Embracing the Commandment of Unconditional Love
In today's gathering, we focused on the profound and transformative power of love as commanded by God. We began by acknowledging God's faithfulness and goodness, setting the tone for a heart of gratitude and worship. As we participated in communion, we remembered the sacrifice of Jesus, who established a new covenant through His blood, offering us healing and access to God. This act of remembrance calls us to examine our lives, repent, and surrender anything that separates us from God.
The core of our discussion centered on the commandment to love, as highlighted in Matthew 22. We are called to love God, love others, and love ourselves. This love is not merely a feeling but a commandment that requires action and sincerity. We explored the concept of genuine love, which is unconditional and without blemish, akin to the Latin term "sincera," meaning without wax. This genuine love should extend even to our enemies, as Jesus taught in Matthew 6, challenging us to pray for those who persecute us and to bless rather than curse them.
We acknowledged that love is a journey of growth, and each of us has room to grow in this area. Our love should be evident to the world, serving as a testament to our discipleship and reflecting God's love. We discussed the importance of spending time with God to cultivate this love, as who we spend time with influences who we become. By immersing ourselves in worship, prayer, and scripture, we can embody the love of God and impact those around us.
As we concluded, we were reminded of the importance of community and service, exemplified by our recent outreach efforts. We prayed for our students and educators as they embark on a new school year, asking for God's protection and guidance. We left with a renewed commitment to love more deeply and to recognize the areas in our lives where we can grow to be more like Christ.
Key Takeaways:
1. The Commandment of Love: Love is not optional but a commandment from God. We are called to love God, others, and ourselves genuinely and unconditionally. This love is foundational to our faith and should be evident in our actions and interactions. [51:09]
2. Genuine Love: Genuine love is sincere and without conditions. It requires us to love even those who may not reciprocate or who may have wronged us. This kind of love reflects the unconditional love God has for us and challenges us to grow beyond our comfort zones. [57:52]
3. Loving Our Enemies: Jesus calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. This radical love is a testament to our faith and a reflection of God's grace. It requires humility and a willingness to forgive and bless those who may not deserve it. [01:02:43]
4. Love as a Witness: Our love for one another is a powerful witness to the world. It demonstrates our discipleship and reflects the love of Christ. When we love genuinely, we break down barriers and invite others to experience God's love through us. [01:07:06]
5. Room for Growth: We all have areas in our lives where we can grow in love. By spending time with God and immersing ourselves in His presence, we can cultivate a love that is genuine and transformative. This growth requires intentionality and a commitment to reflect God's love in all we do. [01:13:11]
Youtube Chapters:
- [00:00] - Welcome
- [27:01] - Communion and Remembrance
- [27:54] - New Covenant in Christ
- [28:58] - Healing and Comfort
- [29:41] - Awakening and Mission
- [44:48] - God's Faithfulness
- [45:47] - Trusting in God
- [47:06] - Overcoming Hardships
- [48:11] - Room for Growth
- [49:55] - The Commandment to Love
- [51:09] - Loving God, Others, and Self
- [52:21] - Justifying Love
- [53:28] - Genuine Love
- [54:18] - Marks of a True Christian
- [55:17] - Loving Enemies
- [56:59] - Sincere Love
- [57:52] - Without Wax
- [59:57] - Love and Forgiveness
- [01:00:53] - Loving Self
- [01:01:32] - Love Your Enemies
- [01:02:43] - Praying for Persecutors
- [01:03:40] - Love in Action
- [01:04:38] - Called to Love
- [01:05:11] - Sincere Effort
- [01:06:04] - Love Preaches
- [01:07:06] - Love as a Witness
- [01:08:16] - Unity in the Body of Christ
- [01:09:43] - Reaching the Lost
- [01:10:26] - Love vs. Affirmation
- [01:11:17] - Making a Difference
- [01:12:14] - Love Without Condition
- [01:13:11] - Growing in Love
- [01:13:56] - Spending Time with God
- [01:14:43] - Prioritizing God
- [01:15:29] - Hating Evil
- [01:16:11] - Room to Grow
- [01:16:52] - Acknowledging Our Need
- [01:18:00] - Encountering Jesus
