John 3:16
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:5
Romans 8:28
Matthew 5:16
Luke 6:31
Mark 12:30
by The Father's House on Nov 05, 2023
In this sermon, I discussed the importance of living an "upside down inside out" life, a concept that refers to the unconventional ways Jesus lived and fulfilled the law. I emphasized that outward conformity without inward commitment is unthinkable for followers of Christ. I also addressed the need to confront and confess sinful anger in our lives, as well as the importance of personal purity and the sanctity of marriage. I stressed that the Christian sex ethic is no sex outside of marriage and that lust in the heart is equivalent to committing fornication. I also touched on the issue of divorce, highlighting that God hates divorce but loves marriage. Lastly, I encouraged the practice of truth, urging believers to let their "yes" be "yes" and their "no" be "no", emphasizing honesty and purity in character.
Key Takeaways:
- Live an "upside down inside out" life, embodying the unconventional ways Jesus lived and fulfilled the law. [ 34:38]
- Confront and confess sinful anger in your life. [ 36:43]
- Uphold personal purity and the sanctity of marriage, adhering to the Christian sex ethic of no sex outside of marriage. [ 43:32]
- Understand that God hates divorce but loves marriage, and avoid perpetuating divorce. [ 50:37]
- Practice truth in all conversations and actions, letting your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no". [ 51:44]
Bible Reading:
1. Matthew 5 #!!32:36!!#
Observation Questions:
1. What are the key teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5?
2. How does Jesus challenge the conventional understanding of the law in this passage?
Interpretation Questions:
1. What does Jesus mean when he says he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it?
2. How does Jesus redefine the concept of sin in Matthew 5?
Application Questions:
1. In what ways have you been conforming outwardly to religious expectations without an inward commitment?
2. How can you confront and confess sinful anger in your life this week?
3. How can you uphold the sanctity of marriage in your relationships and conversations?
4. How can you practice truth in your daily interactions and conversations this week?
5. What is one way you can live an 'upside down inside out' life this week, as Jesus teaches in Matthew 5?
Day 1: Embrace Your Weaknesses
In our journey of faith, it's crucial to acknowledge our weaknesses and areas we need to work on. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. When we surrender our struggles to Him and ask for His help, we can live out the truth of the Beatitudes in our lives. It's not about our strength, but about relying on the Holy Spirit ([01:02:51]).
Bible Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."
Reflection: What are the areas in your life that you struggle with and need God's help? How can you surrender these to Him today?
Day 2: Live Upside Down, Inside Out
Jesus calls us to live an upside-down, inside-out life. This means that outward conformity without an inward commitment is unthinkable for His people. We are called to live differently from the world, not just in our words and actions, but in the condition of our hearts ([34:38]).
Bible Passage: Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Reflection: How can you live an upside-down, inside-out life today? What changes do you need to make in your heart and mind?
Day 3: Make a Difference
As believers, we are called to make a difference in people's lives. Whether it's through giving, serving, or standing up for justice, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world ([31:22]).
Bible Passage: James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Reflection: How can you make a difference in someone's life this week? What steps can you take to serve others in your community?
Day 4: Honor the Sanctity of Marriage
Jesus teaches us about the sanctity of marriage and how much God hates divorce. As His followers, we are called to honor our marriage vows and treat our spouses with love and respect ([50:37]).
Bible Passage: Hebrews 13:4 - "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
Reflection: How can you honor your marriage or the marriages of those around you? What steps can you take to strengthen your marriage or support others in their marriages?
Day 5: Practice Truth
Jesus calls us to practice truth in all our conversations and interactions. Our yes should be yes, and our no should be no. We should strive to be honest and pure in character, without the need for oaths or excessive words ([51:44]).
Bible Passage: Ephesians 4:25 - "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body."
Reflection: How can you practice truth in your conversations and interactions today? What steps can you take to be more honest and pure in character?
