. In Him, His promises are, check box, yes. They are in Him, yes. And in Him, amen.
That word amen means it is so, or so be it. It's a declaration of finality. The promises of God, He knocks the gavel, checks the box, and He says, done.
Romans 4:21, we read this in the beginning, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. I love Isaiah 55:11 that says it like this, so shall my word—this is God speaking through the prophet Isaiah—so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth. It will not return to me empty.
I've got to encourage somebody tonight. It will not return to Him empty. I don't know what God has spoken to you, but I've just got to lift somebody's faith in the room tonight. If God has spoken to you, it will not come back to Him empty.
His word is not like a boomerang that He sends out, and it just comes back the same way. When He sends out His word, it will work. He goes on to say, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper in the thing that I sent it to perform.
I want you to know that it's the truth tonight. Whatever God declares over your life is the truth. It's true. Done. Settled. Amen. So be it. Mark it down.
And I've come to tell you tonight that regardless of how you may feel and that regardless of what the mainstream culture and world and narrative in the value system of our country is, regardless of how things may look like in your present life, God is not a liar.
God is not a liar. I don't care if the news says God is dead. I don't care if your neighbor says God is not real. I want you to know tonight that God is not a liar, and there are no lies found in His mouth. He is truth.
The Bible says He is the spirit of truth. He's a true God, and God does not lie. Some of you have felt like God has lied to you. I felt this this morning when I was preparing to preach. God has not lied to you. Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean that God has forgotten you.
God is able and faithful to perform everything that He has told you He has got for you in your life. So I want to encourage somebody in this room tonight. You may be down. You may be out. You may be without a job. You may be sick in body, but it doesn't matter.
Here's what you need to know. Your present circumstance does not define God's ability. If you are sick, He is a healer whether He's done it yet or not. If you don't have a job and you need money, He's a provider whether the bank account says zero or a hundred thousand or a million. He is truth.
The Bible says in Hebrews 6:18 that it is impossible for God to lie. Numbers 23:19 echoes this and says God is not a man. You happy about that? God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should repent. He has said it and will He not do it? Or He has spoken. Will He not make good on it?
I came here tonight with one mission. And that is to tell this body of believers that God is not playing tricks on you. I've got to encourage somebody tonight. I felt it in my spirit so strong while I was praying this morning. God is not playing tricks on you.
God is not lying to you. What God has declared to you, God is completely able and faithful to perform it. And I just want you to know He will bring it to pass. He will bring it to pass.
I want you to just lift your hands with me right now. And if you've got something in your life you need God to do, I just want you to declare to God I know you're going to bring it through. I know you're going to bring it to pass. I know you haven't forsaken me.
I know you've not left me hanging. I know you haven't forgotten me in my time of need. I know you will come through. The Word of God doesn't return to Himself void of substance, value, and identity. The Word of God is powerful. The Word of God is reliable.
And above all things, if you take anything out here today, the Word of God works. The Word of God works. There's a story in the Bible. There's somebody that's sick. And the Bible said He sent His Word and healed them.
I know the Bible says to gather the elders of the church and let them lay hands and pray the prayer of faith. But I'm telling you I've seen people prayed for and healed of diseases on their deathbed. And God raised them up the next week out of a hospital off of a ventilator. Because somebody spoke the Word of the Lord over their life.
I say a young man. He's older than me. And he was a youth pastor in Illinois. And I still got to tell him the story. It's the second time I've told this and I've never told him that. He was early on in COVID. He was on a ventilator. He had gotten COVID and there was—they didn't even have tests for him yet. His lungs were filled with pneumonia.
They put him on a ventilator. And this young man, this man of God was dying. Many days over a week on a ventilator. I believe it was over two weeks. And I called an intercessor friend of mine, a prayer warrior. You've heard me talk about him. His name is Rick.
He's just a nobody. Nobody knows who he is. But he's a faithful saint in the kingdom of God and a powerful person in the kingdom. He doesn't hold any fancy position or title, by the way. He just knows how to get a hold of God.