- [01:19:01] - Salvation Invitation
- [01:19:53] - Prayer for Growth
- [01:20:45] - Praying for Others
- [01:25:12] - Walking in Love
- [01:26:04] - Impacting the World
- [01:27:56] - Serving the Community
Study Guide
Bible Study Discussion Guide
Bible Reading:
1. Matthew 22:34-40
2. Romans 12:9-21
3. Matthew 5:43-48
Observation Questions:
1. What are the three areas of love that Jesus commands us to focus on in Matthew 22:34-40? How are these areas interconnected? [51:09]
2. In Romans 12:9-21, what specific actions are associated with genuine love? How do these actions reflect the nature of sincere love? [54:18]
3. According to Matthew 5:43-48, how does Jesus redefine the concept of loving one's enemies? What practical steps does He suggest for demonstrating this love? [01:02:43]
4. How does the sermon describe the concept of "sincera" or "without wax" in relation to genuine love? What historical context was provided to explain this term? [57:52]
Interpretation Questions:
1. How does the commandment to love God, others, and oneself serve as the foundation for all other commandments? Why is this foundational to Christian faith? [51:09]
2. In what ways does the sermon suggest that genuine love can be a witness to the world? How does this align with Jesus' teachings in John 13:34-35? [01:07:06]
3. What challenges might believers face when trying to love their enemies, as instructed in Matthew 5:43-48? How does the sermon suggest overcoming these challenges? [01:02:43]
4. How does the concept of "room for growth" in love apply to personal spiritual development? What areas of love does the sermon identify as needing growth? [01:13:11]
Application Questions:
1. Reflect on your current relationship with God. How can you deepen your love for Him this week? Are there specific practices you can incorporate into your daily routine to prioritize this relationship? [01:14:43]
2. Identify a person in your life whom you find difficult to love. What practical steps can you take to show genuine love to this person, even if you don't necessarily like them? [01:04:38]
3. Consider a situation where you have justified not loving someone. How can you challenge yourself to move beyond justification and embrace unconditional love? [52:21]
4. How can you make time for God in your daily schedule to ensure that you are cultivating a genuine love that reflects His nature? What changes might you need to make to prioritize this? [01:13:56]
5. Think of a recent conflict or disagreement you had. How can you apply the principles of Romans 12:9-21 to respond with love and grace in similar situations in the future? [54:18]
6. Reflect on the sermon’s emphasis on community and service. How can you actively participate in your community to demonstrate love and make a positive impact? [01:27:56]
7. What specific area of love do you feel you have the most room to grow in? How can you set a tangible goal to work on this area in the coming weeks? [01:13:11]
Day 1: Love as a Divine Mandate
The commandment to love is not merely a suggestion but a divine mandate that forms the foundation of our faith. This love encompasses loving God, others, and ourselves genuinely and unconditionally. It is a call to action, requiring us to demonstrate love through our deeds and interactions. This love is not just an emotion but a commitment to live out God's love in every aspect of our lives. By embracing this commandment, we align ourselves with God's will and reflect His love to the world. [51:09]
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7-8, ESV)
Reflection: Identify one person in your life whom you find difficult to love. How can you take a concrete step today to show them love in a way that reflects God's love for you?
Day 2: The Essence of Genuine Love
Genuine love is characterized by sincerity and the absence of conditions. It challenges us to love those who may not reciprocate or who may have wronged us. This kind of love mirrors the unconditional love God has for us, pushing us beyond our comfort zones. Genuine love is akin to the Latin term "sincera," meaning without wax, signifying purity and authenticity. By striving for this level of love, we grow in our spiritual journey and become more like Christ. [57:52]
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." (Romans 12:9-10, ESV)
Reflection: Think of a recent situation where you withheld love due to conditions or expectations. How can you approach similar situations with a heart of genuine love in the future?
