John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by Apostolic Church Dallas on Dec 25, 2023
The sermon delivered at the Apostolic Church Dallas during the Advent Christmas Event focuses on the profound implications of Jesus' birth and presence in the lives of believers. The speaker, whose name is not discernible from the video title, begins by highlighting the significance of Jesus coming to earth as a servant. Jesus, being both fully God and fully man, left the comfort of His heavenly throne to live among us, making God accessible and relatable to our human struggles. The speaker points out that Jesus' arrival brings hope that transcends this life and marks three distinct comings of the Lord: His birth, His promise to come to His disciples, and the filling of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
Moving beyond the superficial elements of the Christmas season, the speaker urges believers to embody the body of Christ and shine His light in a dark world. The congregation is encouraged to let the light of the world within them shine daily, as exemplified by a song that calls believers to not hide their light. The speaker shares a personal experience of feeling the darkness while watching a Christmas movie, which served as a reminder that Christmas is not about the distractions and cares of life that can cloud our view.
The sermon also emphasizes the ongoing presence and impact of God in the lives of believers. Christmas is not just a retrospective celebration but a recognition that the King now lives within each individual. The speaker uses the imagery of tongues of fire to illustrate the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the indwelling of God's presence, challenging believers to be the light in their family gatherings and social functions.
The concept of God becoming a child to redeem humanity is discussed, with the speaker noting that individuals must become like children to access the lifestyle and presence God offers. The birth of Jesus, though humble, was marked by extraordinary signs and fulfilled prophecy. The congregation is encouraged to lift their voices in prayer, expressing their love and honor for God as His children. The speaker addresses misconceptions about God based on experiences with earthly fathers, reassuring that God is a good father who desires to love them.
The importance of sharing personal experiences with God is underscored, with the speaker using the metaphor of a candle to encourage the audience to let their light shine and share their experiences, which can have a powerful impact. Lastly, the speaker reminds the congregation that Jesus' arrival was the arrival of a king, urging them not to let the cuteness of the Christmas story overshadow the transformative reality that God came to us, allowing us to become His children.
Key Takeaways:
- Jesus' incarnation as both God and man demonstrates a profound humility and accessibility, offering us a model of servanthood and empathy. His life on earth allows us to understand that God is intimately familiar with our human experiences and struggles, providing us with hope that extends beyond our earthly existence. [01:00:44]
- The essence of Christmas is not found in the festive trappings but in the opportunity for believers to manifest the light of Christ in a world shrouded in darkness. This season calls for a reflective and intentional approach to living out our faith, resisting the distractions that can obscure the true meaning and purpose of Christmas. [01:07:49]
- The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers signifies that the celebration of Christmas is an ongoing experience of God's presence. As temples of the living King, Christians are empowered to bring light and transformation to every environment they enter, embodying the continuous presence of the King throughout the year. [01:05:24]
- Embracing a childlike nature is essential to experiencing the fullness of God's kingdom. Just as Jesus came as a child, we are called to adopt a posture of simplicity, trust, and openness to fully engage with the lifestyle and presence that God offers us. [54:56]
- Sharing personal testimonies of God's work in our lives is a powerful tool for witness and encouragement. As believers share their experiences with others, they not only illuminate their own path but also light the way for others to encounter the transformative power of God's love. [01:10:59]
### Bible Study Discussion Guide
#### Bible Reading
1. Matthew 1:21-23 (NKJV)
> "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”"
