Investing in Eternity: Choices That Shape Our Legacy



In today's message, we explored the profound impact of our choices and how they reflect our values and priorities. Drawing inspiration from Hazard Lee's book, "The Art of Clear Thinking," we delved into the importance of making decisions that align with our mission and purpose, particularly God's kingdom mission. Lee, a former Air Force combat pilot, emphasizes the necessity of focusing on key objectives and avoiding distractions, a principle that is equally vital in our spiritual journey. Our decisions, whether they pertain to finances, relationships, or personal growth, reveal what we truly value and worship.

We discussed the concept of "one kingdom living" versus "two kingdom living." Two kingdom living is characterized by fear and a focus on temporary gains, such as wealth and status, which ultimately do not last. In contrast, one kingdom living is rooted in faith and prioritizes eternal values over temporal possessions. Jesus teaches us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. This means that our investments, whether of time, resources, or faith, should align with God's mission, creating a legacy that outlives us.

We also examined three spiritual principles: what we invest in reflects our hearts, God's power multiplies our investments, and being on mission creates a legacy that outlives us. These principles challenge us to consider how we can contribute to God's kingdom mission and invest in something that yields eternal dividends. Our church's "God is Big Enough" campaign is more than just a call for financial support; it is a spiritual challenge to align our resources with God's dream and mission.

As we prepare for Commitment Sunday, we are reminded that our contributions are not just about money but about being part of something that lasts for eternity. We are called to be on mission, to live as one kingdom Christians, trusting that God is big enough to provide and multiply our efforts for His glory.

Key Takeaways:

1. The Impact of Choices: Our decisions shape our lives and reveal what we truly value. By aligning our choices with God's kingdom mission, we prioritize eternal values over temporary gains, creating a legacy that outlives us. [47:23]

2. One Kingdom Living: Living as one kingdom Christians means fully trusting in God and prioritizing His mission over our own desires for security and wealth. This approach leads to a life of faith and generosity, free from the bondage of fear. [56:10]

3. God's Multiplying Power: When we invest our resources in God's mission, His power multiplies our efforts, creating a spiritual legacy that transcends our lifetime. This is a sure investment, unlike the uncertain returns of earthly wealth. [01:01:29]

4. The Joy of Generosity: True joy comes from living as one kingdom Christians, where our generosity is driven by faith rather than fear. This lifestyle allows us to experience the fullness of God's blessings and the joy of contributing to His eternal mission. [01:05:09]

5. Creating an Eternal Legacy: By being on mission and investing in God's dreams, we create a legacy that impacts future generations. Our faithfulness today ensures that the church continues to flourish and fulfill God's mission for years to come. [01:05:09]

Youtube Chapters:

- [00:00] - Welcome
- [00:30] - Introduction and Gratitude
- [02:15] - The Art of Clear Thinking
- [05:45] - Decisions and Their Impact
- [09:10] - One Kingdom vs. Two Kingdom Living
- [14:00] - God's Kingdom Mission
- [18:30] - Eternal vs. Temporal Values
- [23:00] - Spiritual Principles Overview
- [27:45] - Investing in God's Mission
- [32:20] - God's Power to Multiply
- [36:50] - The Joy of Generosity
- [41:15] - Creating an Eternal Legacy
- [45:00] - Commitment Sunday Invitation
- [49:30] - Closing Prayer and Invitation
- [52:00] - Closing Hymn and Benediction

Study Guide

Bible Study Discussion Guide

Bible Reading:
1. Matthew 6:19-21
2. Ephesians 3:20-21


Observation Questions:

1. What does Jesus teach about the relationship between our treasures and our hearts in Matthew 6:19-21? How does this relate to the concept of "one kingdom living" discussed in the sermon? [47:23]

2. How does the sermon describe the difference between "one kingdom living" and "two kingdom living"? What are the characteristics of each? [56:10]

3. According to the sermon, what role does God's power play in multiplying our investments in His mission? [01:01:29]

4. What examples from the sermon illustrate the impact of living with a focus on eternal values rather than temporary gains? [01:05:09]


Interpretation Questions:

1. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus contrasts earthly and heavenly treasures. How might this teaching challenge a person's current priorities and investments? [47:23]

2. The sermon mentions that "God's power multiplies our investments." How can this principle change the way someone views their contributions to God's mission? [01:01:29]

3. How does the concept of "one kingdom living" encourage believers to trust in God's provision rather than their own security measures? [56:10]

4. What does it mean to create a legacy that outlives us, according to the sermon? How does this align with the teachings in Ephesians 3:20-21? [01:05:09]


Application Questions:

1. Reflect on your current investments of time, resources, and faith. How do they align with God's kingdom mission? What changes might you consider to better align with "one kingdom living"? [47:23]

2. The sermon challenges us to trust that "God is big enough" to provide and multiply our efforts. What specific area of your life do you need to trust God more fully? How can you take a step of faith in that area this week? [56:10]

3. Consider the concept of "two kingdom living" characterized by fear and temporary gains. Are there areas in your life where fear is driving your decisions? How can you shift towards a mindset of faith and generosity? [01:01:29]

4. The sermon emphasizes the joy of generosity. Can you recall a time when you experienced joy through giving? How can you cultivate a lifestyle of generosity in your daily life? [01:05:09]

5. As Commitment Sunday approaches, how do you feel called to contribute to the church's mission? What steps can you take to prepare your heart and resources for this commitment? [01:05:09]

6. Identify one practical way you can invest in creating an eternal legacy this week. How can you involve your family or community in this effort? [01:05:09]

7. Reflect on the idea that "being on mission creates a legacy that outlives us." What legacy do you hope to leave behind, and what actions can you take now to work towards that vision? [01:05:09]


Day 1: Aligning Choices with Eternal Values
Our choices are a reflection of our values and priorities. When we align our decisions with God's kingdom mission, we prioritize eternal values over temporary gains. This alignment creates a legacy that outlives us, as our investments in time, resources, and faith are directed towards God's eternal purposes. By focusing on what truly matters, we can live a life that is not only fulfilling but also impactful for generations to come. [47:23]

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21, ESV)

Reflection: What is one decision you can make today that aligns more closely with God's eternal values rather than temporary gains?

Day 2: Trusting in One Kingdom Living
Living as one kingdom Christians means fully trusting in God and prioritizing His mission over our own desires for security and wealth. This approach leads to a life of faith and generosity, free from the bondage of fear. By focusing on God's kingdom, we can experience a life of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that our efforts contribute to something far greater than ourselves. [56:10]

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." (Colossians 3:2, ESV)

Reflection: In what area of your life are you most tempted to prioritize temporary security over eternal values, and how can you shift your focus to trust in God's provision?

Day 3: Experiencing God's Multiplying Power
When we invest our resources in God's mission, His power multiplies our efforts, creating a spiritual legacy that transcends our lifetime. Unlike the uncertain returns of earthly wealth, investing in God's kingdom yields eternal dividends. By trusting in God's multiplying power, we can be confident that our contributions will have a lasting impact. [01:01:29]

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:8, ESV)

Reflection: What is one resource (time, talent, or treasure) you can invest in God's mission today, trusting in His power to multiply it?

Day 4: Discovering the Joy of Generosity
True joy comes from living as one kingdom Christians, where our generosity is driven by faith rather than fear. This lifestyle allows us to experience the fullness of God's blessings and the joy of contributing to His eternal mission. By embracing a generous spirit, we can find fulfillment in knowing that our actions are making a difference in the world. [01:05:09]

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV)

Reflection: How can you practice generosity today in a way that reflects your faith and trust in God's provision?

Day 5: Building an Eternal Legacy
By being on mission and investing in God's dreams, we create a legacy that impacts future generations. Our faithfulness today ensures that the church continues to flourish and fulfill God's mission for years to come. By focusing on what truly matters, we can leave a lasting impact that extends beyond our lifetime. [01:05:09]

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV)

Reflection: What steps can you take today to ensure that your life and actions contribute to a legacy that honors God and impacts future generations?


"I believe Jesus teaches that in order for us to prioritize God's kingdom mission, and if we follow Jesus, we need to make decisions that are based on the idea of one kingdom living and not two kingdom living. And I'm going to talk about two kingdom living versus one kingdom living here in a bit." [00:45:01] (27 seconds)

"It's a spiritual task of a faithful Christian, is to actually align those resources, the time, and our faith with God's mission. We should be about that. We should contribute to an enduring legacy that God has created in this big dream of God's. We want to be a part of that dream, that mission, that focus." [00:47:34] (24 seconds)

"Being on mission creates a legacy that outlives us. And we want to be on mission because being on mission means we are truly faithful as individuals and as a church to what God dreams, to that big dream God has. So if you have your scriptures, you can turn to Matthew chapter 6, verses 19 through 21." [00:49:49] (26 seconds)

"And kingdom legacy invests in God's dreams and God's mission. And it uses faith and it uses obedience and it uses resources resources and generosity to reach and connect with souls. And ultimately it disciples the next generation. And then it helps the church flourish from generation to generation." [01:05:22] (24 seconds)