1. "My first priority is not to find a Christian. My first priority is to find someone who's a good mechanic. Actually sometimes we get miscued because we think, well, I need to find somebody that's a Christian. Listen, I know a lot of Christians who talk a lot of baloney because they live externally, but it's not from their heart." - 53:05
2. "Choose to respond, not retaliate. He says, you've heard it said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In other words, how you're treated is how you treat somebody else. Get even. They punch you in the eye, you punch them in the eye. They steal your horse, you steal their horse, retaliate. Jesus says, in my kingdom, don't seek revenge, resist evil." - 54:39
3. "Remember that God settles accounts. God said, vengeance is mine. I will repay, leave it to God." - 55:48
4. "Of course you can't live this. But in your weakness, I made strong. When you turn this over to me and ask me for help, you can, you see, it's relying on the Holy Spirit and relying on the truth of the Beatitudes being in my life that lives out." - 01:02:51
5. "Christian love is an act of a will, not an emotion. And he's talking here about that. Copy kind of love, the God kind of love. Think about this. Paul said in Romans 5 and 10, Jesus loved us while we were yet enemies of him. And he loved us." - 59:41
Awesome, I love the sound of that change going in because we can make a difference in people's lives. Thank you so much for giving.
We're getting ready to do, those of you that are motorcycle riders, we're getting ready to do our annual freedom ride that was established in 2010. Can you imagine we've been doing that? So we raised money for military Bible sticks. The New Testament and Psalms is on this little pod and has an earphone. We give these to boys and girls, men and women in the military service, and also for their family if they request them.
Every year we do about a company, that's about a hundred. So if you go on the freedom ride and you purchase that, you get the shirt with your registration. But you can also buy a shirt on your own if you don't have a ride, and part of that money goes to military Bible sticks, or you can just purchase a military Bible stick; it's $25. We have someone who's going to match everything that we raise in this freedom ride. So that means if we raise a hundred and we pay for a hundred military Bible sticks, then we've got somebody that's going to match that with another hundred. So that means we can affect two companies of those who give their life serving our community.
So hurry up, sign up, the space is limited, and you don't want to miss out; it's going to be great. If you have your Bibles, turn with me to Matthew chapter 5. And please show up for the walk on Saturday. You know, we don't get involved with a lot of different things, but that's important. Human trafficking. One of the biggest issues in South Florida, Central Florida is one of the biggest areas in the nation for human trafficking. Somebody has to step up and do something different. So please show up and be there with us on that day; it's going to be great.
Well, if you have your Bibles, open it up; we're going to cover a lot of material today. So I think we need to pray because this is going to be an equally offensive day. Trust me. You will not sit through this sermon without the Holy Spirit convicting you and bringing some guilt into your life. I didn't say condemnation, but I said guilt.
We're in the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus is saying, my people live different than the world. It's not just the words you say; it's not just the external acts that you go through, but it's a condition of your heart. So get ready today, pray with me for the Holy Spirit to speak to you because I know without a shadow of a doubt that he will. I've had to pray over several of these things in my life as I'm studying this.
So let's pray. Father, we thank you today for all that you've been teaching us as we are your people, as we're looking at this Sermon on the Mount. Last week, you talked to us about being salt and light; the week before, you talked to us about the attitudes of our heart. And today, Lord, you take the attitudes of the heart and being salt and light and say, this is how I want you to live. This is how I want you to live in a world that's dying and decaying.
So Lord, I pray especially for Holy Spirit anointing; let me speak what you want me to speak, don't let me just say anything I shouldn't say. And Lord, I know that we as hearers today will need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to help us to understand, to grasp, and to deal with the areas in our life that we need to deal with. In your name, amen.
So the title today, read it with me in your handout there, "Living Upside Down Inside Out." There's a little song that I heard years ago; I won't sing it for you, but I'll give you the words. Here it is: He's the king of the kingdom upside down. If you want to go up, you have to go down. To be the greatest, learn to be the least, living in the kingdom upside down.
So we're starting off today in Matthew chapter 5, and I'm going to read verse 17. If you'll read that, it's not in your notes, but it'll be on the sky Bible. Would you read it with me? This is Jesus' words; it's in the red. Read it, ready to go: "Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to what? What? Fulfill."
I hear people say, you know, the law is abolished. Jesus abolished it; it doesn't have anything to do with our life anymore. Hey, the Ten Commandments are still real. The things in the Old Testament are still real, but Jesus said, I came to fulfill every one of them. He's the only one who could ever fulfill them. So he said in the way that you see my life lived and the words that I speak is a way that these are going to be fulfilled.
Jesus said, I didn't come to do away with the law or to abolish it, but I came to fulfill it. Read that in very unconventional ways, and it was sort of like upside down, backwards, and inside out. People couldn't understand what he was doing; he was doing different than religion.
