Embracing Community and Spiritual Gifts in Christ



In today's gathering, we experienced a powerful move of God, witnessing the baptism of 12 individuals, including a man who felt a divine call to attend church after years of absence. This is a testament to the unpredictable and miraculous ways God works in our lives. Many of us carry burdens, whether they be health issues, financial struggles, or relationship crises. It's crucial to remember that in Jesus, we are more than enough. We must let go of feelings of inadequacy and embrace the truth that we are complete in Him. As a community, we are called to support one another in prayer, ensuring no one bears their burdens alone.

We also took time to honor Lacey, a new deputy in the Orange County Sheriff's Department, acknowledging the challenges she has overcome as a single mother. This moment of prayer and support highlights the importance of community and the strength found in unity.

Our focus today was on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly the gift of tongues. We explored the different types of tongues: proof, public, and personal. The proof tongue, as seen on the day of Pentecost, serves as a sign to unbelievers. The public tongue requires interpretation in a corporate setting to edify the church. The personal tongue, however, is a powerful tool for personal edification, allowing us to pray and worship in a heavenly language that transcends our understanding.

We emphasized the importance of discerning spirits, ensuring our church remains a safe place free from manipulation or pressure. This discernment helps us identify the root causes of issues and recognize the presence of God's Spirit in our lives.

Finally, we discussed how to receive and grow in the gift of tongues. It begins with asking in faith, yielding to the Holy Spirit, stepping out in boldness, and staying filled and refreshed. This gift is not a measure of spiritual maturity but a means to experience the fullness of God in our lives.

Key Takeaways:

- Embrace Your Identity in Christ: Feelings of inadequacy can weigh us down, but in Jesus, we are complete. We must let go of past words and embrace the truth that we are more than enough in Him. This realization allows us to walk confidently in our faith. [15:56]

- The Power of Community: We are not meant to carry our burdens alone. By supporting one another in prayer and community, we fulfill the call to bear each other's burdens and experience the strength found in unity. [35:31]

- Understanding the Gift of Tongues: The gift of tongues is multifaceted, serving as a sign to unbelievers, a tool for corporate edification, and a means of personal spiritual growth. Each type of tongue has its purpose and place within the body of Christ. [50:04]

- Discerning Spirits for a Safe Church Environment: Discernment is crucial in maintaining a safe church environment. It helps us identify the presence of God's Spirit and protect the community from manipulation or pressure, ensuring a place of genuine worship and growth. [54:37]

- Receiving and Growing in Spiritual Gifts: Receiving the gift of tongues involves asking in faith, yielding to the Holy Spirit, and stepping out in boldness. This gift is not about spiritual superiority but about experiencing the fullness of God in our lives. [58:27]

Youtube Chapters:

- [00:00] - Welcome
- [00:30] - Testimonies of Baptism
- [02:15] - Addressing Burdens and Inadequacy
- [05:00] - Community Prayer and Support
- [08:45] - Honoring Lacey and Law Enforcement
- [12:00] - Announcements and Upcoming Events
- [15:56] - Introduction to Spiritual Gifts
- [20:00] - Understanding the Gift of Tongues
- [25:30] - Discerning Spirits in the Church
- [30:00] - Safe Church Environment
- [35:31] - Types of Tongues Explained
- [40:00] - Personal Tongue and Edification
- [45:00] - How to Receive the Gift of Tongues
- [50:04] - Activation Service Announcement
- [54:37] - Closing Prayer and Baptism Invitation

Study Guide

Bible Study Discussion Guide

Bible Reading:
1. Colossians 1:11 - "May you be energized with his explosive power from the realm of his magnificent glory, filling you with great hope."
2. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 - Discusses the manifestation of the Spirit and the various spiritual gifts.
3. Acts 2:1-4 - Describes the day of Pentecost and the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the gift of tongues.


Observation Questions:

1. What was the significance of the baptism of 12 individuals during the service, and how did it demonstrate the unpredictable ways God works in our lives? [00:30]

2. How did the church community support Lacey, the new deputy, and what does this reveal about the power of community? [15:56]

3. What are the different types of tongues mentioned in the sermon, and what purpose does each serve within the body of Christ? [50:04]

4. How does the sermon describe the role of discernment in maintaining a safe church environment? [35:31]


Interpretation Questions:

1. In Colossians 1:11, what does it mean to be "energized with his explosive power," and how can this power fill believers with hope in their daily lives?

