Choosing Discipleship: Following the Way of Jesus
In today's world, everyone follows someone or something, consciously or unconsciously. The real question isn't whether you are a disciple, but rather who or what you are a disciple of. In our modern era, there's a strong desire to be leaders, to stand out, and to control our own destinies. However, the reality is that we all direct our attention and affection towards something or someone we believe will bring us happiness and peace. This focus shapes who we become, for better or worse.
I have found that following Jesus of Nazareth offers the best path to truth and life. To follow Him means to apprentice under Him, reorganizing our life's priorities around three core goals: to be with Jesus, to become like Jesus, and to do as He did. This involves embracing what He called "the way," which is about slowing down to His pace of love. It's about subtraction, not addition—doing less, not more.
In our fast-paced modern world filled with digital distractions, busyness, exhaustion, political polarization, and the breakdown of the church, it can seem daunting to live this way. Yet, I believe the future lies in ancient practices, in returning to the foundational ways of Jesus. By practicing His way, we can find the peace and fulfillment we seek.
Key Takeaways:
- The Nature of Discipleship: Everyone is a disciple of something, whether they realize it or not. Our lives are shaped by what we choose to follow, and this choice determines our character and destiny. It's crucial to consciously choose what or who we follow, as this will define our life's trajectory. [00:11]
- The Call to Follow Jesus: Following Jesus is about more than belief; it's about apprenticeship. This involves reorganizing our lives around the goals of being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and doing as He did. This path requires intentionality and commitment to His teachings and lifestyle. [01:03]
- The Way of Jesus: Embracing the way of Jesus means adopting a lifestyle of love and simplicity. It's about slowing down and focusing on what truly matters, rather than being caught up in the busyness and distractions of modern life. This approach leads to a more fulfilling and peaceful existence. [01:22]
- Challenges of Modern Life: The modern era presents unique challenges to living out the way of Jesus, including digital distractions and societal pressures. However, these challenges can be overcome by returning to ancient practices and focusing on the core teachings of Jesus. [01:38]
- The Future is Ancient: The solution to modern life's challenges lies in ancient practices. By practicing the way of Jesus, we can find the peace and fulfillment that eludes us in our fast-paced world. This involves a conscious effort to slow down and prioritize what truly matters. [01:38]
Youtube Chapters:
[00:00] - Welcome
[00:11] - The Nature of Discipleship
[00:28] - The Illusion of Control
[00:44] - The Impact of Our Focus
[01:03] - Following Jesus
[01:22] - The Way of Jesus
[01:38] - Challenges of Modern Life
[01:38] - The Future is Ancient
[01:38] - Practicing the Way of Jesus
[01:38] - Conclusion and Invitation
Study Guide
### Bible Study Discussion Guide
#### Bible Reading
1. John 14:6 - "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
2. Matthew 11:28-30 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
3. Luke 9:23 - "Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'"
#### Observation Questions
1. According to the sermon, what does it mean to be a disciple in today's world? [00:11]
2. What are the three core goals mentioned in the sermon for following Jesus? [01:03]
3. How does the sermon describe the way of Jesus in terms of lifestyle and pace? [01:22]
4. What modern challenges are highlighted in the sermon that make following Jesus difficult? [01:38]
#### Interpretation Questions
1. How does the concept of being a disciple of something or someone relate to the idea of following Jesus as described in John 14:6? [00:11]
2. In what ways does the sermon suggest that the way of Jesus offers rest and peace, similar to the promise in Matthew 11:28-30? [01:22]
3. How does the call to "take up their cross daily" in Luke 9:23 align with the sermon’s emphasis on intentionality and commitment in following Jesus? [01:03]
4. What does the sermon imply about the importance of ancient practices in overcoming modern challenges? [01:38]
#### Application Questions
1. Reflect on your current life focus. What or who are you a disciple of, and how does this shape your daily decisions? [00:11]
2. Consider the three core goals of being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and doing as He did. Which of these do you find most challenging, and why? [01:03]
3. Identify one area of your life where you can slow down and adopt a more Jesus-centered pace. What practical steps can you take this week to make this change? [01:22]
4. What digital distractions or societal pressures do you face that hinder your walk with Jesus? How can you address one of these challenges this week? [01:38]
5. The sermon suggests that the future lies in ancient practices. What is one ancient practice you can incorporate into your life to deepen your discipleship? [01:38]
6. How can you intentionally reorganize your priorities to align more closely with the way of Jesus? What is one specific change you can make this month? [01:03]
7. Reflect on a recent situation where you felt overwhelmed by busyness or exhaustion. How might embracing the way of Jesus have changed your response? [01:22]
Day 1: The Influence of Discipleship
In today's world, everyone is a disciple of something, whether they realize it or not. Our lives are shaped by what we choose to follow, and this choice determines our character and destiny. It's crucial to consciously choose what or who we follow, as this will define our life's trajectory. The modern era, with its myriad distractions and pressures, often leads us to unconsciously follow paths that may not align with our true values or desires. By becoming aware of what or who we are disciples of, we can make intentional choices that lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. [00:11]
Jeremiah 10:23-24 (ESV): "I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O Lord, but in justice; not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing."