So I've got one point today, and here it is: live an upside down, inside out life. Live an upside down, inside out life. So there you see the words for today, or however you want to put that, you can write, "Live Upside Down Inside Out," but I want you to see that upside down and inside out.
Jesus is saying outward conformity without an inward commitment is unthinkable for his people. You see, the Pharisees had all these laws and regulations, and they felt like if I just go through the motions, that's all that I need to do. We're going to see Jesus say this today; he's going to talk about the Ten Commandments, some of the Ten Commandments, and he's going to say this: you've heard it said, but I'm going to say to you.
So the first area, we're going to cover a lot of scripture today, so just hang with me. The first area he's going to talk about is that we need to confess and confront sinful anger in your life. Would you say that with me? Read it: confess and confront sinful anger in your life.
So here's what Jesus says: "You've heard that it was said to those of old, you shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of judgment," the sixth commandment, right? But Jesus says, "Yes, but I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother..." There's a phrase there in the New King James and King James that says "without a cause," but that phrase was not in the original, and it's not in most of the other translations you would read, as in the NIV or ASV; it was added in there later.
But he says, "Any of those of you who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, 'Raka,' that means empty-headed, stupid, idiot. Anyone who says to his brother, 'Raka,' shall be in danger of the council. And whoever says, 'You fool,' that's the Greek word 'moros,' from which we get the word moron. And he said, if you say, 'You fool,' you shall be in danger of hellfire."
Therefore, look at this; this is the tough one here: "If you bring your gift to the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, go your way, first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift."
"Be with your adversary quickly while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, and the judge hand you over to the officer, and you'll be thrown into prison. Surely I say to you, there'll be no means to get out of there until you've paid the last penalty."
Jesus said, murder begins in your heart. Jesus said, "Hey, I agree with this commandment, but I disagree with your definition of murder." He said, "Let me go to the heart issue. If you are angry, bitter, holding a grudge, hate someone, wish they were dead, you have a heart attitude, and he said you've already committed murder from your heart."
Verse 23 says, "If you remember that you have something against someone, first go to them, then come." He's saying, don't just go to the altar and worship. So, my wife tells me all the time, because I like to drive different ways, different places. She said, "Don't you know the shortest distance between two points is a straight line?" But in God's kingdom, sometimes the way to God is not a straight line, but it's a horizontal line before it becomes a vertical line.
The scary thing that Jesus is saying here, some of us have mastered the thing of Matthew 18, that if you have something against someone, you go to them alone, and then you go to them, but they won't hear you, you go with somebody else, and if they won't do that, you bring them before the church and you kick them out.
But Jesus says here, if you get ready to worship, play on the worship team, if you get ready to intercede, prepare, if you get ready to serve as an usher, if you get ready to drop your tithe and offering in, if you get ready to pray, and you remember, because the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance, that somebody has an offense against you, he says, don't ignore that.
See, the Lord spoke to me this week and said the reason that some people in the second service are not having their prayers answered is because they've overlooked this simple principle right here of a heart issue. See, I didn't have to tell you who it is; the Holy Spirit already brought it to your mind, and for months, weeks, or years, there's been a rift, and you're both believers. You don't know what it is; why is it every time I get around that person, just like this?
And the Lord says, listen, if you want to get out of prison... Now, they've already, if they don't come, if they don't deal with their offense, they're already in prison, but he said, unless you, knowing they have an offense, go to them and be reconciled, then you're putting yourself in prison. So he said, you be reconciled, and then you go back and worship on the team, then you go back and serve as an usher, then you go back with your prayer time.
Wow, say, "Lord, help." And it was kind of general, so I know the Holy Spirit spoke to a bunch of you right there. See, some of you never heard that before. Jesus says, yeah, it's the heart issue; it's the heart issue.
Second of all, he says, I want you to purify the desires of your heart. Purify the desires of your heart. Look at your neighbor and say, "How's your heart?"
So in this passage, he's going to talk about personal purity, and he's going to talk about the sanctity of marriage, another long passage. Verse 27: "You've heard that it was said to those of old, you shall not commit adultery," right? Seventh commandment. But I say to you, "Whoever looks at a woman," or it could be whatever woman looks at a man "to lust, they've already committed adultery in their heart."