Day 3: Radical Love for Our Enemies
Jesus calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, a radical love that reflects God's grace. This love requires humility, forgiveness, and a willingness to bless those who may not deserve it. By loving our enemies, we demonstrate our faith and embody the teachings of Christ. This act of love is a powerful testament to the transformative power of God's love in our lives. [01:02:43]
"But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you." (Luke 6:27-28, ESV)
Reflection: Consider someone who has wronged you or whom you consider an enemy. How can you begin to pray for them and seek ways to bless them this week?
Day 4: Love as a Witness to the World
Our love for one another serves as a powerful witness to the world, demonstrating our discipleship and reflecting the love of Christ. When we love genuinely, we break down barriers and invite others to experience God's love through us. This love is not just for those within our community but extends to all, showcasing the inclusive and transformative nature of God's love. [01:07:06]
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35, ESV)
Reflection: Reflect on your interactions with others this past week. How can you intentionally show love in a way that serves as a witness to those around you?
Day 5: Growing in Love Through God's Presence
We all have areas in our lives where we can grow in love. By spending time with God and immersing ourselves in His presence, we cultivate a love that is genuine and transformative. This growth requires intentionality and a commitment to reflect God's love in all we do. As we grow in love, we become more like Christ and impact those around us positively. [01:13:11]
"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints." (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, ESV)
Reflection: What specific practices can you incorporate into your daily routine to spend more time in God's presence and grow in love? How will these practices help you reflect God's love more authentically?
This morning, we're going to participate in communion. In just a minute, if you're watching online and you want to grab some elements real quick so that you can participate with us, but I want us to take a minute just in this atmosphere of worship, if there's anything in our life that's unrepented, if there's anything in our life that's unsurrendered to God, come on right there where you are. Can you get right with him? [00:26:31] (30 seconds)
We started a series last week that's titled Room for Growth, and I said it last week. I'm going to be preaching to myself throughout this series, and there was a little statement that I said, and I want us to say it again this morning, but I have not attained it, and I have room for growth. And I want you to say that with me this morning. You ready? One, two, three. I have not attained it. I have room for growth. [00:48:50] (29 seconds)
And he said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment, and a second is like it. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophet. So if you're taking notes, I want you to write this down. This is important for us to understand. Love is a commandment. [00:50:34] (33 seconds)
And Romans chapter 12, a lot of us quote it, right? Verses one and two, where it talks about do not be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. But then you get to verse nine. And verse nine says this, let love be genuine. Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil. Hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. [00:54:06] (36 seconds)
So Jesus says, you've heard that it was said, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your father who is in heaven for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. I've got room to grow. [01:01:58] (27 seconds)
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you. You are also to love one another. Caveat, or sorry, not a caveat. Side note, Jesus loved Judas even though he knew Judas was going to betray him. All right. All right. Just as I have loved you, you're also to love one another. And look at verse 35. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. [01:07:29] (39 seconds)
And to make matters worse, there's some unsaved people that are more genuine in the way that they love others than saved people. We got to fix that. And it starts by acknowledging I can grow. It starts by looking and saying, I'm going to start making the difference. Oh, but what can I do? A lot. I've shared this story. I'm probably tired of hearing it. You've all heard this story. You've read it, but I'm going to say it again anyways. [01:11:19] (40 seconds)
How do we grow in it? Guys, we spend time with God. You spend time with him. You know, everybody has a unique smell, right? Every house has a unique smell. You know what I'm talking about, right? I'm not saying bad smell, good smell, just everybody has a unique smell. La carreta has a unique smell. Leave la carreta and you got to wash your clothes. Like, you know what, it's legit, you know what I'm talking about. [01:13:46] (28 seconds)
Can I tell you something? When you give him the first of your day, he's able to accelerate all the other things. The commandment was love him first. We're failing on that when we don't give him time. I know that hurt. It hurts me too. I told you this came out of my daily Bible reading. I felt confronted by God saying, are you loving genuinely? [01:14:43] (36 seconds)
Father, that we obey the command to love you, to love people, to love ourselves. Father, that we would pray for our enemies, that we would bless those who have cursed us. Father, that we would feed them, take care of them, and show your love, God, agape, unconditional love, genuine love. To everyone that we encounter. Father, especially so that the world would see you through us. [01:25:35] (40 seconds)