Empowered Discipleship: Engaging in Faith and Action
The journey we've embarked on over the past four weeks, known as the discipleship pathway, is not merely a series of messages but a transformative way of life. This framework, rooted in Ephesians 4:12, is designed to equip the saints for the work of ministry, emphasizing that the responsibility of ministry lies not solely with church leaders but with every believer. This is a call to action for each of us to engage actively in our faith, using the gifts God has given us to serve and unify the body of Christ globally.
The discipleship pathway is people-powered, meaning the more we get involved, the more we grow, and the more we can accomplish. Imagine the impact if every one of us embraced our purpose with faith and obedience. We could transform our city and beyond, as we are present in various sectors of society. Silence is no longer an option; we must let the fire within us grow and respond to God's call, even when it challenges and stretches us. This pathway is about inaugurating a new season of ministry, where principles remain constant, but the packaging evolves to meet the needs of the time.
Our assignment is rooted in the Great Commission, where Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. This command is not just about going physically but engaging with the world around us, filled with the Holy Spirit's power. The same life that was in the early disciples is in us, urging us to let the Holy Spirit work through us. We must not bind or muzzle the Spirit but allow Him to move freely, presenting Jesus to the world through our lives.
The gospel is meant to spread, and God often uses challenging circumstances to move us out of our comfort zones. Just as persecution scattered the early church, leading to the spread of the gospel, we too must be willing to go wherever God leads, trusting that He will use us to plant seeds of faith. Our role is to preach the gospel, and God will handle the increase. This discipleship pathway is designed to support us in this mission, but it requires our active participation.
Key Takeaways:
- The discipleship pathway is a lifestyle, not just a message series. It calls for active participation from every believer to use their God-given gifts for ministry, emphasizing that ministry is not just for church leaders but for all of us. [04:34]
- Engaging in our faith means responding to God's call with faith and obedience, even when it challenges us. Silence is not an option; we must let the fire within us grow and impact the world around us. [09:28]
- The Great Commission is a call to action for all believers to go and make disciples, not just physically but by engaging with the world around us, empowered by the Holy Spirit. [17:57]
- God often uses challenging circumstances to move us out of our comfort zones, just as persecution scattered the early church, leading to the spread of the gospel. We must be willing to go wherever God leads, trusting Him to use us to plant seeds of faith. [27:48]
- Our role is to preach the gospel, and God will handle the increase. The discipleship pathway supports us in this mission, but it requires our active participation to be effective. [35:43]
Youtube Chapters:
[00:00] - Welcome
[04:34] - Discipleship Pathway: A Way of Life
[09:28] - Embracing a New Season
[11:59] - Introducing the New Logo
[15:16] - Challenges and Opportunities
[17:57] - The Great Commission
[22:58] - Empowered by the Holy Spirit
[27:48] - Scattering and Spreading the Gospel
[35:43] - Review of the Discipleship Pathway
[48:25] - Engaging in Generosity and Service
[55:00] - International Mission Teams
[59:00] - Closing Prayer and Commitment
Study Guide
Bible Study Discussion Guide
Bible Reading:
1. Ephesians 4:12
2. Matthew 28:18-20
3. Acts 1:8
Observation Questions:
1. According to Ephesians 4:12, what is the primary responsibility of church leaders, and how does this relate to the role of every believer? [04:34]
2. In the sermon, what was emphasized as the key to the discipleship pathway being effective? [09:28]
3. How did the early church respond to persecution, and what was the result of their scattering according to Acts 8:4? [27:48]
4. What does the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 command believers to do, and how is this command reiterated in Acts 1:8? [17:57]
Interpretation Questions:
1. How does the concept of the discipleship pathway as a lifestyle challenge traditional views of ministry being solely the responsibility of church leaders? [04:34]
2. What might it look like for believers to actively engage with the world around them, as described in the Great Commission? [17:57]
3. How can challenging circumstances be seen as opportunities for spreading the gospel, similar to the early church's experience? [27:48]
4. In what ways does the sermon suggest that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to fulfill their purpose? [22:58]
Application Questions:
1. Reflect on your current involvement in ministry. How can you actively participate in the discipleship pathway and use your gifts for ministry? [04:34]
2. Consider a situation where you felt challenged in your faith. How did you respond, and what might it look like to respond with faith and obedience in the future? [09:28]
3. Identify a specific area in your life where you feel the Holy Spirit is urging you to engage more deeply. What steps can you take to respond to this call? [22:58]
4. Think about a time when you were pushed out of your comfort zone. How did that experience help you grow, and how can you apply that growth to your current faith journey? [27:48]
5. The sermon emphasizes the importance of not being silent about our faith. What is one practical way you can share the gospel in your community this week? [09:28]
6. How can you ensure that you are not binding or muzzling the Holy Spirit in your life, but instead allowing Him to work freely through you? [22:58]
7. Reflect on the Great Commission. What is one specific action you can take this week to make disciples or engage with someone who is curious about faith? [17:57]
Day 1: Ministry is a Shared Responsibility
The discipleship pathway is a call for every believer to actively participate in ministry, emphasizing that it is not just the responsibility of church leaders. Each believer is equipped with unique gifts from God, intended to serve and unify the body of Christ. This pathway is not just a series of messages but a transformative lifestyle that encourages believers to engage in their faith and use their gifts to impact the world. By embracing this call, believers can contribute to the growth and strength of the church, both locally and globally. [04:34]
Ephesians 4:11-13 (ESV): "And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
Reflection: What specific gifts has God given you, and how can you use them to serve your church community this week?
