Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
In today's gathering, we explored the profound question Jesus posed to His disciples: "Who do you say I am?" This question is not just a historical inquiry but a personal challenge for each of us. It demands a response that shapes our understanding of salvation, authority, and truth. Peter's declaration that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, is foundational for our faith. This confession is the bedrock upon which the Church is built, emphasizing the supremacy of Christ in all things.
Our salvation hinges on recognizing Jesus as the sole source of redemption. If He is who the Bible claims, then He is the only path to salvation. This truth is not just a theological assertion but a personal reality that demands our allegiance. Furthermore, Jesus' authority is unparalleled. Unlike any other teacher or philosopher, He conquered sin and death, affirming His position as the ultimate authority on moral and spiritual matters. In a world rife with confusion and moral ambiguity, Jesus stands as the definitive source of truth.
The letter to the Colossians addresses the infiltration of false teachings within the Church. It underscores the necessity of discerning truth from falsehood by examining what is taught about Jesus. The spirit of antichrist, as described in 1 John, seeks to distort the truth about Jesus, infiltrating the Church with deceptive doctrines. Our defense against such deception is a steadfast commitment to the truth of who Jesus is.
Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. He is not a created being but the preeminent one, existing before all things and holding all creation together. This understanding of Jesus as the Creator and Sustainer of all things is crucial. As we drift from Him, chaos ensues, both in our personal lives and in society. The further we distance ourselves from God, the more we witness the unraveling of order and peace.
Finally, Jesus is the head of the Church. He is the supreme authority over His body, and any attempt to usurp His position leads to disorder. Whether through denominational structures or individual preferences, when we place ourselves above Christ's authority, we stray from His intended design for the Church. Our role is to submit to His leadership, allowing His truth to guide our beliefs and practices.
Key Takeaways:
- The Centrality of Christ's Identity: Understanding who Jesus is, as the Messiah and Son of God, is foundational for our faith and salvation. This recognition shapes our relationship with God and our understanding of His authority in our lives. [12:46]
- Authority and Truth: Jesus' authority is unmatched, and He is the ultimate source of truth. In a world filled with moral confusion, His teachings provide a clear standard for right and wrong, guiding us in our decisions and beliefs. [44:18]
- The Danger of False Doctrine: The spirit of antichrist seeks to distort the truth about Jesus. Our defense is a firm commitment to the truth of who Jesus is, as revealed in Scripture, ensuring that our beliefs align with His teachings. [46:03]
- Jesus as Creator and Sustainer: Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things. As we distance ourselves from Him, chaos ensues, highlighting the necessity of His presence in maintaining order in our lives and society. [49:16]
- Christ's Headship Over the Church: Jesus is the head of the Church, and any attempt to usurp His authority leads to disorder. Our role is to submit to His leadership, allowing His truth to guide our beliefs and practices, ensuring the Church remains aligned with His will. [51:54]
Youtube Chapters:
- [00:00] - Welcome
- [00:45] - Introduction and Super Bowl Anecdote
- [03:15] - The Most Important Question
- [06:30] - Peter's Confession of Faith
- [09:45] - The Significance of Jesus' Identity
- [12:46] - Salvation and Authority
- [16:20] - The Role of False Doctrine
- [20:10] - Jesus as the Image of God
- [24:00] - The Preeminence of Christ
- [28:30] - Jesus as Creator and Sustainer
- [32:45] - The Consequences of Drifting from God
- [36:50] - Christ's Headship Over the Church
- [41:00] - The Church's Role in Proclaiming Truth
- [45:03] - The Importance of Boldness in Faith
- [49:16] - Conclusion and Prayer
Study Guide
Bible Study Discussion Guide
Bible Reading:
- Matthew 16:13-20
- Colossians 1:15-23
- 1 John 4:1-3
Observation Questions:
1. In Matthew 16:13-20, what question does Jesus ask His disciples, and how does Peter respond? Why is this response significant? [06:30]
2. According to Colossians 1:15-23, how is Jesus described in relation to creation and the Church? What does it mean for Him to be the "firstborn over all creation"? [49:16]
3. In 1 John 4:1-3, what criteria does John give for discerning the spirit of truth from the spirit of falsehood? How does this relate to the sermon’s discussion on false doctrine? [46:03]
4. How does the sermon describe the consequences of distancing ourselves from God, both personally and societally? [45:03]
Interpretation Questions:
1. What does Peter's confession in Matthew 16:16 reveal about the understanding of Jesus' identity among His disciples, and why is this foundational for Christian faith? [06:30]
2. How does the description of Jesus in Colossians 1:15-23 challenge or affirm your understanding of His role in creation and the Church? What implications does this have for His authority in your life? [49:16]
3. The sermon mentions the spirit of antichrist as a distortion of Jesus' truth. How can believers today remain vigilant against false teachings within the Church? [46:03]
4. Reflect on the sermon’s assertion that Jesus holds all things together. How does this understanding impact the way you view chaos or disorder in your life or in the world? [44:18]
Application Questions:
1. Reflect on your personal response to Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?" How does your answer influence your daily life and decisions? [06:30]
2. In what ways can you actively submit to Jesus' authority in areas of your life where you might be tempted to assert your own control? [49:16]
3. The sermon discusses the danger of false doctrine. How can you ensure that your beliefs and teachings align with the truth of Scripture? What steps can you take to deepen your understanding of biblical truth? [46:03]
4. Consider a situation in your life where things feel chaotic or out of control. How can you invite Jesus to be the sustaining force in that area? What practical steps can you take to rely on His presence? [44:18]
5. How can you contribute to maintaining the supremacy of Christ in your local church? Are there areas where you need to let go of personal preferences to align with His leadership? [51:54]
6. The sermon emphasizes the importance of boldness in faith. Identify a specific area where you feel called to be more courageous in standing for truth. What actions can you take this week to step out in faith? [46:50]
7. Reflect on the societal push to remove God from various aspects of life. How can you be a voice for God’s truth in your community or workplace? What specific actions can you take to uphold His presence in these areas? [45:03]
Day 1: The Foundation of Faith: Recognizing Jesus as Messiah
Understanding Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God is crucial for our faith and salvation. This recognition is not merely an intellectual acknowledgment but a transformative realization that shapes our relationship with God. It demands a personal response, as Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?" is directed at each of us. Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah is the cornerstone of the Church, emphasizing the centrality of Christ in our lives. This understanding influences how we perceive salvation, as it is only through Jesus that redemption is possible. Our faith is built on this foundation, and it calls us to align our lives with His teachings and authority. [12:46]
Colossians 1:15-17 (ESV): "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Reflection: How does recognizing Jesus as the Messiah influence your daily decisions and interactions with others? What steps can you take today to align your life more closely with His teachings?
Day 2: Jesus' Unmatched Authority and Source of Truth
In a world filled with moral confusion and ambiguity, Jesus stands as the ultimate authority and source of truth. His teachings provide a clear standard for right and wrong, guiding us in our decisions and beliefs. Unlike any other teacher or philosopher, Jesus conquered sin and death, affirming His position as the ultimate authority on moral and spiritual matters. This authority is not just a theological concept but a practical reality that should influence every aspect of our lives. By submitting to His authority, we find clarity and direction in a world that often lacks both. [44:18]
Matthew 7:28-29 (ESV): "And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes."
Reflection: In what areas of your life do you struggle to accept Jesus' authority? How can you begin to trust His guidance more fully in those areas today?
Day 3: Guarding Against False Doctrine
The spirit of antichrist seeks to distort the truth about Jesus, infiltrating the Church with deceptive doctrines. This danger underscores the necessity of discerning truth from falsehood by examining what is taught about Jesus. Our defense against such deception is a steadfast commitment to the truth of who Jesus is, as revealed in Scripture. By grounding ourselves in the Word of God, we ensure that our beliefs align with His teachings, protecting ourselves and the Church from false doctrines that seek to lead us astray. [46:03]
2 Peter 2:1-2 (ESV): "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed."
Reflection: What steps can you take to deepen your understanding of Scripture and protect yourself from false teachings? How can you encourage others in your community to do the same?
Day 4: Jesus as Creator and Sustainer
Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things. This understanding is crucial, as it highlights the necessity of His presence in maintaining order in our lives and society. As we distance ourselves from Him, chaos ensues, both personally and collectively. Recognizing Jesus as the Creator and Sustainer calls us to remain close to Him, acknowledging His role in holding all things together. This relationship is vital for experiencing peace and order in a world that often feels chaotic and disordered. [49:16]
Hebrews 1:3 (ESV): "He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."
Reflection: In what ways have you experienced chaos in your life when distancing yourself from Jesus? How can you actively seek His presence to restore order and peace today?
Day 5: Submitting to Christ's Headship Over the Church
Jesus is the head of the Church, and any attempt to usurp His authority leads to disorder. Our role is to submit to His leadership, allowing His truth to guide our beliefs and practices. This submission ensures that the Church remains aligned with His will, avoiding the pitfalls of denominational structures or individual preferences that place us above Christ's authority. By recognizing Jesus as the supreme authority over His body, we maintain the unity and purpose He intended for the Church. [51:54]
Ephesians 1:22-23 (ESV): "And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all."
Reflection: How can you actively submit to Christ's leadership in your role within the Church? What changes might you need to make to ensure that your actions and attitudes align with His authority?