You know I wish we had more people like that. That just knew how to get a hold of God. I said, let's pray. He said, Jay, let's pray. So we began to pray. And all of a sudden, he said to me, he said, Jay, I've seen a vision. He calls me Jay.
He said, Jay, I've seen a vision. He said, I saw. Now, if you've never heard of anything like this, well, you just chalk it up however you want to chalk it up and make your own assumption on how you think this is going to end and how this works.
But he was in there praying. And all of a sudden, God showed him in the Spirit that hospital room where he was laying down on that bed. And two angels walked into that hospital room and stood on either side of him. And they put their hands up on him in this vision. And God spoke the word life.
I can't tell you the exact number of days because I'd be lying to you. But I believe it was under a week, maybe three days, four maybe. If he was going to come off of that vent, he was supposed to be going to rehab. But in a matter of less than a week, he was up off that bed and he walked out of there on his own accord, fully strengthened and healthy in the name of Jesus.
All of the doctors said he's going to die. This is the end of the road. We've got nothing else. But can I tell you about the word of the Lord? Can I tell you about somebody named Jesus who's never going to come, who's never going to fall short? He's always going to come through.
And His word is able to perform what He sends it out to perform. And he did an interview with the local news station. Let me tell you what happened. He said, I read it and I got to talk to him because again, he don't even know that this happened.
And he said in this news story, he said, when I came to, I couldn't figure out why these two nurses on my left and my right wouldn't leave me. They were just standing there with their hands on me. But the more I came to out of the coma, the more I understood these were not nurses. These were angels.
So you got a man praying in Alexandria, Louisiana, and a man up in Aurora, Illinois. Don't know each other from Adam. But when we begin to declare the word of the Lord, things begin to change. Why? Because there is power in the spoken word of God. It'll work.
There is a truth from God in heaven over your life, over your family, over this city, over this church. And that truth is settled. I want you to know there is a truth from God over your life, settled.
The Bible says this, Psalm 119:89. Forever—everybody say forever—forever, oh Lord, your word is settled in heaven. The word of God that God alone has spoken is settled. He's declared it, so be it. It's not up for debate. There's no question about its efficacy. It's true.
But I want you to know it's settled in heaven. Forever, oh Lord, your word is forever settled in heaven. I believe that every word that God has spoken has come forth from His mouth with the divine intention to come to pass.
I believe that it is settled in heavenly places as the truth. And in the Bible, there are two words for the word word. The first word for the word word is logos. Everybody say logos. Everybody say the next word. It is rhema. Say rhema.
The logos refers to the essential and established forever settled word of God. Even more revelation in the scriptures is given. When we read the book of John, chapter one, and we understand that the logos, the word of God, isn't just something that comes from God like your word comes from you to me, but rather it's something way more powerful and illuminating than just His words from His mouth.
It's Himself. The logos is the established forever settled word of God. But in John, chapter one, verse one, it says in the beginning was the word, the logos, and the word, the logos was with God. So the word was there forever settled before time began.
The word forever settled was with God. And it also says this. The word was God. It's not just what He says. This word logos is the plan of God, the mind of God, the essence of God revealed.
And the word that was with God became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. That word is who? Jesus.
So when the Bible says that the word was made flesh, it is not referring to the word merely alone as a person, but it's saying the word in its essence. It is the mind of God, the will of God, the character of God, the nature of God, His heart revealed to mankind.
His word was with Him and His word was Him and His word became flesh in the form of the man Jesus Christ. And if you want to know how powerful the word of God is and the reliability of the promises of God, I don't have to look at any testimony. I can just say this. Just look over at Jesus.
The Bible says in verse 18 of John one, no one has seen God at any time. The only begotten or made son who is in the bosom of the Father, the Father has declared Him. Declared, that means pronounced.