2. Philippians 2:5-8 (NKJV)
> "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
3. Acts 2:1-4 (NKJV)
> "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
#### Observation Questions
1. What does the name "Immanuel" mean, and how does it relate to the birth of Jesus? (Matthew 1:23)
2. How did Jesus demonstrate humility according to Philippians 2:5-8?
3. What significant event took place on the Day of Pentecost as described in Acts 2:1-4?
4. According to the sermon, what are the three distinct comings of the Lord mentioned? [01:02:49]
#### Interpretation Questions
1. Why is it significant that Jesus came to earth as both fully God and fully man? How does this dual nature impact our understanding of His mission? [01:01:25]
2. How does the concept of Jesus as a servant challenge our own attitudes and behaviors towards servanthood and humility? (Philippians 2:5-8)
3. What does the filling of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost signify for believers today? How does this event relate to the ongoing presence of God in our lives? (Acts 2:1-4)
4. The sermon mentions that believers are called to be the light in their family gatherings and social functions. How can this be practically lived out in our daily lives? [01:05:57]
#### Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you felt God's presence in a profound way. How did that experience impact your faith and actions? How can you share this experience with others to encourage them? [01:10:59]
2. The sermon emphasizes the importance of not letting the distractions of life cloud our view of the true meaning of Christmas. What specific distractions do you need to address in your life to focus more on Jesus during this season? [01:08:46]
3. How can you embody the servanthood of Jesus in your interactions with others this week? Identify one specific act of service you can perform for someone in need. (Philippians 2:5-8)
4. The speaker mentioned the importance of becoming like children to access the lifestyle and presence God offers. What childlike qualities do you need to cultivate in your relationship with God? [51:42]
5. Think about your upcoming family gatherings or social functions. How can you intentionally be a light in those settings? What practical steps can you take to reflect Christ's love and presence? [01:05:57]
6. The sermon encourages believers to share their personal testimonies. Identify one person you can share your testimony with this week. How can you approach this conversation in a way that is natural and impactful? [01:10:59]
7. Reflect on the idea that Jesus' arrival was the arrival of a king. How does this perspective change the way you view the Christmas story and its significance in your life? [01:00:44]
Day 1: Humility in Divine Incarnation
Jesus' birth as God and man exemplifies humility, teaching us to serve and empathize with others. His earthly life assures us that God understands our struggles, offering hope that surpasses our mortal lives. [01:00:44]
Philippians 2:6-8 - "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!"
Reflection: How can you demonstrate humility and servanthood in your interactions with others this week?
Day 2: Christmas Beyond Festivity
The true spirit of Christmas lies in reflecting Christ's light, not in the holiday's external celebrations. This season is a call to live out faith authentically, avoiding distractions that mask the essence of Christ's coming. [01:07:49]
1 John 1:5-7 - "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
Reflection: What distractions can you minimize to better focus on the light of Christ this Christmas season?
Day 3: Living Temples of the King
The Holy Spirit's indwelling transforms believers into living temples, carrying the King's presence into every aspect of life. This empowers Christians to be agents of change and light wherever they go. [01:05:24]
1 Corinthians 3:16 - "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?"
Reflection: In what ways can you actively bring God's light into your home, workplace, or community today?
Day 4: Childlike Access to the Kingdom
Embracing a childlike heart is key to experiencing God's kingdom. Jesus' humble birth as a child invites us to trust and openness, allowing us to engage fully with God's presence. [54:56]
Matthew 18:3-4 - "And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'"
Reflection: What aspects of a childlike nature can you cultivate to deepen your relationship with God?
Day 5: Testimonies as Beacons of Hope
Sharing personal encounters with God illuminates our journey and guides others towards His transformative love. Our stories can become beacons of hope and encouragement in a world seeking light. [01:10:59]
Psalm 107:2 - "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe."
Reflection: Can you think of a recent experience where you saw God at work in your life? How can you share this story to inspire someone today?
"The effect of the Christmas season is that a world that is in present Darkness can be lit up because you have decided to let the light of the world not just come once but the light of the world comes in you every single day." [01:07:10 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"The Advent, that coming and the arrival of Christ into the world, was so that Christ could live in you and that you would so let your light shine before men and so that they would know him." [01:07:49 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"There are so many things, cares of this life, that distract us, that weigh on us, that cloud our view from really letting the light shine." [01:09:30 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"God is your father and he is ready to love you like a good father does. You know a lot of times I think we have a misconception or a bad view of who God is maybe because you had an Earthly father that didn't quite measure up." [50:09 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"God knows what it's like to walk in your shoes; he's not an unrelatable God, he's an accessible God. Why is he an accessible God? Because he became like you." [01:02:05 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"A world without Christ is a world without hope, but we have hope because the king came. So the effect of the king's arrival is special; because Christ came, we now have hope beyond this life." [01:02:49 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"We don't just celebrate Christmas because we look back and we say the king came; we celebrate Christmas and we say that because the king came, now the king is living in me." [01:04:12 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"When you receive the light of the world in you, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and you were filled with the light of God, you receive the down payment of The Inheritance." [01:05:57 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"The kingdom of God is not here or there; the kingdom is within you, why? Because the king lives in you." [01:05:57 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
"For God to redeem man he had to become a child but then once he is grown he says except you become a child you cannot walk into the lifestyle that I'm giving to you." [52:54 <7S5e-eAFVrc>] (Download)
Now, as a response to that, King, would you let your voice be lifted right now and let prayer, which is the means of fellowship between sons, daughters, and their Father, let the sound of fellowship fill this room right now.
Come on, let the sound of fellowship fill this room right now. You're in a room full of people that are sons and daughters. Come on, let your voice be lifted in this room right now. Let the sound of fellowship with your Father fill this atmosphere.
Hallelujah! God, I love you. I love you. I love you, God. It's an honor to be called your child. It's an honor to stand in your presence. It's an honor to recognize you as Lord and cry. It's an honor, God, to be in your presence, Jesus, to be called your son, to be called, God, your beloved.
Yeah, if you're new here, we don't really have a program. We tried to have one tonight, but we're not good at that right now. The Lord is lifting our gaze, and He's pouring some things into some of you in this room right now. God is your Father, and He is ready to love you like a good father does.