"If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it's more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body to be cast in hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it away from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of the members would perish than your whole body be cast into hell."
Furthermore, it's been said, "Whoever divorces his wife or divorces her husband," it goes either way here, "let him give him a certificate of divorce." But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery. And whoever marries the woman who is divorced commits adultery.
Wow, man, he goes deeper. First of all, he talks about personal purity. The Christian sex ethic is no sex outside of marriage. Do I have to repeat that? I don't know where we've come into the world that we make up, "Well, that's all right for me; I was married once, and it's all right because God doesn't want me to go without," right?
Here's the Christian sex ethic. Here's what he's saying: If a person says, "Let's have an external physical naked experience, but don't expect me to give you my heart. Don't expect me to give up only to you. I will retain my independence and my options." He said, with that lust in your heart, you've already committed fornication. You've already committed and failed.
Wow. See, if you keep ladies and girls unmarried, if you keep, or divorced, if you keep opening your legs for everybody just because they pay you some attention, you're going to wonder, "Why in the world do I find from bad relationship to bad relationship?" Simply because this could go either way, men or women. They want your body; they want the nakedness, but they don't want the intimacy of surrendering their heart to you.
You know what I say to people like that? Find somebody else. I've come too far. And that's what Jesus is saying here.
So then he talks about adultery, the sanctity of relationships. Adultery begins with lust; men are very visual; women are also stimulated visually. So we can't just say that. He said, "If you look upon somebody, man or woman," it could go either way here. So you've got to realize this is equal opportunity here for feeling guilt.
He says, "If you look upon someone to lust after them," the Greek word is "epithunmi-o," which means an intense desire to covet, to lust after, and it's in the present participle, which says it's a look that keeps looking. It's not a glance. It's not like you say, "That was a very attractive lady right there."
"Oh, you just lust." "No, I didn't lust. You know, God didn't blind me. I can see; you know, I do that equally." I told a niece yesterday, I said, "Boy, that's a good-looking guy." You know, and I'll say, "Hey, that was a good-looking woman." And I'll usually tell my wife, okay?
So anyway, but it's not just that glance. When you look at a guy and you got a nice, you know, he's worked out, and you say, "Oh, that's a good-looking guy." That's not lust. But lust is when it's a glance that becomes a gaze, forgetting, and having a relationship with someone who's not married to you. It's a constant stare. It's not an accident, but it's planned.
And here's what Jesus says: "Pluck out your eye; cut off your hand." Now just like you, you hear that and you say, "Well, he probably didn't really mean that." That's how, that's how his hair is wearing a, and they were grossed out. How could you say that?
But Jesus is saying, it's better for you to face life and get rid of that which is hindering you. You see, that could be things that you watch, places you go, magazines, behaviors, and it could be relationships. If you are a believer and you're dating an unbeliever, you're setting yourself up for a mistake.
But he's not talking about physical. You know, you've seen people that do physical, like one of the early church fathers, Origen, had himself castrated because he didn't want to deal with lust.
So in verse 31, Jesus is dealing with divorce, the sanctity of marriage. In the Old Testament, there was only one verse that talked about this, giving a right of divorce, a certificate of divorce, and it was Deuteronomy 24:1. Deuteronomy 24:1 simply said this: "When a man finds a wife and marries her and she has no favor or uncleanness, he can give her a certificate of divorce."
So women at this particular time in culture were objects to own; they had no rights. It was Jesus and the church that actually began talking about women's rights. In the religious system, they said, "Yeah, but you know, we had the right of divorce in the Old Testament because of uncleanness."
Now what you've got to understand, that Rabbi Shammai, who's the first one, is a very conservative Rabbi, and he said this word in Deuteronomy, "uncleanness" is sexual immorality; that's all it is. So if your spouse, if your wife at that time, you know, it was basically women had no rights to give a divorce; it was men.
And he said, "If your wife has a sexual relationship with somebody else besides you, you can give her a writ of divorcement." You just simply say, "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you," three times, and that was over.
But then comes a long Rabbi, he says, "No, it's more than that. If in preparing food, she puts too much spice in the food, that's grounds for divorce." I'm serious, okay? "If she goes into public with her head uncovered, divorce her. If she speaks to another man publicly, divorce her. If she's a brawling woman, divorce her. If she speaks ill of your parents, divorce her."