That at a certain point in time, God's plan to redeem mankind was in Him. But at a certain point in time, He said, it's time for me to pronounce my plan of redemption to humanity. And when He pronounced the word to the world, it showed up in the form of a man named Jesus who saved us from our sins and changed the world and made us in fellowship with God.
It's amazing. And this is why Jesus could say to His disciples when they asked Him to show them the Father, He said, Jesus, who, where is the Father? And Jesus looks back at them and says, how long have I been with you? And you have not known.
Philip asked, he said, Philip, he who has seen me has seen the Father. Why? Because Jesus is the word, the heart, the mind, the essence of God, who is our Father, revealed unto mankind.
And we beheld Him as the begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Over 300 prophecies fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Why? Because the word of God doesn't come back void.
300 prophecies in the Old Testament pointing forward to Jesus. And in one lifetime of 33 years, He fulfills 300 of them. Because the word of God never is empty. It ain't never empty.
The word of God works and it does what He has sent it forth to do. God is the word and the word is God. And because God is true, the word is true. And because God is eternal, His word is eternal. That's the logos.
But let's talk about the rhema. The rhema refers to the spoken word of God. For many people in Christianity today veer off into error, is thinking that simply because they're filled with the spirit of God, they're by the spirit of the word of God, that they can speak whatever they want and it's going to happen.
That's wrong. You can't just speak something and it show up. The Bible says you pray, you ask, and you don't have it, because you're asking amiss, because you want to spend it on your own desires.
Any preacher out here, any church out here telling you, the seed of $100 you're going to get a mansion is lying to you. That is not the gospel of the kingdom. You can't just simply go out and say, I declare blank, blank, blank and it's going to happen.
You are not God and I am not God. There's only one God and His name is Jesus. And we can't make anything happen, but we can partner with the one who can make it happen.
If He says you're healed, guess what? It doesn't matter if it's me that prays for you, Justin who prays for you, my wife that prays for you, John Walker that prays for you. If it's in the name of Jesus and heaven has settled it and established it, I want you to know there's nothing that can stop you from being healed when God declares that you're healed.
We're just servants of God. We just obey Him. You cannot speak whatever you want and it come to pass. There's a form of witchcraft today in the world, which is on the rise, and people think they can manifest everything here left and right.
That's witchcraft and that's not the kingdom of God. So if you're doing that, come talk to me after service. We can talk about it. But you can declare through the rhema word of God, the spoken word of God, what God has already established in the logos.
Let me help you. You can declare through the spoken word what has been settled in the established word. If God says, I want to bring revival to the city of Dallas, and that's the forever settled established logos word, well then you have free reign as a son of God to declare the rhema word of the Lord and say, God is going to send revival to the city of Dallas.
Why? It's not because you're going to make it happen, but you are simply declaring as an agent on the earth what is happening in heavenly places. I'm establishing it so it be here on the earth. As it is in heavenly places, so be it right here.
If you've got family members that are away from God and God has spoken to you, I'm going to help them. I'm going to save them. I'm going to get them. You just begin to speak it. The Bible says to speak the things that are not as though they are.
That's not to say my bank account has $10 and I'm going to speak that it has $1,000. That's not what it's saying. When we get into alignment with heaven and we speak the things that are not here as though they are there, then we will begin to see God begin to move and things begin to materialize.
Why? Because it's already forever settled in the logos word of God. He's already established it. He's already spoken it. It's going to come to pass.
The rhema word is the now use of the eternal word of God. It is the word used in John 6:63. I quoted it a moment ago when Jesus said, the word that I speak to you, it is spirit and it is life.
He said the rhema that I speak to you, the spoken word. As the word made flesh, the eternal logos revealed from heaven to earth. He speaks a spiritual now, the rhema word of life.
With heavenly origin, Jesus looks at His disciples and says, as the word, I want you to know that the words that I speak to you, they are not dead, they are living because they are rooted in heavenly places.
When Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted of the devil, the eternal logos made flesh, Jesus declared, quoting the word of God. He says in Matthew 4:4, referencing Deuteronomy 8:3, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every rhema that proceeds from the mouth of God.
When Paul writes in Ephesians 6 to the church of Ephesus, instructing the body of Christ to take on the whole armor of God, he says, take on the whole armor that you would be able to stand against spiritual opposition.
He's helping them understand how to stand against the devil who is a thief, posing as an imposter and an opposer of the kingdom of God. In an attempt to stop the establishing of the kingdom of heaven and the earth, especially in the lives of God's people.
I don't want to romanticize the devil, but I want you to know that there is an adversary the devil going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
Okay, we got that out of the way. That's true. But the Bible also says this, that Jesus made a mockery of every principality openly on the cross. And in 1 John 3:8, it says this, that this is the reason the Son of Man has come. That's to destroy the works of the devil.
And so he may go about roaring like a lion, but he is not a lion. There is only one lion, and he is the lion of the tribe of Judah. And while there may be an imposter going about roaring, about trying to scare you, cause fear in your life, get you to be intimidated, to not live for God, I want you to know that if the lion of the tribe of Judah began to open His mouth, that little lion as a roaring lion would be revealed as the mouse that he is, because God is powerful.
I want you to know the Bible says greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You've got a powerful God living inside of you. He's the Word, by the way.
Jesus tells a parable. If you don't know what a parable is, it's a story illustrating a bigger point in Matthew 13. He tells the story of a farmer who's planting seed in a field. And in this parable, some of the seed from the hand of the sower lands on the path.
But quickly the birds came and snatched up the seed, never fully allowing the seed to have a chance to bear, drop down roots and produce harvest up. And when His disciples asked Him, what is the meaning of this parable, He replied to them with this revelation.
He said, the seed that fell from the hand of the sower was the Word, the logos of God. Attempting to be sown into the soil of the heart of men, and the bird was the adversary, the enemy who came to snatch away what was intended to take root in the soil of the heart of man from the man who the Bible says did not understand what was happening.
The seed from the hand of the sower is the Word of God. And it had all intention of taking root in the soil and the ground that it fell on. However, from one place to another, from the hand of the farmer to the soil of man, the seed was snatched because the soil was not ready to receive it.
I want to help you understand this tonight. If you're going to properly position yourself to receive what God has intended for you, we've got to get ourselves in alignment here on earth to receive what is coming down from heaven.
If we're not aware of the attempts of the devil to attack, snatch, subvert, derail the Word of God in your life, how to stand against it, and even why these things happen to you, the enemy will constantly and often successfully attempt to snatch seeds of God's logos in your life.
The established Word, try and pick it right up. Now that doesn't mean that God's Word is void. It means that the soil doesn't understand that the seed is coming. It doesn't understand how to receive the seed.
If we are going to see the Word of God active and alive in our lives, we as the soil have to be ready to receive the Word when it comes. What if one of the reasons why you're not seeing God's Word come to pass in your life has nothing to do with the seed coming from heaven, but maybe the soil that's in your heart that rejects the seed when it comes.
We want what God wants for us, but not enough to change our soil to be ready and conducive to the seed when it comes to us. It is within the framework of this reality that Paul teaches in Ephesians 6 how to take on the whole armor of God.
So he writes, stand therefore having your waist girded with truth and the breastplate of righteousness and having your feet shod about with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all the shield of faith. Take it with you to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take on the helmet of salvation.
He tells them how to stand. He tells them how to be covered. He tells them how to be protected, how to fend off attacks, but then the next very thing tells them how to fight. Yes, take on all that stuff, but then the sword of the Spirit, which is the rhema Word of God.
The sword of the Spirit. That word there is rhema, the spoken, the declared Word of God. This is the same tactic that Jesus used. When He was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil, He used the word.
Every temptation was a temptation to try and get Him to compromise the purpose of God in His life, the promises of God over His life, all the things that God would fulfill through Him to be the Savior of the world and redeem us from our lost separation without God.