You know, a lot of times I think we have a misconception or a bad view of who God is, maybe because you had an earthly father that didn't quite measure up, or maybe let you down, or maybe wasn't present, or maybe corrected you too harshly out of anger. Can I tell you that your Father just wants you? Your Father just wants you.
God's touching somebody right now. There's somebody in this room tonight; you have a father wound, but God wants to reveal His fatherly nature to you. I just want, just like you know, my daughter, she crawls to me. She's on her knees, and she comes to my feet. She looks up at me; she just throws her hands up because she knows that if she comes to me, all she has to do is just lift her hands and look my way, and I've got her.
I wonder if we could just be children right now and just lift our hands right now to our Father and, however it is the expression of your heart, say, "God, I just love you. God, I just love you."
You know, there's something about that childlike nature. I was just texting Mira this morning. I think it was for God to redeem man, He had to become a child. But then, once He is grown, He says, "Except you become a child, you cannot walk into the lifestyle that I'm giving to you."
For God to create the access for us into His presence, He had to become an innocent child. But for us to access the presence that He gave, we too have to become like kids. Man, I just feel the presence of God here.
God, we behold you. We behold you. "You will bring forth a son; you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, "Behold, the virgin will be with child; she will bear a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel," which is to be translated, "God With Us."
God With Us. In this atmosphere of prayer, if you want to sit down, you can. I'm not going to be very long tonight. I say that every time.
Two thousand years ago, there was an advent. That word "Advent" means coming or arrival. Two thousand years ago, into the greatest darkness that existed—mankind without fellowship with God—God burst onto the scene with the brightest of light that could have ever entered the world. It was the birth of a baby boy, and you would find Him in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Now, that doesn't sound too special, especially considering the fact that that was no place for a child to be born anyways. But just the fact that a baby was born was very normal. Well, you're all here because you were a baby that was born, and everybody that's ever existed was here because they were a baby that was born. And every single day, there are babies that are born, and this is just normal. This is what happens; babies come.
You know, but this was not the arrival of just any baby boy. So much so that although He was born in a place that was uncommon, not in the grandeur way that we might think a king should arrive, the elements of nature responded to Him as a star began to shine in the sky. Dignitaries began to make their way to Him. Everything began to respond to the arrival of this boy.
The truth is, it wasn't just the arrival of any normal baby boy; it was the arrival of a king. A king that would not need on-the-job training. A king who it's not the first time that he's ever ruled. He's not a novice.
While His status as an innocent baby in a manger might not tell the full story of who He is, as Heaven responds, as the angels are around, as the wise men are coming, as the elements of the sky are responding to this baby, it's to tell one story: The King has come. The King has come.
It wouldn't be His first time ruling. The Bible says, "It's this Emmanuel, God With Us." The Bible says, "Great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifest in the flesh." In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Skip to verse 14: "And the Word became flesh." It wasn't just the arrival of a baby; it was the arrival of the King of the heavens. When we think about this Christmas season, it's not about the manger; it's not about the swaddling clothes; it's not about all of the other peripheral things. It's about one thing: that God loved you and I so much that He became a man like you and I so that you and I could receive a spirit of adoption whereby we now get to cry, "Abba, Father," because God became a man like us.
And because He became a man like us, I now get to become His son. It's the King of glory that came to the world. The King of glory came to the world.
I think sometimes we hear the Christmas story so much that it repeats, and we've read the story. Maybe you've been to a church where they get up and get the kids together, and everybody reads the story, and it's so cute. Everybody's dressed up like little lambs, and all this stuff, and it's awesome, and that's so cute.
But I can't let the cuteness wash away the reality of what happened. It's not about the lambs; it's not about the manger; it's not about the hay. It doesn't even matter where He was born. What matters is this: God of the universe became Emmanuel, God With Us.
And can I tell you what happened when God came to us? Everything changed. Everything changed. It was the revelation of prophecy that had been spoken for centuries that there was coming a Messiah, and He was going to redeem His people to Himself. And here we have Him, and He became like you.
The Bible says He took upon the form of a servant, made Himself in the likeness of men. He did not come to be served but to serve. The King came. The King came. That's what this is all about. That's what this season is all about—the wonder that the King showed up.
I am positive that the King is very comfortable in His throne room in Heaven, but here is what I'm also positive about: it was not enough without you. Hear me! All the angels crying, "Holy!" All the creatures in the throne room of God never taking their eyes off of Him—very comfortable in His throne room—but it wasn't enough without you.
So He came from where He was down to where you and I are, became like us, lived a life like us. The Bible says we have a high priest who's able to be touched by the feeling of our infirmity, being tempted in all manner as us. Meaning this: God knows what it's like to walk in your shoes.