Day 2: Responding to God's Call with Courage
Engaging in faith requires believers to respond to God's call with faith and obedience, even when it challenges them. Silence is not an option; believers must let the fire within them grow and impact the world around them. This new season of ministry calls for believers to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the opportunities God presents, trusting that He will guide and empower them. [09:28]
Isaiah 6:8 (ESV): "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me.'"
Reflection: What is one area in your life where you feel God is calling you to step out in faith, and how can you take a step towards that today?
Day 3: The Great Commission as a Personal Mandate
The Great Commission is a call to action for all believers to go and make disciples, not just physically but by engaging with the world around them, empowered by the Holy Spirit. This mandate is not limited to church leaders but extends to every believer, urging them to be active participants in spreading the gospel. By allowing the Holy Spirit to work through them, believers can present Jesus to the world through their lives. [17:57]
Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV): "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Reflection: How can you engage with someone in your community this week to share the love and message of Jesus?
Day 4: Embracing Discomfort for the Gospel's Sake
God often uses challenging circumstances to move believers out of their comfort zones, just as persecution scattered the early church, leading to the spread of the gospel. Believers must be willing to go wherever God leads, trusting Him to use them to plant seeds of faith. This willingness to embrace discomfort for the sake of the gospel is a crucial aspect of the discipleship pathway, requiring active participation and trust in God's plan. [27:48]
Acts 8:4 (ESV): "Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word."
Reflection: What is one comfort zone you need to step out of to share your faith more effectively, and what practical step can you take today to do so?
Day 5: Trusting God for the Increase
Believers are called to preach the gospel, trusting that God will handle the increase. The discipleship pathway supports believers in this mission, but it requires their active participation to be effective. By faithfully sharing the gospel and trusting God to work in the hearts of others, believers can contribute to the growth of God's kingdom. This trust in God's sovereignty and timing is essential for effective ministry. [35:43]
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 (ESV): "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth."
Reflection: Who is someone in your life that you can share the gospel with, trusting God to work in their heart, and how can you initiate that conversation this week?
This is the framework that the Lord has given us here at the Mount, Mount Olivet Baptist Church, as to how we will live our lives. And so, yes, today is the final day of this conversation, but it is the beginning of our journey together. Because everything we do will line up with this. [00:03:57] (24 seconds)
But it says that we, as pastors and elders and senior leaders, our ministry responsibility, and hear this clearly, our ministry responsibility is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. If us, as elders and senior leaders and pastors are doing all the work, we've got a problem to begin with. [00:04:55] (31 seconds)
It just means their primary, our primary responsibility is to equip the saints to take the gifts that God has given us and impart many of those things to you so that we, as a church, a community of believers can do the work of the ministry until there's unity in the body. [00:05:44] (25 seconds)
The more we get involved, I said the more we get involved, I said the more we get involved, Pastor Tim loves that part. The more we get involved, there you go, the more we grow. And the more we grow, the more we can do. [00:06:37] (26 seconds)
And you should know how that went down and why that was. And we've been 분IfIf möglich. Now, if you are not done, you should be able to put on these things. And that's what we've left. Let's begin. That's what you're seeing here. And we've seen the height of Acts. Let's let's see. Thank you. [00:13:49] (6 seconds)
And so, clearly, these new Jesus followers, beginning with the 12, then the 120, then the 3 ,120, and then the 5 ,000, and you should know what happened along the way because we've covered that already, were all hanging out in the capital, Jerusalem, preaching the gospel. People were being saved and baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit. And they were meeting at Solomon's porch, having an amazing time, teaching the word. And then they would go to homes when the sun would go down and continue doing likewise, breaking bread and continuing in the apostles' teaching. [00:14:12] (53 seconds)
And the enemy is not the city of Portland. It's not the government. It's not a political party. It's not a culture group. It's none of that. The enemy is Satan. And he's real. And he's turned loose in the world. He's been condemned. He's been sentenced. But the fulfillment of that is yet to come. [00:15:34] (27 seconds)
But when you're really engaged, and that's the fourth environment that we'll be talking about today, when you're really engaged, you will receive opposition. But remember, put this in your brain. When you receive opposition, opposition equals opportunity. That's all it is. Opposition is opportunity. [00:16:23] (25 seconds)
Jesus is calling each of us as followers to give and to go each of us has a mandate on us to go he said it to his disciples even before he was gone you know it well in Matthew chapter 28 starting in verse 18 he says to them all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me therefore do what do what go and make disciples of all nations make sure you're baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit what else he says teaching them to obey everything that i've been teaching [00:19:47] (54 seconds)
The word goal can better be rendered as you are going or while you are going or as you engage. Remember, you have purpose and you are filled with his spirit. His life is inside of you. His life now was inside of them. And the same life that was inside of them is inside of you. [00:22:39] (33 seconds)
And we begin to proclaim the goodness of Jesus all over the place. And like little seeds, it just starts planting everywhere. And before you know it, it starts springing. Listen, we're not responsible for the springing up. We're just responsible for the planting. Are you with me? [00:34:49] (18 seconds)