And the enemy was trying to get Him over and over, to step outside of the promises of God, to not step into the prophetic destiny that was upon His life.
Anybody get the picture here? And all of a sudden, Jesus was very successful, by the way, in fending off the adversary, fending off the bird of prey to come by and snatch the word. And every time He did it, here's what He said. It is written. It is written. It is written.
You can't stand against the attacks of the enemy on your own. You can't do it in your own strength. You can't do that. But let me tell you what you can do. You can stand upon the eternal established Word of God.
And let me tell you, if God has spoken it, it will happen. If God has declared it, it is so. All we've got to do sometimes is open up our Bible. Sometimes we're sitting here trying to rebuke this, rebuke that. Sometimes you just need to open up the Word and declare, I will live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord.
You need to begin to declare the written Word of God. And when you do, there is no devil in hell that can resist you. There is no devil in hell that can overcome you. Why? Because you're in the Word. It is written.
The next time you come into spiritual attack, open that Bible and go to your Bible app and connect to whatever speaker you got. If it's just a speaker on your phone, press play. And every time the word goes, just say, yep, amen. I believe that. Amen. I believe that.
And begin to partner with the Word of God and see what begins to happen in your life. The Bible says this. Why is the Word of God an effective tool against the adversary? Verse 2:10 says this, that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow.
Of those in heaven, of those in the earth, and those under the earth. In every category of existence, everything will bow to the name of Jesus. And that includes the devil.
Sometimes if I'm getting attacked, I say, hey, I'm already bowing. Because we're all going to bow. And if the name of Jesus is powerful enough to make every knee bow, let me tell you about the Word.
You believe in the power of the name of Jesus? Believe in the power of His name? The Bible says in Psalm 138, David, he said, I will worship towards your Holy Temple. I will praise your name for your loving kindness and your truth, for you have exalted your word above your name.
If you think the name of Jesus is powerful, and it is, understand it's powerful because it's in the logos. It's established. Your salvation in Christ, if you stay in Christ, it's established.
And so if you'll just go ahead and partner with the Word of God and to begin to declare in your life what He's declaring over you, there's nothing that can come against you. Nothing. Nothing.
It's eternal. It's effective. It's enough. Why don't you just lift your hands with me right now and say, God, help me to believe tonight in your Word.
Come on, begin to lift your voice with me right now. Begin to speak the Word of God. You got a scripture in your heart, just begin to declare it right now. Begin to declare the logos, the written, eternal, settled Word of God over your home, over your life, over your mind, your family, your Word.
God, you will do it. You will do it because you're able to perform it. You'll do it because you're able to perform it.
Come on, is there someone here tonight who is desperate for God to intervene? I want you to know I'm not just selling snake oil. I'm preaching the Word and the gospel of the kingdom. The Word of God will work for you.
If you will begin to declare the Word of God, God will come through. He will do it. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John writes, having seen a vision of the throne room of heaven and the one who sits upon it.
Musicians, y'all, come on back. He saw Jesus sitting on the throne of God, the Word of God, and He's sitting there in glorified view, enthroned in the heavens.
We're talking about Jesus seated with all power and authority. And of Him, John writes what he sees. He had in His right hand seven stars, and out of His mouth went a sharp, two-edged sword.
Hebrews 4:12 says, for the living Word of God is a two-edged sword able to penetrate to the very core of your soul and spirit, discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And in Revelation 1-6, we see the Word sitting on the throne, and out of His mouth comes that sword, the Word of God. The Word of God is a weapon against any power, any force, any situation.
Whether your situation is natural or spiritual, I want you to know the Word is the remedy. Some of you in this room tonight, you have been up against some things, some attacks, even discouragements, but I've come to tell you tonight, it's time to speak the Word.
And I want you to declare the Word and believe it. God is able to touch your life. God is able to meet your need. God is able to perform what seems like the impossible in your life.