He's not an unrelatable God; He's an accessible God. Why is He an accessible God? Because He became like you. He cried like you cry. You have to understand this about God: He's fully God and fully man at the same time.
Christ is fully man, but He was so fully God in His humanity. He cried and wept, but in His divinity, He cast out devils. In His humanity, He prayed, but in His divinity, He knew all things. At 12 years old, He's in the synagogue teaching other people, saying, "I'm about my Father's business."
The King has come. A world without the arrival of Christ is a world full of hopelessness. Sweet baby, I love it. A world without Christ is a world without hope. But we have hope because the King came.
So the effect of the King's arrival is special because Christ came. We now have hope beyond this life. There are three comings of the Lord. The first one is when He arrived wrapped in swaddling clothes. But the second one is when He looked at His disciples and He says, "I will come to you."
And on the day of Pentecost, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, cloven tongues like as of fire set upon each of them. They began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit of God gave them the enabling. He came again.
It's not just a rearview thing, this coming; it's a present moment arrival. We don't just celebrate Christmas because we look back and we say the King came. We celebrate Christmas and we say that because the King came, now the King is living in me.
And because the King is living in me, He didn't just disrupt all the forces of darkness when He arrived as a baby, but now He disrupts my world and all the things that are troubling me when He indwells me.
I want you to look at the imagery: "And there set upon each of them cloven tongues like as of fire." That's a light, right? He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
The Bible says this about you: you are a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. When God came, the light of the world showed up. But now that God has come and God has filled you with His presence, now you are the light of the world that is here.
The King has come, and the kingdom is here. There's an effect to this. The effect is not to celebrate once a year in December. The effect is that you live in the effects of the King's arrival.
And not just that He came once; you are living in the effects of a King who now indwells you, and the fire and the light of Heaven is not something that just existed once when it came into the world.
And hey, we're going to see it once again. No, it is alive and well in you. Hey, we were filled with the Holy Spirit. That is the earnest of our inheritance. What does that mean? When you receive the light of the world in you, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and you were filled with the light of God, you receive the down payment of the inheritance—the down payment of what you know God is going to come back for you.
But He didn't leave us comfortless; He came to us, and now the kingdom of God is here because the King is living in you. The Bible says this: the kingdom of God is not here or there; the kingdom is within you. Why? Because the King lives in you.
And so here's my challenge to you: you're going to go to family gatherings on Sunday—what is it? What's the day? Is it Monday? I can't remember. I don't know; I could have thought today was... I don't know; I got so messed up on my days.
You're going to arrive at functions, and you might be the light in the room. The King came. The Bible says this: we are the body of Christ. The body of Christ came in the form of a servant, a human form, a baby boy.
And then that baby boy grew up, and He died and was buried and rose again, and then came to you. And now you are the body of Christ represented to the world.
The effect of the Christmas season is not that we have cute songs and cool movies and all of these things and cheery times of apple cider and hot cocoa or whatever it is. The effect of the Christmas season is that a world that is in present darkness can be lit up because you have decided to let the light of the world not just come once, but the light of the world comes in you every single day.
You got to let the light turn on. There's an old song that says, "Hide it under a bushel?" Can we collectively say together tonight, "No! I'm going to let the light shine!" Because the light of the world is living in you.
The light of the world is living in you. The Advent, that coming and the arrival of Christ into the world, was so that Christ could live in you and that you would so let your light shine before men so that they would know Him.
It is so easy to get distracted during the holidays. I watched my favorite Christmas movie—you'll judge me; I won't tell you what it is. And while I was watching it, maybe it's just me, I wasn't enjoying it like I normally do. All I could feel was the darkness of the world around me and God nudging me and awakening me, saying, "This is not what that's about."
I told you last Sunday that I was going home to take my TV off the wall. I did; it's gone. I'll probably watch a Christmas movie on my phone, maybe the day of Christmas, maybe. I don't know.
But when that song says, "Hide it under a bushel," that bushel is a natural thing. And there are so many things—the cares of this life—that distract us, that weigh on us, that cloud our view from really letting the light shine.
I've never done this before—a candlelight service. I don't think I've ever been a part of one, so forgive me if I'm a novice. I don't know how to do this. Will our section connectors come up right now? You know who you are. Everybody got a candle? Yeah, we got one.
All right, this candle represents what God has done in my life. Now I'm going to share what God has done in my life. Well, let me just light you up. Hey, make sure your candle's sticking out a little bit, by the way; this won't work.
I'm going to share the light of what God has done in my life with you, and I'm going to share what God has done in my life with you. Well, I know He's done a lot for me. I can't get this one.
Anybody know? There it is! Glory to God! Got it! Something's wrong with your candle, bro. I promise the Lord wants to light your candle. Amen!
What happens when one person shares the experience that God has given them with another person and with the next?
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