2. How does the sermon explain the importance of embracing one's identity in Christ, especially when dealing with feelings of inadequacy? [15:56]

3. What are the implications of the gift of tongues for personal spiritual growth, and how does it differ from its use in a corporate setting? [50:04]

4. How does the sermon suggest believers can discern spirits to ensure a safe and genuine worship environment? [35:31]


Application Questions:

1. Reflect on a time when you felt inadequate. How can embracing your identity in Christ help you overcome these feelings and walk confidently in your faith? [15:56]

2. In what ways can you actively support others in your community who are carrying burdens, and how can this strengthen the unity of your church? [35:31]

3. Have you ever experienced or witnessed the gift of tongues? How did it impact your understanding of spiritual gifts, and what steps can you take to explore this gift further? [50:04]

4. How can you practice discernment in your daily life to ensure that you are not influenced by manipulation or pressure, both within and outside the church? [35:31]

5. What specific actions can you take to ask in faith and yield to the Holy Spirit, especially if you desire to receive and grow in spiritual gifts like the gift of tongues? [58:27]

6. Consider a situation where you felt the presence of God in a powerful way. How can you cultivate an environment in your personal life that invites such experiences regularly?

7. How can you ensure that your church remains a safe place for genuine worship and growth, and what role can you play in maintaining this environment? [35:31]


Day 1: Embrace Your Identity in Christ
In a world that often tells us we are not enough, it is vital to remember that in Christ, we are complete. Many people struggle with feelings of inadequacy, whether due to past failures, societal pressures, or personal insecurities. However, the truth of the Gospel is that Jesus has made us whole. By embracing our identity in Him, we can let go of the burdens of inadequacy and walk confidently in our faith. This realization is not just a mental acknowledgment but a transformative truth that empowers us to live out our purpose with assurance and joy. [15:56]

Colossians 2:9-10 (ESV): "For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority."

Reflection: What past words or experiences have made you feel inadequate? How can you actively replace those thoughts with the truth of your identity in Christ today?

Day 2: The Power of Community
Life's burdens can be overwhelming, but we are not meant to carry them alone. The strength of a community lies in its ability to support and uplift one another through prayer and shared experiences. When we come together, we fulfill the call to bear each other's burdens, creating a space where individuals can find solace and strength. This unity is not just about physical presence but about being spiritually and emotionally available for one another, ensuring that no one walks their journey in isolation. [35:31]

Galatians 6:2 (ESV): "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

Reflection: Who in your community is carrying a heavy burden right now? How can you offer them support and prayer this week?

Day 3: Understanding the Gift of Tongues
The gift of tongues is a multifaceted spiritual gift that serves different purposes within the body of Christ. It acts as a sign to unbelievers, a tool for corporate edification, and a means of personal spiritual growth. Each type of tongue has its unique role, whether it is for public interpretation or personal edification. Understanding these distinctions helps believers appreciate the diversity of spiritual gifts and their significance in enhancing one's spiritual journey and the collective worship experience. [50:04]

1 Corinthians 14:27-28 (ESV): "If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret. But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God."

Reflection: How do you perceive the role of spiritual gifts in your life? Are you open to exploring and understanding the gift of tongues more deeply?

Day 4: Discerning Spirits for a Safe Church Environment
Discernment is crucial in maintaining a safe and genuine church environment. It involves recognizing the presence of God's Spirit and protecting the community from manipulation or pressure. By discerning spirits, believers can identify the root causes of issues and ensure that the church remains a place of authentic worship and growth. This discernment is not about suspicion but about fostering a space where God's presence is evident and His people are protected. [54:37]

1 John 4:1 (ESV): "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

Reflection: In what ways can you cultivate discernment in your spiritual life to contribute to a safe and genuine church environment?