"Peter answered you are the messiah the son of the living god and in that answer peter is saying messiah which means everything that that word means the promised one the anointed one the one who would come and save and deliver his people all of that is in the term messiah and so jesus says to peter you've answered rightly well done you know it's it's a great thing that you said in fact it's upon that confession that i'm going to build my church he goes on to to talk about how important that answer is that peter gave now peter i'm sure didn't fully comprehend everything involved in his answer but he did recognize who jesus really was he had seen the evidence and the testimony he had experienced life with jesus up to that point he had seen the miracles he had heard the teaching he had come to that conclusion that that's who jesus is" [00:23:48] (60 seconds)
"if we're going to have any absolute standard of right and wrong we have to have an authoritative source for what's right and what's wrong and if jesus really is who the bible claims him to be if he really did conquer sin and death and the grave and rose to live again then he has a position of authority like no other person no other teacher no other philosopher has ever had none of the others have done what jesus did if the bible's true and it's revelation about jesus so he alone stands above all the others with the kind of authority we need to find out what's right about marriage what's wrong about about our understanding of that what's right about money what's right about about career choices what's right about family choices we needed a source of authority on those things and if jesus is who the bible says he is he has every right to be in that position of authority to help us determine right and wrong in those situations" [00:25:48] (65 seconds)
"we have ideas of what god looks like but if you really want to know who god is and what he what he's all about he says jesus is who you look to he is the image of the invisible god of the god that no one has seen he wanted us to know him so badly that he was willing to come here and put on flesh so that we could get to know him know what he's like know what he's all about does god love us we'll look to jesus do you think god loves you when you see what jesus did for you does god care about truth listen to jesus teaching he said i am the way and the truth and the life it matters to him does god care about our eternal destination absolutely he paid for our sin and our place so that we could be with him forever does god want to be in relationship with you yes he made that possible through the cross so that's what god's like you all these different ideas about god and we want to make god the way we want i hear people use this terminology in our culture all the time my god would never do that i got news for you you are his creation he's not yours you don't get to create your own god the way you want god to be he's already god he's already in the position of rule and authority you don't get to make him over the way you want him to be and act the way you want him to act we are the ones who answer to him he doesn't answer to us he's god" [00:43:58] (92 seconds)
"he's the one who holds all things together which means listen follow me if we get away from him what happens to all things in our lives they begin to fall apart say he's he's the source that holds it together for us more our lives are going to get more chaotic and the more a people group get away from god the more chaotic life is going to be for that people group the more a nation gets away from god what's going to be in its place then chaos things are going to start falling apart as we get away from god you see there's been a real push in our country to get god out of everything and what do you see happening all around us things are falling apart all around us the further we get from god the more things fall apart why are there so many school shootings what about the terrible weather what about the plane crashes what about this what about that right you see all this catastrophic stuff happening and the more we get away from god the more things keep falling apart all around us now i'm not saying god made those things i'm saying there's a natural consequence to withdrawing from god and getting god out of those parts of your life that you're not going to welcome god into" [00:44:58] (99 seconds)
"he's lord of those people too they don't acknowledge it they're not going to admit it they're not going to in many cases ever surrender to it sadly but he's still lord over them he's lord over me and you but there is a qualifier there that i want you to get you see as lord over us even when we were his enemies he says because of our evil behavior he took the initiative he came to us to reconcile us by christ's physical body through death so that we could be holy in his sight without blemish and free from accusation in other words he is the one who came to rescue us from our sin many times people haven't even recognized their sin haven't even acknowledged that they are sinners haven't considered themselves sinners and god still came to reconcile them but he puts a qualifier on the reconciliation look at verse 23 if you continue in your faith and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel there's only one source of reconciliation" [01:00:20] (79 seconds)
"and what this gospel is saying is is god reveals that he's saying it's true that jesus was god in the flesh that he bled and died on the cross that he rose again and that the good news of the gospel is there for your salvation and that god chose to give us that chance and that opportunity to be reconciled to him and he provided that way and no other way and if that's true then everybody everybody in the world needs to hear about it everybody in the world needs to know about it everybody in the world needs to be given the opportunity to accept or reject the offer that god is making and that's exactly why god put the church on earth it's so that we could be the voice of that message of truth to a world that needs to hear it so if the church compromises that we're putting everybody in jeopardy we're putting everybody in jeopardy for all eternity because there's no other way for them to be saved" [01:03:35] (69 seconds)
"so whenever someone is mad at me or arguing with me about some of those things first of all i try not to be argumentative but i always always and i want you to hold me to it and every teacher to this just point people to scripture just point people to the word of god here's what god's word says here's book here's chapter here's verse and then i always ask them would you read that back to me and tell me what that says now you can take that approach too when you're talking to somebody who disagrees with you over some of those issues now you have to know where it is in scripture you got to be able to find it but there's a lot of great tools out there to help you with that so you can find those things and you can always call or email or text us here at the church we'll try to help you if you've got some questions like that that you're talking to somebody about and to do it out of love with the right spirit and the right attitude but say here's here's what god's word says i'm going to hold on to that i'm just going to teach that and you have to deal with that the way you choose to deal with that but i have to deal with that and my accountability to god to tell you what god's word really says about that" [01:10:07] (72 seconds)