When the odds are stacked against you, if you are with God, it doesn't matter what the odds look like, because one with God is the majority bigger than any human with all the rest of the population of this world, all the money that you can find and the doctors that you can find and the wisdom that you can find, because if you have Him, you've got everything you need.
You've got an earth-cheap code, because you know the one who made it. And His Word is spirit and life. And there is no son and daughter of God that needs to walk in a position of death when the Father is speaking life over you.
The enemy has tried to convince you, some of you in this room, that God will never do what He has declared. But the Bible says the enemy is a liar and the Father of all lies.
If He's saying something to you, it's because He can't do it and because it won't happen. Hear me, without permission, the adversary can't do nothing. He has no creative power. There's no word in Him.
He was a bystander who got to watch when the Lord said, let there be, and the Word of God stretched forth to heavens. Somebody here tonight, you've got to do like the writer of Hebrews, your mind is deadlock focused on all the things going on down here, the problems and the trouble and the trials and the turmoil.
But the writer of Hebrews says, why don't you just look up unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. I want you to know that's Jesus. He's the Word. It's the same one that subdued darkness.
He's the same one who made an open mockery of all principalities. He's the same one that destroyed the works of the devil. He's the same one who created the heavens and the earth with His words all alone.
He's the same one who died, buried, and lives again. He's the same one that's seated and thrown in heavenly places with all power and authority. And of this very same Jesus, I am fully convinced, like Romans 4:21 says, that what He has promised, He is able to perform it.
Why don't we stand to our feet all across this room tonight? Mark chapter 5, a man named Jairus approaches Jesus, begging Him to heal his daughter who was sick at the point of death.
The Bible doesn't give a detail of the exchange between Jesus and Jairus, but we know that by nature of Jesus agreeing to go to His house, that Jesus was going to heal his daughter. And in the middle of a journey, there arose a woman who had a need, and she interrupted their journey.
This is the lady with the issue of blood in her body for many years, and she goes and she touches the base of His garment, and she is instantly healed. And a lot of times in that story, we focus on her, but I want you to look at Jairus right now.
He has a desperate need from God, and God has agreed to come and meet the need. And on the way, there's a little bit of a hiccup, and someone else is receiving their healing while Jairus is left in waiting.
You ever been there before? See somebody else getting touched by God, somebody else being blessed, but there you are waiting, watching, waiting on what God said He's going to do for you.
And to make matters worse, a servant from Jairus' house comes and says, Jairus, it's too late. Your daughter's dead. Could you imagine the grief that came over Jairus? The absolute hopelessness that would have covered him when he's watching somebody else receive a miracle because she got in his way.
His daughter is now dead. Here's a man at the last line of defense, feeling like God had forsaken him and that no hope was left. But it's amazing what happens next with Jesus.
As Jairus is stricken with fear right there, and horror, and grief, Jesus looks at him and says, don't fear, just believe. I know what it looks like. I know what the doctor's report is. I know what the bank account looks like. I know what your boss said.
I know what you're going through. I know the turmoil in your marriage. I get it. I know you're headed for divorce. I know where you're at. But I'm asking you as your God, don't look at what's on paper right now because I transcend statistics and I transcend earthly facts.
You understand, I'm the eternal word of God. Whatever I say is forever settled and there's no thing earthly or supernatural that can go against what I have already declared.
And so Jairus, I get it. I know you're fearful. And it looks like everything is caving in, but I'm asking you to not fear. Don't buckle to what you see, just believe.
And they went to his house and Jesus walks in and the mourners are there. They're just weeping and crying. And Jesus says, can you guys get out of here? Because you see death, but the eternal word says life is here.
There's no room for mourning when life shows up. There's no reason for mourners when the light of the world and the one who is the way, the truth, and the life steps into a room.
And He goes and grabs that little girl's hand and He raises her up and breath comes into her body and color comes back to her skin and her eyes open and she goes to hug her parents.