Now which of those two prophets, those two rabbis, do you think was more popular? The last one, right? But then there was another Rabbi, Akiba, who said this: "Uncleanness means if you as a man see an attractive woman, more attractive than your wife, then your wife is unclean, so divorce her."
Do you see the problem? But is that any different than in the body of Christ today? I'm not talking about unbelievers, but I'm talking about believers for any reason divorce. "I'll just give divorce. Not going to counseling, just give me divorce, give me divorce, give me divorce."
And the Lord says, he's saying, "If you, as my followers, live like that, you're perpetuating divorce, which God hates."
Now in this passage, Jesus says, or Matthew puts in here, "except for adultery, fornication, or it can be a natural vice." But this passage is not, Jesus is not dealing with, "I want to give you a reason that you can divorce." He's just saying, "I want you to know the sanctity of marriage and how much that God hates divorce, but He loves marriage."
So I don't want you to go away today if that's happening in your life and you feel guilty about that because it's not all covered here. Paul comes a lot of other stuff later. But what I'm simply saying is here, we have accepted for too long just easy divorce and then remarried to somebody else because they look better.
You know, you had your wife, had five kids, and things that used to be perked up or now flopped down, and you see somebody that's more perked, and you say, "Well, she treats me better than somebody else." Jesus says, "Stop it. It's an attitude of the heart, and it's sin, and it's perpetuating something that's not right."
I opened up a can of worms there, and I passed it to him, and you'll be counseling.
And then he says this: "Practice truth, practice truth." He says in verse 37, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." He says, "Let your conversation be honest; let your character be pure. You don't need to swear by an oath."
Look, the more words that somebody uses to try to convince me that they're right, let's mean all that they're probably not telling me the truth, right? He says, "Look, everybody goes, 'I swear on my grandmother's grave, I swear on the Bible, I swear on something else.' What's wrong with just my word is this? Let your yes be yes and your no be no."
He's saying, "You've been tiptoeing around long enough to try to make excuses for different things in your life. Be people that are trustworthy, honest."
Somebody says, "You know, do you have any Christian plumbers in this church? Do you have any Christian mechanics in this church? Do you have any Christian... I'll say psychics; I hope not, in this church."
You see, when my car goes bad, my first priority is not to find a Christian. My first priority is to find someone who's a good mechanic. Actually, sometimes we get miscued because we think, "Well, I need to find somebody that's a Christian."
Listen, I know a lot of Christians who talk a lot of baloney because they live externally, but it's not from their heart. Why has it become so easy for us to tell white lies? I don't know where that term comes from, white lies; that's a strange thing.
Wow, and then he goes on and he says, "Choose to respond, not retaliate." I think we need to say that one out loud: "Choose to respond, not to retaliate."
He says, "You've heard it said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." In other words, how you're treated is how you treat somebody else. Get even. They punch you in the eye, you punch them in the eye. They steal your horse, you steal their horse; retaliate.
Jesus says, "In my kingdom, don't seek revenge; resist evil." Jesus says these weird things like, "If they ask you to go a mile, go two miles." That's revolutionary. If they slap you on the face, don't retaliate; don't seek for vengeance.
Now it's just not a case here for just letting somebody just beat the snout out of you, okay? It's really more about the imagery here, the metaphor. You ever had somebody say, "Man, that was a slap in the face"? Wow, that was a slap in the face.
And then what happens? I want to get them, so we pick up the phone. "Did you know what they did to me? You know what they did to me?" And so we start with this whole offense, which I can't believe it is. I can't believe they did it, and it's a call and call and call and call.
"I'm going to get them back. I'm going to make them pay for what they did." Oh, the Lord says, "No, don't do that." What he's saying to us is that, remember that God settles accounts. God said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay." Leave it to God.
Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa during the apartheid was walking on a narrow sidewalk when a white man approached and yelled to Bishop Tutu, "Get off the sidewalk. I don't make room for gorillas." The Bishop quickly moved aside and replied, "But I do."
And then Jesus says, "I want you to love by choice, not circumstance." Wow, this is a tough one right here. Michael, you come and cover this one, or Tim, you come and cover it. I'm not sure.
Matthew 5:43-44: "You've heard it said, love your neighbor, hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."