Reflection: What are the influences in your life that shape your daily decisions? How can you become more intentional about choosing who or what you follow?
Day 2: The Call to Apprenticeship
Following Jesus is about more than belief; it's about apprenticeship. This involves reorganizing our lives around the goals of being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and doing as He did. This path requires intentionality and commitment to His teachings and lifestyle. In a world that often prioritizes self-reliance and individualism, the call to follow Jesus invites us to a life of humility and learning. By embracing this apprenticeship, we open ourselves to transformation and growth, aligning our lives with the values and practices of Jesus. [01:03]
Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV): "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Reflection: What specific steps can you take this week to reorganize your life around the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus?
Day 3: Embracing Simplicity and Love
Embracing the way of Jesus means adopting a lifestyle of love and simplicity. It's about slowing down and focusing on what truly matters, rather than being caught up in the busyness and distractions of modern life. This approach leads to a more fulfilling and peaceful existence. In a culture that often equates busyness with success, the way of Jesus offers a countercultural path of simplicity and intentionality. By prioritizing love and meaningful connections, we can experience a deeper sense of peace and purpose. [01:22]
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (ESV): "And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one."
Reflection: What are some areas in your life where you can slow down and simplify to focus on what truly matters?
Day 4: Overcoming Modern Challenges
The modern era presents unique challenges to living out the way of Jesus, including digital distractions and societal pressures. However, these challenges can be overcome by returning to ancient practices and focusing on the core teachings of Jesus. In a world that often feels overwhelming and chaotic, the teachings of Jesus offer a timeless guide to navigating life's complexities. By grounding ourselves in these ancient practices, we can find clarity and strength to overcome the challenges of modern life. [01:38]
Isaiah 30:15 (ESV): "For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, 'In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.' But you were unwilling."
Reflection: What modern distractions or pressures are hindering your spiritual growth, and how can you address them by returning to ancient practices?
Day 5: Rediscovering Ancient Paths
The solution to modern life's challenges lies in ancient practices. By practicing the way of Jesus, we can find the peace and fulfillment that eludes us in our fast-paced world. This involves a conscious effort to slow down and prioritize what truly matters. In a society that often prioritizes progress and innovation, the ancient paths of Jesus offer a refreshing return to simplicity and authenticity. By embracing these practices, we can cultivate a life of peace, purpose, and fulfillment. [01:38]
Jeremiah 6:16 (ESV): "Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.' But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'"
Reflection: What ancient practices can you incorporate into your daily routine to cultivate a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment?
everybody follows someone or something put another way we're all disciples the question is not are you a disciple it's who or what are you a disciple of I know what I just said is wildly unpopular in the modern era we aspire to be leaders not followers to be unique not like everyone else we want so badly to believe that we control our own destiny but the truth is we all follow all I mean by that is we all aim the attention of our mind and the affection of our heart at someone or something that we think or we believe will make us happy and bring us peace and whatever you aim the trajectory of your life at will determine who you become For Better or For Worse [00:00:11]
I am one of many people around the world and down through history who has found Jesus of Nazareth to be the best way truth and life on offer to follow him means to Apprentice under him it means to reorganize your life's priorities around three driving goals to be with Jesus to become like Jesus and to do as he did it means following what he called the way it means slowing our life down to his pace of love it's subtraction not addition it's doing less not doing more and if you're thinking yes I want that but how in the world did we do this in the modern era of digital distraction hurry busyness exhaustion political polarization the breakdown of the church I wrote this book for you I believe the future is ancient it is practicing the way [00:00:51]