And why did that happen? Because the eternal word of God declared it may look like death right now, but when I speak with my word, I will bring life where you see death.
And so I don't know where you are tonight. I don't know what looks like death around you. I don't know what your status is. I don't know what brokenness might be existing in your life.
But here's what I've come to preach to you tonight. I've come to preach to you that Jesus is the word and Jesus heals all manner of disease and Jesus can perform all types of miracles and provide whatever it is that you need in your life today, today.
So here's what I want us to do. I just want us to lift our hands right now. It's just simple faith. It's just simple faith. I don't know what it is that you come in with, come in needing, but right now God is able to touch your life right now.
The same God that walked into Jairus' house and touched his daughter and said life be restored. The same God who stretched forth the heavens is right here, close as the mention of His name.
So I don't know what it is that you need, but just begin to tell Him right now, God, I need it. I need healing in my body. God, you see what's going on at work, Lord. God, you see the fear that I've been riddled with, the sleep that it's robbing from me.
God, you see the relational turmoil that I'm walking in. Come on, tell Him He's a good Father. He wants to hear from you. God, you are able to perform the miracle that you need tonight.
God, you see what I need. God, you see the job that I need. God, everything, you see it. You said if I seek first the kingdom of God and your righteousness that all of these things will be added to me.
You said it, God, so I believe it. You established it, so I believe it. And so God, I'm praying that it will be in my life tonight.
God, that you will begin to send the eternal heavenly word of God into my life here on earth right now. So we're going to open up this front area right now for all of us to come and pray.
And if you need God to touch you tonight, God's going to do it. Why don't we come forward right now? Whether you want to kneel, stand, sit down, however it is that you want to seek God, let's seek the Lord together.
He's the one that can do it. He's the one that can meet your need. He's the one that can mend your heart. He's the one that's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think according to His power.
According to His power. If you're a leader here and you see someone praying, would you go pray for them right now? Before we dismiss tonight, we're going to join together and pray a prayer together.
And we're going to bind together in unity that we would believe God at His Word. And that this very week that we begin to see God's Word come to pass in your life.
So I want you to join together with your neighbor if they're good with it. Following Jesus with people is a whole lot easier than trying to do it by yourself. Number one, you can't do it by yourself.
But number two, when you do it the right way with others, you have people that will bear the burdens of the Lord with you. And that's what's happening right now as we're about to pray.
And so I want you to look over at the person that's beside you. I want you to ask him, what do you need from God? What do you need from God?
And then look over at the other person and say, what do you need from God? Alright. Now you know what they need from God. Let's pray together for those needs right now.
We're going to bear these together right now. Let's pray. Father, in the name of Jesus, I want you all to lead the prayer. You don't need me to lead the prayer.
Let's pray. Pray for the person beside you like you need them to pray for yourself. God will perform the work. God's going to bring life to you. God's going to bring hope to you.
God's going to bring joy to you. The joy of the Lord is your strength. The Bible says in His presence is fullness of joy. His presence is here. Jesus died so you can walk in His presence.
God's going to give you joy. It's the hope of the world, the gospel of Jesus. You can feel something happening even right now as we pray. Thank you for it, mighty God.
Yeah, God's doing something right now. We're not going to move past it. Come on. Just begin to lift your voice together. God's doing something right here.
The natural move of the Holy Spirit right here. If you've never been in an environment like this, heaven is moving right now as we pray. Come on, reach for something in God right now.
Reach for something in God right now. Stretch your faith forward unto Him. Can you clap your hands and believe? What God has spoken, hallelujah, praise God.
Love you guys. Thank you for coming to church tonight. We have neighborhoods this week. If you've never joined a neighborhood, you can text I to the number that's going to be on the screen.
Go out in the joy of the Lord. There's going to be coffee outside. It is free tonight, so enjoy the free coffee tonight and let's fellowship and enjoy each other. God bless you.
Hi, I'm an AI assistant for the pastor that gave this sermon. What would you like to make from it?