Maybe we should have an altar call right now, and I'll be the first one there. He's saying, "I want you to love without limits. I don't want you to just love your friends." You know, there are some people that always rub you the wrong way, don't they? Even as a believer. Not everybody's the same.
And not everybody's going to have the same realm of friends. I don't know where we get that. We say some, "Well, that's just a clicky group of people." Now, there are just certain people that are friends around a common thing, right? So if you look at that and say, "Yeah, you're judging the wrong way."
But what I am saying is this, that in the church, in the body of Christ, even as somebody wears their clothes in a way that you wouldn't approve, and he says to pull up his bridges. I'm not saying that's right or wrong. But I'm just saying, if that's the believer, and then you ostracize or you talk about or criticize, Jesus says, "No, that's not how you do it in my kingdom."
And that person who's always talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, and you say, "Man, I don't want to talk to him because I know I talked to him, and they're going to keep talking, they're going to keep talking, keep talking to him." And you just avoid him. You just avoid him. You don't want to be around him.
It's easy to love people who love the same things that you love. It's easy to love people that are the same color as you. It's easy to love people that maybe are the same age as you. But Jesus says in the body of Christ, he says, "I want you to pray for those who despitefully use you."
He's saying, "Christian love is an act of a will, not an emotion." Wow, boy, that's good. You should write that down. "Christian love is an act of a will, not an emotion." And he's talking here about that agape kind of love, the God kind of love.
Think about this: Paul said in Romans 5:10, "Jesus loved us while we were yet enemies of him." And he loved us. So what is it for you? Man, when I studied this, I looked at that and I thought, "Jesus, I can't live this high standard. How do you expect me to live like this?"
And then the Lord said, "Go back to the Beatitudes. Remember what I said in the Beatitudes? The Beatitudes build on each other. Blessed are those that are poor in spirit. Blessed are those who, when they hear this teaching today, there are areas where they say, 'I gotta admit I failed, and I'm failing in this area.' I admit that; I admit that I'm poor in that area; I admit that I'm failing.
And the next one is, "Blessed are those who mourn." Blessed are those who literally repent of that area in their life. And then bless those that are meek, that they surrender their will to God.
So I feel like today that I need to pray for us, first of all. How many of you believers, by being very open and transparent, would say, "Yeah, there's at least one or so of these areas that I really need to work on?"
And here's what the Lord said. Of course, you can't live this. But in your weakness, I made strong. When you turn this over to me and ask me for help, you can. You see, it's relying on the Holy Spirit and relying on the truth of the Beatitudes being in my life that lives out.
So those of you who raised your hand, I want to pray for you right now. Would you bow your heads?
Lord, you put that in there, so you expect us to live by that standard. So I pray for all of us today that struggle with different areas here, those that are watching online. I know, Lord, I know what are mine. You jumped those out on the paper to me, and, Lord, I repent. I deal with those and am asking you for help. I want to do better in those areas. I don't want to just excuse it away.
So Lord, I pray for your grace to cover us right now. No condemnation, but Lord, in the areas where we feel guilt or feel a nudge of the Spirit, we confess that. Would you do that right where you're sitting? You can do it out loud; you can do it in your mind. Just confess to the Lord, "This is an area that I'm struggling with, Lord. This is an area that I need you. This is an area that I can't do this on my own. I need your help. I'm going to rely on you."
Would you continue to pray and let the Lord speak to you?
Thank you for watching today; it really means a lot that you'd take time out of your busy schedule and join us. I hope that teaching today was meaningful to your life because our prayer here at the Father's House, we've been praying all week long that whatever the Lord gives us on Sundays would impact your life.
It means so much that you're watching today, and maybe you want to partner with us and support this ministry. You can do that in several ways; you can do it by prayer; that's one of the biggest needs. But also, if you'd like to support and become a team member with us here at the Father's House by your financial contribution, that helps us to continue to do what we're doing.
That helps us to continue with our missionaries in Africa, South America, around the world, and our community projects of how we're adopting, how that we're working in the high school to provide the needs for young people. I really encourage you to support this, not just to receive from this ministry but also to support.
And I just again want to say how much I appreciate you watching, and I invite you to watch again next week at this same time. So be blessed; we'll be praying for you.
Hi, I'm an AI assistant for the pastor that gave this sermon. What would you like to make from it?