Day 5: Receiving and Growing in Spiritual Gifts
Receiving the gift of tongues, like any spiritual gift, begins with asking in faith and yielding to the Holy Spirit. It requires stepping out in boldness and staying filled and refreshed in God's presence. This gift is not a measure of spiritual maturity but a means to experience the fullness of God in one's life. By being open to receiving and growing in spiritual gifts, believers can deepen their relationship with God and enhance their spiritual journey. [58:27]

1 Corinthians 12:31 (ESV): "But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way."

Reflection: What steps can you take to be more open to receiving and growing in the spiritual gifts God has for you? How can you actively seek the fullness of God in your life today?


"You can't script those things, guys. That's God, and he's here. He's here in such a wonderful way. And I know some of you are here today and you're carrying a heavy burden. Maybe you're not feeling well. You know, there's crazy stuff going on, and I know some people are watching online, not feeling well." [00:13:15]

"Would you allow Holy Spirit to touch you today and wrap his arms around you and tell you that you're more than enough? You need to cease your struggle and forget those words that somebody has said to you in the past and just say, you know, in Jesus, I'm okay. Say it with me. In Jesus, I'm okay." [00:13:57]

"And I just thank God because I feel that same way this morning that maybe you're here and you say, you know, I just need somebody to help me pray about this because I can't do it alone. So if you have a need, here's what I'm going to ask you to do. I'm not going to embarrass you. You're not going to have to say anything." [00:14:55]

"Father God, we come to you and we pray. Lord, I pray for the hands that are raised here, and I pray for those that are watching online that might have a need right now. God, we just pray that no one should have to carry a burden. No one should have to carry whatever we're carrying in our heart alone today." [00:15:55]

"Well, we know that, just to review real quick for what we've been doing this month, that God is a generous giver. He delights in giving his children gifts. he delighted in sending his son Jesus to us and then after that he's he's sending us gifts we said God the Father gave us motivational gifts found in Romans chapter 12 that are our basic serving gifts the reason why we do certain things." [00:32:59]

"Discerning of spirits helps us to know the root cause of something or or or to know what's really working in somebody's life. Whether that's the spirit of God or that's just their own natural spirit or whether it might be some sort of demonic spirit behind that. So in light of that, let me just say right now that it's very important for you and for us to acknowledge that gift." [00:35:01]

"This is a safe place. As I said, this is a safe place for the gifts. We want church to be a safe place where you're not... Where you don't feel pressured or guilted into something or somebody doesn't spiritualize something to you. Like God told me to ask you for. Look, here's what I know. Time out. Time out. If God... If God... If God spoke to them to speak to you, then guess who else God spoke to? Me, right?" [00:36:31]

"So, some of you have come from backgrounds in which that you've seen an abuse of Holy Spirit gifts. You've seen an abuse of tongues. You've seen sensationalism. Some of you come from a background where that you were taught that it's no longer for us that it's not of God and and so what we're going to do today is that we're just going to look into the into the scripture not what Uncle Billy Bob said not what somebody else said not what some cessationist said that the gifts of the spirit no longer work but we're going to look at the scriptures that are still alive today." [00:39:08]

"Second of all, tongues, Paul says, edifies the believer. Say edifies. That means, okio domio here means to build up, to construct, to strengthen. Who doesn't want to be built up? And he said, Jude says that we're built up in our most holy faith by praying in the spirit. Some of you, I know, you know those days that you've had tough days and you're praying." [00:41:09]

"So he says, they are praying, they are praising, they're requesting of God. So in my private time of praying in my prayer language, praying in tongues, it's a time of worship. It's a time of extolling God's greatness with a heart full of thanks. Paul said, for if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is untruthful." [00:51:09]

"How to receive and grow in the gift of tongues let me give these to you really quick first of all ask in faith just ask in faith if you then being no evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give look at this read it out loud with me give the holy spirit to those who ask him read it again give the holy spirit to those who ask." [00:56:51]

"Some of you are going through pain and sickness, and you don't want to be there alone. You don't want to be there alone. So ask in faith, yield to Holy Spirit, step out in boldness. Jesus said to Peter, come, and he stepped out in the water. He wants to share with his sons and daughters. You have to give voice to what he says." [01:00:28]
